Early West African Societies

Early West African Societies

Chapter 5 Section 2


Main Ideas

1. __________ and __________ influenced daily life in early West African society.

2. __________ __________ changed life in West Africa.

3. __________ shaped the history of West Africa.


Thousands of years ago, much of Africa had a __________ climate. But the climate in many areas became drier, creating desert.

People who used to roam __________ had to leave the desert areas.

They moved closer together, settling in __________. At the heart of village life was __________.

A typical West African family was an __________ __________, parents, children, and near relatives all live in one household.

In some areas, men or women born within two to three years of each other formed __________.

People in extended families and age-sets had a __________ to help each other.

__________ West African beliefs reinforce the importance of the family.

__________ helped support village life. Everyone worked hard.

The men __________ and __________. They grew versatile grains such as __________ and __________.

The women took care of the __________, __________, gathered __________, carried __________, and ground __________.

__________ was also central to West African life. Most villagers believed that the __________ of people who died stayed close to their village.

The living would erect __________ in honor of their dead ancestors and offer food to the spirits.

Another common belief was __________, the belief that animals, trees, bodies of water and other natural objects have spirits.

Identify Who made up an extended family?

Analyze What role did animism play in the West African culture?

Elaborate Why were extended families and age-sets important in early West African cultures?


Over time new __________s changed West African culture.

The most important discovery happened around 500 BC when West Africans learned how to make __________ out of __________.

The first people to use this technology were the __________ people.

The Nok lived in modern-day __________.

They used iron to make better farm tools to grow more __________.

With iron tools, people could cut down trees and make more land usable for __________.

They also used iron to make stronger __________.

With more resources, the people had __________ that they could trade.

Identify What important discovery happened about 500 BC?

Explain How did early West Africans use iron?

Elaborate What caused West Africa’s population to grow after the people there discovered how to work with iron?


At first people had trouble traveling through the African deserts to __________.

Around 200 AD, Romans brought the first __________ to Africa. Camels could travel a long way in the desert without needing water.

People traded __________, __________, __________, and human __________.

Trade routes went all the way to __________ and to the __________ world.

Some trading camps, like __________, grew into cities.

Timbuktu later became the center of an __________ that grew from the riches made from the __________ __________ across the Sahara.

Identify What were the most valuable goods traded across the Sahara?

Explain What allowed traders to travel farther across the desert?

Summarize Why was crossing the Sahara as part of a trade caravan dangerous work?


Lesson Objective(s):_______________________



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