TERM 2 – PLANNER – 2016


|25 April

ANZAC DAY [pic] |26 April

|27 April

Term 2 commences for students

Early Close – 2.30pm |28 April

|29 April

Newsletter | |2 |2 May

T5 & T6 Excursion – Shipwreck museum |3 May

T3 & T4 Excursion – Wanneroo Museum

Mother's Day Stall

Reading Olympics 8am

|4 May

Free Dress Fundraiser– Dress Blue for Motor Neuron Disease

Mother’s Day Stall

Early Close – 2.30pm |5 May

Assembly – Hovea 10/12 and Motor Neuron Disease Presentation

Mother’s Day Stall

|6 May

Rm 10 & Rm11 Excursion – Wanneroo Museum

Mother’s Day Sunday, 8 May | | 3 |9 May

School Board 3.15pm |10 May


Reading Olympics 8am

School Banking 8.15am – 8.45am |11 May


Early Close – 2.30pm |12 May


|13 May



|16 May

P & C Meeting 6.30pm |17 May

Reading Olympics 8am

School Banking 8.15am – 8.45am |18 May

Book Fair

Early Close – 2.30pm |19 May

Assembly – B4

|20 May

| |5 |23 May

|24 May

Reading Olympics 8am

School Banking 8.15am – 8.45am |25 May

National Simultaneous Story Time

Early Close – 2.30pm |26 May

|27 May

Cross Country Carnival

Newsletter | |6

|30 May

|31 May

Reading Olympics 8am

School Banking 8.15am – 8.45am |1 June

Early Close – 2.30pm |2 June

Assembly – Grevillea 9

|3 June

Whiteman Park Transport Museum Excursion | |7

|6 June

Western Australia Day |7 June

Reading Olympics 8am

School Banking 8.15am – 8.45am |8 June

Early Close – 2.30pm |9 June |10 June

Newsletter | |8 |13 June

School Board 3.15pm |14 June

Reading Olympics 8am

School Banking 8.15am – 8.45am |15 June

Early Close – 2.30pm |16 June

Assembly –Hovea 13 |17 June

| |9

|20 June

P & C Meeting 6.30pm |21 June

Reading Olympics 8am

School Banking 8.15am – 8.45am |22 June

Early Close – 2.30pm |23 June

|24 June


EISA Winter Carnival

| |10 |27 June

|28 June

Reading Olympics 8am

School Banking 8.15am – 8.45am |29 June

Early Close – 2.30pm |30 June

Assembly – Hovea 11

|1 July

End of Term

P & C Fundraiser Free Dress Day

| |


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