Call to Order, Introductions and Meeting Overview - MNACVPR

MNACVPR Board of Directors’ Meeting DATE \@ "MMMM d, yyyy" October 8, 2019MNACVPR State Meeting – Plymouth, MNCall to Order, Introductions and Meeting OverviewMeeting called to order by President Teresa Lee at 10:00 am.Secretary’s Report and Roll CallRoll call of attendance- see chart below. Motion by Whitney Quast to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Shawn Leth 2nd the motion. Motion passed. Treasurer’s Report: Aaron PergolskiInflows & Outflows with total account. See attachmentInvestigation of an investment account; current interest rate is minimal. Wells Fargo, CD is the best option with the ability to have monies available. Capital One has a higher interest savings account. Consider online account with higher interest?Recommendation is to keep all accounts under one institution. Suggestion to move money to higher interest rate CD with ability to access money. Anita LaHaye made a motion to amend previous motion of moving to $10,000 to a high interest savings account to an existing CD instead. Motion seconded by Aaron Pergolski. Motion passed. Mileage discussion. Should we use a Zoom for meetings instead? Anita suggested that removing the mileage reimbursement may limit attendance to metro only members.The group thought the face-to-face is the best option with the availability to have Zoom for those who can’t attend in person. Should the rate be adjusted; currently below the government rate.What do other boards do?Keri Ohren shared that the Respiratory Board is not reimbursed for mileage. WI does not reimburse for mileage either. Anita will ask at the national conference. Aaron questioned how long documents need to be saved? 7 yearsKathy Zarling moved to approve the treasurer’s report. Whitney Quast second the motion. Motion passed.AACVPR Affiliation Leadership Forum Review: Kris MrosakReview of Topics SharedValue based care – National ACVPR has 3 recommendations will be coming out.State conferences – many sites use the same state hosting location, national speakers, honorarium $500 keynote/$100 break out, $1000 flat vendor fee for most, etc.Higher Logic (there were 4 levels available but did not give prices) 4 states are on the list for the year 2020Kris & Julie suggest relooking at this opportunity. See what other states are doing Kris will investigate this further. Is it mobile friendly?New Membership options – retirement/emerging professionalsState organizations have creative ways for sponsorship/revenue generating options; vendors, selfie station, small sale items, etc. ConcernsNeither of us remembered any concerns. Committee ReportsInnovation Committee: Shawn LethAmanda Hovey is a new member from Olmstead Medical Center in Rochester. Letter went outStrategic plan initiative – Registry Stipend Renewal? See attachment for previous offeringGroup feels that this should only be ? as a transition to the following year and provides buy-in. Vision will be removed. Applications to go to treasurer & cc’d president. Shawn will revise the document and send out to the board. Aaron moves to approve Proposal to pay ? the initial fee for Cardiac/Pulmonary for initial Registry membership. Paul 2nd the motion. Motion approved. Round Table discussion forum – looking for input from the groupShawn & Jared will be at national and will share innovative ideas Shawn is looking for ideas on better interaction with the rest of the committee.Suggestion was to delegate responsibilities Education Committee: Kari Weber Venue will be the same as last year. Reservation has been made. 9 Speakers have agreed – 4 have returned bios. Anita has a speaker in mind for an additional speaker on pacemakers. Vendor lists with sponsorship level to compare from last year. Paul has sent out a “save the date” to vendors for 2020. No known conflicts with WI Conference. New suggestions for vendors – Dexcom (Paul will look for contact), LibreAmazon Smile account – can be an option for the MNACVPR? More for charity?Look for other vendor options like Medifast, Profile Sandford, Hormel, etc.Anniversary Gift (30th Conference) Coffee mug? Caution for sales tax for anything that we sell; donation might be acceptable. Budget for item? Previous cost of binder was $8.75Paul can get information about where to order. Design will be needed. Teresa Lee knows someone who can work on design. There will be a “speaker ready room” – vendors & speakers will need to be aware. Pay by the use rather than lunch for these individuals. Consider two separate arms to the education committeeDisease Management – may not be needed if we move to Higher LogicConference Committee appreciates opportunity to have the same site. Arrowwood is the same company. ConsiderationsDo other states offer an electronic opportunity and has this affected attendance. Is there a way to offer a video presentation of the conference for CEU’s in the future? Add questions at the end of the conference asking if you would be interested in video education, etc. Innovation committee will come up with a good question. Membership Relations Committee: Teresa Fietek (absent)Julie Czeck reported that the directory is near completion; only 7 have not responded. Will share with the group over lunch. Recommendation to purge all other lists for the future. Add as pdf to the website. Have a notation on the website to send a message to an individual (through link) if there is a change. Julie can do this and then send the updated document to Cassandra to put on website. How do we keep this up to date? Ongoing BusinessSuccession Planning, Voting & Transition2021 Ballots will go out before the first of the year. Next meeting will need names. Must have served on the board or chaired a committee.Whitney treasurer - yesTeresa Fietek - member relations?President elect Keri Ohren – yes (Shawn will consider being 1st) Website – Kris will be looking into Higher LogicNew Business National Conference & Funding for SpeakersWhat are we willing to sponsor as a board when they come to us? They made the request August 16, 2019. Quick decision was made. This year we sponsored a gaming area for $1000. Other options were: Photo booth, preferred seating, gaming area, cocktail option, custom hotel key, outdoor media, etc.Do we want to have a policy on how this is done? Is the e-mail process ok? Since this is usually a last-minute decision and the choices change annually, suggestion was made to select an amount between $1,000-$1,500 and look at the options in this price range. Kathy Zarling made a motion to commit to donating up to $2,000/year to the national conference. The board can decide on this amount and allocation. Kari Weber 2nd the motion. Motion passed. MDH Update Grant work & Future PlansGrant to help increase enrollment in Cardiac Rehab. $5,000 was allocated w/ 2 opportunitiesFood Assistance Paul – grant was put together quickly. Two plans in place – Methodist is using Hunger Vital Signs Screening Tool – two question survey. Sometimes true or often true go to the next step. Hunger Solutions non-profit that helps with foodCSA Farmer’s Market Fruits/Vegetables - # visits determine eligibilityPre-purchase produce vouchers to continue the program after SeptemberAaron – started this week at their facility. No positive screens yet. It was recommended to use paper solutions. Grant writing is a big process Home based Cardiac Rehab option is the other armAnita will be attending this workshopHow do you write for the grants?Consideration will be made for what this group can do“Hitch” Program – Anita shared – an online management system to offer transportation for those who have missed appointments. (Kind of like Uber) Hitch bills the clinic and the clinic pays with grant money. This is for singular appointments only. There are many regulations for distance, etc.Update to Strategic Plan Dashboard Will be updated later from the minutes & will include part of the conversations we had today. Spend time at next meeting on the dashboard – chairs to get updates to Whitney before the next meeting. Teresa Lee will send out a reminder at the beginning of November. Future plan is to update the strategic plan each time with timelinesStart affiliate of the year application after the annual meeting2020 Aaron & Paul would be willing to be part of a task force for thisCardiac Rehab Program SurveyMayo will be a part of this survey, please encourage people to answer.This will be going out to the entire country to be presented at national next year.AdjournmentMotion to adjourn was made by Shawn Leth at 1:59 pm. Whitney Quast 2nd the motion. Motion passed. Minutes taken by Julie Czeck. Next Meeting December 6, 2019 – AHA in EaganAttendance: NameExecutive RolePresent Y/NLee, TeresaPresidentYesLaHaye, AnitaImmediate Past PresidentPhoneMrosak, KrisPresident ElectYesPergolski, AaronTreasurerYesCzeck, JulieSecretaryYesSpilde, PaulMember At LargePhoneQuast, WhitneyMember At LargeYesZarling, KathyMember At LargeYesFietek, TeresaMembership ChairNoLeth, ShawnInnovation ChairYesWeber, KariEducation ChairYesGuests:Keri OhrenPhoneLyn SprainYesAttachments \s ................

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