Study Guide: Mesopotamia, Ancient Hebrews and Ancient Egypt

Study Guide: Mesopotamia, and Ancient EgyptTest is on Wednesday, October 8, 2014Key Terms/Concepts: SumerThe Epic of GilgameshCuneiformZigguratsHierarchyCouncil of elders Sargon the Great/AkkadiansNaram SimBabylon, King HammurabiCodifyCriminal law vs civil lawSatrapBarter economy vs money economyPhoeniciansCultural diffusionMonotheistic/polytheisticUpper vs. lower egypt “the gift of the Nile”hapi“hymn to the Nile”SiltirrigationPloughshadufDynastypapyrusDeltaDynastyHatshepsutAkenatenThe Book of the DeadThe Negative ConfessionOsiris, IsisAmun-RaHypostyle hallMummificationPharaohVizierHieroglyphicspapyrusTraditional and moral polytheismRosetta stoneCultural diffusionBattles of KadeshRames II Armana letters soverignKey Understandings: If shown a map of Mesopotamia, and Egypt you should be able to correctly label the following: Lower Egypt, upper Egypt, Asia minor,Mediterranean sea, black sea, Persian gulf, Red sea, Nile River, Tigris and Euphrates river, Sumer, BabylonReview the primary characteristics of a civilization (there are 9)What are the geographic characteristics of Mesopotamia?How did the geography of Meso. shape their development? (positives and negatives for living in this region)How did the rivers shape their views on religion? What type of event was happening in the Epic of Gilgamesh? How did geo. impact their religion?What is the purpose of a government?How was early Sumerian government reflective of a democracy? (hint: look back at the reading for this lesson)How did Sumerian kings try to change their status to become more powerful?How did kings use propaganda to increase their power? How does cuneiform inform us about Sumerian culture?How did Mesopotamians develop and use writing? How did cuneiform influence the development of Mesopotamian society? Who was Hammurabi?Why did people follow his laws? How did Hammurabi respond to criminal/civil disputes? Did he respond fairly to criminal/civil disputes (know the arguments for and against)Why was it important for city states under Babylonian rule to have the same written laws?Besides Sumer and Babylon, what other societies/groups existed in Mesopotamia? You should also know about WHEN they existed. (i.e. did Persians come before the Hittites, etc). Look at your timeline from class this day.How did the Assyrians rule (refer to your HW and class notes)How did Persians, Hittites, Assyrians and Phoenicians impact the ancient world? (What did they contribute)? How did Phoenicians improve writing? How did the Phoenicians promote cultural diffusion?How did the deserts and Mediterranean sea impact Ancient Egyptian development?What was the Egyptians’ attitude towards the Nile? How did this influence their relationship with their religion? Why did people settle near the Nile? How did Egyptians control the flooding? How did the Egyptian religion come to be?What types of religious beliefs did Egyptians follow? How did moral polytheism influence their behavior? How do Egyptian burial practices/structures inform us about religion’s influence on daily life?How did religion help Egypt progress architecturally? With engineering? With art? Scientifically? What were the social standings that existed in Ancient Egypt? How was power set up/organized in Ancient Egypt?Why did kings tolerate regional power centers?How did Pharaohs use religion to assert their own power?How did Pharaoahs use art to assert their own power? How is Hatshepsut an example of this?What types of advancements were made because of centralized government rule?Be able to describe 1 achievement for each of Egypt’s three kingdoms.How did Akenaten try to alter religious life in Ancient Egypt? (see textbook)How was family life organized in ancient Egypt?How were the different classes viewed (see partner reading activity)What are some characteristics of Egyptian art? How did art influence the daily lives of the people?What is balance of power? What is a sphere of influence?How did the quest for spheres of influence affect relations between Hittites and Egyptians? Why would leaders want to avoid events like the Battle of Kadesh?How did leaders try to avoid conflict? ** in general-make sure you understand the main differences in geography, government, writing, achievements, social classes, laws, etc between Mesopotamia and Egypt! ................

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