Volume 6, Number 10 - MLDXCC

Volume 10, Number 10 OCTOBER 2005

The Nugget

The Newsletter of the Mother Lode DX/Contest Club


When: October 8, 11:30AM-2:30PM

Help support the Amador ARC’s annual swap meet to be held on Saturday, October 8, 2005 in the Wal-Mart parking lot in Martell.

Where: Round Table Pizza in Martell, Ken has arranged for us there this month.


1. N6RK will discuss his killer antenna system.

2. Dubai video from CQWW contest.

3. Plot strategy for the CQ WW SSB at Bill's. CU there!

The Swap is on Saturday the 8th of October at the Wal-Mart Parking lot in Martel 7AM. (Jackson) Don't miss the bake sale!

Spaces are filling up fast. Contact Bob Anderson  WQ6M for reservation. 15-bucks. 209-274-0428 wq6m@. The Raffle has over $1,500 in prizes. Tickets are available from Bob or any ACARC member.

Another HAM CRAM! Jackson Sr. Center Oct. 22nd, 2005 9:30 AM. Any of your friends who want to join the fun of Ham Radio, here's the chance to get their tech license. We'll give up-grade tests, too. A few of our ham crammers from last month are going to take the CW test this time. We've perfected the system of one day Techs, so please call Ray 209-267-5958 for reservations and information.


The Amador Club has donated a complete set of ARRL books to the Jackson Library. If you need to look up something off the web, here's your up to date data base on paper.

CU in CQP Ray ND6S


As I write this, the K7C operation on Kure Island is taking place. They have been active on all bands, SSB & CW, with some RTTY. Get them in the log. Operation from Kure will be sporadic in the future due to its status as a preserve.

Note: October meeting will be at the Round Table Pizza in Martell. This is our ‘old’ meeting place. Meeting was moved for this meeting only to help support the Amador club’s swap meet at the Wal-Mart a short distance to the west.

…and speaking of meeting places, I am sure there will be some more discussion on where we meet. I suspect the Ione Hotel may have lost its appeal in some member’s opinions. The menu is limited; service has not been the ‘best’, there are no provisions for audio/visual presentations, etc. RT, for instance, has A/V provisions & is more convenient for some. RT still has the requirements that we spend at least $100 and reservations cannot be made more than 30 days in advance. One of our members thinks we can work around that. (Monthly attendance has been about 12-14 on the sign-in sheet, with 17 at the last meeting. If each attendee spends $8+, we should about break even.). There may be other considerations. For those unable to attend & wish to comment, please contact me or one of the board members. For us the distance is about the same. With the Sutter Creek by-pass due to open soon, that hassle will be eliminated.

Seats are open for the CQ World-Wide SSB contest October 29 & 30 at K6KM’s in Yankee Hill. This is a 48 hour contest, so one could operate some from Bill’s, then head home & work some DX from your home station. Sign up with Rick, W6SR (samoian@).

Pacificon is the Pacific Division’s ARRL convention…October 14, 15 & 16. Details are available on the web. There are antenna & legal forums on Friday, more forums, swap meet & dinner on Saturday + opportunities to meet & greet all weekend.

Thanks to Ron, N6NIA for the great job he has been as secretary of the MLDX/CC taking notes and to Rick, W6SR for a consistently fine newsletter. Together they keep us well informed on club news, DX and other items of interest.

See ya’ at RT and at the swap meet!!

Dick, K6LRN.


Haven’t got anything from Jim this month. de Ed

Jim -WX6V-

MLDXCC Club Meeting minutes for 24 September 2005

Meeting called to order @ 12:39LT by Club President Dick Wilson K6LRN.

Club officers in attendance where WX6V, KI6T, ND6S, N6NIA. Missing was club treasurer K6TKD.

President Dick Wilson asked those in attendance begin the meeting with a moment of silence for Alderick Cassidy WA6AUD and Herb Rosenburg KG6OK, both Silent Keys.

A motion was made to accept the minutes and treasurer’s report from the last meeting as printed in the Nugget. Motion was carried.

Visitor and Amador ARC representative Bob Anderson WQ6M was in attendance. Bob is the Raffle coordinator for their club’s upcoming swap meet and asking for support for their raffle event that will take place in the north corner of the Wal Mart shopping center on October 8th. Bob reported that they have over $1300 in prizes to offer and that you don’t have to be present at the swap meet to win. Tickets can be purchased or any questions, contact Bob wq6m@ or try their club net Tuesday evenings at 19:30LT on the 146.835 Amador


There was discussion as to how important it is to support neighboring clubs like the Amador ARC as they have a very active new ham (HAM CRAM) program to support new operators. For this reason the MLDX/CC has decided to move its October meeting to the old location or Round Table Pizza in Martel as it’s within walking distance to the Amador Swap. Ken Anderson K6TA has reserved the back room by posting the $100 minimum fee. The club will reimburse Ken and club treasurer Carolyn Wilson K6TKD will collect money for orders taken at RTP. It is important that MLDX/CC turn out to support this event.

Director Ray Parker ND6S (who is also President of the Amador ARC) made a statement thanking MLDX/CC for its support.

Dick Wilson stated that the club treasurer has not received contributions from those who attended MLDX/CC’s Field Day event towards rental of the Porto-Potty. A request was made that the club Treasurer present a list of those in attendance and those who haven’t paid. This must be done to keep the club’s treasury solid and pay its upcoming insurance bill.

Rick Karlquist N6RK who was MLDX/CC’s volunteer representative for the Visalia Convention announced that he had a donation awarded to MLDXCC for it’s support in staffing the prize room for the convention. A check was presented to club president for delivery to the club treasurer.

Club officers discussed the importance of re-reimbursing Rick for the out of pocket expenses that he incurred. Motion was made to pay Rick from the club treasury. Motion was carried.

Rick Samoian W6SR commented that Herb Rosenburg KG6OK (now SK) had been the prize Chairman for the last 5 years at the International DX Convention and had done a great job in keeping the quality of the prizes at a high level.

Dick Wilson reminded those in attendance to participate in upcoming CQP and turn in their scores for MLDX/CC to help the club retain it winning record.

Club VP Jim Venneman WX6V reminded those in attendance that Bill Snyder K6KM has made a gracious offer for the use of his station in the upcoming CQ-WW contest, weekend of October 29th.

Jim also presented a summary of MLDX/CC’s participation in the 2005 Field Day event.

Meeting was adjourned at 14:00LT.

Respectfully submitted by club secretary, Ron - N6NIA


Member news/feedback & editor’s notes

I received a 2005 certificate for ARRL DX TEST,1st place SOHP SAC Valley . It came

in the new Blue and Black colors. de KI6CG

Got a big bunch of big tubes at the Tube Collectors Association meeting. They gave me the 2005 Schrader Award for "Historic Preservation".  Something new to hang on the wall. de Norm N6JV

Catching Island Fever:

The K7C has been leading many people on a merry chase.  Having never worked the place I jumped in the middle of the pile up with everyone else.   The openings from here to the Island have been good, but alas most of the time they'd be working EU and UP (up is un-statement, up to about the band edge).   If an alien spaceship happened to be passing by they would really think we are nuts. Everyone giving a call sign over and over again, anywhere from a couple of minutes to several hours and then only getting  ..... -. -. in return.   I have never been a follower of the CW mode, but trying to working them for what seemed like endless hours my ears seems to remember and suddenly I was copying code again, of course this maybe only be a temporary condition.

The interesting thing is their confirmation system if you have a green square you have the contact. The number of hits that their web site has taken is mostly from those of us looking for the little green square to light up.  (Just enter K7C on your web browser.) to get there. 

This station died with my 3-500 becoming a light bulb and I had to run with only the 1000MP, but still managing to work them on SSB and CW on 80m, 40m , 17m and 30m CW.  Still needing 12m, 10m on both modes and only CW on 20m. Every time there is a posting for 12m, or 10m it's from the wrong side of the planet. de Lyle, K6QG

Kay, K6KO worked K7C for #326, that puts her on the Honor Roll.  Not bad

for someone first licensed in 1996.  Also her #324 on phone. de Ken K6TA CONGRATS KAY!! de Editor


Well the ol’ Nugget is a bit sparse this month because of the short time between Sept. and Oct meeting and the limited talent of ur editor, HI HI.

Ron, N6NIA operated the CQP from here. He said he had fun and best of all his score is somewhere around 142K in points and 1070 qso's. I think (with other members posted scores) we’re well on our way to another CQP win!

Don’t forget we have been invited to do a M/S or M/2 operation in the CQ Worldwide SSB contest on the last full weekend of October at the great K6KM station at Yankee Hill, northeast of Chico. I am scheduling operators. Contact me about availability & preferences. The dates are October 29 & 30, 0000Z-2400Z (starts at 4 PM, Friday PST and ends at 4 PM, Sunday, PST). Bill’s station is well equipped with Yaesu MPs driving Alpha amps sending lots of RF to lots of aluminum.

Karen and I had made plans for this Saturday a while ago so we can’t attend the meeting. But Ron or Dick can get info. from our members, and field questions re: the CQWW the end of the month from K6Km’s. I will respond to all of them and setup a compatible schedule ASAP after that. C U all next month, de Rick W6SR

MLDXCC – August 2005 Treasurer’s Report

Balance September 1, 2005 $371.59

Income: NCCC/joint metg 18.04

Field Day/potty 15.00

NCDXC/conv 500.00


Expenses: NCCC/CQP Plaque 40.00

NCDX Conv.

Prize comm.. 100.00


Balance September 30, 2005 $764.63

Treasurer, Carolyn Wilson, K6TKD


01 October 2005  No 752

4X - Jan, 4X1VF  reports  that the  4X7AZ  operation from  Akhziv  Island (AS-100) [425DXN 750] has  been rescheduled to  take place on  14-15 October. 4Z4KX, 4Z5LA,  4X6HP, 4Z5FI, 4Z4BS  and 4X1VF  plan to  run

three complete stations with one power amplifier on 40-10 metres  CW and SSB starting around 5 UTC on Friday through 14 UTC on  Saturday. QSL via 4Z5LA.

5R - Giovanni, I5JHW reports he will operate  SSB and RTTY as 5R8HH  from Nosy Be (AF-057) on 5-19 October. QSL via home call.

5Z  - Vladimir Bykov, 5Z4/UA4WHX is now from Nairobi and very active  from 80 to 10 metres SSB and CW. Ted, 5Z4NU (ARSK Secretary) reports that Vladimir's rig  was badly  damaged while  in Ethiopia  and  although Enrico, 5Z4ES was able to provide a spare from a cannibalized set it is still not working correctly. He  is using borrowed equipment  for the time being. If he can  resolve his equipment problem in time  he intends to  operate from  Lamu Island  (AF-040). After  Kenya he  is planning to visit Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi. [TNX G3SWH]

DL - Georg, DK7LX will be active mainly  CW as DK7LX/p from Foehr  Island (EU-042, N-17 for the German  Islands Award )  on 6-12 October.  QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]

HS - The National Telecommunications Commission has authorized the use of the WARC bands and low bands  (80 and 160 metres) until 31  December from the  RAST club  station at  the Asian  Institute of  Technology (HS0AC) using the special call sign HS0T to commemorate the birth  of a son to Crown Prince Maha  Vajiralongkorn and Princess Srirasmi  on

29 April  2005.  The King  has  named the  baby  prince  Teepangkorn Rasmichoti. QSL via HS6NDK. [TNX G4UZN]

JA      - Look for Kenji, JA4GXS/4 to operate on 40-15 metres CW from  Nishino  Island (AS-041, JIIA AS-041-010), Shimane  Prefecture on 8  October.  QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]

KH0 - Ten members of the  Mitsubishi Electric Tokyo  ARC (JM1YGG) will  be active as  either KH0/JM1YGG  and  KH0/homecall from  Rota,  Mariana Islands (OC-086)  on 9-12  October. The  operators will  be  JA1DFS,JA1IWP, JA1RNO, JA1RTG, JI1EOP,JJ1EWN,  JN2AMD, JA3RAF, JF3IPR  and JL3IJK, and  they  plan to  operate  on 160-6  metres  CW,  SSB  and hopefully digital  modes. QSL  via JM1YGG,  direct or  bureau.  [TNXJK1EBA]

S7 - The S79RRC team  stopped and operated  for a few  ours on 20  metres from Cosmoledo  (AF-026) on  29 September.  Operations from  Aldabra (AF-025) are  expected  to  start  on  30  September  as  previously announced [425DXN 750]. QSL via RZ3EC.

****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

40M IN  SINGAPORE  ---> The  Singapore  Amateur  Radio  Transmitting  Society

(SARTS) is pleased  to announce that as of  29 September  2005 the  Infocomm

Development Authority of Singapore(iDA) approved the allocation of the  7.1-7.2 MHz band for Singapore amateurs with immediate effect on a secondary  use basis. This supplements  the existing allocation  (7.0-7.1 MHz.). [TNX  Peter Cook, 9V1PC, SARTS President]

QSL EA9LZ ---> Jorge, EA9LZ reports that EA7JB is no longer his QSL manager. Jorge has not access to the  bureau, so cards should be  sent direct only  to Jorge Taboada, P.O. Box 530, 51080 Ceuta, Spain. [TNX IK3QAR]

QSL FT8WA & FT0WA ---> Jean-Michel,  F6GBQ still has the  logs for his  FT8WA and FT0WA activities  from Crozet  in 1987,  but has  run out  of cards.  Les Nouvelles DX has had a small batch  of new cards printed, and Jean-Michel  is now able to confirm outstanding QSOs. His address is: Jean-Michel Gabouriaud, 138 Chemin des Courreges les Matelles, 34270 St Mathieu de Treviers,  France.[TNX F6AJA]

QSL VK8PW/8 ---> Peter, VY0PW (ex VK8PW)  reports he will be closing the  log for his VK8PW/8 operation from South Goulburn Island (OC-229, August 1999) by the end  of this  year.  Peter's current  address  is: Peter  Wollenberg,  76 Eldorado Lane, Saskatoon, SK S7T 1B6 Canada. [TNX ]

+ SILENT KEY + Allan, G0IAS reports that Ron Macfarlane, 7Q7RM passed away on 17 September. "Ron, also known as The Old Man of Malawi or Radio Malawi,  had lived in Nyasaland Malawi since 1954", Allan says. "Along with Les, 7Q7LA, he was responsible for getting the re-issue of the 7Q licence in 1990, after  it was banned in 1974. Ron gave many stations their  first 7Q on 50 MHz, and  on other bands".

   ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***


K7C: There have been difficulties with the ISP over the operation of DXA, which has been slimmed down  to focus only on the  logging functions. At all events, rest assured that if your contact was confirmed by a K7C operator over the air, it is in the log even though it does  not show up  on DXA.  Please do  not dupe  your contact. The  first  pictures  from  Kure  can  be  viewed  at

LOGS: On-line logs for Max,  KH6ZM have been  updated to include  his first CQ/RJ  WW  RTTY   DX  Contest  and   can  be  found   at i0mwi/ [TNX I0MWI]

QSL GALLERY:   The large collection of QSL cards (2600+) on Les Nouvelle  DX's web site has  been updated. Seven  different galleries  include cards for each  of the 58  deleted DXCC  entities (500+  QSLs),

obsolete prefixes  (900 QSLs),  Antarctic bases  (400+ QSLs)  & TAAF (Terres Australes and Antarctiques Francaises, 200  QSLs),pre-1945 countries (200+  QSLs) and French  Departments, US  48 States before 1945.  Several cards  are still  needed and  your participation     is      welcome   please     visit and  send  your comments  to LesNouvellesDX@free.fr [TNX F6AJA]

TOP LISTS:     The latest  Topband,  Topmode  and  Toplist  listings  are  now

available at .

Please send your  scores, as well  as any  request for  further information, to Erminio Pandocchi, I2EOW (i2eow@fastwebnet.it)

     QSL INFO 

CALL       MANAGER            

3Z13HRG     SP6YFU     

HF675TA/9   SP9PTA     

R1FJL       RK1PWA

4G73DJ      DU8DJ      

HK3JJH/2    HK3JJH     


4G73HBC     DU1HBC     

HK6PSG      EA5OL      


4K9W        DL6KVA     

HR2JGG      EA7FTR     

SA50L       SK0BU

4N35CW      YU1BM      

HS0ZCW      K4VUD      

SF50A       W3HNK

4O310SKY    YT6A       

HS0ZFS      LX1KQ      


5N8NDP      IK5JAN     

II2R        I2RFJ      

SV0JD/8     DL6NBA

5T0JL       ON8RA      

II9ETN      IT9VCE     


5V7BR       F5RUQ      


SY8S        SV2DGH

5Z4/UA4WHX  UA4WHX     


T80B        WB6Z

6Y1V        OH3RB      


T88YK       JN1WTK

7P8/JH4RHF  OE1ZKC     

IY4FGM      IK4UPU     

T98GHA      LA4GHA

7Q7HB       G0IAS      

J49XB       DJ9XB      


7Q7MT       NU5O       

JD1BLQ      JA2KCT     


9H3HD       G3ZWH      

JD1BLU      JG3DOR     

TT8FC       EA4AHK

9H3X        PE1NGF     

JW7QI       LA7QI      


9H3YM       PE1OFJ     

JW8AW       LA8AW      

UN5A        DL8KAC

9H3YT       PA3GUU     

K4P         KF4OM      

UO80IT      UN7IT

9H3ZR       PB9ZR      

K7C         K4TSJ      

UR0IQ/p     UX2IQ

9J2CA       G3SWH      

KG4OX       W4OX       


A35RK       W7TSQ      

KH9/W0CN    K9JS       

V73VE       JF1OCQ

A61Q        EA7FTR     

KP4RV       AI4U       



LW2DFH      EA5KB      


C21SX       G3SXW      

NP4A        W3HNK      

VP6SL       PE5YRA

C21XF       G3TXF      

OH0AL       OH2AL      

W6A         K6HFA

CK6AO       VE6AO      

OH0P        DJ2PJ      

XL3NJ       VA3NJ

CV5Y        CX1UA      


XM7IG       VE7IG

DL2GG/YV5   DL3AMA     

OO7MIC      ON7MIC     

XO1JA       N3SL

DP9Z        DF9ZP      

OX3XR       OZ3PZ      


DQ4Q        DF9ZP      

PC6NHW      PA3CNX     


DR5C        DL7ZZ      

PI4COM      PA3CAL     


DS50IC      DS0IC      

PI60ETL     PI4ETL     

YE7P        IZ8CCW  (a)

ET3TK       OK1CU      

PI60HSG     PA4PS      

YE7P        JN6RZM  (b)

EW6GF       DL8KAC     

PI60ZI      PI4ZI      

YE7P        K8SIX   (c)

EY8MM       K1BV       

PJ2/K5ZM    K9JS       

YE7P        YB1TC   (d)

F8UFT       F6ICG      

PJ2/K9MUG   K9JS       

YI1OM       IK2DUW

GB0SM       G0PSE      

PJ2/WW4LL   K9JS       

YI9LZ       LZ1ZF

GX4NOK      G7VHS      

PJ2B        K9JS       

YV5TX       EA5KB

HB0/ON6UQ   ON6UQ      

PJ2MI       W2CQ       

YZ35EW      YZ1EW

HC1MD       K8LJG      

R1ANF       RK1PWA     

Z22JE       K3PD

HC8N        W5UE       

R1ANN       RZ3DJ      

Z33F        IZ8FWN

HF0POL      SP3WVL     

R1ANT       RW1AI      

ZL4IR       W8WC

(a)  Europe            

(c)  North America

(b)  Japan             

(d)  others

**************ADDRESSES  *******


3B9FR    Robert Felicite, P.O. Box 31, Citronelle, Rodriguez Island, Republic

of Mauritius

DJ6OI    Thomas Steinmann, P.O. Box 1117 D-37162 Uslar, Germany

G0PSE    Tom Taylor, 19 Derwent Grove, Taunton, Somerset TA1 2NJ, England

G3SXW    Roger Western, 7 Field Close, Chessington, Surrey KT9 2QD, England

G3TXF    Nigel Cawthorne, Falcons, St George's Avenue, Weybridge, Surrey KT13

0BS, England

HS6NDK   Sonthaya Phanthanyakij, P.O. Box 20, Lumlukka, Pathum Thani, 12150,


HV5PUL   Luca Della Giovampaola, Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano 4, 00120 Citta' del Vaticano

IZ8CCW   Antonio Cannataro, P.O.Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy

K7C      Kure DXpedition 2005, c/o K4TSJ, P.O. Box 1, Watkinsville, GA 30677, USA

K8LJG    John Kroll, 3528 Craig Drive, Flint, MI 48506 USA

K9JS     Jonathan L. Schulz, 813 West Washington, Harvard, IL 60033, USA

RZ3EC    Eugene Shelkanovtcev, P.O. Box 70, Orel, 302028, Russia

SV2DGH   Christos Sfyris, P.O. Box 4200, 57019 Perea, Thessaloniki, Greece

WB6Z     P.O. Box 746, Mercer Island, WA 98040, USA


Foothill Flea Market

2nd Saturday of each month from March through October at Lockheed, Sunnyvale.

Livermore Swap Meet

1st Sunday of each month (see website for new location), 7:00 AM to noon, all year. Talk in 147.045 from the west 145.35 from the east. Check at:


|Pennsylvania QSO Party |1600Z, Oct 8 to 0500Z, Oct 9|

| |and |

|  |1300Z-2200Z, Oct 9 |

|North American Sprint, RTTY |0000Z-0400Z, Oct 9 |

|10-10 Int. 10-10 Day Sprint |0001Z-2359Z, Oct 10 |

|YLRL Anniversary Party, SSB |1400Z, Oct 14 to 0200Z, Oct |

| |16 |

|JARTS WW RTTY Contest |0000Z, Oct 15 to 2400Z, Oct |

| |16 |

|Microwave Fall Sprint |0600 local - 1300 local, Oct|

| |15 |

|Illinois QSO Party |1800Z, Oct 16 to 0200Z, Oct |

| |17 |

|50 MHz Fall Sprint |2300Z, Oct 22 to 0300Z, Oct |

| |23 |

|CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB |0000Z, Oct 29 to 2400Z, Oct |

| |30 |

|10-10 Int. Fall Contest, CW |0001Z, Oct 29 to 2359Z, Oct |

| |30 |

|FISTS Coast to Coast Contest |0000Z-2400Z, Oct 30 |

|ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CW |2100Z, Nov 5 to 0300Z, Nov 7|

|NA Collegiate ARC Championship, CW |2100Z, Nov 5 to 0300Z, Nov 7|

|WAE DX Contest, RTTY |0000Z, Nov 12 to 2359Z, Nov |

| |13 |

|OK/OM DX Contest, CW |1200Z, Nov 12 to 1200Z, Nov |

| |13 |

|ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, SSB |2100Z, Nov 19 to 0300Z, Nov |

| |21 |

|NA Collegiate ARC Championship, SSB |2100Z, Nov 19 to 0300Z, Nov |

| |21 |

|RSGB 2nd 1.8 MHz Contest, CW |2100Z, Nov 19 to 0100Z, Nov |

| |20 |

|CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW |0000Z, Nov 26 to 2400Z, Nov |

| |27 |



ARLP041 Propagation de K7RA

Average daily sunspot numbers dropped over the past week by over 16 points to 29.7. Solar flux values were down 20 points to 80.2. The week was quiet, with no geomagnetic storms. September 26-28 had the

most geomagnetic activity, but it was all pretty mild. The K index for middle latitude and planetary readings only went to 3 or 4 on occasion and quickly dropped back to 2.

The forecast for the next few days, September 30 to October 2, is for low sunspot activity. The next peak of activity may be when sunspot 798 returns, currently on the Sun's far side. That activity should peak around October 14-16. The geomagnetic prediction for this weekend is for mild to unsettled conditions, with the planetary A index for September 30 through October 3 at 15, 15, 12 and 12.

Prague Geophysical Institute predicts quiet conditions for October 5 and 6, quiet to unsettled conditions October 3 and 4, and unsettled conditions September 30 through October 2.

Brandon Duke, KC0UWS says he is still working 10 meters successfully from Colorado into South America, with only 25 watts and an indoor isoloop in his apartment. Around September 20-23 he worked Brazil, Belize, Costa Rica and Argentina among others, all with S8 signal reports. 15 meters is still good as well, and open more often than 10 meters. Doing a path projection from Dallas, Texas to Brazil over this weekend with a sunspot number of only 22 shows 15 meters opening strongly from 1530-2300z. Signal strengths should be better toward the end of that period.

The West Coast also looks good, with 15 meters probably open from 1630-2400z toward Brazil from Seattle. Move east though, and the opening tightens a bit. From Cleveland, the opening isn't as strong and probably only runs from 1630-2000z.

Allan Greening, VK3PA said he has worked 250 countries on 80 meters from Australia over the past three years. You can see his notes on DX worked at, .

If you would like to make a comment or have a tip for our readers, email the author at, k7ra@.

For more information concerning radio propagation and an explanation of the numbers used in this bulletin see the ARRL Technical Information Service propagation page at, . An archive of past bulletins is found at, .

Sunspot numbers for September 22 through 28 were 28, 49, 33, 28, 25, 23 and 22 with a mean of 29.7. 10.7 cm flux was 83.7, 82.8, 81.4, 81, 81.3, 76.9, and 74.6, with a mean of 80.2. Estimated planetary A indices were 8, 8, 4, 5, 14, 13 and 12 with a mean of 9.1. Estimated mid-latitude A indices were 6, 5, 2, 3, 9, 10 and 12, with a mean of 6.7.

MLDXCC 2005 Meeting Schedule

October 08 Round Table Pizza, Martell CA.

November 12 Ione Hotel (SS/CW on 5th & 6th, SSB on 19th & 20th) Elections

December 17 Ione Hotel (Could have on 3rd-ARRL 160, if 17th too close

to Christmas)

Membership Criteria

Membership criteria may be obtained by writing the Secretary/Treasurer at:


PO Box 1073

Pine Grove, CA 95665-1073

The club website is:


Information may be reproduced provided credit is given MLDXCC.

2005 Officers of the MLDXCC

President: Dick Wilson, K6LRN,


Vice Prez: Jim Vennenman, WX6V


Secretary: Ron St.Jean, N6NIA n6nia@

Treasurer: Carolyn Wilson, K6TKD


Director: Ray Parker, ND6S


Director: Gary Stilwell, KI6T

E-mail: ki6t@

Nugget Editor: Rick Samoian,W6SR samoian@

QSL Manager: Norm Regan, WA6SJQ

Publicity Chairperson Brandt Woodard, K6BEW

ARRL Awards Checkers

DXCC, Gary Stillwell, KI6T & Ken Anderson, K6TA

WAS & others Dennis King, N6KD

ARRL Sixth District QSL Bureau

P.O. Box 970

Fairfax, CA., 94978-0970

Comments or questions on this bureau's operation may be directed to kc6awx@

See the W6 Bureau home page ()


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