Soldier Creek Hunter Management Area is open January 1 ...

 Soldier Creek Hunter Management Area is open January 1 ? December 31 each year to hunt prairie dogs, sharp-tailed grouse, partridge, doves, wild turkey, pheasant, waterfowl, rabbits, predators during daylight hours, elk, antelope, deer and mountain lion during specific species seasons as published in the current Wyoming Game and Fish Commission Regulations.

ATTENTION HUNTERS: EACH individual must obtain a permission slip prior to hunting on the Soldier Creek HMA. Permission slips will be issued through our website at

Online Permission Slips can only be issued based on valid hunting licenses (Note: Small game license necessary for Prairie Dog and Predator on-line permission slips if no other license is held. Hunters without a license can receive permission slips from the Sheridan Regional Office for Prairie Dogs and Predator hunting. Antelope Hunt Area 109 (unlimited) Deer Hunt Area 24 Region Y (unlimited) Elk Hunt Area 37 (unlimited) Mountain Lion Hunt Area 23 (unlimited)

Hunters do not need to contact the Wyoming National Guard for Permission during the 2019 hunting season.

Any person that holds a valid permission slip can hunt any species that Soldier Creek HMA allows to be hunted during that species hunting season on that permission slip. (one permission slip is valid for the entire period printed on the permission slip, example: If a hunter hold a Fall Turkey permission slip that hunter could also hunt coyotes in February and Spring Turkey in May along with any other species during the season printed in G&F regulations).

This area may be temporarily closed due to military training exercises.

The Soldier Creek HMA is considered public land for the purpose of general license deer hunting. No doe/fawn mule deer harvest permitted!

Hunter access is allowed for walk-in foot traffic or horseback ONLY. No motorized travel is allowed on the HMA.

No sage grouse hunting! Hunters must park in designated parking areas along Keystone Road. Leave all gates as found. Hunters must obey all Game and Fish laws and regulations. Report any wildlife violations at 1-877-WGFD-TIP (877-943-3847). Abide by all signs and posted areas. Do not litter and no overnight camping. Each hunter must have a permission slip and a vehicle pass to the specific hunter management area.

Anyone without Department permission shall be subject to trespass charges. Access is limited to individual access for hunting. Access is not granted for commercial activity,

including outfitting of hunters. Do not shoot in the direction of livestock, buildings, roads, fences, windmills, stock tanks, or any other

object other than the animal you are hunting. Do not damage fences or any range improvements, or harass livestock. Livestock has the right of way. Remember hunters, future hunting opportunities depend on hunter compliance with all ranch rules as

well as Game and Fish laws and regulations.


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