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President's Message

Who would have thought that the great financial wizards of smart, and big supporters of President Obama, would just now start realizing that Obama is a disaster for the economy! To be fair, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban voiced concern the first week after the election that Obama had not invited any entrepreneurs onto his economic team. Jim Kramer was the first liberal supporter to come out publicly and talk about how Obama was destroying the economy. This week Warren Buffet had at least four profound disagreements with Obama’s policies.

We were told that our tax-cheating Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Gaithner, should be confirmed because he was the only man who could fix our problem. Great Britain’s Cabinet Secretary Sir Gus O’Donnell has publicly complained that trying to coordinate with Gaithner for the G-20 Summit in London, has been “unbelievably difficult. There’s nobody there.” They plan to work on the global financial crisis and to date, there are still fifteen key positions unfilled.

After numerous bailouts, we now know that most of the bank bailout money went to India, Dubai, and China. The recently passed Stimulus Bill had originally stipulated workers would be e-verified but that was removed. It is estimated that 300,000 new jobs will go to illegal immigrants. Another part of the bill stipulates that all workers will be unionized.

With a stroke of the pen we will now be using tax dollars for the federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. Obama has increased our foreign aid and included in that is more tax dollars funding abortions.

Texas Senate has introduced the much-awaited bill demanding photo voter ID. It looks like it will come to the floor for a vote and will likely pass. State representatives may need some encouragement. This is very true for Democrats as well as our Republicans. Contact the White House, U.S. Senators, and U.S. Congressman and make your voice heard. No more bailouts! It hasn’t worked. Democrats are trying to put Card Check on a fast track next week. When you see notices of the Tea Parties, please show up. We had 300 attendees at the Tea Party in Dallas. Another one is scheduled for April 15th.

A New York Times reporter asked Obama if he were a socialist. When he didn’t think he’d answered it right, he called back to say he wasn’t a socialist. Reminded me of Richard Nixon saying he was not a crook! Watch for more of his teleprompter conferences.

Obama has declared War on Prosperity and we have got to slow him down and stop him from enacting more of the George Soros - Socialist policies on our nation. George Soros’ has dual goals, to end our nation’s super-power status and our Judeo/Christian influence.

Keep the nation we love and those protecting our lives and our freedom in your prayers.

God bless you,

Janet Clesi

Voice your positions

Contact the White House:

Voice comments: 202-456-1111 or 202-456-1414.

Email comments:  comments@.

White House switchboard: 202-224-3121.

Contact our U. S. Senators representing Texas:

Kay Bailey Hutchison: hutchison.

John Cornyn: cornyn.

Contact other elected officials who represent you.

For complete contact information:

For your Congressman:

For your State Senator:

For your State Rep:

Contact your elected officials whether they are Republican or Democrat. They represent you and need to hear your positions.

Calendar of Events

March 23 (Monday)

6:30 p.m.

Westlake RW hosts Laurie Firestone

March 24 (Tuesday)

7:55 a.m. (approximate)

Support Our Soldiers Day

March 28 (Saturday)

2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

DCRP Easter Egg Roll

April 7 (Tuesday)

9:30 a.m. coffee/10:00 meeting

DCCRW General Meeting; GOP Headquarters

April 16 (Thursday)

TFRW Legislative Day, Austin

May 5 (Tuesday)

6:30 p.m.

DCCRW Night Mtg, Milestone Culinary Arts Center

May 27 (Wednesday)

11:15 a.m.

Preston West RW Annual Spring Luncheon

DCCRW to sponsor “Support Our Soldiers Day” on Tuesday, March 24

“Greeting the Troops” at DFW may seem like old news – something we’ve done or talked about before – but it’s not old news to our soldiers and their families. Each soldier is making a great sacrifice to defend our freedom and protect our homeland. Soldiers arrive daily at DFW from Iraq and Afghanistan for a well-deserved two-week R&R. Please join the Dallas County Council of Republican Women as we wholeheartedly express our support and appreciation

to these soldiers:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Approximately 7:55 a.m.*

DFW Airport, Terminal D

International Arrivals, Door 22, Lower Level

We are also asking that you bring any or all of the items listed below. These commonly requested items will be shipped from DFW to deployed troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. All items must be new and

unopened. Please check expiration dates.

Protein powder, energy bars, beef jerky, Slim Jims, Ramen noodles, nuts-any kind, candy (chocolate OK), Crystal Light (“on the go” packets), CD’s, DVD’s, Xbox with PSP games, PS2 or PS3 games, body wash (20 ounces or less), shaving cream, foot powder, toothpaste, athletic socks.

To prepare you and inspire you for this event, please watch YouTube – WELCOME HOME SOLDIER ( - Welcome Home Soldier).

We promise that this will be a most rewarding and memorable time for our soldiers, their families and you. Invite a friend – this is a great opportunity for club membership recruitment. Thank you in advance for your participation!

*To verify troop arrival time, call 972-574-0392 after

8:00 p.m. on Monday, March 23.*If you have any questions, please call Brenda Gaustad at 972-733-4002 or 214-356-5239.

If you cannot participate in person on March 24, please consider making a donation to cover shipping costs of the items being sent to deployed troops. Make your check payable to DCCRW and mail it to Wanda King, 4800 St. James Court, Mesquite, TX 75150. Please note on the check "DCCRW Community Project."  Any remaining funds after shipping costs will be used for the DCCRW August "Back-to-School" event at the Grand Prairie National Guard. Thank you!

Dallas County Republican Party organizes family Easter Egg Roll

Everyone is welcome and urged to join fellow Republicans at DCRP's first annual Easter Egg Roll! Children of all ages will enjoy fun Easter egg

activities. Light refreshments will be served.

March 28, 2009

2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Flagpole Hill

8007 E. Northwest Highway, Dallas

(Northwest Highway @ Buckner Road)

Please RSVP to kimlocus@. Please include the number and ages of children who will attend.

2009-2010 Friends of DCCRW

Deborah Guerriero

Taffy Goldsmith

Heartfelt thanks to our first Friends!

Become a 2009 "Friend" of DCCRW

DCCRW Fundraising Director Vicki Slaton urges

Republicans to become "Friends of DCCRW."

DCCRW will recognize contributions of $100 or more. All monies collected during 2009-2010 will support campaigns of Republicans on the 2010 general election ballot in Dallas County. With your help we can turn Dallas County back to Red. Friends will receive a free hard-copy subscription to DCCRW's Republican Reporter (see new subscription

guidelines in this newsletter).

Checks should be made payable to "DCCRW," with a

"Friends" notation, and mailed to our Treasurer:

Wanda King

4800 St. James Court

Mesquite, TX 75150

For more information on the Friends campaign, contact Vicki Slaton at 972-203-1847 or vickislaton@.

Republican Women run for office

The following Dallas County Republican Women (members of DCCRW) have filed to run for office in

the May 9, 2009 Joint Election:

Ann Margolin, Dallas City Council District 13

Heather N. Ashley, Irving ISD, Place 3

Chris B. Davis, Richardson City Council Place 3

Kim Caston, Richardson ISD Place 2

Mary Darby, Dallas County School Board

Lisa Sutter, Carrollton City Council Place 7

Good luck in your campaigns!

Keep informed

If you would like to receive Congressman Kenny Marchant's congressional and campaign e-news- letters, please e-mail your contact information to: Jason Simon, Campaign Manager, Kenny Marchant for Congress at jason@.

Your DCRP's 2009 Club Recruiting Initiative

is underway

DCRP's recruiting initiative is underway, with the goal of increasing Club membership by 10% in 2009. Clubs choosing to participate are contacting known Republicans within the Club's chosen area, and encouraging them to join a Republican Club.

Points will be awarded to individuals and to Clubs for making contacts, securing or referring new Club members, and collecting contact information. You may win DCRP Eagle Membership (with VIP passes and photo ops at all events) and dinner with your Congressman and DCRP County Chairman Jonathan Neerman. The winning Club earns a table at DCRP's 2010 Reagan Day event.

This initiative responds to a prevailing objective expressed by our Clubs—to increase membership. And it has additional benefits and synergies, for example:

• It encourages Republicans to be active and informed (an apathetic Republican may become an activist if inspired and encouraged to get involved in a Club).

• It unites Clubs around common DCRP grassroots objectives.

• It helps energize neighborhoods and helps DCRP know its neighborhoods better as data is collected in the process of contacts.

• It supports and encourages Republican Precinct Chairs.

• It helps us identify new, perhaps key, volunteers.

• It helps identify new voters in Republican households and make sure they get registered.

• It helps the GOP communicate key Republican messages via Club members' contacts.

• Obtaining new members earns TFRW Tower Award and NFRW Achievement points.


If your Club has not already elected to participate in this initiative, you may be the person to help enable it to join in this important effort to engage our grassroots. Please contact your Club President without delay!

Register without delay and

Get out your RED COATS

For TFRW Legislative Day

Thursday, April 16

Texas State Capitol, Austin

5:45 a.m. Bus departs Dallas from Fellowship Church, NE corner of Hwy 75 & Park Lane

6:00 p.m. (approximate) Bus leaves Capitol to

return to Dallas.

$25 per person (includes bus, breakfast and dinner)

Meals: Breakfast and dinner provided on the bus.

Accommodations: Our very comfortable charter bus has reclining seats, DVD player and monitors throughout, restroom, and secure storage for belongings left on the bus during the day.

Legislative Day is a fun-filled, educational day.

Support our hard-working Senators and Representatives, visit their offices, and show the strength of Dallas County Republican women!

Plan to wear red and wear comfortable walking shoes.

Thank you to our sponsors:

Senator John Carona

Senator Chris Harris

Senator Florence Shapiro

Representative Dan Branch

Representative Will Hartnett

Representative Jim Jackson

Commissioner Maurine Dickey

Commissioner Ken Mayfield

Register today for DCCRW's day trip to Austin.

Bus seats are limited. To reserve your place on the bus, mail your check for $25 payable to "DCCRW" to:

Angie King

4050 McKinney Avenue #11

Dallas, TX 75204

Include with your check the following information:

Name: ____________________________

Club: ____________________________

Address: ____________________________

Phone day: ____________________________

Phone night: __________________________

Cell phone: ____________________________

Fax: ____________________________

Occupation ____________________________

Registration for the DCCRW trip closes Friday, March 20. For more information, please contact Angie King at 940-368-0672 or by e-mail at angie.king@fms-.

At the Capitol, Dallas County Republican women will join TFRW members from all over Texas. There is nothing like seeing the sea of RED in the Senate and House galleries as the legislators recognize their Republican women.

NOTE: You will be on your own for lunch unless you register for the TFRW luncheon and events.

To participate in the TFRW events, you must register separately.

TFRW will host a luncheon at 12:00 noon at the Austin Convention Center, followed by a U.S. Senate candidate panel, and three workshops ("Citizen Lobbying," "Building Relationships with the Younger Generation," and "The Future of Our Party—Reaching Out, Reaching In or Both?" Cost of the TFRW luncheon and programs is $65 ($35 for the luncheon only). A registration form is available on-line at . The completed form and payment to TFRW must be postmarked by March 16.

Legislative Update

By Angie King

As we close the month of February and charge forward through the remaining first 100 days in office of our new Administration, one must ask “Is this only the beginning?” With the astounding passage of the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, and the roll-out of the Obama Administration’s budget for fiscal year 2010, Americans are looking at total spending of 3.9 trillion for 2009 which lays the foundation for a doubling of the national debt in eight years. Not only is this the eroding of our financial foundations, but in addition, we see a chipping away of our social values and freedoms. Through the power of executive orders, President Obama has lifted the ban on funding for overseas abortions, and embryonic stem cell research.

Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009 (H.R. 1105), totaling $410 billion this bill would be the largest increase in annual spending since the Carter Administration. Since the Democrat- controlled Congress only passed three of the twelve appropriation bills last summer, this current version is essentially a combination of the remaining nine. Contrary to campaign promises to control earmarks, this bill contains nearly nine thousand earmarks with items such as 1.2 million toward termite research in

New Orleans.

On state issues, the 81st Texas legislative session is well underway, and our elected officials are hard at work in an effort to pave the way for a bright, prosperous future. The issues of Voter ID and how Texas will handle the economic stimulus are sure to be top priorities. Notable bills are as follows:

Voter ID, (S.B. 362) requiring voters to present a photo ID confirming that they are indeed who they are representing themselves to be.

Spending Cap (S.B. 928, H.R. 994) would apply a statutory limit on spending in an effort to keep our State fiscally sound.

Gang Activity along Texas/Mexico Border (S.B. 11) cracks down on gang related activity along the Texas/Mexico border allowing civil suits and steeper financial penalties.

Top 10 Percent (S.B. 175) limits the amount of automatic admissions to undergraduate state universities to 50%.

Property Taxes, Rolling Average (H.B 1092) is a step in reforming the Texas home appraisal process by giving voters an opportunity to choose if a five

year rolling average would be a benefit.

DCCRW Communications

DCCRW unveils updated website

Visit DCCRW's new website at the same address you know: . Our thanks to Deborah Brown and Jan Woody for their professional work on this important communication tool.

Republican Reporter subscription

guidelines changed

Please note that effective April, 2009, if you wish to receive a hard copy of DCCRW's Republican Reporter, you must subscribe. The cost for a subscription for the balance of 2009 is $10. (Subscriptions are free to Friends of DCCRW.)

To subscribe, please send your check for $10 payable to "DCCRW," with the notation: "Reporter

subscription" to our Treasurer:

Wanda King

4800 St. James Court

Mesquite, TX 75150.

Thank you for your cooperation in this change.

Receive the Reporter free via e-mail

If you would like to receive a copy of DCCRW's Republican Reporter via e-mail free of cost, e-mail martyforte@ and be added immediately to the distribution. Please be sure your

e-mail system does not block this e-mail address.

Contribute material for the Reporter

Please e-mail input for the Republican Reporter to Marty Forte' at martyforte@. Items submitted after the first week of the issue month may not be included. We appreciate receiving pieces and photos of special/annual events of individual Clubs.

Activists enjoy TFRW Workshop

A full house participated in the TFRW Region III Leadership Workshop at Dallas GOP Headquarters February 21st. Urve Kiik, pictured below between Deborah Brown (left) and Susan Fischer, presented

the program segment on protocols.


Republican Women Clubs welcome all to special events

Westlake to host Laurie Firestone

Westlake RW will host Laurie Firestone, former Social Secretary for President George H. W. Bush and author of “An Affair to Remember: State Dinners for

Home Entertaining” Cookbook.

Monday, March 23rd

6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Commonwealth Title

(Ebby Halliday Training Room)

6465 E. Mockingbird, Dallas 75214

(Behind Ebby office next to Tuesday Morning)

Signed cookbooks will be available for purchase.

RSVP to: Kelly Nolan, Program Chair,

214-728-7301 or westlakerw@.

For more information on Laurie Firestone visit her website at .

Preston West to host Commissioner Michael

Williams at its Annual Spring Luncheon

Preston West RW invites you to save the date for its Annual Spring Luncheon at 11:15 a.m. Wednesday, May 27 at the Park City Club, with guest speaker Railroad Commissioner Michael Williams. Reservation information is forthcoming.

Commissioner Elizabeth Jones

addresses DCCRW

At DCCRW's February meeting, Texas Railroad Commissioner Elizabeth Ames Jones enlightened a large crowd about the state of the energy industry in Texas and the important agency that regulates energy operations in our state. She is pictured below with

DCCRW President Janet Clesi.


Preston West Republican Women hosted the meeting.


L-R: PWRW members Marty Forte', Gladys Pully, Kathleen Garrett, Alma Box, Dee Phelps, Anne Tanner, Beverly Wagner, Janette Robinson and Vicki Goode (2009 President).


(Mayor Leppert ~ continued from page 1)

Prior to working at Turner, Tom held executive positions at McKinsey & Co., Trammell Crow Company, Pacific Financial Corporation and Castle & Cooke Properties, Inc. A lifelong community volunteer, Tom has served numerous community groups and charitable organizations on both the local and national levels. He is a former Chairman of the Greater Dallas Chamber and currently serves on the organization’s Executive Committee. He is also Chairman of the Dallas Committee on Foreign Relations.

DCCRW Officers and Directors 2009

President………………… …... Janet Clesi


Vice President………………... Brenda Gaustad


Recording Secretary…………... Dot Adler


Treasurer……………………... Wanda King


PAC Treasurer………………... Valerie Ertz


Corresponding Secretary…..Deborah Guerriero


Parliamentarian………….....Hon. Taffy Goldsmith


Director of Campaigns……....... Cindy Werner


Director of Communications… Hon. Jan Woody


Director of Fundraising………. Vicki Slaton


Director of Hospitality………... Pat Reid


Director of Legislation……….. Angie King


Director of Membership……… Pat Bielefeld


Director of Outreach…………. Adriana Liberto


Director of Programs…………. Joyce Hanson


Director of Projects………….. Kathy Zerangue


Director of Publicity………....... Deborah Brown


Historian……………………… Hon. Mary Poss


Newsletter Editor…………….. Marty Forte'



Dallas County Council

of Republican Women

c/o Marty Forte'

4309 Alta Vista Lane

Dallas, TX 75229



DCCRW General Meeting

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"Coffee and Conversation" 

with Dallas Mayor

Tom Leppert

9:30 a.m. Refreshments

10:00 a.m. Meeting

Dallas County

Republican Headquarters

10100 North Central

Suite 175

Thanks to our meeting hosts,

Lake Highlands Republican Women.

Tom most recently served as Chairman and CEO of The Turner Corporation, one of the world’s largest construction companies. Under his leadership, the $8 billion company experienced tremendous growth. And, in 2005, Tom led Turner to achieve over $1 billion in

minority contracts – a first for the construction industry. (Mayor Leppert ~ continued on page 7)

~ ~ ~

The Convention Center Hotel...the Trinity River Project...the State of DISD Schools. These are just a few of the many issues Mayor Tom Leppert has brought to the forefront as he works toward a vibrant, dynamic vision for this City's future.  Join us for coffee and conversation with the Mayor at our April 7


Tom Leppert was elected mayor of Dallas in June 2007. Prior to his election, Tom was recognized as both a Dallas business and community leader. He has decades of experience working for prominent U.S. corporations and a long history serving the Dallas community.

DCCRW urges Club officers to get to know and stay in touch with their Council counterparts to improve communications and synergies among Dallas County Republican women.

Upcoming DCCRW Meeting:  May 5 at 6:30 p.m.

Milestone Culinary Arts Center

 "Plugging In To Today's Republican Party," featuring

Brian Chase, Deputy Chief of Staff,

Congressman Jeb Hensarling's Office

Join us for our popular dinner meeting as Brian Chase offers us a behind-the-scenes look at what's really going on in Washington and how you can effectively Plug-In to today's Republican Party.  More details to come in our April newsletter.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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