Teacher’s Name: - Underwood Eagles

Teacher’s Name: Andy Vanfossan Building: High School Grade: 9-10 Subject/Course: W. Geog.

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| |Content |Skills |Essential Questions |Assessment |

|August | |-Identification of 5 themes of Geography |-How do the 5 themes of Geography |-Chapter Tests |

| | |-Analyze changes within the earth (plate |apply to your own community? |-Map Tests |

| |Iowa Geography |tectonics) | |-Participation |

| |Begin Chapter 1-3 |-Compare changes on the earth’s surface | |-Worksheets |

| |Exploring Geography |(weathering/erosion) | |-Map Projects |

| |Climate and Vegetation | | |-Study Guides |

| |Population (all fall under Physical | | | |

| |Geography) | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|September | |-Compare weather & climate |-How do climate and vegetation |-Chapter Tests |

| | |-Identify vegetation types & regions |patterns affect local and regional|-Map Tests |

| | |-Analyze human geography & culture |populations? |-Participation |

| |Chapter 4: Resources and Land Use |-Analyze population density |-How do population and cultural |-Worksheets |

| |Chapter 5-7 U.S regional map and |-Compare political & economic systems |patterns affect local and regional|-Map Projects |

| |profiles of the U.S. |-Compare world resources |populations? |-Study Guides |

| | |-Interpret world economic activity & |-How does a country’s resource | |

| | |development |base and land use affect its | |

| | | |local, state, and regional | |

| | | |population? | |

|October |Chapter 8- Canada |-Identify regions |-How does the United States |-Chapter Tests |

| |Chapter 9- Regional Atlas: Latin |-Compare cities & countries |economy/ethnic situation affect |-Map Tests |

| |America |-Identify physical features & climate |future progress? |-Participation |

| |Chapter 10: Mexico |-Analyze cultural differences |-How does the physical/cultural |-Worksheets |

| |Chapter 11 Central American and the |-Compare historical and contemporary |geography of the United States |-Map Projects |

| |Caribbean |culture |affect future progress? |-Study Guides |

| | |-Evaluate economies/resources |-How have the historical European |-Web Quests |

| | | |ties affected the United States? | |

| | | | | |

|November |Chapter 12: Brazil |-Identify regions |-How does Canada’s historical ties|-Chapter Tests |

| |Chapter 13: Countries of South American|-Compare cities & countries |affect future progress? |-Map Tests |

| |Chapter 14: Regional Atlas: Western |-Identify physical features & climate |-How does Mexico’s |-Participation |

| |Europe |-Analyze cultural differences |physical/cultural geography affect|-Worksheets |

| | |-Compare historical and contemporary |future progress? |-Map Projects |

| | |culture | |-Study Guides |

| | |-Evaluate economies/resources | |-Web Quests |

|December |Chapter 15: the British Isles and |-Identify regions |-How does the Central |-Chapter Tests |

| |Nordic Nations |-Compare cities & countries |America/Caribbean economy/ethnic |-Map Tests |

| |Chapter 16: West Central Europe |-Identify physical features & climate |situation affect future progress? |-Participation |

| | |-Analyze cultural differences |-How does the physical/cultural |-Worksheets |

| | |-Compare historical and contemporary |geography of Brazil affect future |-Map Projects |

| | |culture |progress? |-Study Guides |

| | |-Evaluate economies/resources |-How have the historical European |-Web Quests |

| | | |ties affected the future progress | |

| | | |of the countries of South America?| |

Teacher’s Name: Andy Vanfossan Building: High School Grade: 9-10 Subject/Course: W. Geog.

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| |Content |Skills |Essential Questions |Assessment |

|January |Chapter 17: Mediterranean Europe |-Identify regions |-How have the unifying and divisive |-Chapter Tests |

| |Chapter 18: Regional Atlas of Eastern |-Compare cities & countries |issues within the history of the |-Map Tests |

| |Europe |-Identify physical features & climate|British Isles/Nordic Nations affected |-Participation |

| | |-Analyze cultural differences |future progress? |-Worksheets |

| | |-Compare historical and contemporary | |-Map Projects |

| | |culture |-How has the physical/cultural |-Study Guides |

| | |-Evaluate economies/resources |background of Central Western Europe |-Web Quests |

| | | |impacted the rest of Europe and the |-European Vacation Plan |

| | | |world? | |

|February |Chapter 18: Atlas of Eastern Europe |-Identify regions |-How has the location of the |-Chapter Tests |

| |Chapter 19: The Countries of Eastern |-Compare cities & countries |Mediterranean European countries |-Map Tests |

| |Europe |-Identify physical features & climate|affected its colonial and economic |-Participation |

| |Chapter 20: Regional Atlas” Northern |-Analyze cultural differences |future? |-Worksheets |

| |Eurasia |-Compare historical and contemporary | |-Map Projects |

| | |culture |-How has location & cultural |-Study Guides |

| | |-Evaluate economies/resources |differences of Eastern Europe caused |-Web Quests |

| | | |both difficulties and successes? | |

|March |Chapter 20: Eurasia Atlas |-Identify regions |-How have the people of Eastern Europe|-Chapter Tests |

| |Chapter 21: Russia and the Independent|-Compare cities & countries |been weakened and strengthened |-Map Tests |

| |Republics |-Identify physical features & climate|throughout a history of conflict? |-Participation |

| |Chapter 22: Regional Atlas: Southwest|-Analyze cultural differences |-Compare the harsh realities of |-Worksheets |

| |Asia |-Compare historical and contemporary |Northern Eurasia’s climate and |-Map Projects |

| | |culture |resource base to that of the world? |-Study Guides |

| | |-Evaluate economies/resources |-How have Russia & the Independent | |

| | | |Republics transitioned from both a | |

| | | |rich historical past and potential | |

| | | |successful future? | |

| April |Chap. 22 Regional Atlas: Southwest |-Identify regions |-How does the location and resource |-Chapter Tests |

| |Asia |-Compare cities & countries |base affect the future progress of |-Map Tests |

| | |-Identify physical features & climate|Southwest Asia? |-Note Quizzes |

| |Chap 23 – Countries of Southwest Asia |-Analyze cultural differences | |-Section Reviews |

| | |-Compare historical and contemporary |-How has South Asia’s location & |-Participation |

| |Chap 24- Regional Atlas: Africa |culture |physical features affected its |-Worksheets |

| | |-Evaluate economies/resources |economic and cultural future? |-Map Projects |

| | | | |-Country Reports |

|May |Chap. 28 Regional Atlas: South |-Identify regions |-How has the culture & population of |-Chapter Tests |

| |Asia |-Compare cities & countries |the countries of South Asia affected |-Map Tests |

| | |-Identify physical features & climate|future progress? |-Note Quizzes |

| |Chap. 29 – The Countries of South Asia|-Analyze cultural differences |-How does the location of the East |-Section Reviews |

| | |-Compare historical and contemporary |Asian and Pacific countries affect |-Participation |

| |Chap. 30 – Regional Atlas: East Asia |culture |future progress? |-Worksheets |

| |and the Pacific World |-Evaluate economies/resources | |-Map Projects |

| | | | |-Country Reports |

| | | | |-Semester Assessment |


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