POP Survey - Florida Department of Health

Middle School Violence Prevention Pre-Survey

(circle one)

School: _______________________ Age:_____ Grade: _____ Boy or Girl

|A. Read each statement and decide… |Yes |Mostly Yes |Mostly |No |

| | | |No | |

|A boy is allowed to kiss his girlfriend, even if she doesn’t want to be kissed. | | | | |

|A girl should get out of the relationship if her boyfriend insults or swears at her. | | | | |

|Being mean and hurtful to unpopular kids is okay because I don’t want others to think | | | | |

|they’re my friends. | | | | |

|Boys should never tell on each other, even if a girl tells them she’s been hit or hurt by | | | | |

|a boy. | | | | |

|Boys sometimes deserve to be hit by the girls they date. | | | | |

|If I saw someone at school being threatened by their | | | | |

|boyfriend/girlfriend, I would…….Do nothing because it is none of my business. | | | | |

|Girls can choose who their boyfriend should hang out with. | | | | |

|Girls should have the same freedoms as boys. | | | | |

|I feel like I can talk with my parents or another adult if I have questions or concerns | | | | |

|about any relationships. | | | | |

|If someone threatens to hit you, then it is okay to hit that person. | | | | |

|It bothers me when a guy acts like a girl. | | | | |

|It is okay to send suggestive pictures and/or text messages because everyone knows it’s | | | | |

|not serious. | | | | |

|Jealousy is good because it shows that you care. | | | | |

|Kids who get bullied or picked on usually deserve it. | | | | |

|My parents or other adults have talked to me about how to work out problems in a dating | | | | |

|relationship. | | | | |

|Repeating lies or hurtful gossip, even if you didn’t say it first, can be bullying and get| | | | |

|you in a lot of trouble. | | | | |

|If I saw someone at school being threatened by their boyfriend/girlfriend, I would…….Tell | | | | |

|an adult who I thought would help. | | | | |

|If I saw someone at school being threatened by their boyfriend/girlfriend, I would…Tell | | | | |

|the boyfriend/girlfriend to stop. | | | | |

|Violence between people is personal and other people should mind their own business. | | | | |

|If I saw someone at school being threatened by their boyfriend/girlfriend, I would…….Wait | | | | |

|until their boyfriend/girlfriend leaves and then ask them if they need help. | | | | |

Thank you for completing this survey.


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