DPS International (Saket)






Writing Family Stories

In this project you have to create an interesting family memoir. It will consist of a set of at least two stories. You are free to add more if you wish to.

Step 1

Ask your family members to tell you an interesting anecdote from their lives. The anecdote can be about an unexpected event, a learning experience, inspiring incident/ meeting, a turning point of their life or the life of a dear one, a historical event they happened to witness or even influence and so on. Encourage them to recreate the scene for you in all its sensorial details describing the characters involved and the setting. You could even get your family members to share the same family story from their own viewpoint. In that case the basic story is the same but the narrator’s perspective is different.

At this stage make detailed notes. Remember these notes are a part of your final presentation.

Step 2

Develop a story trying out different possible sequencing of events to create maximum effect. The story must have a beginning, middle and end with a building up of conflict, events leading to crisis and a resolution in the end.

Step 3

Take a scrapbook with blank and ruled sheets. Paste some pictures or even better draw something from your imagination and write a related story on the opposite page. Each story should begin with a plan which includes the notes you took in step 1.

Step 4

Finally, give this collection an interesting title. Remember that this project carries your family name and it must reflect your pride in it.


Content: 8 marks

Style: 7 marks


1. Storyboard: Read Holes (Chapters 1-15) and draw a cartoon script capturing any significant moment you found/liked in the novel. The cartoon strip should have 8-10 frames.

2. Compare & Contrast: Select any other story written by Saki and read it very closely. Write a comparison between ‘The Open Window’ and that story you selected in 200 words. Discuss theme, plot, setting, character, tone, language, and so on.

Give references and appropriate quotations from the text to support your point of view.


Storyboard: 20M

Content: 10


Essay: 20M

Content: 5


Textual Reference: 5



Content (3 marks)

Presentation (2 marks)

Language & Spellings (2 marks)

Creativity & Originality (3 marks)

Total Marks 10


Creative Component:


• Students have been allotted one of the topics from the list given below.

• Each student should make their own given project only.

• Models to be brought to school latest by 2nd July, 2015 and will be marked out of 10.

• Please strictly adhere to the dates of submission. Any delays in submission of Models brought after 2nd July will not be marked.

List of topics:

1. Making of Mathematical Clocks

Students will create a mathematical clock using mathematical expressions for numbers from 1 to 12 using various mathematical concepts.

E.g. 1 may be written as 3^0 or 4x/4x or 7x+1=8 and so on.

The idea is to invoke mathematical thinking, enhance creativity, sharpen mind and develop critical thinking.

2. Mathematics of Maps:

Students will study the mathematics of maps by utilizing various online resources. Students will create a model by taking the map of a place and explaining the concept of scale of a map to calculate the actual distance between different places. The model should also include a self created story based mathematical problem/puzzle based on map scale. Students can also use other mathematical topics to make the puzzle more interesting.

Given below are few resources for help:

3. Curve Sketching:

Make a model on wooden board showing curve stitching using threads. The images below can be referred with for innovative ideas.



Site 2:-

4. Compass Drawings: Construction designs using a compass and a ruler 

Make a poster with compass drawing. Make it colorful and symmetrical. The images below can be referred with for innovative ideas.


5. Mathematics Newsletter:

Students will make their very own mathematics news letter consisting of 4 A3 pages. They will give it an interesting name and can include the following things in it:

Mathematics trivia, puzzles, riddles, jokes, news from the world of mathematics, information about mathematicians, mathematics graffiti, etc. They should be as creative as possible in terms of design and content.


Apart from doing one creative component that has been allotted to them, students will also be required to do worksheets for practice. The worksheets will be uploaded on the school portal at the beginning of the vacations.


“Guess Who am I?”

Choose any element of your choice from periodic table and imagine that you are an element. Write a story about yourself including following points:

1. Your name

2. Symbol

3. When did you come on this earth? And who invented you?

4. Position in periodic table.

5. Names of your neighboring element.

6. Your relationship with your neighboring element.

7. Your interesting physical and chemical properties.

8. Uses.

9. Name the elements you do not react with them at all.

10. Any interesting facts about you.


Using the web site:

Make a three dimensional (3-D) model of the periodic table.


Visit to Son En Lumiere [Sound and Light] Show at Red Fort

Every evening there is a spectacular display of history and events related to the city of Delhi in the form of light and sound show organized at the Red Fort. History of Delhi is displayed at this show right from the times of Pandavas, the Slave dynasty, the Mughals till the era of British.

Visit this show: Take a selfie of you and your companions at the Red Fort evening show

Choose one subject and do the project


• Make a colourful poster for Delhi Tourism to help promote the Son En Lumiere [ Sound And Light] show ( Poster size: ¼ size of a chart paper)

• Poster should include pictures/ drawings/ sketches and neatly hand written information in few catchy lines on the historical content of the show.


▪ Content (Quality of research) 3

▪ Creativity 3

▪ Oral Presentation 4



Make a Travel Brochure Card on any one Waterfall of the World.

• On one side of the card: Either draw /sketch or stick pictures of the selected waterfall and give it an interesting title

• On the flip side: Give information which should include the location of the waterfall (continent, country etc), on which river it is present, height, best months to visit, how to reach the destination. Give one interesting fact of the chosen waterfall.

• Size of the Travel Brochure Cards: A4


1. Extent of Research- 4 Marks

2. Creativity-3 Marks

3. Presentation- 3 Marks


Topic: Nothing is impossible.

If you were to design a mobile app: What would it be?

Explain the details of your unique mobile application as to what would it be its function and how it will be helpful for the user.

1. Using your computer skills design a short cut logo for your application and give it a name.

2. The functions are to be explained and laid out in the manner as they are seen when you search for an app in the App store.


a) Assignment Booklet:

Exercises: Pg.7-11, 41-43, 52,53,

b) Poster Making: The students have to make posters on the Spanish and Latin American history and their mysterious aspects.

Size: Half Pastel sheet. Colours: Any Medium

Text to be used on the poster has to be in SPANISH. No craft work is to be done with decorative materials.

Range of Topics:

Discoveries: Los descubrimientos

Ex. El viaje de Colón, La primera vuelta al mundo de Magallanes

Important dynasties in the past: Las dinastías de los tiempos pasados

Ex.a) Pre-historia y el imperio romano: El legado romanó en Iberia, Las

Invasiones bárbaras

b) Al Ándalus: Califato de Córdoba, Taifa de Granada

c) Reconquista y Los reyes Católicos: Alfonso X el sabio, La Unión Castilla y Arragón

Lost civilizations: Extent and myths of indigenous cultures: Las épocas perdidas: trascendencia y mitología de las culturas indígenas y sus sitios misteriosos.

Ex. Mayas, Aztecas, Olmecas, Incas etc.

Ex. Altamira, Alhambra, Machu Picchu,Teotihuacán, ChitzenItza, Tikal, Palenque,

Cuzco, Líneas de Nazca, Rapa Nui etc.

RUBRICS: Content – 5 marks, Presentation – 2.5 marks, Creativity – 2.5 marks


1. Assignment Booklet Exercises to be completed till May.

2. “Deutschland ist….” : Prepare a Poster depicting what Germany means to you. You may like to represent various aspects of German Life and Culture, its contribution to society….The Poster must have the completed Caption (Deutschland ist….) and should be on a half pastel sheet (any medium). No collage allowed!

Note: Email the Poster to monika.handa.dpsi@


Content/ Originality : 5 marks , Presentation/Creativity: 5 marks


1. Préparez un dessin pour le page titre d’un livre (Book cover). Il faut dessiner et colorier vous-même. Ecrivez un titre intéressant. Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser les images de l’internet, et vous ne pouvez pas imprimer les images !



2. Vous êtes en France. Dessinez une carte postale pour votre ami en Inde.


• Ou êtes-vous?

• Que faites-vous?

• Quand rentrez-vous?

• Comment voyagez-vous?

Faites les devoirs sur une feuille A4 et sur l’ordinateur et envoyez-les a votre professeur de français.

RUBRICS: Creativity –2 marks, Presentation – 3 marks, Language – 5 marks


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