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August 6, 2012 ? An Advertising Supplement to the San Fernando Valley Business Journal

Banking & Finance

Angelenos Give Retirement Planning the Cold Shoulder


I t should come as somewhat of a shock to Los Angeles County residents that two in five, or 42%, of LA-area pre-retirees expect they will need to work during retirement in order to afford their lifestyle or make ends meet. This discovery, along with others, comes from a recent retirement study conducted by Wells Fargo, which examines the retirement planning choices and concerns of Los Angeles County residents and compared adults ages 25-75 in Los Angeles County to adults ages 25-75 nationwide.

If you agree with the almost half of pre-retirees in Los Angeles County who say their biggest fear about retirement savings is that they will do all the right things to save and still not have sufficient savings, then it might be time to assess a new financial game plan.

Does gender difference play a role in the perception of retirement? The short answer is, yes. Wells Fargo discovered some important gender differences with reference to retirement planning. Nationally, retired men are more likely (77%) than retired women (58%) to be fully retired and not work. Of the respondents in Los Angeles County, men are twice as confident (26%) as women (13%) that they will have enough money for retirement. Approximately 49% of both men and women agree that they need to significantly cut back on spending in order to save for retirement.

It's not surprising that the recent economic downturn attributed to increased tension around retirement planning in Los Angeles County households, but it did little to deter Los Angeles County pre-retirees from changing their preferred city of retirement. More than 60% of pre-retirees cited the consistent semi-tropical climate in Los Angeles County and first-class healthcare facilities as their top two reasons for planning to retire in Los Angeles County; this is a stark contrast from the 38% of pre-retirees in Washington D.C. who plan to remain in that region through retirement.

Though the majority of survey respondents feel they have a better chance of retiring at the age of 65 than the Dodgers winning the World Series by the time they turn age 65, no more than one in five respondents in Los Angeles County has a detailed plan for their retirement finances.

Retirement planning is as much about enjoying life today as securing your income for tomorrow. But if only 30% have increased the allocation to their retirement savings in the past year, it's not surprising that at least one-third of all Los Angeles County pre-retirees plan to "enjoy life now and not worry about tomorrow." Yet, despite the high cost of retirement in Southern California, a whopping 70% of Angelenos have not increased their retirement savings rate.

Plan your retirement income to make sure you can pay for necessities--ongoing, non-discretionary expenses like food, shelter, transportation, health care, and other essentials while guarding against common risks in retirement. These expenses will likely increase with inflation, and since they're essential, it will be challenging to reduce them.

An often-cited estimate is that you will need about 80% of your pre-retirement annual income for a comfortable retirement. However, depending on your personal lifestyle, you may need more or less. Some retirees might be able to get by on 70%

If you agree with the almost half of pre-retirees in Los Angeles County who say their biggest fear about retirement savings is that they will do all the right things to save and still not have sufficient savings, then it might be time to assess a new financial game plan.

of their pre-retirement income, while others might spend well over 100%.

Planning your retirement income requires balancing the risk of drawing down your income too quickly and being left with little to live on in your 80s or 90s, and the opposite scenario of spending your income too slowly and needlessly crimping your retirement standard of living.

It is important to determine an income strategy that is right for you. Meeting with a retirement banking professional is the first step to ensuring that you won't have to worry about tomorrow while enjoying life today.

Elizabeth Hayden is Vice President and Southern California Regional Director for Wells Fargo Institutional Retirement and Trust. For more information contact elizabeth.hayden@ or (213) 614-4456.

This special advertising supplement did not involve the reporting or editing staff of the San Fernando Valley Business Journal.

AUGUST 6, 2012


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1Rebate amount will be determined by eligibility and actual costs incurred up to $500. Offer valid as of 01/01/2012 for new Wells Fargo Merchant Services (WFMS) customers currently accepting credit and debit cards with another processor and who have a minimum annual processing volume of $100,000 in Visa?, MasterCard?, or Discover? credit card transactions (excludes PIN debit processing) per qualifying location. To qualify, customers must activate their WFMS account by processing a minimum of $50 in Visa, MasterCard or Discover transactions within 30 days of their account open date and supply an invoice from their current processor or Value Added Reseller clearly indicating qualifying switching fees billed within 60 days of WFMS account open date. Qualifying customers will receive their rebate to their merchant statement in the amount equal to the lesser of the qualifying switching expenses or maximum rebate of $500 within 60 days of receipt and confirmation of the information on the rebate fulfillment form. Qualifying switching expenses include early contract termination costs and non-Wells Fargo reprogramming costs required to switch to WFMS. Account must be open, active, and in good standing at the time of rebate. All other fees may apply; not valid with any other WFMS offer or Payment Suites. Offer subject to change at any time. 2Funds from most transactions are available the next business day when they are deposited to a Wells Fargo deposit account. 3Single billing statement reporting available only to customers who qualify for American Express OnePoint? or Discover Full Service programs. ? 2012 Wells Fargo Merchant Services, L.L.C. All rights reserved. (727747_05682)


AUGUST 6, 2012


The Cash is There ... Really!


O n average, manufacturers in the U.S. get paid in around 50 days, but net income margins only average about 1.6 percent and can be heavily influenced by fluctuations in material and supply costs. Even when paid in less than 50 days, it can still be difficult to manage the day-to-day cash flow due to the significant demands and timing of business expenditures such as payroll. After all, cash flow is not about how much cash you eventually receive; it's about when you will actually receive the cash you need to run

Let's talk expertise.

and grow your business. Even in today's tough economy, there

are some great options available to qualified companies that can make a huge impact on getting the flow back into your cash position.

As our economy has changed, so have financing options. Generally, Accounts Receivable (AR) Financing was thought to be a form of financing reserved for businesses that could not qualify for more traditional types of credit. However, more and more financially sound small to midsized businesses, particularly manufacturers, are finding that AR Financing is a

great tool to help them manage cash flow and grow their business. Today, many qualified borrowers are choosing AR Financing over more traditional forms of credit available to them because of the unique benefits this type of financing provides.

As an example, a business generating $2 Million dollars in gross annual sales creates $166,000 per month. If receivables are paying in 30 days, then the business could improve its cash position by over $5,000 for every day it improves its AR turn. By obtaining cash for invoices within 24 hours, a business eliminates

a frozen asset on the books and replaces it with a predictable source of working capital to run the business, pay for fuel, and hire new employees.

What is AR Financing? AR Financing is simply the selling of

outstanding invoices or receivables at a discount to a bank, finance or factoring company and provides quick cash to the business. It bridges the gap between payables due today and receivables that will not be remitted for 30 days or more. The value assigned to the account depends upon the age of a receivable. Simply put, the more current the invoice, the more value it is assigned. It should be noted that receivables older than 90 days will often not qualify for financing. When utilized, AR Financing bridges the cash gap between a company's payables and receivables immediately.

How it works The lender purchases all of a compa-

ny's qualifying current & future receivables at an agreed upon discount rate and pays the company for all current receivables immediately. The lender continues

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Today, many qualified borrowers are choosing Accounts Receivable Financing over more traditional forms of credit available to them because of the unique benefits this type of financing provides.

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to pay the company for new receivables as they are generated, generally within 48 hours of origination. This greatly enhances the reliability of the borrower's cash flow stream, effectively allowing the borrower to operate as an all cash business. The improved cash flow can enable the borrower to re-invest in their business in a number of ways, such as taking advantage of prompt payment discounts from suppliers, increasing inventory to support growing sales, and growing the business.

What to think about Before making the decision whether

AR Financing is right for your business, do your homework and explore all your options, including traditional lines of credit and term loans, SBA Financing, or personal financing. While many financially sound small to mid-sized businesses are selecting AR Financing as their preferred form of credit, determine if it is truly right for your business. Do the benefits justify the involved costs? Is your business ready for change and expansion?

The last word if you decide that AR Financing is a good choice for your business, carefully select your lender. The right relationship can make a huge difference with regard to the success, and even the survival of your business.

Janet Shinkle is vice president and relationship manger with Mission Valley Bank, a locally-owned, full-service, independent, commercial bank with Preferred SBA Lender status serving the San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valleys. She can be reached at (661) 753-5696 or via

AUGUST 6, 2012



Navigating Transfer Pricing

Understanding Transfer Pricing Issues and Using Studies to Mitigate Risk


One of the more vexing issues facing modern businesses is the fact that most companies, both large and small, operate in multiple tax jurisdictions. With the internet in place, a smartphone in every pocket, and access to the cloud from virtually anywhere, 21st century managers are in constant contact with customers, suppliers, and business partners in any state throughout the United States and in any country around the world.

As a result, a company of any size can find itself operating a multistate or multinational business. Products fabricated or purchased in one jurisdiction may be stored in another jurisdiction and sold to customers in a third jurisdiction. Any business may enter into a partnership, joint venture, or cost-sharing arrangement with allies in other states or countries. Support functions such as accounting, marketing, or R&D may be located

study allows the company to minimize risk, institute tax planning strategies, and maximize world-wide income. Companies may be able to increase net income by: ? locating business operations and earning profits in favorable tax jurisdictions; and/or ? locating business operations in areas that offer a lower cost of labor or other resources.

What to take away from this discussion All governments--Federal, state and

local, and non-U.S.--are looking for ways to expand the tax base without raising

nominal tax rates. Businesses operating in multiple jurisdictions should expect to be pressured by taxing authorities to justify the allocation of revenue and expenses among jurisdictions. The result is uncertainty about transfer pricing positions which creates significant financial reporting and tax disclosure issues.

Transfer pricing is an issue that no CEO, CFO, tax director, controller, board member, or business owner can ignore. There are imminent reporting and compliance obligations. There is significant exposure to additional taxes and penalties. There is a very real possibility that the same profits could be

subjected to tax in two or more jurisdictions. A transfer pricing study is a tool that

can minimize these risks. Combined with sound multistate and international tax planning, the company may be able to lower its overall tax obligation, reduce the effective tax rate reported in its financial statements, fully comply with its reporting obligations, and manage the profitability of its business operations at every location throughout the U.S. and around the world.

Christopher White, CPA, is a partner in J.H. Cohn's International Tax Practice. He can be reached at cwhite@ or (818) 205-2614.

A well-documented transfer

pricing study allows the

company to minimize risk,

institute tax planning

strategies, and maximize

world-wide income.

in one place but provide services throughout the organization.

The challenge becomes how to determine the amount of profit earned in any given jurisdiction, and how to protect the company from aggressive taxing authorities who, after the fact, challenge the prices set for the sale of goods or the providing of services between related business units.

A transfer pricing study is a thorough review, usually conducted by an outside party, of the company's pricing policies and the documentary support for those charges. Such a study can produce a number of benefits to the enterprise: ? Reduce taxes and penalties by assuring that the company's transfer pricing policies comply with all requirements in the local jurisdiction, including meeting local documentation rules. ? Identify opportunities to reduce the company's global effective tax rate by restructuring multinational operations. ? Identify opportunities to increase global supply chain efficiency by relocating operations or reorganizing legal entities. ? Provide support for transfer pricing related deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities recorded in the company's financial statements.

Transfer pricing studies save taxes and reduce risk

Many companies opt to conduct a review of their transfer pricing policies. Transfer pricing studies are typically conducted by experienced accountants and economists with a strong background in multistate and multinational tax matters. The objective of the study is to determine a pricing structure that will withstand challenge from the relevant taxing authorities and best serve the company's business needs.

A well-documented transfer pricing


AUGUST 6, 2012


A Cash Flow Solution: Factoring is Not a Bad Word


I n today's tough economic times, many companies do not have access to traditional bank financing. With the trouble the banks have been having, it has caused lending to small corporations to become very limited. Factoring can be an attractive alternative for companies that need financing or to improve their cash flow.

Our firm specializes in the apparel, textile and consumer goods industries which typically use factors as their choice of financing. The general scenario where a factor arrangement works is when a company ships its product, the related accounts receivable is sold to the factor, and the factor immediately advances funds against the account receivables to the company. Factoring solves several problems for small, newer and rapidly growing companies with their working capital needs.

Problem One -- slow payment. With factoring, companies receive funding upon shipment even though the company's invoice clearly states net 30 days (it can take 30-90 days for the factor to receive the customer's payment).

Problem Two -- the time and hassle of accounting for A/R, collections calls, receipt and posting of daily collections, deposits to the bank and analysis of accounts. Factoring resolves these issues.

Problem Three -- bad debts. Factors offer two types of factoring; non-recourse

and recourse. Non-recourse factoring occurs when the factor purchases the receivable and assumes all the risk of collecting the account. This is a form of credit insurance for your accounts receivable. With recourse factoring, the factor does not guarantee the credit worthiness of the accounts receivable and the company sustains the bad debts if the receivables are uncollectable. Another advantage of factoring is the factor's expertise

Factoring can be an attractive alternative for companies that need financing or to improve their cash flow.

in evaluating the credit quality of your customers. This can save money by downsizing or eliminating credit and collection staff. It is also a good internal control over cash management to outsource the collection of account receivables, plus the checks are deposited daily to reduce the factor loan.

The factor has two components it charges a company. First, commission rates that vary from 0.3 percent up to 2

percent of the dollar amount of receivable. Second, the interest rates it charges on the advances which are competitive with bank loans. The funds advanced by the factor can range anywhere from 50 to 90 percent of the receivable and will vary by how much the client needs. The factor commission is a one time charge, occurring at the purchase of the accounts receivable. Interest is charged against the advances or factor loans just like a bank would charge interest.

Factoring is a financing service used by companies of all sizes. These companies either do not want to incur credit losses or want to outsource their credit and collection functions, thereby saving on overhead. Factoring enables companies to improve cash flow through efficient collection efforts and immediate advances against accounts receivable. Factoring is more expensive than bank financing, but when your business needs additional cash flow and credit insurance, this is a great solution. The Partners of the firm have helped many of our clients obtain traditional bank or factor financing. If your company is a start-up or fast growing company, with a good business model, it is very likely that you can receive financing to increase your working capital.

R. Douglas Smith is a partner with Smith Mandel & Associates LLP in Burbank. For more information please call (818) 5564000 or visit .

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AUGUST 6, 2012



A Closer Look at Asset Based Lending


I s your company growing faster than your capital? Improve your cash flow and strengthen your financial position by borrowing on your accounts receivable and inventory.

All businesses need capital or cash to run their business on a daily basis. One unique and increasingly popular way to meet a company's cash needs is through asset-based lending.

Asset Based Lending is a specialized structure of commercial lending that is designed to meet the working capital needs of companies using the trading assets of the company as collateral. This is typically the accounts receivable and inventory of the company.

The borrower assigns the company assets to the lender which will require a perfected first lien security interest position and satisfactory subordination of any superior liens. Each lender will establish a reporting plan, advance rates, and examination cycle on the assigned collateral. The management of an asset based credit facility is based upon the degree of collateral reliance present in the individual credit. Lenders may employ one of three types (Daily, Weekly or Monthly) of collateral monitoring plans. Additional supporting transaction documentation and control of account receivable proceeds would be determined as necessary. Each plan requires the submission of the accounts receivable aging, inventory listing and accounts payable aging on the agreed upon basis. An analysis is performed to determine which accounts and inventory items are eligible to be included in the borrowing base.

The reliance on this collateral requires continuous monitoring to ensure that the collateral margins are both of sound quality and sufficiency to satisfy the funds borrowed. An onsite examination of the company's books and records is performed on a periodic basis to further verify the validity, quality and quantity of the collateral.

Loans made on receivables and inventories are truly revolving loans. Because the loans are tied to fluctuating collateral, the amount available for borrowing will increase under normal circumstances with increasing annual or seasonal sales. Conversely, loans would be paid down in an off season when collections from account debtors exceed advances on new sales.

An Asset Based Financing candidate is simply any manufacturer, wholesaler (domestic or importer), service provider or distributor, selling primarily on an open account basis and who has valuable and needed working capital tied in less liquid assets. Specifically, accounts receivables and inventory financing is an effective and economical source of flexible financing that can be especially useful when one or more of the following situations exist: ? A company has created a new product that suddenly catches on, sales quickly outstrip the finances necessary to carry the accounts receivable created and the inventory need to meet the new demand. ? Rapid growth due to product line expansion often stretches the capital base as the working capital is not keeping pace through the accumulation of profits.

? A company either creates or acquires a sales force with strong marketing and sales ability but has insufficient equity capital to finance rapidly growing sales. ? The credit terms offered to its customers are longer than those granted by the vendors creating a trade cycle imbalance. ? A subsidiary is growing faster than its own capital, and its parent cannot provide financing without straining its own resources. ? A business is seasonal and borrowing requirements in season exceed normal needs.

An Asset Based Financing candidate is simply any manufacturer, wholesaler, service provider or distributor, selling primarily on an open account basis and who has valuable and needed working capital tied in less liquid assets.

Asset based lending does offer many benefits to the company as well: ? A stronger relationship with its vendors will naturally build if the business is able to take advantage of the trade discounts offered while improving and protecting credit ratings. ? Anticipate and act on special expansion requirements (market share). ? A source of continuous liquid working capital that is more predictable which allows for better planning. ? Profitability is improved through lower cost of goods sold due the discounts exercised. ? Provides a tool for better cash management. ? Ability to vary loan volume and usage to control interest costs (flexible , elastic and no idle funds). ? Avoid dilution of control and equity. ? Reduce sales lost due to `out of stock' through better balance on hand merchandise. ? Hedge against price increase, supply shutdown (strikes, act of nature, fire, etc.).

If you decide to explore asset-based lending, do your homework. Take the time to understand asset-based lending and you can use this financing option to provide short-term funding for your business.

Terry Naffziger is Senior Vice President and Manager of the Asset Based Lending Department for Citizens Business Bank, based in Ontario, California. Naffziger can be reached at (909) 980-4030 or via tlnaffziger@.

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AUGUST 6, 2012

Compound Trust, Build Credibility


Banks house a lot of money but how do they bank on spreading the word about their services? Trust is a necessary foundation for someone to hand over their money to corporate giants like banks and these finance management companies build trust by being credible.

Bank on Public Relations Tactics Credibility is key for success in the

financial world. Think of how you put your company on the radar: How did you attract your first client? Where did your client base come from? What did your initial clients know about your company? To get started and grow successfully, companies utilize publicity to earn trust from consumers. The big question is what constitutes trust?

From a marketing point of view, trust is the idea of validation. Can a previous client or customer vouch for your services? Where can they find the information which validates your services and above all, your company? Using a third-party, unbiased endorsement is a credible and direct form of validation. Another way to attract positive attention to your name is by properly distributing news about your company. Whether you are distributing company news via press releases or sharing media placements through social media, be sure to share and share often! Trump your competitors by becoming an expert in what you do, do it well, and tell the world.

How did you attract your first client? Where did your client base come from? What did your initial clients know about your company? To get started and grow successfully, companies utilize publicity to earn trust from consumers. The big question is what constitutes trust?

Cash In With Third-Parties

Although retaining customers is important, acquiring new customers is vital to perpetuating growth. In an unstable market, the number of clients willing to risk their income on investments to grow their portfolio might be few and far between. To help increase sales, build on your foundation of consumer trust to retain and grow your client base.

For example, your organization should highlight third-party testimonials rather than being self-promotional. Evolve from one-sided information and validate your position and sales messages in the industry with third-party statements from local and national media outlets. Support your company and its services by sharing feature articles that present your company in a positive light. Articles provide an outsider view and when read in a respected publication by a prospective client base, your credibility gets an immediate boost.

Don't be afraid to position yourself as an expert. How do you do that? Writing

or by-lining articles about financial trends will not only open your client base but will position you as an industry expert, all while increasing your credibility.

Direct Deposit on Your News Another way to generate visibility is

by disseminating Search Engine Optimized (SEO) press releases. When press releases go live, the media picks them up and immediately builds a positive image of you that would typically be unattainable through traditional advertising or promotion. Whereas self-promotional messages in advertisements tell people what to believe, press releases are picked up by media who find your information newsworthy enough to tout it themselves! Now that's credibility consumers can trust.

When your news does get picked up, why leave it online for people to find? Improve its placement on a Google results page and your news and your company have been crowned experts in

the field. Placing on page one of Google is merely proper optimization.

For example, if you put out a press release about your charitable endeavors and the media picked it up, did a news segment, and composed an article on corporate charitable efforts, how would you best share it? To rise in the ranks of Google results and place your company name on page one of a keywords search, putting out press releases is a great start but be sure to share your news! Share it on all your social media outlets, both personal and professional and focus as much attention on this exciting news as possible. Repurposing finished products is a great way to add to your inventory of credible material. Take the newspaper article and share it via company newsletters and don't be ashamed to publically display them throughout your offices or physically hand to a new customer in your lobby as they're doing their background research on you and your company.

Both online and offline, you are proactively and organically managing your search results and placing yourself as an industry expert while building trust. Take charge of your reputation and be found!

Lindsey Carnett is CEO and President of Marketing Maven Public Relations, Inc., a bicoastal PR and marketing firm with offices in Los Angeles and New York. Specialties include financial, lifestyle, health, Hispanic marketing and social media campaigns. Carnett can be reached via email at Lindsey@ or via phone at (310) 994-7380. For more information, visit .

AUGUST 6, 2012



Financial Advisors Can Play a Key Role in Your Business Success

I n a society that grows more complex every day, consumers are presented with the constant pressures of family, career, and community responsibilities and personal enrichment. The financial marketplace is ever-changing with new laws, regulations, economic events, market changes, product offerings and conflicting media messages. Making the right financial moves at the right time is critical to achieving security and accomplishing personal objectives.

A personal advisor guides the financial planning process: goal identification, data organization, analysis, problem identification, recommendations, and ? most important ? plan implementation and results monitoring. Your advisor will help you save, spend, invest, insure and plan wisely for the future.

A Registered Financial Consultant has met the qualifications required to serve the public effectively, and moreover, is committed to essential professional continuing education. You can't delegate your job, career, civic or family responsibilities - but you can obtain qualified, professional financial advice and service.

What is the RFC Designation? The Registered Financial Consultant

(RFC) is a professional designation awarded by the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants to those financial advisors who can meet the high standards of education, experience and

A personal advisor guides the financial planning process: goal identification, data organization, analysis, problem identification, recommendations, and ? most important ? plan implementation and results monitoring. Your advisor will help you save, spend, invest, insure and plan wisely for the future.

integrity that are required of all its members. The IARFC is a non-profit professional

credentialing organization of proven financial professionals formed to foster public confidence in the financial planning profession, to help financial advisors exchange planning techniques, and to give deserved recognition to those practitioners who are truly committed to ethical standards and continuous professional education.

Because there are no consistent licensing requirements for the various persons who call themselves "financial planners" the public has a critical need for a method of distinquishing the qualified and dedicated financial advisor.

What is the purpose of the IARFC? The primary purpose of the IARFC is

to provide the public with a convenient access to a pool of well-qualified practitioners from which to choose a personal

financial advisor. It is the only professional organization that requires all of its members to meet and document seven stringent requirements of education, experience, examination, integrity, licensing, ethics and a significant amount of continuing professional education.

RFC Examination Process The comprehensive RFC examination

covers a wide range of subject matter; Priciples of Personal Finance, Debt and Cash Flow Management, Employee and Government Benefits, Annuities, Securities, Investments and Asset Allocation, Life, Health and Casualty Insurance, Education and Special Needs Funding, Estate Planning, Survivor Income Needs Analysis, and Retirement Income.

RFC continuing education requirements Each year the RFC must complete a

minimum of 40 units (hours) of professional continuing education. This includes college courses, educational symposiums, credentialing courses, distance learning programs and practitioner conferences. Many RFCs are instructors at colleges and conferences.

What about other professional designations?

We hold the RFC designation to be different and perhaps more encompassing. However, the IARFC does not assert that many other professional designations or their organizations are inferior. The public is not served by divisive criticism, but rather by dedicated and wellprepared professionals. Our goal is to encourage professional conduct and collaborate between professional advisors, with strong emphasis on the importance of continuing education.

How does the IARFC maintain and publish the credibility of its members?

The IARFC removes the designation from anyon who fails to maintain proficiency through substantial continuing education, or who betrays the public trust by failing to live up to its Code of Ethics or by having a professional license revoked or suspended for misconduct or any reason.

This article was provided by the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants.


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