I am that i am meaning wayne dyer


I am that i am meaning wayne dyer

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Fulfillment | 27 Comments Throughout life you've been through a conditioning process that's created a mind-set overflowing with I am nots. As a schoolchild with a less than satisfactory grade on your report card, you thought to yourself, I am not smart. You place anywhere other than number one and say, I am not talented. You feel criticized and believe that I am not good. You look in the mirror and compare yourself to a glamorous movie idol or homecoming queen and tell yourself, I am not attractive. Your relationship fractures and you think, I am unloved or I am unworthy. These, and many more like them, are repeated throughout your developmental years and into adulthood, and become your core defining self-concept. Overcoming this I am not mentality begins with trusting your inner world of spirit. There are no boundaries restricting your inner world. But your worldview and your self-concept in the outer world are defined by your five senses. The outer world is always changing, which, by our definition, means it is not real. This awareness that what remains unchanging is the only reality could lead you to experiencing a majestic wake-up call right here, right now. Run through as large an inventory as you can of the things that you would like to define your life. Then make the shift in your imagination from an I am not or I am hoping to become to I am. You want what follows I am to be congruent with your highest self, which is God. Beginning with your inner dialogue, simply change the words that define your concept of yourself. Redefine your self-concept by choosing the words that you opt to place into your imagination. Try this rewording of your inner world as a beginning step to accessing the assistance of your higher self and fulfilling your desires. Instead of I am incapable of getting a job, shift to I am capable. Similarly, replace proclamations of I am not able to live in peace with I am peace. I am unlucky in love is replaced by I am love. I am unworthy of happiness becomes I am happiness. The words I am, which you consistently use to define who you are and what you are capable of, are holy expressions for the name of God--the highest aspect of yourself. Break lifelong habits of unwittingly besmirching this holy name. Discontinue using pejorative labels to cast aspersions on your holy self. Always make your very first consideration the honoring of your Divine spirit. This will allow you to rise to previously unimagined heights. Teach your outer self to accept the unlimited power of your inner spirit and the things you place in your imagination can become true for you. Topics: Divine Spirit, I Am, Inner Spirit Comments Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Divine Purpose | 8 Comments James Twyman, the author of The Moses Code, asked sound-healing expert Jonathan Goldman to research and create tuning forks that encode the holy name of God--and then reproduce these sound frequencies in a meditation program. Jonathan used a system called gematria (derived from the ancient Kabbalah tradition of assigning specific numbers to words) to find the sounds that correspond to the words--I am that I am. These were the words that God spoke when Moses asked for God's name in the book of Exodus in the Old Testament. The sounds Jonathan discovered make up the Moses Code frequency meditation that has become the heart of my meditation practice today. Meditation is a vital practice to access conscious contact with your highest self. When I use the Moses Code frequency meditation, Continue Reading We had another amazing chance to speak with Dr. Wayne Dyer today and were able to follow up after last week's call about the "I am" principle. We were able to gain a deeper understanding of the growth we are all experiencing and really dive into how to continue this shift. Last week, Wayne discussed the power behind "I am" and went deeper into the fact that that simple statement leads back to God. He explained that when Moses, in the book of Exodus, came across a burning bush that was not being consumed, God said: "My name is I am that I am. And that shall be my name for all future generations." Wayne explained that every time you're using the words "I am," you're quoting the name of God. This is your highest self. Thus, whenever you say "I am weak," you are desecrating the name of God. Remember to be able to say "I am," and have faith that God is with you. While you may have been raised to believe that you're limited to a certain ordinary-ness, the fact is that you are what never changes. While your body will change, the "Who I am" never will. You are grand and capable of creating anything you want in your life. If you are having a hard time with the "I am" and what it really means to say "I am strong, I am great, I am abundant," or "I am powerful," it's just the human being that's occupying this sensory body that holds you back and prevents you from really connecting with God who is always with you. When Wayne began taking calls, we heard from Shirley who is struggling with extreme and incessant neck and shoulder pain. Wayne suggested using tapping with an intention of releasing the pain she is experiencing and living through the statement "I am pain free." As she works through the feeling of being pain free, she will experience her universal bucket of energy filling up. When you tap into the power of the universe and all the love that God has to offer, you'll realize that there is nothing too big or small to repair. Our second caller turned out to also be Shirley and when we spoke with her we leapt into the concept of presence and really being with the "I am" outside of this physical body. Wayne says to make the number one relationship your relationship to Source, not twitter, Facebook, your iPad, or iPhone. The reason that you get such a good feeling about any of the stuff in your life is because of the outpouring of love you have on that stuff. But, if you shift that outpouring of love to the beautiful inspiration and creation of this world, you will receive that love in return! Sometimes, we need to understand love in its purest sense by offering it up for the sole purpose of loving. You always have the power of saying a silent prayer, offering physical touch, and genuinely offering love. We then tackled the idea of feeling our wishes fulfilled when there's no frame of reference for that all-empowering love. As Wayne put it, you came from this awe-inspiring power and source that is love. Your original nature is to give and to serve and to give divine love to one another, it's your nature at its most pure sense. So, when you feel as though you don't know how to relate to the incredible power of all that you deserve and all that you are, just hold space for the fact that you are what you are trying to feel. We are all infinite spiritual being having a temporary human experience on this planet. When we spoke with Shirley, we moved into overcoming the anger and frustration surrounding some of the events that come into our lives and shape our existence. Wayne then explained that the only thing we have to do is to treasure out magnificence. We don't need to be angry, we don't need to be frustrated with anyone or anything, we just need to embrace ourselves and truly embrace who we are. When we are faced with distraction but are being pulled, we must reprogram our conscious mind to be in a state of love. When you say, "I am love," you will know the love, the patience, clarity, and pure embrace that you are. Honor everything, pay attention to everything, be astonished by the miraculous things of this world, and share all of it with others. It's all so simple, it just takes a little focus and diligence. If you are in a place that could be defined as ordinary, and are ready to be changed by Dr. Dyer, shift who you believe you are and begin living as the infinite and divine being that you are. This is just the beginning of what's in store for you. If you'd like to claim your God-Self, then be and live from that place of divine love, please, please take a look at the incredibly generous special offer Wayne has put together ? it's really an incredible compilation of meditations, processes, and complimenting content and I know you'll be blown away ? Click Here. This entry was posted in Season 9. Bookmark the permalink. Follow comments with the RSS feed for this post. < Back to Blog ? 1996-2014, , Inc. or its affiliates Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Divine Purpose | 8 Comments James Twyman, the author of The Moses Code, asked sound-healing expert Jonathan Goldman to research and create tuning forks that encode the holy name of God--and then reproduce these sound frequencies in a meditation program. Jonathan used a system called gematria (derived from the ancient Kabbalah tradition of assigning specific numbers to words) to find the sounds that correspond to the words--I am that I am. These were the words that God spoke when Moses asked for God's name in the book of Exodus in the Old Testament. The sounds Jonathan discovered make up the Moses Code frequency meditation that has become the heart of my meditation practice today. Meditation is a vital practice to access conscious contact with your highest self. When I use the Moses Code frequency meditation, Continue Reading

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