Charlie: - Our Lady & St Joseph Catholic Primary …

The music to go with the songs is available:

Tilly: Welcome to Jonah Class’ assembly – let us start with the sign of the cross. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. With Christ at our centre, we love listen and learn.

On Saturday, 6th January, Christians gathered as a community to continue our celebration of the birth of Jesus, the Light of the world, God’s gift of love to all. The name Jesus means ‘Saviour’.

Seth: The light has come to shine on all people throughout the world, to guide them to the new life offered by Jesus.

Rhys: In the gospel of Matthew, we hear the story of how some wise men from another part of the world were led by a star and travelled the long journey to Bethlehem, looking for Jesus. They found him in a stable.

Ben: “After Jesus had been born at Bethlehem in Judaea during the reign of King Herod, some wise men came to Jerusalem from the east... And suddenly the star they had seen rising went forward and halted over the place where the child was. The sight of the star filled them with delight, and going into the house they saw the child with his mother Mary, and falling to their knees they did him homage. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” (Matthew 2:1, 9-12)

Olivia: This day is an important one for people of every race and nationality, because the wise men represent God’s people throughout the world. The Son of God, Jesus, came into the world as a Jew, to give life to every member of the human race. No matter what our race, nationality, colour or religion, each of us is made in the image and likeness of God. For all of us, this is a day of real celebration – we, too, are chosen.

Sebastian: How do you think the Kings may have felt bringing their gifts to Jesus? (Humbled, Righteous, Honoured).

What do you think the gifts symbolised (Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh).

What gifts might you have brought to Jesus if you were there?

Nahome Welcome to Jonah class’ Christmas assembly; we have so much to tell you today. By the end of the assembly you will know everything about Christmas. Someone once said that Christmas is like…

Eliana Wait wait wait, stop stop stop, no no no! We’ve already had a Nativity assembly,

Melani Two of them actually!

Eliana Yes! We know everything about Christmas already!

Nahome Really? Oh!

Eliana Can’t we do something different? Something exciting?

Nahome Well, what can we talk about that has some ancient people, brave heroes and some scary, ugly monsters?

Eliana Ancient people, scary ugly monsters?

Melani Ooooh, I know, the OLSJ staff room!

Nahome No no no! Let’s just take a peek at what Year 5 are learning about now - see if that gives us any ideas.

Cut to class

Alfie: Good morning Jonah class.

Class: Good morning Mr Cameron.

Alfie: Today we are going to talk about a group of people who travelled the world, taking money, wearing weird hats, singing a lot of songs and scaring adults and children.

Kaysie Who were they?

Harry Oh oh I know, is it One Direction?

Alfie Of course not, I am talking about the Vikings!

Class Oooooooh

Quick cut to boat of Vikings

Viking Chanters: ROW

Vikings: ROW

Cut back to class

Alfie: The Vikings were a race of people who lived a thousand years ago. They had a nasty habit of sailing to other countries, stealing their land and money and killing some people along the way.

Viking Chanters: ROW

Vikings: ROW

Kaysie: What is that noise?

Viking Chanters: ROW

Vikings: ROW

Kaysie: Um…Mr Cameron, I have a feeling we’re not in OLSJ anymore.

Cut to boat

Back and forth chant between Chanters and rest of Vikings (everyone to chant to help):

Everywhere we go

People want to know

Who we are

Where we come from

So we tell them

We are the Vikings

The Vikings from Scandinavia

And then we fight them

And steal all their money.

Alice: Sounds a bit like a lesson with Mr Scott!

Alfie Of all the classrooms, in all the towns, in all the world they row into mine!

Alice: But where are they going? Can we go and meet them?

Cut to boat – all pupils other than Main ones go change to Viking outfit

Frankie Are we nearly there yet? (in moaning voice)

Kiera Where are we rowing to anyway?

Mason: Some place called Lindisfarne apparently.

Frankie Are we nearly there yet? (in moaning voice)

Kiera: Isn’t that in England? What will we do there?

Mason : Same thing we do every night, try and take over the world!

Vikings: What?

Mason: Sorry, not sure what came over me. Nah, we’ll just steal some things, kill some people, burn a monastery or two maybe. That’s the Viking way!

Song: Do you hear the Viking Sing

Do you hear the Vikings sing

Singing our songs of gods and war?

We’re a bunch of raiders scarier than the world has seen before

When we land on foreign shores, you’d better hide behind your doors

As we will burn and smash your villages just for fun

1. We have sailed from Norway far

Just to empty your savings jar

Don’t stop us when we land

Or we will kill you where you stand.

Then burn down your house, and kidnap your spouse, will we!

Do you hear the Vikings sing…

2. Father Odin, mighty Thor;

Our Gods will help us win this war.

We’ll steal your coins, and sheep,

And then your homeland we will keep.

Then burn down your house, and kidnap your spouse, will we!

Do you hear the Vikings sing…



Kaysie: Wait a second, is that all true?

Harry: You talking to me?

Kaysie Yes!

Harry Were you just evil people who ran around killing and stealing for fun?

Kiera: Yes, we are all bloodthirsty pillagers!

Vikings: Yeah!!

Ava: Um…I’m not…I’m just a Viking farmer!

All Vikings shush him up

Kaysie What?!

Harry: You’re not a pillager?

Sidney: (to Ava) Shhhhhh…don’t tell them the secret!

Frankie: As far as they are aware, we are all nasty warriors.

Harry: Tell us the secret!

Zion: No! You will never find out!

Sidney You may take our lives but you will never take our secret!

Storm noises with instruments – Vikings run to boat

Melani Oh ow, a storm!

Eliana I think they’re going to need a bigger boat!

Kiera-Mei: Save us Thor, let this storm pass.

Ava: Help me Odin, give me courage in battle.

Mason: Oh Loki, is this storm a nasty trick of yours?

Children on stage left

Melani: Thor, Odin and Loki? Did they have the Avengers movies back then as well?

Eliana: No no no! They were the Gods that the Vikings believed in. Odin was the husband of Frigg and the father of Balder.

Nahome: Thor and Loki were his other sons but they didn’t really like each other.

Eliana: Thor married Sif while Loki killed Balder.

Nahome: Odin worked with Freyja who was married to Oor.

Melani: What, what! That’s much too confusing! Who? What?

Family Fortunes Theme Music

Bashar: Welcome to another exciting episode of Family Fortunes. I’m Vernon Kay. Competing today is the Gods family. Let’s start with the boss shall we, what’s your name sir?

Taylor-Rae: Hi, I’m Odin, the king of all the gods. I am the wisest of them all but I only have one eye. Here are my sons.

Courtney: Hi, my name is Balder. I am the most gentle of all the Gods. Everybody loves me.

Bashar: I am sure the audience will love you tonight! And who is this next to you?

Natty: Good afternoon, I am Thor. I am the strongest god in the universe and I create the thunder! With Mjolnir, my huge hammer, I shoot lightning across the sky!

Riley: Ignore them, I am the most important God. I killed my half-brother Balder, joined giants and monsters in wars against the world and had three children.

Bashar: Tell me about your children Loki?

Riley: My oldest is a vicious wolf, my middle child is a giant sea snake and my young daughter is a zombie!

Everyone look terrified

Bashar Well, I guess we now know where the Vikings got their evil ways from

Taylor-Rae: What? No, my people are not evil! Most of the Vikings aren’t even…

Other Gods: Shhhhhh!!

Natty Don’t tell them father!

Riley Don’t tell them the truth!

Bashar I want the truth!

Courtney (Shout) You can’t handle the truth!

Cut to boat

Chanters: ROW

Vikings: ROW

Nahome: Their gods were interesting! Especially Thor. They should make a movie about that Thor guy!

Eliana: Did the Vikings get to meet the gods when they died?

Teacher: Only Odin, because he was the ruler of Valhalla.

Alice: The ruler of Malacca?

Vikings: VALHALLA!

Natty: Valhalla was the Viking version of heaven. Only the bravest warriors and the wisest Vikings would go there after their deaths.

Courtney: When you died, women on horses called the Valkyries would come and make you an offer you couldn’t refuse.

Taylor-Rae: They would take you to Valhalla to join Odin and live forever.

Riley And get to feast on as much food as you want all day long!

Alfie: Mmmmm….food…I want to go! Take me!

Nahome: They said brave and wise Mr Cameron, they won’t take you!

Alfie But weren’t all of the Vikings brave warriors fighting across Europe? Surely Valhalla would soon become more jammed than (busy street in your area) on a stormy Friday night!

Frankie Oh can we just tell them?

Sidney: Yes, please let’s just tell the secret!

Teacher + children What secret?!

Mason Oh OK then, you see…well…we might not have been the nasty warrior race everyone thinks we were.

Melani: Really?

Zion: It’s true, I’m not a warrior, I’m just a builder!

Ava: Yeah, and I’m just a carpenter. I’ve never pillaged anyone I tell you!

Kiera: Actually, come to think of it, I’ve never stolen anything either.

Kiera-Mei: Most of us are just normal people, only a few go to war.

Eliana: But we always hear stories about Vikings just killing and burning and stealing! Are you saying that’s not true?

Kiera-Mei: Bits of it is, we did do our fair share of pillaging, but we also enjoyed building a nice house for ourselves

Mason: And saying hi to the neighbours every now and then!

Kiera: Yeah, if you want to make friends then it’s probably best not to kill everyone!

Melani: But then why did you wear those scary helmets with horns in them?

Ava: Ah…well…you see…um…we sort of….didn’t!

Nahome: What?

Frankie: The Vikings never really wore helmets with horns in them, that’s just a made up story.

Nahome: But Mr Cameron, you told us they did!

Alfie: Yes…um…well…I was testing you, yes that’s it, I was just testing you to see if you knew! Of course I knew they didn’t wear those helmets…yeah…that’s right…just testing you.

Chanters: ROW

Vikings: ROW

Song - Finale

Solo Do you hear the Vikings sing?

Singing our songs of gods and war.

Group We weren’t the evil bunch of raiders

that the movies claim we were.

All Yes we liked to pick a fight

But on the whole we were alright

And no we never wore those helmets topped with horns

Alice: Please bow your heads for a prayer:

For those who seek a Saviour

we lead them to the Stable

To the One who was born

To bring freedom



For those who seek Assurance

we lead them to the Light

To the One who opens eyes

to understanding 

God's Word


For those who seek Forgiveness

We lead them to a Grace

beyond comprehension

To wholeness




In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. With Christ at our centre, we love listen and learn.


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