Suggested Learning Targets for Common Core State Standards
Buncombe County Schools
Learning Targets for ELA Common Core State Standards
Grade 6 Reading Informational Text
|Grade Specific Standard |Learning Targets |Activities/Strategies |Resources |Formative Assessment Suggestions |
| |(I can statements) |(What strategies/activities could we use to |(What text could we use to teach |(What are ways to formatively check for |
| | |teach this learning target?) |this learning target?) |understanding while teaching this |
| | | | |learning target?) |
|1. Cite several pieces of textual |- I can cite text to support ananlysis of |- Lead discussion of prior knowledge related |Essay – “The Truth About Dragons”|- Spot check of comparison/contrast |
|evidence to support analysis of what |what the text states. |to dragons | |diagrams and charts |
|the text says explicitly as well as |- I can cite text to support inferences |- View a World Map to locate the Eastern and | |- Open discussion of types of dragons |
|inferences drawn from the text. |drawn from informational text. |Western hemispheres | |- Discussion of author’s “tone” and use |
| | |- Label Points of Comparision Charts | |of “satire.” |
| | | | |- Completed compare/contrast essay for |
| | | | |Eastern and Western dragons |
|2. Determine two or more central ideas |- I can determine a central idea of a |- Open discussion of sports competition among |- Scholastic, debate, “Is There |- Exit Ticket – “What’s your point of |
|in a text and analyze their development|text. |young people |Too Much Pressure to Win?” |view?” |
|over the course of the text; provide an|- I can determine specific details from |- Poll class to identify student athletes |(Link?) |- “Nutshell” summary of debate |
|objective summary of the text. |informational text that support a central | | | |
| |theme. | | | |
| |- I can write an objective summary of the | | | |
| |text. | | | |
|3. Analyze the interactions between |- I can analyze how an individual, event, |- Students will make a list of five careers |Scholastic, pp. 134-143, “Odd |- Students’ verbal participation in |
|individuals, events, and ideas in a |or idea is developed in a text. |they would like to have. |Jobs” (Is this a magazine?) |career discussion |
|text. | |- Each student shares his or her top two | |- Students’ involvement with reading |
| | |choices. | |selection |
| | |- Open discussion of educational | |- Students’ letters to individuals |
| | |qualifications for given fields | |profiled in selection |
|4. Determine the meaning of words and |- I can use context clues to determine the|- Hold a brief discussion of North American |“Letter to the U.S. Government” |- Open discussion of prior knowledge |
|phrases as they are used in a text, |meaning of figurative, connotative, and |land acquisition from Native Americans |by Chief Seattle |related to US history |
|including figurative, connotative, and |technical words and phrases. |- Locate the Northwestern United States on a | |- Students share “savage” definitions |
|technical meanings, analyze the impact | |map | |- Exit ticket – “True theme of the |
|of a specific word choice on meaning | |- Have students define the term “savage” in | |selection” |
|and tone. | |their own words | | |
| | |- Lead discussion of definition of “sarcasm” | | |
|5. Analyze the structure an author uses|- I can analyze how different parts of the|- Use a Flow Map to identify main topics and |Scholastic, pp. 21-27, “Eat Your |- Participation in class discussion |
|to organize a text, including how the |text (sentence, paragraph, chapter, or |details |Bugs” |- Completion of Flow Map |
|major sections contribute to the whole |section) fit into the overall structure of|- Poll students to see who has ever eaten |Flow Chart (Where is this found?)|- Completion of unique “bug” recipe with|
|and to the development of the ideas. |a text. |insects | |illustration |
| |- I can determine how particular parts of |- Lead discussion of ancient man and insects | | |
| |the text help to develop the main idea. |as a valuable food source | | |
| | |- Have students create a Flow Map to use when | | |
| | |reading the selection | | |
|6. Determine an author’s point of view |- I can identify the facts an author |- Poll students for definitions of terms |Article – “Peers Talk it Out” by |- Participation in class discussion |
|or purpose in a text and analyze how |states in a text that help determine his |“peer” and “mediation” |Janis Leibs Dworkis (Where can we|- Attentativeness to article |
|the author distinguishes his or her |or her point of view. |- Lead discussion of conflict resolution in a |find this?) | |
|position from that of others. | |school setting | | |
| | |- Discuss the role of a mediator in conflict | | |
| | |resolution | | |
|7. Compare and contrast a text to an |- I can compare and contrast information |- Use a Double Bubble Map to compare and |-Film documentary – |- Participation in prior knowledge |
|audio, video, or multimedia version of |from different media on the same theme or |constrast. |“Neanderthals” |discussion |
|the text, analyzing each medium’s |topic. |- The students will read the article |- National Geographic article, |- Attention to film documentary |
|portrayal of the subject. |- I can use information from different |“Neanderthals Revealed” from National |“Neanderthals Revealed” |- Completion of Double Bubble Map |
| |media or formats to develop a well-rounded|Geographic, October 2010, and use one side of | | |
| |understanding of a topic or issue. |the map to list unique contrasts. They will | | |
| | |then view the National Geographic Documentary,| | |
| | |“Neanderthals” and list points of unique | | |
| | |contrast highlighted in the film. The | | |
| | |students will then look for common points of | | |
| | |comparision on the subject matter mentioned in| | |
| | |the two media. | | |
|8. Trace and evaluate the argument and |- I can determine specific evidence to |- use a Circle Map and Frame of Reference |Article – “The Loch Ness Monster”|- Participation in prior knowledge |
|specific claims in a text, assessing |support claims within a text. |- Poll class to assess prior knowledge of the |by George Laycock (Prentice Hall |discussion |
|whether reasoning is sound and the |- I can distinguish claims that are |Loch Ness Monster |Literature Book pages 438-439) |- Attention and notetaking about prior |
|evidence is relevant and sufficient to |supported by evidence from claims not |- Share information about documented sightings| |sightings |
|support the claims. |supported in a text. |- View a You Tube video profiling “Nessie” | |- Completion of Circle Map and Frame of |
| | | | |Reference |
|9. Analyze how two or more authors |I can compare and contrast two authors’ |- Use a Venn Diagram |- Scholastic News for Kids, |- Participation in prior knowledge |
|writing about the same topic shape |presentations of similar events. |- Probe class to assess prior knowledge |excerpt from Shelley Tanaka’s |discussion |
|their presentations of key information | |related to mummification – both natural and |Secrets of the Mummies (April 13,|- Attention to detail in Venn Diagrams |
|by emphasizing different evidence or | |manmade |2009 |- Completion of essay |
|advancing different interpretations of | |- Preview the texts to define key vocabulary |Vol. 71 no. 20) | |
|facts. | |and concepts such as Radio or Carbon-14 Dating| | |
| | |- Locate Ancient Egypt on a map of North |- article by Patricia Lauber - | |
| | |Africa |“Mummy No. 1770” | |
|10. By the end of the year, read and |- I can proficiently read and comprehend |- Provide a variety of non-fiction selections |Discover Magazine Article “Where |- Participation in non-fiction reading |
|comprehend literary nonfiction in the |complex text with help as needed. |from various sources and ask students to use |Are We Going?” |- Use of Thinking Maps to analyze texts |
|grades 6-8 text complexity band |- I can determine when I am not |Thinking Maps to analyze the content, author’s|Asheville-Citizen Times article –|- Participation in post discussion of |
|proficiently, with scaffolding as |comprehending and can apply strategies to |purpose, and meaning of each text. |“The Vicious 6th-Grade Game” |author’s purpose and main idea of texts |
|needed at the high end of the range. |increase understanding. | |(When did this appear?) | |
| | | |Scholastic News for Kids, | |
| | | |”Doctor to the Homeless” | |
| | | |(edition?) | |
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