Finance - Ivy Tech Community College



Banner Finance & Higher Markets Access Request Submission

? 2010 Ivy Tech Community College. All rights reserved. This documentation is proprietary information of Ivy Tech Community College and is not to be copied, reproduced, lent or disposed of, nor used for any purpose other than that for which it is specifically provided without the written permission of Ivy Tech Community College. The unauthorized possession, use, reproduction, distribution, display or disclosure of this material or the information contained herein is prohibited. Prepared By: Ivy Tech Community College 50 West Fall Creek Parkway North Drive Indianapolis, Indiana 46208 Release 1.0 December 2011

Ivy Tech Community College Training Banner Finance ? Access Requests



INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 3

LEARNING OBJECTIVES........................................................................................... 4

TERMS AND CONCEPTS ............................................................................................ 5

OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................... 6

SUBMITTING THE REQUEST ................................................................................... 7

Banner Finance Access Requests


v 1.0 December 2011

Ivy Tech Community College Training Banner Finance ? Access Requests



Workbook goal

The goal of this workbook is to provide you with knowledge to submit requests for new, updated, or removal of access for employees who utilize Higher Markets or Banner Finance INB and SSB.

Intended audience

Supervisors whose staff utilize Higher Markets or Banner Finance INB or SSB

Prerequisite Training


Workbook revision history




December 2011

Original Release

Banner Finance Access Requests


v 1.0 December 2011

Ivy Tech Community College Training Banner Finance ? Access Requests


Learning Objectives

After completing this self-study workbook, the user will be able to:

1. Request new or updated access for Higher Markets for a staff member. 2. Request new or updated access for Banner Finance INB for a staff member. 3. Request new or updated access for Banner Finance SSB for a staff member. 4. Request removal of access for Higher Markets for a staff member. 5. Request removal of access for Banner Finance INB for a staff member. 6. Request removal of access for Banner Finance SSB for a staff member.

Banner Finance Access Requests


v 1.0 December 2011

Ivy Tech Community College Training Banner Finance ? Access Requests


Terms and Concepts

TERM Class

Data-Enterable Level

Fund Code Fund Type Org Code


Predecessor Code Query


Used in Banner to identify a group of Banner forms pertinent to a specific role i.e. Accounts Payable. Each form within a class is assigned update or query access.

Level at which transactions are actually entered and posted to FOAPAL codes. For example: VP Finance Office or General Counsel Office (Org codes)

An alpha/numeric designation for a self-balancing set of accounts in which transactions are recorded.

Provides ability to report, in summary method, fund codes that have commonalities.

A numeric designation for departmental/budgetary subdivisions. This refers to the department or office that controls the budget. Commonly referred to as Org Code.

Ability to enter requisitions in Higher Markets for a specific fund or org code, ability to enter transactions in INB Banner for specific funds or orgs.

The Fund, Org, or Account code that a lower level Fund, Org, or Account code summarizes into (respectively) within the hierarchy.

Ability to view budget queries in SSB Finance and view invoice details in approval queues for specific funds and orgs; ability to view transaction detail in INB Banner for specific funds or orgs.

Banner Finance Access Requests


v 1.0 December 2011


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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