Calumet Synergy Group - West Central


“To provide an open forum for the people of West Central Alberta to present and discuss information related to the oil and gas industry.”


34 in attendance at Condor Hall; Exits reviewed

Alice Murray, Shell Brian Bilawchuk, Clearwater County Travis Munday, TAQA

Darren Robins, Imperial Don Letwinetz, Encana Doug Ray, Devon

Eleanor Vokes, Bonavista Gary Lewis, Clear Water Landcare Geof Kerr, NewAlta

Gerald Knopp, community Gerry Laslo, community Jan Palsen, Talisman

Judy Winter, community Lee Fisher, TransCanada Keenen Kanda, student

Michelle Marshall, County Mike Haugen, County Mitch Hetu, Apache

Murray Welch, community Rick Anderson, community Monica Rice, Enerplus

Terry Kreese, Baytex Rodney Hollingsworth, community Todd Knull, Penn West

Tim Reay, ConocoPhillips Allison Mostowich, ERCB Bob Morrish, Keyera

Edgar Bigchild, Sunchild Sandy MacDonell, Lightstream Krista Waters,facilitator

Chris Snyder, student Dennis Grandy, Keyera Jill Salus, ConocoPhillips

Justine Gardner, ERCB

Review May meeting notes: No corrections noted

Review Agenda: No additions

Follow up:

o SOMAG & CMAC updates No Updates

o Cow Lake No report from Barry or Dennis, or others

Water plant Gerry Laslo previously brought up two issues with the first being the increased activity of water trucks such that some waited their turn to fill up in the middle of the main road causing possible hazards. The other concern was the premature speeding up of vehicles during and after crossing the North Saskatchewan River bridge since the increase from 60 to 100 kph isn't until maybe .3km further west and past the Taqa yard access.

Krista contacted the Town and noted the town was more than willing to meet with members of WCS on any concerns or questions, but it would have to be outside regular WCS meeting times due to conflicts with council meetings.

ACTION ITEM: Gerry will speak to the Rocky By-law enforcement for direction.

o Map - included in communications presentation below, so tabled momentarily

Input from March 26th Looking for feedback from survey comments from Info Night participants. Lee Fisher (TCPL) added that there was a theme of poor landowner to oil company rep communications. Eleanor (Bonavista) added that it is difficult to reach public (???) i.e. effective advertising. Gerry L. suggested that WCS could assist in advertising/promoting public events/landowner invitations, etc. Eleanor disappointed in turnout of public at some events. Alice Murray added that stakeholders interested in activity may include roadway users more so than just the landowners.

Proactive approach may help stop problems in advance. Judy added that some of the onus/responsibility also belongs with the community and not just Industry required to promote discussion. Sometimes reluctance on the part of the public to attend open houses, and then are adversely reactive to activity.

Mitch (Apache) believes industry is doing a lot/responsible to promote conversation. Often public contact Judy (WCS Community) afterwards for resolution without having done anything to try to contact company involved. “People don’t know who to call” – could come to WCS meeting to meet 1 rep, or call the company involved.

Gerry pondered that WCS may consider having a public office (like SPOG) to give public an avenue for connection. Doug (Devon) suggested that public could contact company offices, most of which are in the area and are accessible. Signage at lease sites and pipeline crossings are also good source of company contact. Companies are willing to help landowners contact other/proper company even if the query does not involve them directly. Not really a good excuse for not being able to make contact with the company involved. Onus may fall to WCS to ensure good communication / coverage for upcoming events / activities / open houses / etc.

Query (Doug) as to why those people who are making such comments about lack of communication have not shown up at company events/open houses, etc.

Rodney from Conoco Aurora added that some public did not show up at Conoco/Aurora BBQ, but still have a dissenting voice over activities. Can be very frustrating to try to contact landowners and have poor turnout.

Companies need to help educate public/landowners over the business drivers. WCS has a good role to play in assisting member companies to make that education succeed. Gerald suggested that if public were to come to WCS meetings they may/would get a better opinion of industries / drivers / priorities. Don, Encana, asked whether public attending open houses ever ask for WCS minutes to show any interest in what WCS has to offer.

ACTION ITEMs: WCS communications committee consider how to deal with this new information.

List company office locations in future newsletters.

Contact list in newsletter again.

Report back to community that companies are using the input from March 26th. Copies are available. Put in newspaper? Newsletter?

Suggestion from Bob Morrish (Keyera Rimbey) regarding Rimbey stakeholders that have successful communications i.e. through a booklet of info and contact #s that worked well. Gerry suggests that this aligns directly with WCS mission statement. WCS to try to obtain Rimbey document for a BMP. Justine suggests that ERCB docs are also available and helpful.

Brian/County suggested that this info collected should be being used by industry to ensure that their communications are effective. WCS should reply to public that these suggestions collected have been heard and how they are being acted upon. Rick A. though it was a positive evening. Tabled.

o Aurora From Justine ERCB: A great example of Synergy, Communication and Collaboration from the landowners and industry working in the Aurora Area.  All seven industry members working in the area have shared the cost of dust suppression on the Northern portion of Hwy761 and a portion of TR41-5A.  The group then hosted a BBQ on May 21st to share the news and network with the community members.  The ERCB has noticed a drop in complaints vs drilling activity since this group started working together (last six months 20 wells drilled with 2 complaints, versus previous six months 7 wells with 8 complaints).

Portion of Hwy 761 was an issue under discussion. BBQ was held, poorly attended. ERCB have rec’d 2 complaints from all the drilling activity in the area. ERCB give kudos to industry involved. Conoco agreed that the experience has been positive, albeit poor turnout at public events. The old way of working without communication has changed, and good public involvement forums are very positive. Aurora (Conoco) are happy to have had the experience and discover the WCS advantage. Conoco, Bonavista, Apache, Talisman, Imperial, Taqa, PennWest are the 7 companies involved. Sort of a sub-committee of both WCS and Rimbey interface groups. Worked through the process of creating a 7 member company that worked well together.

Zorro were identified as another company active in the area – who have received some complaints. Brian/County identified that the road builder (NuWay??) has a 60 day clause to finalize their work, so the dust control that was suggested by the Aurora consortium is in limbo waiting for the road builder to finish their dust control program. County will be working on road maintenance work in the near future and expect there may be 1 days worth of grader time. Lots of rain is also helping with dust control issue. County expect to do the grading at county cost, and extra cost of about $1000 would be minor when split to 7 companies. Group are sending letter to minister (via ERCB-Justine) re this being a one-year solution only and urging the province to address this problematic stretch of road in a permanent way.

o Company invites - Krista still continues to chase other industry companies that have not yet joined WCS. Justine (ERCB) also helping to encourage nonmember companies to join. Krista met with one company (Secure Energy), which was showing interest in joining until they learned what fee was. Discussion about a tiered rate, noted it raises complications. Member companies have to see value for their fees – and it appears that they do.

ACTION ITEM: Discuss fees again when setting budget and fees for 2014.

o Theft - A big issue in the entire region. Surprising how much is going on. Eleanor reported that there was a Telus theft convention due to major impacts in BC. Legislation was effective in dropping theft rate by 85%. AB developing similar legislation, and there are also local bylaws in some regions, both of which should be effective. Expecting that bill to pass in fall 2013.

Member updates

Gerald: nothing new

Rodney/Aurora: Mother Nature has been taking care of dust. Waiting for rain to stop so dust suppression can be applied.

Brenda – absent

Carl and Sybill- absent

Judy- noting new

Gerry Laslo- nothing new.

Anderson – Absent.

Angle – absent.

Apache – Drilling program announced for Q2/Q3 in Willesden Green area. 7 pads to be constructed. Weather permitting.

Bingley Field and compressor station turnaround complete and back on production.

Completions will be moving on to pad at 3-18-40-7W5 with rig and fracking equipment weather permitting.

Mini turnaround planned for 11-19-41-5W5 compressor station in time with Penn West 13-27-41-7W5 plant maintenance work.

Baytex- No new activities going on at this time.

Bonavista –

Ferrier area: Small turnaround to inlet of our facilities at the PennWest plant.

Willesden Green area: Lease road repairs and clean up. 2 completions in Willesden Green area at 5-22-41-5W5 surface.

Drilling rig 3-32-40-6. Service rig on 14-35-40-5. Pipeline 1-21-41-5.

Gilby area: Drilling rig 15-21-41-4. Completions 2-21-41-4

Esterase area: Pipeline 14-27-45-1.

Strachan area: One Drilling rig in area,. Once completed will be 2 wells for completions.

Installed second Compressor at Strachan. Bought Crescent Point interest in the area.

Completions underway on a well in the Stauffer area

Clearwater County- Road bans lifted on June 7th at 8 am. Road construction is underway. Please check website for more details/locations.

RR 5-5A/TWP 41-0 off Beaverflats Road and RR 6-0 east of Caroline.

Information session will be held for industry/trucking companies regarding changes to road weight/road use policy changes and expectations. Date pending.

Dust control rehab/crack sealing underway.

Spent much of last several weeks dealing with Nordegg Fire 015. Included a declaration of a local state of emergency and evacuations of the hamlet. Still wrapping up costs and starting work on the After Fire Action Report. Fire is still listed as ‘under control’ at 250 hectares. Was a very stubborn fire.

Fire did get into the minesite, but only damaged a couple coal cars. Some area trails remained closed.

Clearwater County Council- absent

Clear Water Landcare-Riparian Health Inventory July and August 2013: working in Prairie Creek, Cow Creek watersheds. Seeking landowner co-operators. Anonymity ensured and aimed at creating education and awareness of watershed health. Contact Brooke Sauvé at 403-845-4444 or

ConocoPhillips – business as usual.

Devon- Spring break up, business as usual. Construction continuing on CPF between rains.

Encana – Drilling at 08-05-043-06W5 and 16-01-044-06W5. Facility Construction at 15-33-041-08W5. Pipeline cleanup will commence when conditions are dry.

Enerplus Corp- 13-07-45-5W5 Duve nay Pilot location. Well license obtained on May 27. Waiting for dry weather to construct lease. Expect to spud in Q3 2013.

01-35-25-10W5 Duvernay Pilot location. Expect to obtain well license by July 2013. Spud location after 13-07-45-5W5 is drilling.

Enerplus participating in Drayton Valley RCMP open house on June 5, 2013.

ERCB- On May 8, ERCB issued news 2013-09 to announce the release of ST98 report (

ERCB also issued Bulletin2013-17 to invite feedback on the draft revised edition Directive 60 Deadline is July 10, 2013.


On May 15, 2013; ERCB also issued Bulletin2013-18 to announce the release of an updated edition of Directive 17


On May 21, ERCB issued and to announce Directive 83 has been issued following a two-month stakeholder consultation period.


On May 28, ERCB issued a news release and decision to announce conditional approval of Shell Canada Limited’s applications to construct and operate two pipelines and a single gas well battery in the Beaver Mines area of southern Alberta.

ERCB also released inviting feedback


On May 29, ERCB issued inviting feedback on


On May 30, ERCB released Bulletin 2013-22 to announce a one-time extension of the deadlines for payment of security owing under the ERCB’s liability management programs.

ESRD – absent

Husky- absent

Imperial- Service rig expected in Everdell area June 17th. No drilling activity planned. No planned turnarounds. Normal operations at Everdell. Trucking oil from Everdell due to Plains pipeline shutdown.

Keyera – Keyera Strachan will be starting construction shortly on the new fertilizer plant and sulphur expansion projects. Completed emergency response plan resident verifications as per ERCB. Estimate 1700 residents contacted.

Lightstream (formerly PetroBakken)– first meeting attended.

NewAlta- Still trucking copious volumes of crude oil to Willesden Green for Stauffer and Eckville. Production tanks are generally full; but for those who are experiencing difficulty nominating ‘new’ oil from ongoing fracs or workovers. There is room at Eckville and Stauffer in the waste plants and we do buy waste oil.

Pengrowth – absent

PennWest – Crimson Lake business as usual. Two-day turnaround at 13-27-42-8 June 11 and 12. Medicine River all new wells are on line. No new wells or drills until Q4. Faraway business as usual. No new projects.

Shell- Finished drilling second well at the pad 3-15-40-7 (north of Rocky airport). Rig moving out mid June. Completions moving in. Pipeline starting next; later in June.

Attended Rocky 4-H sale. Bought a calf and donated it back to the club to resell for fundraising for the club.

Eric participated in a partnership with the County and SRD and the Aspen Science Camp to put together a training for students regarding West Country random camping and ATV use. Three schools participated. Well received.

Student Members – End of school year coming quickly. High school students finish on 18th. Then exam week. Thank you WCS for learning opportunity

Suncor- Sale to Centrica and Qatar expected to be finalized in August, depending on regulatory approval.

Suncor/Gilby Plant- business as usual

Suncor/Ferrier Field – business as usual. One service rig doing production work, one service rig doing packer repairs.

Suncor/Ferrier Gas Plant-. 2013 turnaround completed. Went very well. Business as usual.

Suncor/Wilson Creek project- Business as usual, no activity due to break up. Some pipeline work planned for mid-June in section 44-5. Completions moving in 44-5 with service rig as well. Drilling rig to move in during August to start next phase of drilling.

Suncor/Wilson Creek Gas Plant- business as usual.

Suncor/Nordegg Area- Business as usual.

Talisman- Rig move to 4-27 (Willesden Green) after break-up. Completions at 15-16 (Arbutus Road) after break up. Temporary water pipeline for the completions at 15-16. Pipeline construction at 4-27. Potential tour of completions at 15-16 pending interest.

TAQA- Working on completing a 2” fuel gas line form 3-29-41-4W5 to 2-28-41-4W5 once right of way dries.

A two well pad is built at 2-10-41-6 W5 awaiting rig, should drilling by the end of June.

Plan to shut down the 6-18-43-4W5 compressor station for two days at the end of June to clean inlet separator at Keyera.

TransCanada- work activities continue on one of our lines from the Clearwater C/S down to the east side of Sundre. Increased vehicle traffic in the geographic area.

Committee Reports

• Communications-website

Discussed need for a different website. Currently have a webpage (single page) through Synergy Alberta but Krista suggests WCS needs have grown beyond it. Communications Committee met and discussed various options. They recommend going with Intuit as it’s a do-it-yourself system that Krista is already familiar with. It’s affordable, provides control over content and updates. Will be some costs associated with Krista setting it up but should be cheaper (possibly half the cost) of an external contractor.

Group agreed to have Krista set up a new website using Intuit.

Discussed a mapping component for the website. Murray presented an overview of potential uses with Google Maps. Suggestion to use AbbaData, a program by Abacus Datagraphics, (Noreen – 403-346-7555) which will spot all locations on a map of any size, and it can be viewed on PDF and attached to a website. Monthly editing may be an issue, but subject to companies providing data. Will discuss further in September.

ACTION ITEM: Put on agenda for fall to discuss mapping options for website.

o Agenda-fall 2013 topic - Suggestions

▪ Reclamation from the list of alternatives suggested.

▪ Old vs New environmental practices – what is better

▪ AER jurisdiction

▪ New regulator

Can include mention of new website, Rimbey document (if adopted for WCS), map.

ACTION ITEM: Committee with Jennifer, Jill, Justine, Eleanor, Monica, ESRD, Jan to work with Krista on planning info night on reclamation.

o BMP: Noise, SPOG fracturing BMP Tabled until Sept.

o West Country management No report.

Discussion items

o Student bursaries: Keenan gave a brief presentation and will provide a written report. Chris will provide a written report.

Need a new committee for next year to help select students and mentor the students through the year. Sandy and Todd volunteered.

• Next meeting(s) Sept 10 –Walking Eagle. 3:30 pm. Supper to follow.



June 4th, 2013

3:30 p.m.

Condor Hall


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