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Reasons for the Civil War


← North – The North had abolished slavery.

← South – The south used slavery as a way to make money


A tariff is a tax placed on products sold to other countries. It is also added to products other countries are selling to us.

← North

← The North wanted to have higher Tariffs for the products that were coming into America.

← They want to sell their manufactured goods to the South without competition from other countries.


← The South wanted to have lower tariffs so they would not have to pay as much for the products or manufactured good that were coming from Great Britain.

← They like the idea of having manufactured goods from the North and from other countries. They want to get the best deal, and not have to pay the price the North decides on.

Missouri Compromise

← In 1819 the Missouri Territory wanted to become a state and this caused the Congress to discuss if slavery. In addition, they discussed if the United States government had the right to prevent states from having slavery.

← The Missouri Compromise solved this problem by making Missouri a slave state and Maine a free state.

Compromise of 1850

← This compromise abolished (ended) slavery in Washington D.C.

← California became a free state.

← The Fugitive Slave Law was created.

← This law gave the U.S. government the power to help Southern slave owners capture runaway slaves.

← Utah and New Mexico territories were created without any slavery laws.

Cotton Gin

← Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin which increased cotton production.


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