California State University, Northridge Academic Affairs

CHECKLIST: Criteria for Re-chartering Centers

[x] 1. a copy of the center charter. See, attached document.

[x] 2. a list of years no annual report was filed. Annual Reports were filled every year.

[x] 3. a revenue and expenditure report for entire period of last charter. See, attached Excel file document.

[x] 4. if servicing clients a report detailing numbers and effectiveness for entire period of last charter.

See, attached Excel file document. [x] 5. grants and contracts applied for and grants secured for entire period of last charter.

Applied to NCIIA Grant in 2012 with Prof. Mark Rajai (College of Engineering). Not granted. [x] 6. if a research center, then a report on published research- and/or working papers and reports for entire period of last charter.

Not applicable. Wells Fargo Center for Small Business and Entrepreneurship is not a Research Center. [x] 7. if a performance or production center, a report on creative work for entire period of last charter.

Not applicable.




In keeping with the guidelines and procedures outlined in Organization and Administration of Centers (AA 150-60 of February 11, 2013) and the directives of the David Nazarian College of Business and Economics, the Wells Fargo Center for Small Business and Entrepreneurship shall be named, organized, and administered as follows:



The name of this Center is the Wells Fargo Center for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (hereafter "the Center").


Purpose and Functions


SUMMARY OF PURPOSE. The center is balancing academic excellence with best practice to achieve maximum success and recognition within the business community.

The David Nazarian College of Business and Economics has a long established position of 40 years in offering business consulting services to the local business community that can be traced back to 1976 with Prof. Don Kirchner leading this role. The Center for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (CSBE) was chartered in October 2000, and the center was renamed Wells Fargo Center for Small Business & Entrepreneurship in 2001.

The WFCSBE provides hands-on educational opportunities to students while benefiting the community through service learning partnerships, workshops, seminars and the support of relevant research.

CSUN students learn business consulting skills, apply their core and specialized business knowledge, and develop contacts in the business community while providing useful professional-quality business advice and supporting documentation to local small businesses, entrepreneurial firms and not for profit organizations. In addition, the Center serves to encourage research in the areas of small business and entrepreneurship. We also seek new

opportunities for community partnership-building among small business owners, entrepreneurs, and organizations that serve those constituents.


SUMMARY OF FUNCTIONS. The center offers business consulting services to for profit and not-for-profit organizations. Our objective is serve businesses' consulting needs by analyzing and formulating realistic suggestions to improve business' performance. The total value of the WFCSBE is to significantly impact the life of individuals interested in entrepreneurship. Students gain invaluable practical knowledge, clients benefit from a customized outstanding voluntary service to improve their performance, and Wells Fargo receive positive word-of-mouth for their association and support to the center. C.

The Well Fargo Center for Small Business & Entrepreneurship is offering one-on-one consulting services to small and medium size businesses in the San Fernando Valley. The service is either complimentary or we accept donations. It is conducted by graduating seniors at the University, with assistance from full-time professors, bank managers at Wells Fargo, members of the local business community and professional alumni.

The deliverables include:

? A customized assessment of the business health of our client's company, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and business opportunities for success.

? A market research providing identification of best markets, based on empirical research. Market entry requirements and planning are also provided.

? Business market plan. Budgets and specific tactics are recommended for market entry in the identified best markets.

? A power-point presentation that clients can use to interest institutional or private investors, and also it can be used to attract future business partners and/or trade interests.

? An invoicing of consulting time and fees. This invoice is both useful for students to learn about time management as well as billing and fee calculations, but it is also very important for our clients as this invoice often materialize the hard work completed.

We select our clients on the basis of their ability to participate actively in the process, including being available to meet with the students/consultants, and to come to a final presentation of results and recommendations.

We are well positioned here at CSUN to capitalize on this opportunity in a vibrant small business community. We are in a position to provide not only a solid education to our students, but also a much-needed service to the business community by helping to promote entrepreneurship. Between 2010 and 2010, we completed over 50 business consulting services

III. Membership Membership in the Wells Fargo Center for Small Business and Entrepreneurship is open to CSUN's students, CSUN's Faculty and general entrepreneurs who seek advice or want to contribute through the center.

Past Faculty Participants ? David Ackerman: Professor of marketing. ? Deborah Cours: founder of Wells Fargo Center for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Prof. of marketing,

and CSUN director of community engagement. ? Daniel Degravel: Professor of management. ? Barbara Gross: Professor of marketing and director of business honors program. ? Deborah Heisley: Professor of marketing and director of graduate programs. ? Joy Griffin: entrepreneur and part-time faculty in business. ? Lois Shelton: Professor of management and Program director DBA@CSUN. ? Ben Tenn: entrepreneur, part-time faculty in Business and SBDC consultant. ? Kristen Walker: Professor of marketing.

IV. Organization of the Center

A. Supervising University Unit The Center shall operate under the David Nazarian College of Business and Economics.

B. Organizational Structure The Wells Fargo Center for Small Business and Entrepreneurship shall be managed by:

1. Director The Director shall be appointed for a three year term by the Dean of the David Nazarian College of Business. The Director shall be directly responsible to the Dean. Additional administrative and management positions may be established as needed by the Director in consultation with the Advisory Board and with the approval of the Dean. If deemed appropriate, the Dean may function as Director.

2. Advisory Board The advisory board reflects a balance representation of faculty and entrepreneurs. ? Richard M. Burke: entrepreneur, CEO of Rx Caps, inc, CSUN alumni. ? Deborah Cours: founder of Wells Fargo Center for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Prof. of marketing,

and CSUN director of community engagement. ? Barbara Gross: Professor of marketing and director of business honors program. ? Deborah Heisley: Professor of marketing and director of graduate programs. ? Joy Griffin: entrepreneur and part-time faculty in business. ? Richard Koffler: entrepreneur and CEO of Alelo.

C. Administration 1. Administration: Director

Under the oversight of the Dean of the college, the Director shall be responsible for the general operation and administration of the Center. Responsibility for the direct operation of a specific program may be delegated, as may other responsibilities of the Director as necessary.

The Director shall be responsible for allocating funds, staffing programs, administrative operations, and for arranging for space, equipment, and other resources and facilities required to support and promote the work of the Center. All subsequent decisions concerning staffing and expenditures made by the Director must have approval of the College Dean. The Director is also responsible for the preparation of the Center's annual report, as required by University policy.

2. Administration: Advisory Board The Advisory Board shall serve as a scholarly and administrative resource.

3. Administration: Dean The Dean of the college will be responsible for reviewing and approving all Center activities and published material. This review and approval process shall ensure that activities and published material of the Center contributes to the fulfillment of the CSU and CSUN missions, are consistent with acceptable standards of scholarship, the charter of the Center and goals of the College, and otherwise conform to applicable laws, regulations, and policies of the University.

V. Finances

A. Source of Funds The Center benefits from a perpetual endowment supplied by Wells Fargo. The Wells Fargo Center for Small Business and Entrepreneurship receives the funds from the returns generated by the $500,000 Wells Fargo endowment.

B. Operations In consultation with the College Dean, the Director will be responsible for all financial operations of the Center and for maintaining its financial soundness.

C. Management of Resources The use of resources shall be subject to review and must be approved by the Dean.

VI. Annual Report

A. Proposed Activities Each year by a date established by the Dean of the college, the Director shall submit to the Dean of the College (a) an annual report that conforms to the established format and (b) a business plan for the coming academic year. The Director will then meet with the Dean to review all proposed activities, publicity, plans, advisory board changes, and budget projections for proposed Center projects. The Dean will review additional activities


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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