Resume of Mr. Zheng - University of Texas at Dallas

Zhiqiang (Eric) Zheng

Information Systems Department Office: 972-883-5914

School of Management, SM33 Home: 972-992-2158

University of Texas at Dallas

Richardson, TX 75083 E-Mail:

Current Research Interests

• Information Technology Innovation and Diffusion

• Information Valuation, Information Sharing and Acquisition using data mining

• Social Network Analysis

• Data Mining Theories and Applications


Ph.D. (May 2003) Operations and Information Management

The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

M.A. (May 2001) Operations and Information Management

The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

M.S. (March 1996) Department of Industrial Management Engineering

Shanghai Jiaotong University (PR China)

B.S. (July 1993) Department of Management Information Systems

Harbin Institute of Technology (PR China)

Work Experience

University of Texas at Dallas, 2006-present

Associate professor in Information Systems, School of Management

University of California, Riverside, 2003-2006

Assistant professor at Gary Anderson School of Management

Jupiter Media Metrix, NewYork, Summer 2000.

E-Business consultant at the e-commerce development department. 

EPSON Shanghai Co. Ltd, Shanghai, China, 1995-1997.

Marketing supervisor; project manager of EPSON’s EIS system.

Research Experience

Journal Publications

“Toward a Causal Interpretation from Observational Data: A New Bayesian Networks Method for Structural Models with Latent Variables”, Zheng, Z., Pavlou, P. Forthcoming in Information Systems research, Methodological Research Note, 40 Pages. An earlier version is Available at .

“A Model of Search Intermediaries and Paid Referrals”, Weber, T., Zheng, Z. Information Systems Research 18 (4), pp.414-436, 2007. An earlier version is available at .

“Constructing Ensembles from Data Envelopment Analysis”, Zheng, Z., B. Padmanabhan. INFORMS Journal on Computing 19 (4), pp.486-496, 2007. Earlier version available at .

“Selectively Acquiring Customer Information: A New Data Acquisition Problem and an Active Learning Based Solution”, Zheng, Z., B. Padmanabhan. Management Science, 52(5), pp. 697-712, 2006. An earlier version is available at .

“An Empirical Analysis of the Value of Complete Information for eCRM Models”, Padmanabhan, B., Z. Zheng, and S. Kimbrough. MIS Quarterly, 30(2), pp. 247-267, 2006. Earlier version available at .

“On the Existence and Significance of Data Pre-processing Biases in Web Usage Mining”, Zheng, Z., Padmanabhan, B. and S. Kimbrough, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 15(2), special issue on mining web-based data for e-business applications, 2003. Available at .

“On Adaptive Emergence of Trust Behavior in the Game of Stag Hunt”, Fang, C., Kimbrough, S., Valluri, A. and Zheng Z. INFORMS Journal on Group Decision and Negotiation, Special Issue on Formal Modelling in E-commerce, 11(6), 2002. Supported in part by NSF Grant (number 9709548). An earlier version is available at .

Refereed Conference Proceedings

“Is IT Really Becoming a Commodity?”, Dos-Santos, B., Zheng, Z., Mookerjee, V., Chen, H. Complete Research paper, Accepted for presentation at International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Paris, 2008.

“A DEA Approach for Model Combination”, Zheng, Z., Padmanabhan, B. and Zheng, H., 2004. Proceedings of KDD 2004, August 2004 (Poster paper. Acceptance rate 45 posters, 40 full of 337 submissions).

“On Active Learning for Data Acquisition”, Zheng, Z., Padmanabhan, B. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Data Mining (ICDM02), 2002. (Acceptance rate: 70/369).

“Personalization from Incomplete Data: What you don’t know can hurt”, Padmanabhan, B., Zheng, Z. and S. Kimbrough. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2001 (KDD2001),154-264. (Acceptance rate: 20/203).

“On Usage Metric for Determining Authoritative Sites”, Kimbrough, S., Padmanabhan, B. and Zheng, Z. Proceedings of Workshop on Information Technology & Systems 2000 (WITS 2000). (Acceptance rate: 33/116).


“Mining Movie Blog Data for Box office prediction”, Zheng, Z., Yu, W. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2007, Seattle.

“Inferring firms’ competitive measures from aggregated data”, Zheng, Z., Padmanabhan, B., Fader, P. presented at the Frank Bass Conference at UTD in March 2007 and the INFORMS Conference 2006 at Pittsburg.

“A Bayesian Network Method for Inferring Causality from Data”, Zheng, Z. and Pavlou, P. IFORS Conference, Hawaii, 2005.

“Evolutionary Origin of Trust: A Learning Perspective”, Fang, C., S. Kimbrough, A. Valluri, Z. Zheng, Academy of Management Conference 2002 (AOM02), Denver.

“A Model of Search Intermediaries and Paid Referrals”, Weber, T., Z. Zheng Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE 2002), Barcelona, Spain.

Work In Progress

“Inferring Competitive Measures from Aggregate Data: Information Sharing Using Stochastic Models”, with Peter Fader, Balaji Padmanabhan. Last revised in February 2008. Under review, Available at

“Patent Grant and Insider Trading: Evidence from the Biotech Industry”. With Helen Choy and Hsihui Chang. Under review. Available at .

“DEA-based Hypothesis Tests for Comparison of Two Groups of Decision Making Units”, with Rajiv Banker and Ram Natarajan. Under review.

“Outlier Identification using Super-efficient DEA procedures”, with Rajiv Banker and Hsihui Chang, Under review.

“IT Does Matter: Evidence”, with Brian Dos-Santos, Vijay Mookerjee. Last Revised in August 2008. First draft available.

“The Network Effect of Firm Innovation – Evidence from the U.S. Patent Data”, with Bin Gu. In the stage of data analysis.

“Dynamic IT Capability – Evidence from Fortune 1000 Firms”, with Paul Pavlou and Bin Gu. In the stage of data analysis.

Teaching Experience

Teaching Records at Wharton and UCR

“Database Management System”, MBA core, Fall 2003. (Evaluation: 6.4 out of 7.0.)

“Systems Analysis and Design”, MBA elective, Spring 2004. (6.6/7.0)

“Systems Analysis and Design”, Undergraduate elective. Spring 2004. (5.4/7.0)

“Introduction to Database”, Undergraduate elective. Fall 2004. (5.8/7.0)

“Introduction to data Mining”, Undergraduate elective. Fall 2004 & Spring 2005 (5.5/7.0)

“E-commerce Systems”, Undergraduate elective, Fall 2005. (5.4/7.0)

“Data Mining for Business”, MBA elective, Spring and Fall 2005. (6.6 /7.0)

“Introduction to MIS”, Undergraduate core, Winter 2006 (5.2/7.0)

“Management Information Systems”, MBA core, Winter 2006 (6.6/7.0).

Teaching Records at UTD

“Introduction to MIS”, BA3351-004, Undergraduate core, Spring 2007. (3.8/5.0).

“Introduction to MIS”, BA3351-501, Undergraduate core, Spring 2007. (3.6/5.0).

“Business Intelligence”, MIS6324, Graduate Elective, Summer 2007. (4.6/5)

“Business Intelligence”, MIS6324, Graduate Elective, Spring 2008. (4.6/5)

Most Recent Editorial Services

CIST 2008 Program Committee PC Member 2008

ICIS 2007 Track “Web-Based Information Systems” AE 2007

Third Workshop on Sponsored Search Auctions AE 2007

International Journal of Electronic Commerce AE Since 2006

Information Technology Management Ad-hoc AE, reviewer Regularly*

MIS Quarterly Reviewer 2007, 2008

Information Systems Research Reviewer Regularly

Management Science Reviewer Regularly

INFORMS Journal on Computing Reviewer Regularly

Decision Support Systems Reviewer Regularly

IEEE Transaction (TKDE) Reviewer 2008

* Regularly >4 papers/year


Computer Languages: Python, Visual Basic, Perl, SQL, Java, C/ C++.

Statistics Analysis Packages: SAS, SPSS, Jump-In, S-Plus

Business Intelligence/Data Mining Packages: Clementine, CART, Gainsmarts, SAS Enterprise Miner, WEKA, SQL Server 2008, XLMiner, Crystal Report

Special Packages: Brio/ Oracle, SAP ERP, UCNet, UML, Business Objects, ESRI (GIS), Crystal Ball.


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