The University of Incheon Times

A: The Boggleborian Times 50 cents

Fall 2003

|University Shocked by Naked Student! |[pic] |

|___________, a local student, has been seen running around _________ naked. Professors and | |

|students were ________ by the _________on his/her _______. | |

| | |

|______ says she did it because _________________ | |

|_________________________________________ | |

|_________________________________________ | |

|_________________________________________ | |

| | |Naked student photographed waving to friends |

|University Student Dates Middle School Student |Student Drunk at Cowboy Bar | |

| | |Today’s Horoscope |

|___________, a local student, has been _________ for |___________, a local student, was arrested for being |Aries March 21-April 19 |

|dating a _______ school student. ___________ claims that |______ and disorderly in a ______ bar near _______. At the|You will find success. |

|he/she didn’t know he/she was dating a middle school |time of the arrest, he/she was ________ on a table |Taurus April 20-May 20 |

|student. |completely naked. |_________________________ |

|_________ say he/she did it because ________________ |_________ say he/she did it because ________________ |Gemini May 21-June 21 |

|_______________________ |_______________________ |Something bad will happen. |

|______________________ |______________________ |Cancer June 22-July 22 |

| | |_________________________ |

| | |Leo July 23-August 22 |

| | |You will fight with your friend. |

| | |Virgo August 23-September 22 |

| | |_________________________ |

| | |Libra September 23-October 22 |

| | |You will catch a cold. |

| | |Scorpio October 23 - November 21 |

| | |____________________ |

| | |Sagittarius November 22-December 21 You will do|

| | |well in school. |

| | |Capricorn December 22-January |

| | |19_________________ |

| | |Aquarius January 20-February 18 You will find |

| | |some money. |

| | |Pisces February 19-March 20 |

| | |_________________________ |

|University Student Robs Elementary School Kids |Professor Fired for Dating Student | |

|___________, a local student, is under arrest for ______ |___________, a local student, has been ______ from the | |

|money from ________ school children. He/she has been |university for dating an _______ professor. The professor | |

|stopping the young kids as they were on their way to |has _________ for his/her behavior. | |

|______ and demanding that they give him/her their ______ | | |

|money. |_________ say he/she did it because ________________ | |

| |_______________________ | |

|_________ say he/she did it because ________________ |______________________ | |

|_______________________ | | |

B: The Boggleborian Times 50 cents

Fall 2003

|University Student Goes Crazy |[pic] |

|___________, a local student, has been admitted to a nearby mental hospital. ___________ has been | |

|hearing _______ in his/her head. Other students are ________ that he/she may be a ________________. | |

| | |

|______ says that he/she entered the mental hospital because _________________________________ | |

|________________________________________ | |

|________________________________________ | |

|Student Bribes Professor |Student Caught Cheating! |Student Relaxing in Mental Hospital |

|___________, a local student, has been _______ for |___________, a local student, was caught ______ on |Today’s Horoscope |

|trying to _____ his/her ________ professor. The |his/her ________ exams. Since this was the ______ time |Aries March 21-April 19 |

|student failed the ________ and knew she/he was going |the student has been caught, the university is thinking |___________________. |

|to get an ‘F’. |of _______ him/her. She was caught by _________. |Taurus April 20-May 20 |

| |_________ say he/she did it because ________________ |You will meet your lover. |

|_________ say he/she did it because ________________ |_______________________ |Gemini May 21-June 21 |

|_______________________ | |___________________. |

| | |Cancer June 22-July 22 |

| | |Your family wants to see you. |

| | |Leo July 23-August 22 |

| | |___________________. |

| | |Virgo August 23-September 22 |

| | |You will feel depressed. |

| | |Libra September 23-October 22 |

| | |___________________. |

| | |Scorpio October 23 - November 21 |

| | |Your mother misses you. |

| | |Sagittarius November 22-December 21 |

| | |__________________. |

| | |Capricorn December 22-January 19 |

| | |You will fail your exam. |

| | |Aquarius January 20-February 18 |

| | |____________________. |

| | |Pisces February 19-March 20 |

| | |You will lose some money |

|Student Warned to Take a Shower |Student Photographed Dating Married Person | |

|___________, a local student, has given a warning from|___________, a local student, has been _________ dating | |

|the _______ of the school: “Take a ______ or you will |an older man/woman. The man/woman is _______ years older| |

|be expelled!” __________ has not taken a shower in |than _________. At the time of the photograph, they were| |

|_______ and other students have complained that they |caught entering a ______ motel. | |

|cannot _________ because he/she smells so bad. | | |

|_________ say he/she did it because ________________ |_________ say he/she did it because ________________ | |

|_______________________ |_______________________ | |


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