Materials List Oil Painting - Idaho Art Classes

Materials List

Oil Painting

Paints 37 ml Oil Paints and not Alkyds Oil Paint Brands: Winsor and Newton(Not Winton), Grumbacher Pre-tested(not Academy), and Rembrandt Colors

Lemon Yellow or Cadmium Yellow Light Cadmium Yellow Deep Alizarin Crimson Cad Red Light Ultramarine Blue Thalo or Phalo Blue(Winsor Newton Brand it's called "Winsor Blue") Thalo Green(Winsor Newton Brand it's called "Winsor Green") Ivory Black Titanium White Optional Burnt Umber Burnt Sienna Raw Sienna Dioxizine Purple Viridian Palette Disposable Palette or Wood palette Table Easel Any table top easel or Julian style easel Canvas Support 6 canvas boards 9" x 12" 3 canvas boards 12" x 16" Towels and Rags Bring paper towels and a couple cotton rags etc. for cleanup, coffee can for mineral spirits Brushes Use hog bristle brushes. Buy the following Bristle

Flats 1- #10 flat brush 1- #8 flat brush 1- #4 flat brush Rounds 1- #4 round 1- #6 round White Sable Flats 1- 1 inch flat Rounds 1- #5 1- #3

Thinners Buy Odorless Mineral Spirits or Turpenoid(Do not bring Turpentine!!!!)!and small baby food jar/small jar of Vegatable oil

Thinner Container Cleaner Coffee can works but art stores have some that clean your brushes much nicer

Wet Box Carries These are to carry your wet painting around without making a mess. You find these at most art stores or at the online art stores. They are made out of plastic, cardboard or wood.

Sketchbook 9" x 12" sketch book (multi-media if possible)

Permanent Marker Biggest Permanent marker you can find. Sharpie makes a 1" square marker

Supplies Carrier Tool box or something to carry Art supplies.

Wear Clothing that you don't mind getting paint on them or bring an apron

Note: Students need to take their paints and canvases with them. We can't store them at

the studio.


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