W N Westcreek Neighborhood

[Pages:8]Westcreek Neighborhood


Volume 2, Issue 6 June, 2006 - Published Monthly for our Westcreek Neighbors


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Your opinion in this poll will make a difference!

Should the City alter

Brush Country? As you probably know, neighborhood planning

is underway for a large area of Southwest Austin,

including Westcreek. The combined neighborhood

plan will result in a city ordinance that will direct

new development and redevelopment in our


We learned recently that one of the local

issues scheduled to be resolved in this planning

process is the future of Brush Country Road.

The CAMPO Transportation Plan shows Brush

Country extending from Summerset Trail all the

way to Monterey Oaks Boulevard. During the

neighborhood planning process, participants will

be asked if that plan should be implemented or


Many years ago a developer offered to extend

Brush Country to Monterey Oaks, but the

neighborhood association opposed the idea because residents didn't want that to be a traffic route into the neighborhood from busy Monterey

Oaks. Last year, representatives of the WNA asked the City of Austin to consider extending Brush Country to Westcreek Drive as a way

to relieve school-hour traffic stress occurring along a short stretch of Summerset from Brush Country to Hill Forest and on Hill Forest to

Westcreek Drive. The city turned down that idea.

The WNA needs your opinion on this important issue. Below is a form soliciting your views. Before completing the form, please take

a look at a street map and think about implications of altering Brush Country Road. Then fill out the form, clip it out and return it by mail

to: WNA, P.O. Box 91373, Austin, TX 78709-1373. You must include your name and your street address for your answers to be included

in the poll. We'll publish the results as soon as the results are tabulated on our Westcreek Yahoo Group and in the next available issue (as

the publishing deadline allows) of the WNA newsletter.

Name ____________________________________________

Westcreek Street Address ______________________________

Mark Your Calendar Now!

(Check 1 option in each category)

1. Own Home in Westcreek _____ or Rent in Westcreek _____

Westcreek Quarterly Meeting Monday, June 12 at 7 p.m. Will Hampton Library 5125 Convict Hill Road

We will have a guest speaker from ACC for our Summer meeting. The topic will be the "Closing the Gaps" initiative. We plan to have an additional speaker (not confirmed at press time) as well. As always, a door prize will be awarded.

2. I use Brush Country Road: ___ daily ___ several times per week ___ hardly ever

3. Brush Country should: ____ be extended to Westcreek Drive, ____ be extended to Monterey Oaks, ____ not be extended at all.

Additional comments: ___________________________ __________________________________________

Copyright ? 2006 Peel, Inc.

Westcreek Neighborhood Association Newsletter - June 2006

Westcreek Neighborhood


WNA website............................................ http: Write to us at: WNA; P.O. Box 91373; Austin, TX 78719-1373 President Bob Shrader............................bshrader@, 892-1768 Vice President Alicia Ortiz..............................A078Zeist@, 892-4733 Treasurer Jan Boswell..................................eifel60@, 892-3786 Secretary Judy Jefferson..................... hankanjj@, 892-1105 Member-at-Large & OHAN Representative Ben Coughran............................. bcoughra@, 892-5364 Member-at-Large & Newsletter Editor Karen Gregory.................kgregory1@austin., 899-1292 Member-at-Large Christie Gaderson............ cgaderson@austin., 461-1429 Enhancement Committee Chair (Yard of the Month) Clara Oliver......................clara_oliver@, 899-1938

City Contact

Call 311 to report any City-related problem. It operates 24/7. Report a non-emergency crime, barking dogs, speeding problems, zoning violations, blocked sidewalks, etc.

Convicted Sex Offender Living in Westcreek

According to the Department of Public Safety, a convicted sex offender has relocated to a Westcreek address. The DPS Sex Offender Database identifies the offender as Frederick Charles (also known as Steve) Nulf, who now lives at 5304 Honey Dew Terrace.

Nulf was convicted of Indecency with a Child, Sexual Contact in 1998, according to the database. The victim was a 16-year-old girl. Nulf is now on probation.

Nulf's sex offender registration record is dated July 12, 1999 with the Corpus Christi Police Department. The last dated verification is March 22, 2006 with the Austin Police Department.

Texas law requires that convicted sex offenders register with the local police department, and that information is made available to the public via the Internet. The registration record for Nulf may be found at . tx.us/soSearch/soDetail. cfm?ShowNav=False&dps_ number=03241667.

Frederick Charles (aka "Steve") Nulf, Sex Offender on Probation

Newsletter Publisher

Peel, Inc. Printing & Publishing.......................... 512-989-8905 Adver./Kelly Peel... advertising@, 512-989-8905

June WNA Calendar

June 5 WNA newsletter deadline for contributions June 12 Recycling Pickup 6 p.m. CAMPO Meeting 7 p.m. WNA Quarterly Meeting June 14 7 p.m. OHAN Meeting Flag Day June 18 Father's Day June 20 7 p.m. WNA Executive Committee Meeting June 26 Recycling Pickup June 28 7 p.m. ANC Meeting

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Westcreek Neighborhood Association Newsletter - June 2006

Copyright ? 2006 Peel, Inc.

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Westcreek Neighborhood

Garden Tips - June

? Fertilize annuals, water well before & after application.

? Remove vigorous growth from center of peach & plum trees to prevent shading of the fruit.

? Prune dead or damaged limbs from trees or shrubs.

? Plant fall gardens & prepare beds

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Copyright ? 2006 Peel, Inc.

Westcreek Neighborhood Association Newsletter - June 2006

Westcreek Neighborhood

Westcreek, The Early Years

The first in a series of articles about Westcreek's History

By Judy Jefferson

Editor's Note: When Judy came on board as our new Secretary, she started sharing all sorts of Westcreek history with our Executive Committee. I thought it was intriguing enough to add to the newsletter. Judy and her husband Hank moved into the Westcreek subdivision in 1979. In the future, we hope to have other neighbors give their impressions of what Westcreek was like 15, 20 and even 25 years ago. Watch in the coming months for the remainder of Judy's recollections. And any other "long timers" from Westcreek are welcome to send their memories to us for publication at WNA, P.O. Box 91373, Austin, TX 78709-1373, or email them to kgregory1@austin.. --Karen Gregory, Editor

In 1978, Bill Milburn began developing the Westcreek subdivision. My family and I moved to Jay's Lane on New Year's Eve, December 31, 1979. We were the first family to live on Jay's Lane, which turned out to be a cul-de-sac. Our neighbors, Dolly & Gus Segura, who live across the street, moved into their house just a few days after us, and they still live here.

Other streets that had families were Porsche Lane and Smith Oak Trail. Porsche Lane had only four houses (built by Bill Milburn) and they were all located on the left side of the street. The street ended at the fourth house and beyond the construction barrier there were just woods. Doyle Wilson started building all the little 1300 sq. ft. houses on Porsche Lane

and the four little ones on my cul-de-sac. My street had been a wooded

area with great big beautiful trees that Doyle Wilson cut down to build

the cul-de-sac. His part of Westcreek was called "Westcreek Village".

Unfortunately, no one enforced the Deed Restrictions, if we had any, on

building small houses.

The year 1980 was a very busy year for Westcreek. Houses were

being built in under three

months' time.

The only entrance

into Westcreek was

from Hwy 290 West

onto Westcreek Drive,

which was still two

lanes, and eventually

the city put a traffic

light at our entrance. As

the subdivision grew,

a big sign proclaiming

"Westcreek" was placed

at the entrance with wonderful flowers and

Judy's house back in 1979.

plants with spotlights

shining on it at night. On

(Continued on pg. 5)

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Westcreek Neighborhood Association Newsletter - June 2006

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Copyright ? 2006 Peel, Inc.

Westcreek, The Early Years- (Continued from pg. 4)

each side of Westcreek Drive were rows of trees. What happened to our

sign and trees? The Bank of America and Klingmann Automotive were

built, and they cut down all the trees and took out the beautiful Welcome

sign. Also on Westcreek Drive was a Jack Brown Cleaners. My son

worked there after school.

On Highway 290/71, before you reached Westcreek Drive, there were

old western-looking buildings that held businesses. On the right side of

the highway a little sign welcomed you to Oak Hill. Polk's Feed store

was across from our

entrance. This was a

very rural area in the

early 1980's.

It was a long

time before we got

streetlights. It was so

dark out here at night.

Really spooky. After

a while we had a few

streets so we could

ride our bikes. The

2nd phase of Westcreek

came a few years later

(6113SmithOak - THEN)

when the Williamson A neighbor's house on Judy's street in 1979.

Creek bridge was built to Judy's son is playing on the pile of dirt.

connect our subdivision

together. We all were so

Westcreek Neighborhood

excited when the bridge was being built because there were more streets

for bike riding!!!

Our promised community swimming pool was supposed to have been

built where Patton Elementary School is now located (we were told we

would have a wonderful recreation area by the sales people working

for Bill Milburn--who, by the way, was a real person just like Jack

Brown--and they both did commercials for their product).

When I was told we now have 850 homes in Westcreek it blew me away.

I still remember: no street lights, only a few streets to ride your bike on,

and, oh, did we have snakes! I had one on the roof of my porch and in my

backyard. Also the

houses were infested

with scorpions (and

of course, I was

bitten). We also had

tarantula spiders.

I love living here

and my neighbors

are the best. My

son, who is now 32,

was only six when

we moved here. He

told me he wants to

raise his children in

(6113SmithOak - NOW)

a neighborhood just Twenty-some years later, you can see how the

like Westcreek.

trees have grown and what a wonderful job the

homeowners have done with the yard.

Copyright ? 2006 Peel, Inc.

Westcreek Neighborhood Association Newsletter - June 2006

Westcreek Neighborhood


Mail your check for $25 (make check payable to "WNA") for the calendar year of 2006 and mail to:

WNA TREASURER, P.O. Box 91373, Austin, TX 78709-1373





Email Address:

I/We are willing to serve on a committee

I/We are willing to volunteer

I/We want to be added to the WNA Yahoo eGroup list (you will receive updates from the WNA, and will receive neighborhood news from Westcreek residents via email if you check this box; you will have to register annually with Yahoo eGroups once you have signed up as a WNA member)

What could improve in our Westcreek Neighborhood during 2006?

membershipform.indd 1

4/9/06 7:04:50 PM

Westcreek Neighborhood Association Newsletter - June 2006

Copyright ? 2006 Peel, Inc.

Westcreek Neighborhood

Yard of the Month



5108 Summerset Trail - Dan & Drissy Rodriguez, son Aaron (age 11), daughter Juliana (age 7),

6411 Steer Trail- Kevin & Jackie Hall, son Ethan (age 6), daughter Kate (age 3),

View the Westcreek Neighborhood Newsletter each month online at

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Copyright ? 2006 Peel, Inc.




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Westcreek Neighborhood Association Newsletter - June 2006

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Westcreek Neighborhood Association Newsletter - June 2006


Copyright ? 2006 Peel, Inc.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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