Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, West Virginia University, 2003

Dissertation Title: “Essays on International Monetary Institutions, Monetary

Policy, and Economic Stability”

Dissertation Chairman: Russell S. Sobel

Master of Arts in Economics, West Virginia University, 2002

Bachelor of Science in Economics, cum laude, West Virginia University, 1999


Indiana University, Kelley School of Business, August 2006-Present

Clinical Assistant Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy

Classes taught: Money, Banking and Financial Market (Undergraduate Level), Macroeconomic Policy (MBA level), Managerial Economics (MBA level)

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, August 2003-May 2006

Assistant Professor of Economics.

Classes taught: Financial Economics (Graduate Level), European Economics (Undergraduate Level), Principles of Economics (Undergraduate Level), Financial Markets and Institutions (Undergraduate Levels)

University of Bonn-Germany, Summer 2004

Visiting Researcher at the ZEI Center for European Integration Studies

West Virginia University, Fall 1999-Spring 2003

Graduate Student Instructor and Graduate Research Assistant


Mafi-Kreft, Elham "The Relationship Between Currency Competition and Inflation"

Kyklos, November 2003

Mafi-Kreft, Elham and Russell S. Sobel. “Does a Less Active Central Bank Lead to

Greater Economic Stability? Evidence from the European Monetary Union.” Cato

Journal, v 26, No. 1, Winter 2006.

Mafi-Kreft, Elham and Steven F. Kreft. “Importing Credible Monetary Policy: A Way for

Transition Economies to Fight Inflation?” Economics Letters, v 92, No.1, July 2006


Mafi-Kreft, Elham “Economic Outlook 2008: The International Economy”: Indiana Business Review, v82, n4, (Winter 2007)


“Does Non-Discretionary Monetary Policy Help Lower the Cost of Disinflation?” With

Steven Kreft ZEI Working Paper: B22/2004.Available at

"Cheering on Business Cycles: Analysis of International Athletic and Economic

Performances" With Steven Kreft and Todd Nesbit

“How Wide Is the Border: An Application to Labor Mobility in the European Union”

“Does the Form of City Government Influence Entrepreneurship?” With Steven Kreft

“Entrepreneurship and State Public Policy” With Steven Kreft


West Virginia University Seminar Series, 2002, Morgantown, WV

Southern Economic Association Conference, 2002, New Orleans, LA

The Ohio State University, 2002, Columbus, OH

Southern Economic Association Conference, 2003, San Antonio, TX

Public Choice Society and Economic Science Association Meeting, 2004, Baltimore, MD

ZEI Seminar on European Economic Policy, 2004, Bonn, Germany

Southern Economic Association Conference, 2004, New Orleans, LA

Indiana Academy of Social Sciences Annual Meeting, 2005, Terre Haute, IN

Southern Economic Association Meeting, 2005, Washington, DC

Southern Economic Association Meeting, 2006, Charleston, NC


Book reviewed for: Colander, D. Economics, 5th Edition, New York, NY: McGraw-

Hill Companies, Inc. (2004).

Book reviewed for: Ceccitti, Money, Banking and Financial Markets, 2nd Edition, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (2007)

The Economics of Transition (2007)


French Citizen. U.S. Permanent Resident

Hobbies: Skiing, Running, and Music.


John Maxwell (Department Chair) Tel: (812) 855-9219 jwmax@indiana.edu

Russell S. Sobel (Dissertation Advisor): Tel: (304) 293-7864 rssobel@mail.wvu.edu

Ronald J. Balvers: Tel: (304) 293-7880 rjbalvers@mail.wvu.edu


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