The Common Council for the City of ... - City of Faith,SD

The Common Council for the City of Faith, South Dakota met in regular session on July 20, 2004 at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Room of the Community Center. President Murray called the meeting to order, called roll call, and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Council members present: Inghram, Murray, Walker, and Selby.

Council member absent: Mayor Haines, Stocklin, and Clark.

Others in attendance were: J.R. Holloway, Ann Varland, Diane Isaacs, Bill and Ida Hibner, Arlen and Cindy Frankfurth, Mike Fisher, Tim Hammel, Scott Vance, Donn Dupper, and Shane Ayres.

Walker made motion, seconded by Inghram to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Inghram made motion, seconded by Selby to approve the minutes from the July 6, 2004 meeting with the following correction: Under Other Business sentence should read “ Inghram informed that some graves on the West side of the cemetery sign have sunk in due to the hard rain.” Motion carried.


The following claims were presented and read:

|Utility Department |Salaries | $ 6,150.68 |

|Finance Office |Salaries | $ 4,949.43 |

|Police Department |Salaries | $ 5,181.32 |

|Bar & Liquor Store |Salaries | $ 2,148.24 |

|Janitor |Salaries | $ 689.35 |

|Ambulance Department |Salaries | $ 2,313.29 |

|Pool Department |Salaries | $ 2,342.95 |

|James Crockford |Landfill Operator | $ 177.32 |

|Sandy Engel |Library Supervisor | $ 193.25 |

|Linda Olson |Library Aide | $ 521.96 |

|Shane Ayres |Meter Reader | $ 165.68 |

|Amy Ulrich |Library Sub | $ 28.53 |

|Jim Selby |Councilman | $ 184.70 |

|Chris Murray |Councilman | $ 230.87 |

|Larry Walker |Councilman | $ 277.05 |

|Glen Haines |Mayor | $ 332.46 |

|Karen Inghram |Councilman | $ 277.05 |

|Mike Stocklin |Councilman | $ 230.87 |

|Paul Harper |Councilman | $ 92.35 |

|Ann Varland |Councilman | $ 138.52 |

|Tony Clark |Councilman | $ 184.70 |

|Doug Dietterle |Surplus Auction Auctioneer | $ 95.75 |

|Farmers State Bank |SS & Withholding | $ 322.86 |

|Farmers State Bank |SS & Withholding | $ 684.96 |

|Farmers State Bank |Federal Excise Tax | $ 361.04 |

|Medicare Part B |Refund | $ 260.32 |

|Farmers State Bank |SS & Withholding | $ 2,784.19 |

|South Dakota State Treasurer |Sales Tax | $ 3,336.20 |

|Alanna Chapman |Supplies for Pool | $ 19.46 |

|Architectural Concepts |Professional Services | $ 9,540.00 |

|Angel's In The Garden |Ambulance Laundry | $ 63.00 |

|Auto Center II |Oxygen, Repair & Maintenance | $ 1,027.51 |

|Banyon Data System |Fund Acct. Support | $ 695.00 |

|Bill Hibner |Tree Work at Cemetery | $ 385.00 |

|Border States Electric Supply |Electrical Supplies | $ 152.34 |

|Business Forms & Acct |Checks | $ 258.50 |

|Chemsearch |Supplies | $ 388.10 |

|Dakota Supply Group |Supplies for Telephone | $ 45.62 |

|Debbie Brown |Mileage to Spearfish | $ 71.30 |

|Dept. of Revenue |Laboratory Services | $ 48.00 |

|Dept. of Revenue |Drivers Licensing | $ 91.00 |

|Double Arrow |Repair & Maintenance | $ 14.27 |

|Emergency Medical Products |Medical Supplies | $ 719.93 |

|Faith Independent |Publishing - Ambulance | $ 8.40 |

|Faith Independent |Publishing | $ 490.55 |

|Faith Lumber |Supplies | $ 959.40 |

|Faith Veterinary Service |Keeping Animals & Euthanizing | $ 30.00 |

|Farmers Union Oil Co. |Gasoline | $ 1,159.57 |

|Golden West |Special Access | $ 1,180.50 |

|Golden West Technologies |Internet Help Desk Service | $ 51.56 |

|Grimm's Pump Service |Parts | $ 57.15 |

|Hance Companies |MV Parts | $ 223.11 |

|Hauff Mid-America Sports |Swimming Pool Supplies | $ 18.00 |

|Hawkins Water Treatment |Swimming Pool Supplies | $ 267.51 |

|In The Swim |Swimming Pool Supplies | $ 162.90 |

|Jenner Equipment Co. |MV Parts | $ 150.00 |

|Jim Holloway |Spraying | $ 491.25 |

|Lynn's Dakotamart |Supplies | $ 528.40 |

|Mid America Computer Corp. |Toll Messages, Cabs Processing | $ 924.23 |

|Mid American Specialties |Ambulance Supplies | $ 67.62 |

|Midwest Coca Cola Bottling Co. |Pop - Pool | $ 73.00 |

|Mike Moorman |Deposit Refunds | $ 175.00 |

|NBANC |NANPA Funding | $ 25.00 |

|NECA TRS |Telecommunications Relay Service | $ 128.53 |

|Northwest Pipe Fittings, Inc. |Supplies | $ 108.93 |

|One Call Systems, Inc. |Locate Fee | $ 6.16 |

|Prairie Wave |Directory Assistance | $ 1.72 |

|Qwest Communications |Net Settlement, Access Charges | $ 21.61 |

|RapidNet Internet Services |DSL | $ 770.38 |

|Riter, Rogers, Wattier & Brown |Legel Fees | $ 2,839.82 |

|Ron's Saw Shop Two |Supplies | $ 27.27 |

|Roy's Pronto Auto Parts |Parts | $ 189.62 |

|Servall Uniform/Linen Co. |Mats, Mops & Fresheners | $ 341.75 |

|Shane Ayres |Mileage & Meals | $ 153.71 |

|Splash City Rapid City |Supplies | $ 69.99 |

|South Dakota Network, Inc. |800 Database Landline | $ 76.39 |

|South Dakota Network, Inc. |Call Name Delivery | $ 79.57 |

|SD State Historical Society |Membership | $ 35.00 |

|State Property Management |Plow | $ 50.00 |

|TELEC Consulting Resources |General Consulting & Settlements | $ 2,378.80 |

|The Pool & Spa Center |Swimming Pool Supplies | $ 107.85 |

|Vila's Health & Variety |Supplies | $ 85.79 |

|Wells Fargo Brokerage Services |GO Refunding Bonds | $ 8,578.88 |

Inghram made motion, seconded by Selby to approve all claims as presented. Motion carried.



Inghram introduced the following resolution and moved for its adoption:

RESOLUTION NO. 07-20-04-01

WHEREAS the City of Faith needs to transfer and that the Finance Officer be authorized to transfer funds as of June 30, 2004 in accordance with the adopted Budget Plan:

390.00 from General to Ambulance Restricted Cash

250.00 from Water to Capital Outlay

250.00 from Electric to Capital Outlay

2,834.54 from Liquor to General

8,000.00 from Telephone to General

8,000.00 from Sewer to General

8,000.00 from Electric to General

815.60 from Electric to Capital Projects Fund

Seconded by Walker. Motion carried.

The June revenues were $149,290.24 and the June expenditures were $111,601.31.



J.R. Holloway asked about whose responsibility it was to control the weeds around Durkee Lake below the high water line. Council believes it is the Game, Fish and Parks responsibility, but will check into it. Mr. Holloway also informed that Senator Daschle will be at the Sale Barn on Saturday and 9:00 A.M. and suggested that people attend to show support for our water district.

Mr. Holloway also asked the Council to reconsider having him move his trailer on his lot. Council is concerned that it is in the right of way, but will take a look at it as to how far off the curb line it sets.

Utilities Request – Zane King:

Donn Dupper informed the Council that Zane King has approached him about getting water, electric, and telephone to some land he had purchased outside the City Limits. Mr. Dupper has contacted Golden West and Grand Electric to see if they want to service him or not. Mr. Dupper asked that if they do not want to service Mr. King, then would the City be willing. Inghram voiced concern about Mr. King being outside the City Limits and if he wants to be in City Limits. Murray asked about costs. Mr. Dupper explained that there will be the cost of the lines and transformer, but he has already explained to Mr. King that if he wants three phase power then he pays the cost difference between single and three phase. Walker made motion, seconded by Selby to approve furnishing Mr. King with water, electric, and telephone so long as Grand Electric and Golden West do not want to service him. Inghram – no. Motion carried.

Appoint Voting Officer to West River Foundation:

Selby made motion, seconded by Inghram to appoint the position of finance officer as the voting authority for the West River Foundation concerning any loan in the City of Faith. Motion carried.

7:15 P.M. – Hearing for Temporary Malt Beverage License:

The Faith Stock Show and Rodeo, Inc. had submitted an application for a temporary malt beverage license for a five-day period from August 11th – 15th for Lot 2 of Lot A, Fairgrounds Addition. President Murray allowed for those in favor or against the issuance of the license to speak. J.R. Holloway spoke in favor of issuing the license. None spoke against it. Inghram made motion, seconded by Walker to approve the application. Motion carried.

Stock Show and Rodeo:

Inghram informed that the cost to repair the grandstand is about $1,600.00. Walker made motion, seconded by Inghram to approve not more than $2,000.00 worth of supplies to repair the grandstand with funds coming from the Community Development Fund. Motion carried. Insurance costs were discussed. The committee recommends leasing the fairgrounds to the Stock Show and Rodeo, Inc. for the week of the celebration only and that they be allotted a budget per year to cover costs such as insurance. Inghram also relayed that it was discussed that a committee should be set up with the City to oversee the fairgrounds and work with the Stock Show committee. As far as the sublease with Arlen Hulm, it was decided that Stock Show and Rodeo would inform him of the new arrangement with the City and he could come in after September 1st to discuss options with the usage of the fairgrounds outside of the week of Stock Show. Ayres recommended rescinding the motion to transfer the land to the Stock Show as was decided in November. Walker made motion, seconded by Inghram to rescind the motion to transfer the fairground land to the Faith Stock Show and Rodeo, Inc. at this time. Motion carried.

Temporary On Sale Liquor License for Community Center:

Mr. Hibner informed that Harding County Line will be performing on August 13th and Dustin Evans will be performing on August 14th in the Community Center. He explained that the City would sell the liquor and keep the profits. Walker made motion, seconded by Selby to approve issuing a temporary on-sale liquor license to the City for the Community Center as allowed by SDCL 35-4-14.2 for August 13th and 14th, 2004. Motion carried. Discussion was held on if the events did not break even that the City would help cover the shortage. Walker would like the full council to be here in order to make a decision on this issue. This will be discussed and reviewed at the Council meeting after Stock Show.

Murray asked about whether or not there is enough amperage to the gym in order for the bands to perform. Mr. Dupper believes there is a 200 amp connection but only 30-40 amp service to the gym. Mr. Dupper will look into this to be certain.

Executive Session – Possible Litigation:

Walker made motion, seconded by Inghram to executive session at 8:27 P.M. for possible litigation. Motion carried.

Inghram made motion, seconded by Walker to return to regular session at 8:57 P.M. Motion carried.

Walker made motion, seconded by Selby to not paint the water tower until further action is taken. Motion carried.

Committee Reports:

Ambulance: Inghram informed that three drivers have passed their EMT certification and need to be approved. Inghram made motion, seconded by Walker to approve Michelle Kilby, Cindy Frankfurth, and Dawn Stocklin to be paid as EMTs on runs at $8.50 per hour. Motion carried.

Three others have retaken the test, but the results are not available.

Chief Frankfurth explained that the second ambulance needs work as it only runs 35 MPH uphill. Council suggested taking it to West River International or Ford Motors in Rapid City to fix the problem.

Chief Frankfurth informed that there was a meeting with Teton Ambulance Service to discuss mapping territory for Faith to be servicing on the reservation also known as a mutual aid agreement. Chief Frankfurth will keep the Council informed on this.

Streets: Selby asked about tar that is coming up on some of the streets and if the City can fix this. Murray inquired about a chip seal project. This year has been busy and no chip seal was budgeted, but Mr. Dupper explained that he could put chips over the problem areas and pack them.

Mr. Dupper informed the Council that there is a John Deere Blade at State Surplus Property for $6,200.00 and would be an upgrade. He had checked with a dealer and this one would normally sell for $18,000 to $24,000. Mr. Dupper believes the City can get $3,000 -$4,000 by selling the old blade. He explained that Raymond Isaacs would pick it up for $1.75 per mile. Inghram made motion, seconded by Walker to purchase the blade and have Mr. Isaacs get it. Motion carried.

Police: Chief Frankfurth informed the Council that he would need two extra officers for Stock Show. The City normally pays them $85.00 per night.

Other Business:

Walker asked about fogging for mosquitoes. Mr. Dupper informed that they have been trapping mosquitoes and the first batch has been sorted. The sorting is to separate out the potential carriers from the non-carriers. No mosquitoes have been sent out to the State yet. They are looking at getting the fogger from the County.

Ayres informed that the auditors are here this week performing the 2002 and 2003 audit.

Murray informed that there had been some problems with the air conditioner in the Community Center. Afdahl Appliance has provided a temporary solution until Peitz Heating and Cooling can look at it.

Selby informed that Modern Woodsman would like to donate about $250.00 worth trees to the City. Council discussed getting trees through NRCS. Ayres will inquire about getting some trees.

Arrears List:

Council reviewed the arrears list.

Inghram made motion, seconded by Walker to adjourn. Motion carried.

________________________________ _______________________________

Shane Ayres, Finance Officer Christopher Murray, President


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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