West African Empires

West African Empires

Chapter 6, Section 3




2. The ___________ built a new empire in West Africa.

3. ___________ ___ ___________ ruled Songhai as an Islamic empire.

4. Songhai fell to ________ invaders, ending the great era of West African empires.


• As Mali weakened, a people called the ___________ (SAHNG-hy) grew in strength.

• These people gave their name to the last of the great West African ___________ empires.

• Songhai’s founders were ___________ from North Africa who began settling along the big bend of the Niger River in the ___________.

• In this inland delta area, the river brings precious ___________ to an otherwise dry region.

• Soon the settlers had built ___________ and were trading on the river.

• Trade brought the Songhai into contact with ___________.

• By the ___________, many of the Songhai had converted to Islam.

• In the ___________ the lands of the Songhai lay within the empire of Mali, which was at the height of its power.

• However, the Songhai did not like living under Mali’s ___________. As Mali ___________, the Songhai broke free.

• Then in 1468, Songhai leader ___________ ___________ (SOOH-nee ah-LEE) captured the trade centers of Timbuktu and Djenné, and eventually all of Mali.

• He went on to develop trade centers and build up his capital, _______. From Gao, Sunni Ali made Songhai into an empire famous for its wealth.

Identify Where did the Songhai people live before they had their own kingdom?

Recall What religion did the Songhai practice?

Evaluate What effects do you think the Songhai warriors’ attacks had on the people of Djenné?


• Sunni Ali and ___________ ___________, his son who followed him as ruler, were not Muslims.

• But most of the ___________ of the empire’s ___________ were Muslim.

• They feared that if Sunni Baru did not support Islam they would lose trade and power, so they ___________.

• After overthrowing Sunni Baru, the leader of that rebellion became known as ___________ the ___________.

• Muslim ___________ and ___________ thrived during Askia’s reign, as they had under Mansa Musa.

• Timbuktu’s ___________ of ___________ were strengthened and began to attract students from as far away as Europe.

• Djenné also became a center of learning, especially for ___________ ___________.

• Doctors in Djenné discovered that mosquitoes spread ___________.

• To rule Songhai effectively, Askia divided the empire into five ___________.

• He created ___________ departments in charge of special tasks, much like governments today.

• He also improved ___________ methods and standardized ___________.

Identify Who was Askia the Great?

Recall How did Askia improve Timbuktu?

Making Inferences How might Askia’s beliefs have helped him as a ruler?


• Askia the Great lost power to his ___________ in ___________.

• ___________, a country to the north, invaded Songhai.

• They attacked and ___________ both Timbuktu and Gao.

• Songhai never recovered. Overland trade ___________.

• Other trade centers ___________ and ___________ of the old empire grew and became more important.

• That completed Songhai’s ___________.

Identify Why did Morocco first attack Songhai?

Recall What device helped the Moroccans to defeat the Songhai?

Analysis Why did the Moroccan army invade Songhai?

Close: How did Timbuktu’s status represent the power of an empire?


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