What's a Thesaurus? Information and worksheet.

[Pages:2]August 2007. To print your own copies of this document visit:

A thesaurus is a bit like a dictionary only it doesn't give you the meaning of a word. Instead it gives you alternative words to use.


I f eel happy t oday. ? Look up happy in a t hesaur us. ? I t will list wor ds wit h t he same or near ly t he same meaning. ? These include: j oyf ul, cheer f ul, delight ed and cheer y. ? You might decide t o use t he wor d cheer f ul.

I f eel cheer f ul t oday.

The par cel was cover ed in br own paper . ? Ot her wor ds f or par cel include packet , car t on, box and package. ? Ot her wor ds f or cover ed include enclosed, dr aped and wr apped. ? You might decide t o r e-wr it e t he sent ence like t his.

The package was wr apped in br own paper .

Now complete the worksheet.

This resource kindly contributed by Gill Gallagher, Barnsley College. g.gallagher@barnsley.ac.uk Rw/L2.3 Recognise and understand vocabulary associated with texts of different levels of accessibility, formality, complexity and of different. Understand the concept of synonyms and that different words can express similar or related ideas, qualities, things, often at different levels of formality. Understand the purpose of, and be able to use, a thesaurus.

August 2007. To print your own copies of this document visit:

Using a Thesaurus

Replace one word in each sentence with another word from your thesaurus. Write out the sentence again using the new word.

1. I am t r ying t o gr ow my hair . ___________________________________________

2. The r eason she went t o t he doct or was her sor e t hr oat . ____________________________________________

3. The man r an f ast t o get away f r om t he dogs. ____________________________________________

4. She could not af f or d t o pay t he t r ain f ar e. ____________________________________________

5. Her f avour it e f lower is a r ose. ____________________________________________

This resource kindly contributed by Gill Gallagher, Barnsley College. g.gallagher@barnsley.ac.uk Rw/L2.3 Recognise and understand vocabulary associated with texts of different levels of accessibility, formality, complexity and of different. Understand the concept of synonyms and that different words can express similar or related ideas, qualities, things, often at different levels of formality. Understand the purpose of, and be able to use, a thesaurus.


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