Minchadirectory 2010-pearl-2Abc 3



Published by Agudath Israel of America Commission on Community Services 42 Broadway, New York, NY 10004 Phone: 212 797-9000 ext. 274

Fax: 646 254-1630

Email: torahprojects@



This Mincha Directory is based on information available at the time of printing. Although we cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the data furnished us, we are most thankful for errors brought to our attention. Please note the following: y It is always best to Call before going to a Minyan the first time to confirm the information

herein. y Minyanim that meet late afternoon often change schedules as the days lengthen. y Fast days pose a special problem. Not every Minyan possesses a Sefer Torah, and those that do

will often daven earlier y Minyanim at Yeshivos and Day Schools often meet only on school days. Similarly, many business

Minyanim do not meet on legal holidays. The fact that a shul is listed in this directory does not mean that its mechitzah satisfies all

standards. For changes, corrections, or to list additional Minyanim, please contact:

Agudath Israel of America Commission on Community Services 42 Broadway, New York, NY 10004 Phone: 212 797-9000 ext. 274 Fax: 646 254-1630 E-Mail: torahprojects@ We appreciate the efforts of Dr. Bernard Fryshman, who originated this project. Comments or questions may also be directed to him at 1-212-533-5335.

Agudath Israel of America is part of the world movement of Agudath Israel, which was founded in 1912 to mobilize Torah-loyal Jews for the perpetuation of authentic Judaism. Agudath Israel aims to establish the sovereignty of Torah in all problems facing the Jew as individuals and as a nation. To achieve these aims, Agudath Israel of America maintains nineteen divisions of activity embracing every phase of Jewish life and daily affecting the lives of many thousands of Jews, young and old.



New York City: Manhattan Below 14th Street .......... 14th thru 59th Streets - East Side 14th thru 59th Streets - West Side 59th thru 96th Streets - East Side 59th thru 96th Streets - West Side Above 96th Street.......... Bronx ............................. Brooklyn ........................ Queens ........................... Staten Island................... Westchester ................. Long Island ................. New Jersey .................. New York State ............ Connecticut ....................


(4) (6) (7) (9) (9) (10) (11) (12) (15) (16)

(17) (18) (19) (21) (21)

? 2010 Published by: Agudath Israel of America Reproduction without written permission prohibited




1. AGUDATH ISRAEL OF AMERICA 42 Broadway, 14th Floor

Time: M-Th 1:00, 2:00 EST M-Th 1:30, 2:00 DST F 1:00 EST, 1:30 DST

Tel.#: 212-797-9000 Daf Yomi: M-F 45 min. before 1st. Minyan Parsha: Thursday 1:00 for women only

2. DOWNTOWN BAIS MEDRASH 25 Broadway (Morris St. entrance), 1st Floor

Time: Contact: Shiur:

M-Th 1:40 All Year C. Bauman/212-438-3828 Thursday 1:00 (Chumash)

3. UNION OF ORTHODOX JEWISH CONGREGATIONS OF AMERICA 11 Broadway, 14th floor conference room

Time: Contact:

M-Th 3:00 All Year F 1:00 EST, 2:30 DST 212-563-4000

4. ONE STATE STREET THE WOLFSON GROUP 1 State Street, 29th Floor

Time: Tel.#:

M-Th 1:35 Call First 212-412-9114 / 212-412-9104


30 Broad Street cor. exchange place 25th Floor

Time: Tel.#::

M-Th 15 min. before shikiya Call First 212-248-2217 ext. 212

6. BROADWAY MANAGEMENT 80 Broad Street, 27th Floor

Time: M-Th 4:00 All Year Contact: Mr. H. Williger/212-493-7000

7. FAHNESTOCK & CO. 125 Broad St ? 14th Fl., Conference Room

Time: M-Th 2:00 Contact: Stanley Hershfang/212-859-9239

8. 45 BROADWAY 45 Broadway, Security Office ? lobby

Time: M-Th 2:00 All Year Contact: Aaron Weis/212-284-3750

9. CHINUCH ATZMAI-TORAH SCHOOLS 40 Exchange Place - 27 William Street #1403

Time: 12:45 EST 1:40 DST

Contact: Rabbi Cohen/212-248-6200 Daf Yomi: M-Th 1:00 - 1:40,

Fri. 12:00-12:40

10. 27 WILLIAM STREET Cor. Exchange Place Suite 613

Time: 3:15 EST Contact: Hillel Zaltzman 212 943-9690

11. GFI MORTGAGE BANKERS 50 Broadway, 4th Floor conference room

Time: Contact:

4:30 EST, 4:45 DST Maariv follows in winter Abe Eisner/212-837-4642

12. BLUE SWITCH. 61 Broadway Suite 2710

Time: Contact:

M-Th 4:00-4:30 EST 4:30 DST Maariv EST Call for time Sefardic Minyan Alex/212-742-2770

13. FBE LTD. 111 Broadway, 20th Floor

Time: M-Th 2:00 All Year

Contact: Jake Arjang/212-266-8266

14. BROAD MANAGEMENT 160 Broadway, East Wing, 2nd Floor Rear Bais Medrash Bet. Maiden Lane & Liberty (Sefer Torah)

Time: Tel.#:

M-Th 12:45, 1:45, 4:05 EST 1:45, 4:05 DST 212 349-2154

15. 3 WORLD FINANCIAL 200 Vessey St. . Level P4

Time: M-Th 1:40 EST Maariv Call First

Contact: Allon Franklin 212 640-7042

16. COPE INSTITUTE 225 Broadway, 2nd Floor

Time: Tel.#::

M-Th 2:15 EST 212-809-5935 x301

17. WALL STREET SYNAGOGUE 47 Beekman Street (bet. William & Gold St.)

Shacharis: T/W/F 7:15; M/Th 7:10 Mincha: M-Th 12:45, 1:35, 1:50,

10 min before sunset EST Maariv follows M-Th 1:35, 1:50, 5:30 DST F 1:35, 10 min before sunset EST F 1:35, 7:00 DST Contact: Jerry Roth/212-227-7800 x13


18. CAPITAL AUDIO 120 Duane Street (2 blocks North of City Hall)


M-Th 1:40 All Year, F 12:40 EST F1:40 DST

Maariv 5:30 EST Contact: Jack Tabak/212-964-9400

19. 26 FEDERAL PLAZA 26 Federal Plaza, Room 1733

Time: M-Th 12:40 EST, 1:40 DST Contact: George Pavel/212-264-8640 20. MESIVTA TIFERES JERUSALEM 145 East Broadway

Shacharis: 7:45


Maariv: Tel.#::


M-Th 1:30 EST, F 12:30 EST S-F 1:30 DST 6:15 EST, 9:00 DST 212-964-2830 / 212-962-9296 212-962-8278 11:00 & before 1:30 Mincha

21. YOUNG ISRAEL OF MANHATTAN 228 East Broadway, corner Clinton Mezzanine level

Shacharis: M/Th 6:45 T/W/F 7:00

Mincha: 10 min. before sunset Maariv: 30 min. after sunset Contact: Rabbi Y. Siff/212-732-0966

Shiur: Daf Yomi Call for time

22. BIALYSTOKER SHUL 7-11 Willet St., on Bialystoker Place

Shacharis: M/Th 6:00, 7:00, 7:45, 8:30 T/W/F 6:15, 7:00, 7:45, 8:30 S 6:15, 7:00, 7:45, 8:30, 9:15

Mincha: Call for exact times Shiur: Rav Singer

Chevra Mishnayos between Mincha and Maariv Daf Yomi: Rabbi Zvi Romm Sun.-Thur after Maariv Contact: Rev Abramowitz/212-475-0165

23. CIVIC CENTRE SYNAGOGUE SYNAGOGUE FOR THE ARTS 49 White St. (bet. Church St. & Broadway)

Shacharis: M/Th 7:20; T/W/F 7:30 Mincha: 12:40 & 1:40 EST

1:40 DST Maariv M-Th 5:30 EST Contact: Rabbi J. Glass/212-966-7141



24. EAGLE PAPER 121 Varick St. 10th Floor Time: M-Th 1:05 EST, 1:45 DST Contact: Josh Vizel/212-604-9605

25. MESERITCH SHUL E.6th St. bet. 1st Ave. & Ave. A

Time: Tel.#:

S-Th 4:30 EST, 7:00 DST 212-473-3665

26. NYU ? WEINSTEIN KOSHER CAFETERIA 5-11 University Place, bet. 8th St. & Waverly


Maariv: Contact

1:30 All Year, 10 min. before sunset DST Call Before Mid Dec.-Jan. no Minyan

Tues. 8:30 Rabbi Y. Sarnat:212-998-4118




27. BETH ISRAEL HOSPITAL - LINSKY BUILDING 1st Ave. & 16th St., Main Floor Chapel

Time: M-Th 1:30 All Year Contact: Rabbi Goldsmith/212-420-2729

28. CONSOLIDATED EDISON COMPANY 4 Irving Place, Room 320

Time: Shiur: Contact:

12:45 EST, 1:30 DST 12:30 EST, 1:15 DST Mr. Leffel/212-780-8247

29. JAY IMPORTS 41 Madison Avenue, 12th Fl. Corner of Madison and 26th St.

Time: 1:30 EST, 1:45 DST Contact: David Jay/ 212-683-2727

30. CONG. TALMUD TORAH ADERETH El 133 East 29th St., between 3rd & Lexington

Shacharis: M/Th 6:50 T/W/F 7:00 Shabbos 9:00 Sunday 8:30, Rosh Chodesh 6:45

Mincha: M-Th 1:00 and 10 min before sunset EST M-Th 1:40 and Plag HaMincha DST Fri. close to sunset Shabbos 25 min before Shkiyah

Contact: R' Gideon Shloush/212-685-0241

31. NYU MEDICAL CENTER Rusk Building - 400 East 34th Street 1st floor ?Room 118 Bikur Cholim Room

Time: Contact:

15 min. before shkiya, Maariv follows EST 5:00 DST Call First Rabbi Rabhan, 212-263-5057

32. FRENKEL, HERSHKOWITZ & SHAFRAN 16 E. 34th St., 16th Fl., bet. 5th & Madison

Time: 1:45 All Year Call First Contact: Bernard A. Shafran/212-679-4666

33. FINESHEER 350 Fifth Ave., Empire State Bldg., Ste. 5001

Time: Contact:

4:15 EST followed by Maariv 4:15 DST Solomon Franco/212-594-4224

34. KLEIN & SOLOMON, LLP 275 Madison Ave. at 40th St., 11th Fl.

Time: Shiur: Contact:

M-Th 1:45 F 12:45 EST, 1:45 DST Kitzur Shulchan Aruch M-Th 1:35, F 12:35 Shoshana or Ed/212-661-9400

35. MID MANHATTAN MINCHA MINYAN 10 East 40th St. bet Madison and 5th

Time: M-Th 1:30 EST 1:40 DST Shiur: Parshas Hashavuah following Mincha Contact: Mordechai/646 285-7583

36. CARE TO CARE BOARDROOM 755 2ndAvenue, 2nd Floor 41st. St. and 2nd Avenue

Time: Tel.#:

M-Th 1:30 All Year 212-747-1000

37. LOEB & TROPER 655 Third Ave, bet. 41st and 42nd St. 17th Floor Ashkenaz Minyan Jesse Frommer office Sefardic Minyan David Adest office


Contact: Tel.#::

M-Th 1:45 All Year Fri 1:00 EST 1:45 DST (Tell the receptionist you are here for Mincha) Jesse Frommer 212-697-3000

38. 369 LEXINGTON AVE. Cor. Of 41st. St. 24th Floor

Sefardic Minyan

Time: 1:45 All Year Contact: Yehuda 212 983-033839.

39. GRAND CENTRAL TERMINAL At entry to track 42, across from Eddie's Shoe Service Time: M-Th 12:45 EST, 1:40 DST Tel.#: 212 986-8400 Ext. 231

40. CHABAD LUBAVITCH MIDTOWN CENTER 509 5th Ave., bet. 42nd & 43rd St. 2nd Fl.

Time: Maariv: Shiur: Tel.#:

M-F 1:45 M-Th 5:45 (Succos-Pesach) 1:00 212-972-0770


World Jewish Congress 501 Madison Avenue, 17th Floor

Time: Tel#

M-Th 1:45 All Year 212 755-5770

42. IPR\ITZHAKI PROPERTIES 580 Broadway, Suite 1107 Bet. Prince and Houston

Time: Tel.#:

M-Th 2:00 212 226-9000




43. CONG. EMUNATH ISRAEL 236 West 23rd Street, bet. 7th & 8th Aves.

Shacharis: 7:30 Call First Mincha: M-Th 3:10 Plag 3:29 Tel.#:: 212-242-9882

44. TOURO COLLEGE 27 West 23rd Street 3rd Floor Beth Midrash, room 322

Mincha: M-Th 1:45 All Year Nusach Sefard 2:30 Maariv: 5:30 in winter time varies Tel.#: 212-463-0400 x409

45. 10 WEST APPAREL 10 West 33rd St. Room 216

Mincha: M-Th EST, DST Call for time F. 1:30 EST

Contact: Solomon Gadeh/212-564-1007

46. RABBINICAL COUNCIL OF AMERICA 305 7th Ave., bet. 27th & 28th St.12th Floor

Time: Tel.#:

M-Th 1:45 All Year 212-807-7888

47. J. LEVINE BOOKS & JUDAICA 5 West 30th Street, bet. Broadway & 5th Ave.

Time: Contact:

M-Th 1:40 All Year (Kriyas HaTorah on Fast Days) Danny Levine/212-695-6888 x826

48. ATLANTIC JEWELRY 104 West 29th Street, 6th Fl., bet. 6th & 7th

Time: 1:35 All Year Contact: Mr. Shia Fisch/212-695-2622

49. CHAI LIFELINE 151 W. 30th Street, 3rd Fl., 6th & 7th Aves.

Time: Contact:

M-Th 2:00 All Year No minyan on fast days Receptionist/212-465-1300

50. NORTH POINT 347 5th Ave. (at 32nd St.), Room 201

Time: Contact:

4:00 followed by Maariv, EST DST Call First No minyan July-Aug. Minhag Sephardi There may be changes; call first Morris Kassin/212-481-8001

51. HORIZON HOSIERY MILLS 10 West 33rd Street, Suite 606

Time: Contact:

M-Th 4:15 EST ? Call First Minhag Sephardi Receptionist/212-239-8660

52. RUGGED EQUIPMENT 10 West 33rd Street, Room 1217

Time: Tel.#:

M-Th 4:00 EST Followed by Maariv DST ? Call First

Minhag Sefardi 212-268-8172

53. ADJMI APPAREL 100 West 33rd Street, 11th Floor

Time: Contact:

Mincha 4:00 EST Followed by Maariv DST ? Call First Maurice 212-594-5511

54. E. S. ORIGINALS 450 West 33rd Street 9th Floor

Time: Mincha M-Th 15 minutes before sunset EST Call First 1:45 DST

Contact: Joey Safdie, Raymond Arking 212-736-8124

55. PINNACLE GROUP 1 Penn Plaza, 40th floor, Suite 4000 34th Street between 7th & 8th Avenue

Time: M-Th 2:00 All Year Contact: Moshe Weinberger/212-695-2800

56. WEST SIDE JEWISH CENTER 347 West 34th Street, bet. 8th & 9th Ave.

Shacharis: M/Th - 6:45, 8:00 T/W/F - 6:50, 8:00 Rosh Chodesh 6:30

Mincha: S-Th 1:40; F 12:40 EST Shiur: M-F Gemorah 6:00 AM Contact: Rabbi J. Herman/212-502-5291

57. GOLDBURD &CO. LLP 42 West 38th Street, bet. 5th & 6th Ave. Suite 901, 9th Floor

Time: M-Th ? 4:00 All Year Contact: Joseph/212-302-8970

58. CHABAD OF THE PLAZA DISTRICT 3 W.57th Street (corner of 5th Ave. Ninth Floor

Time: M-Th ? 4:30 EST Maariv follows Mincha Contact: Joseph/212-986-1114

59. OUTERSTUFF 1370 Broadway 15th Floor

Time: M-Th 4:00 Contact: Stephenw@

60. SARA MAX 1372 Broadway, 7th fl. bet. 37th and 38th

Time: 4:00-4:30 EST followed by Maariv ? Call First DST: 4:30 ? Call First Minhag Sephardi

Contact: Mr. Moshel/212-842-4000




61. SKIVA INTERNATIONAL 1407 Broadway, bet. 38th and 39th 9th floor Room 909

Time: Contact:

4:15 ? 4:30, Fall until Spring Call First Morris Menablo/212-736-9520


1 Bryant Park (Northwest corner of 42nd and 6th Ave. 36th Floor

Time: M-Th 1:30 ?Call First for security reasons ?Contact: Aryeh Batalion/212 500-3160

63. JORDACHE 1400 Broadway 26th Floor

Time: Contact:

4:00-5:00 ? Call First Minhag Sephardic 212 944-1330

64. JACQUES MORET 1411 Broadway 8th Floor

Time: Call for time, Minhag Sephardi Contact: Morris Beyda/212-354-2400

65. FANTASIA ? GOTHAM REALTY 31 West 34th Street, 5th Floor

Time: Tel.#::

EST 4:30 ? Call First Minhag Sefardi 212-391-1080

66. EZRASONS, INC 37 West 37th Street, 3rd Floor

Time: Contact:

M-Th 4:00 All Year ? Call First Minhag Sephardi Ezra Cattan/Judah 212-768-8330

67. MILLINERY CENTER SYNAGOGUE 1025 6th Avenue, bet. 38th & 39th St.

Mincha: 12:30 1:00 1:30, 2:00 Time: 4:00, 4:15, 4:30, 4:45, 5:05, 5:20 EST followed by Maariv 5:10, 5:30 DST ? Call First

Contact: Rabbi Hayim S. Wahrman 646 262-5061

Parshah of the Week 12:45 Daily Sefer Torah Reading M\Th after Mincha starting at 12:30 Minyan

68. HSBC BANK USA 1 West 39th Street, 3rd Floor

Time: M-Th 1:45 All Year Contact: Joey/212 525-6055

69. PLAY KNITS 240 W. 40th St., bet. 7th & 8th Ave. 3rd Fl.

Time: Contact:

M-Th EST 4:00 Followed by Maariv Fri: 12:15 Sephardic Minyan Receptionist/212-391-0170

70. CONVENIENT TRAVEL 16 West 45th St. 4th Floor

Time: 3:30 EST Contact: Mr. Spitzer 212 921-7100

71. RADIO CITY SYNAGOGUE 30 West 47th Street, bet. 5th & 6th Ave. Suite 305


Contact: Shiur:

M-Th 12:40,1:45, 3:00, 4:15, 5:30 1:45 EST 5:30 DST Call for Maariv Rabbi J. Weinberg/212-819-0839 1:00

72. TIME & LIFE BUILDING CONGREGATION YAD SHAUL 1271 Avenue of the Americas ? 47th Floor

Time: Contact:

M-Th: 2:00 All Year F 12:30 -1:00 EST 2:00 DST Call First Mr. Goldberg/212-259-0363

73. RESHET SHIUREI TORAH MIDTOWN BETH MEDRASH 1290 Avenue of the Americas bet. 51st and 52nd St. (basement) (Escalator to concourse level, staircase J down one flight)

Time: M-Th 12:45, 1:40 EST F 12:45 EST M-F 1:40 DST

Maariv: 6:00 EST Contact: Jack Mandel/212-541-2280 Daf Yomi: M-Th 1:00, Halacha M-Th 2:00

74. VIDA SHOES 29 West 56th Street bet. 5th and 6th Ave.

Time: Contact:

M-Th 3:45 EST? Call First 6:00 DST Minhag Sefardi Morris Varon/ Ezra 212-246-1900 Bais Midrash on premises

75. WEIL, GOTSHAL & MANGES, LLP 767 5th Ave., bet. 58th & 59th St Room 2918

Time: Contact:

10 min. before sunset EST 10 min. before Plag DST Maariv follows after sunset J. Philip Rosen 212-310-8604 Steven Stein/212 310-8412



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