Books (used books are perfectly acceptable)

Syllabus and AssignmentsCOS 424 EthicsUpper Midwest Course of Study SchoolMorningside College, Sioux City, IowaSpring 2021March 19-20 and April 16-17, 2021 Instructor:Tim Bonneytim.bonney@515-380-1599This course introduces the biblical and theological bases for Christian behavior,emphasizing the pastoral skills needed for moral leadership in the congregation andcommunity.Course ObjectivesStudents will be able to:Articulate a biblical and theological basis for ethical thinking and moral behavior, and distinguish major approaches to ethical prehend the relationship between their personal stories, pastoral vocation, local contexts, and responsibility as moral leaders. Develop a Christian framework for moral reason and action, and apply it to the use of power and the setting of boundaries in ministry.Demonstrate familiarity with and make use of the Social Principles of the United Methodist Church as a route for ethical reflection and action. Books (used books are perfectly acceptable)The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church. (2016). United Methodist Publishing House.Hays, R. (1996). The Moral Vision of the New Testament. HarperOne. ISBN-13: 978-0060637965Jung, P.B., & Stephens, D.W., eds. (2013). Professional Sexual Ethics. Fortress Press. ISBN-13: 978-0800699437Lovin, R. (2011). An Introduction to Christian Ethics: Goals, Duties, and Virtues. Abingdon Press. ISBN-13: 978-0687467365 Wogaman, J. Philip (2009) Moral Dilemmas: An Introduction to Christian Ethics.Westminster John Knox press. ISBN-13:?978-0664233167AttendanceDue to the Covid-19 pandemic this year’s class will be taught in Zoom. You will be sent a Zoom link to use for the class. If you believe you will have any technically difficulties using Zoom, please contact Tim Bonney as soon as possible. It is best if you can use the Zoom video interface rather than calling into Zoom on your phone as it is difficult to interact with the class over the phone. Obviously, given the brevity of the class, your attendance at all of the class sessions is essential to complete the class. Format for Written WorkFor all written submissions please double space and use a font size of 11 or 12 points. Submissions should be emailed to Tim Bonney at tim.bonney@ . Word format is preferred. Please do not mail hard copies as they are more work to grade and harder to return. PlagiarismPlagiarism, borrowing someone else’s words or ideas and claiming them as your own without proper credit, is a serious academic issue. It is nothing less than theft. Statements quoted directly from someone else should be indicated by quotation marks, with the source appropriately acknowledged. The source of any material that is closely paraphrased also must be acknowledged appropriately. The proper form for citations in most humanities courses is MLA. If you do not understand how to properly credit quotations and thoughts from others, please ask for assistance.Answers to the following Questions are to be completed before the first session of the class. Answer the following questions from Moral Dilemmas: An Introduction to Christian Ethics (about one page each)Define moral dilemmas and describe the difference between easy decisions and more difficult decisions.Why is ethics ultimately religious?Define “moral authority” and give relevant examples of moral authorities used for ethical decision making.Define “Moral Presumption” as it applies to ethical decision making. Give examples.Define, compare, and contrast personal and systemic morality.Answer the following questions from Moral Vision of the New Testament by Richard B. Hays (one to two pages each)1. Defend Hays’ choice of the three images he proposes to focus and guide the reading of the New Testament texts with respect to ethical issues (community, cross, and new creation). Then critique Hays’ choice of these sane three images. Be sure to make reference to the visions contained in the New Testament texts in Part One of Hays’ book. (chapter ten)2. How do ethicists use scripture? ( Part Three)3. Summarize the approach to theological ethics of one of the five scholars Hays discusses. (chapter 12)4. Put in your own words each of the ten guidelines that Hays proposes for New Testament Ethics. (p.310)5. Summarize Hays conclusion on one of the following topics and indicate how he arrives at his conclusion: Divorce and Remarriage or Homosexuality or Abortion (chapters 15, 16, 18)How do the United Methodist Social Principles function for you in making moral choices? (one page)Read at least ten of the essays in Professional Sexual Ethics and present a summary of one of the essays, and lead a class discussion of that essay. (Email Tim Bonney with your first and second choice of essays—essays will be assigned in order of choices requested.) ................

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