Questions - Weebly


Simple Present( One-part verb( Use DO

I walk to school every day.

Yes/No Questions: Do you walk to school every day?

Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

Wh-Word Questions: Why do you walk to school?

Where do you walk on your way to school?

When do you walk to school?

How do you walk to school?

Who do you walk to school with?

Exception: How come you walk to school?

Who walks to school with you?

What happens when you walk to school?

Simple Past( One-part verb( Use DID

I walked to school last week.

Yes/No Questions: Did you walk to school last week?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

Wh-Word Questions: Why did you walk to school?

Where did you walk on your way to school?

When did you walk to school?

How did you walk to school?

Who did you walk to school with?

Exception: How come you walked to school?

Who walked to school with you?

What happened when you walked to school?

Present Progressive( Two-part verb( Use V1 [TO BE]

I’m walking to school right now

Yes/No Questions: Are you walking to school right now?

Yes, I am./No, I’m not.

Wh-Word Questions: Why are you walking to school?

Where are you walking on your way to school?

When are you walking to school?

How are you walking to school?

Who are you walking to school with?

Exception: How come you’re walking to school?

Who is walking to school with you?

What is the reason you’re walking to school?

Future( Two-part verb( Use V1 [WILL or TO BE]

I will walk to school today. / I’m going to walk to school today.

Yes/No Questions: Will you walk to school today?/ Are you going to walk to school today?

Yes, I will./No, I won’t. / Yes, I am./No, I’m not.

Wh-Word Questions: Why will you walk to school?/Why are you going to walk to school?

Where will you walk on your way to school?/ Where are you going to walk?

When will you walk to school?/When are you going to walk to school?

How will you walk to school? /How are you going to walk to school?

Who will you walk to school with? Who are you going to walk to school with?

Exception: How come you’ll walk to school?

How come you’re going to walk to school?

Who will walk to school with you?

Who is going to walk to school with you?

What will happen when you walk to school?

Present Perfect( Two-part verb( Use V1 [TO HAVE]

I have walked to school for two years.

Yes/No Questions: Have you ever walked to school?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

Wh-Word Questions: Why have you walked to school?

Where have you walked on your way to school?

When have you walked to school?

How have you walked to school?

Who have you walked to school with?

Exception: How come you’ve walked to school?

Who has walked to school with you this week?

What has happened since you walked to school?

Present Perfect Progressive( Three-part verb( Use V1 [TO HAVE]

I have been walking to school lately.

Yes/No Questions: Have you been walking to school lately?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

Wh-Word Questions: Why have you been walking to school?

Where have you been walking on your way to school?

When have you been walking to school?

How have you been walking to school?

Who have you been walking to school with?

Exception: How come you’ve been walking to school?

Who has been walking to school with you?

What has been happening since you walked to school?

Turn the following sentences into questions.

She has been late for class._______________________________________________________

I’m going to Spain._____________________________________________________________

He likes opera._________________________________________________________________

They have been coming to this store for three years.____________________________________

She wants to be a doctor when she grows up.__________________________________________

The company will have a big profit this year.___________________________________________

They went to the movies last night.___________________________________________________

Are the following questions correct or incorrect? If they’re incorrect, fix them.

Who wrote the book “Of Mice and Men”?_____________________________________________Bottom of FTop of Form

How much it costs?_______________________________________________________________

Bottom of Form

Top of Form

What size do you wear?____________________________________________________________

How come do I get a bad grade on this report?__________________________________________

She go with you to see the cherry blossoms yesterday?___________________________________

How you like living in the U.S.A.?___________________________________________________

Bottom of Form

Top of Form

Who he sent a card to?_____________________________________________________________

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Top of Form

How long will it take you to get there?________________________________________________

When you have class on Wednesday?________________________________________________

Bottom of Form

Top of Form

Where he born?__________________________________________________________________

Why you no return my phone call?___________________________________________________

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Top of Form

Whose painting the art critic talking about?____________________________________________

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Top of Form

Who are offering us help?__________________________________________________________

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Top of Form

What caused the boy's death?_______________________________________________________

Bottom of Form


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