Transition Meeting

July 17, 2014


Mary Jo Cerepani

Trish Meyer

Joan Gregory

Kelly Rock

Shannon Hughes

Eileen O’Toole

Sheila Gealey

Kathy Magdic

Gerri Maurer


Meeting Dates: Calendar for coming year reviewed and discussed as follows. Confirmation of some topics, speakers and time/places to follow:

September 16, 2014 Management of GI toxicity associated with chronic low-dose (cardio-protective) Aspirin use…….Susan Lenhart, PharmD

Location to be decided – possibly Monterey Bay.

Will need to assure those who sign up are in attendance so that all paid spaces are utilized.

October 19, 2014 Half Day pharmacology conference at Robert Morris University –

Suggestions for speakers/topics include:

Sheree Shafer and Studnt – ADHD medications

Kelly Rock – psychiatric issues

Eileen O’Toole – Operating

Trish Meyer – Geriatric

Chris – Medication use in pregnancy and during lactation, including psych meds

November 7-8, 2014-PCNP Annual Conference, November 6-8 2014, Wyndham Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA

January 21, 2015 Location TBA in Pittsburgh. Suggestion to have meetings in various locations, will consider locations off Rt. 28 for this meeting – suggestions included: Baha Bar & Grill and Fox Chapel Yacht Club.

Topic suggested: COPD and Flu season, including spirometry and drugs.

Suggestions for speaker requested.

April 18, 2015 Date not confirmed yet – concerns about weather; may have snow.

Mary Jo and Trish planning to write a grant to bring in Wendy Wright for a half day pharmacology presentation.

Wintergarden Room at West Penn Hospital

May 14, 2015 Annual meeting. Topics suggested is Health Policy

Speaker suggestion is Everett James.

Melody Ives’ father passed away Donation will be sent from the organization

Professional supplies Thank you notes, name tags and new cards - Shannon will send thank you to representatives and speakers. She is the contact person for this activity.

PAC fund Melody Ives (membership coordinator), with Shannon’s help, will submit completed forms to __________.

Raffle winners/Bags Melody will bring raffle tickets to each meeting; Will collect at each meeting in a bag and a winner will be drawn the at annual meeting for registration to state meeting. She will be in charge of the deposits.

Education Committee (from Trish Meyer) Speakers must not have any association with a pharmaceutical company 4 to 5 pharmacology credits for the half day programs.

Reinforce speaker must have no association the with pharmaceuticals to receive pharmacology credits.

October meeting – consider 4-5 reps as exhibitors, and 4-5 speakers

For the November Conference – Karen Carolli is working with vendors, may host a dinner meeting. There is a meeting scheduled next week with Kathy Magdic to discuss vendors. Check the website for prices - $1,500.00 for a dinner program plus the cost of the food; Table price is $1050/ per table.

Treasurer’s report Citizen’s Bank account has been closed and $9,200+ has been moved to a new account that has been set up at PNC Bank. Currently the account has $18,580.83.

A CD had matured and was cashed out at Citizens Bank when the account was closed.

Membership report (from Melody Ives) Membership notes:

Meetings will begin at 6:00pm

Networking from 6:00pm-6:30pm

Business meeting 6:30-7:00pm

Lecture/Dinner 7:00-8:00pm

Patricia Meyer will be in one of the Education Chair, and she will keep the laptop and LCD

Gerri Maurer will be the secretary, will take meeting minutes at each meeting and e-mail them to Mary Jo for posting on website.

|Office |Name |Email |

|President |Mary Jo Cerepani |mo1059@ |

|Vice president |Joan Gregory |jtmg52@ |

|Secretary |Gerri Maurer |gmrmaurer@ |

|Treasurer |Shannon Hughes |shannoncrnp@ |

|Educational chairs |Patricia Meyer | |

|Membership chairs |Melody Ives |mbjogh@ |

|PCNP representative |Eileen O’Toole |eot@ |

|PCNP Honorary |Sheila Gealey |sgealey@ |

|Representative | | |

|Past President |Kathy Magdic | |

Website Bylaws are not on the website yet, and not sure who the agenda and schedule goes to (). Sheila will find out and get back to us.

NPASP Bylaws Bylaws were reviewed and updated. Will be presented at the September meeting for approval, and then posted on the website.

Meeting minutes typed and respectfully submitted by Gerri Maurer, secretary.



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