Donor Recognition Dinner - University of West Florida

Donor Recognition Dinner

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Donor Recognition Dinner

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Welcome Dr. Brendan Kelly, Vice President, University Advancement

President, UWF Foundation, Inc.

Dinner Foundation Message Gordon Sprague, Chair, UWF Foundation Board

University Update Dr. Judy Bense, President, UWF Recognition & Thanks Dr. Brendan Kelly, Vice President, University Advancement

President, UWF Foundation, Inc.

University of West Florida Donor Recognition Dinner

Giving Societies

harold b. crosby society--$1,000,000 or more john c. pace society--$500,000 to $999,999

founder's society--$250,000 to $499,999 chambered nautilus society--$100,000 to $249,999

charter society of 63--$50,000 to $99,999 president's circle--$25,000 to $49,999

This program is a recognition of our lifetime giving society donors and reflects all gifts received through June 30, 2016. Gifts received after that date will be recognized in next year's program.

University of West Florida Donor Recognition Dinner

Harold B. Crosby Society

Harold B. Crosby Society--$1,000,000 or more

Named after UWF's first president, Judge Harold B. Crosby, this society is created to honor the pioneering spirit that was needed to launch a new university. Judge Crosby not only had the courage to fight for an institution of higher education in the region, but he recognized the endless possibilities that an education could provide the residents of Northwest Florida. The Harold B. Crosby Society is in honor of those individuals who share these same qualities and who have invested in significant ways to the advancement of the University of West Florida with their gifts.

James H. Baroco, Sr.* The Bear Family Foundation, Inc. Florida Board of Education Frederic G. Levin Harold "Hal" E. Marcus, Jr. John C. Pace, Jr.* Katharine C. Pace* Mr. Stanley Schmerken Quint and Rishy Studer *Deceased

3 University of West Florida Donor Recognition Dinner

Jofn C. Pace Society

John C. Pace Society--$500,000 to $999,999

In July 1962, the Board of Control voted to build a new university in West Florida. John C. Pace's influence led the board in its choice of Harold B. Crosby as the first UWF President. The John C. Pace Society is in honor of those individuals most instrumental in the establishment and advancement of the University of West Florida through their contributions.

Alfred I. duPont Foundation Alice Amelia Hall Trust Baptist Health Care BCR Foundation Florida Blue Joan Ames* and John Thayer* Burr Gulf Power Company

Gulf Power Foundation, Inc. Mr. Henry L. Hilton-Green, Jr.* Ms. Virginia Hilton-Green* Kerrigan, Estess, Rankin, McLeod

and Thompson Dr. Bob Kimball Kugelman Foundation

Pensacola Historical Society, Inc. Betty* and Crawford* Rainwater Charlie and Fran Switzer John Lamar Switzer Jr. Mrs. Helen J. Wentworth


John C. Pace

In July 1962, at a climactic meeting in Pensacola's Hotel San Carlos, the Board of Control voted to recommend a new university be built in West Florida. As a member of that board, influential West Floridian, John C. Pace, carried the banner for the Florida Panhandle and also led the board in its choice of Harold B. Crosby as the first UWF President.

University of West Florida Donor Recognition Dinner 4

Founders Society

Founder's Society--$250,000 to $499,999

The Founder's Society represents the spirit of those who established the University through their dedication to a unique mission. Membership in this society recognizes individuals who are visionaries and exhibit tremendous leadership in their efforts to strengthen the university with their contributions.

Leola S. Alexander* Joe and Maggie Ambersley Bank of America Barnett Bank Dr. Judy Bense Ronald N.* and Valmae Besser The Chadbourne Foundation D. W. McMillan Foundation Raymond C. Dyson* Florida Board of Governors

Foundation, Inc. Richard M. Fountain Seymour Gitenstein* Raymond M. Haas*

IBM Corporation National Defense Industrial Association,

Gulf Coast Chapter William and Wanda Pickens Sacred Heart Health System Santa Rosa Historical Society, Inc. Jane G. and Fred K.* Seligman William* and Mary Smart* Margaret J. Smith* Southern Company Charitable

Foundation, Inc. Elizabeth R. Woolf


5 University of West Florida Donor Recognition Dinner

Cfambered Nautilus Society

Chambered Nautilus Society--$100,000 to $249,999

The University's founders adopted the chambered nautilus as its distinctive emblem. Just as the chambered nautilus signifies the deliberate pace and delicate design appropriate to a house of learning, its namesake society recognizes quintessential commitment to philanthropy on behalf of the University of West Florida.

Academic Partnerships, LLC Ascension Health Ministry SVC CTR AT&T AT&T Foundation Mary Firestone Baars* Mr. George A.* and Mrs. Ann F. Belleau Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC Celestine M. Carroll* J.D. Carroll* Chevron Corporation K.C. and Lori Clark Clark Partington Terry and Susie Conner Environmental Protection Agency -

Gulf of Mexico Program Exxon Education Foundation Estate of James and Shirley Flack Florida Public Broadcasting

Service, Inc.

Freedom Forum C.W. and Marny Gilluly Green-Simmons Company, Inc. Gulf Power Western Division L. Ray Harry Hill-Kelly Dodge, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Paul S. Hsu Mr. and Mrs. William Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Jackson Mattie M. Kelly* Dr. James H. Langston/

First City Bank Scholarship Lefferts L.* and

Marianne M. Mabie Mr. and Mrs. Julian B. MacQueen Larry* and Ella Manziek Patricia H* and

Harold E. Marcus, Jr. Dorothy Martin*

Lois G. Maxon The Medical Center Clinic Monsanto Chemical Company George Emmitte Nicholson Irrev

Trust U/W William J.* and Jane* Noonan Mort and Nancy O'Sullivan Orville Beckford Ford/Mercury Cacilda Prado Pace Partnership for Public Health, Inc. Pen Air Federal Credit Union Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Pennington Mr. Philip B. Phillips, Jr. Primavera Systems, Inc. Regions Bank Mr. Stephen C. Riggs III CPA Eugene M. Robinson* Rotary Student Loan Fund Saltmarsh, Cleaveland and

Gund, P.A. Sandy and Peggy Sansing Joan Marie Seifert Shell Oil Company Foundation Mr. George V. Sherman, Jr. T.T. Wentworth Jr.

Historical Foundation Tektronix UWF Alumni Association UWF Faculty

Scholarship Endowment Warren Averett CPAs and Advisors Webb Electric Company

of Florida, Inc. West Florida Medical Center

Clinic, P.A. Joe and Betty Zimmers


University of West Florida Donor Recognition Dinner 6

Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul,

As the swift seasons roll! Leave thy low-vaulted past! Let each new temple, nobler

than the last, Shut thee from heaven with a

dome more vast, Till thou at length art free, Leaving thine outgrown shell

by life's unresting sea!

? Oliver Wendell Holmes

University of West Florida Donor Recognition Dinner


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