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Your Name: ___________________________“Reversing Roe”: Viewing GuideRemember and Review: Constitutional Amendments and Supreme Court Precedents for Roe vs. WadeNinth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Griswold v. Connecticut (1965): A married couple sought advice about contraception from a Planned Parenthood employee named Griswold. Connecticut law criminalized providing counseling to married people for the purpose of preventing conception. The Supreme Court ruled that the Connecticut law violated the Constitution because it invaded the privacy of married couples to make decisions about their families. The Court identified privacy as an important value, fundamental to the American way of life, and to the other basic rights outlined in the Bill of Rights (including the First, Third, Fourth, and Ninth Amendments). Seven years later, the Court decided a case that extended access to contraception to unmarried persons, as well.U.S. v. Vuitch (1971): Washington, DC, had a law that prohibited abortions unless a woman’s life or health was endangered by the pregnancy. Dr. Vuitch was arrested for violating that law, and he argued that only a doctor (not a prosecutor) could determine whether an abortion was necessary to protect a woman’s life or health. The Supreme Court did not overturn the DC law. Instead it ruled that “health” should include both psychological and physical well-being. Disclaimer: I understand that this documentary will present viewpoints from both sides of the abortion debate. I understand that viewing this documentary is in no way an attempt to persuade my personal, religious, or governmental beliefs about abortions, but the intended purpose is to understand the political and governmental climate and actions relating to abortions as per the AP Government and Politics Curriculum.What is the main goal of these various recent restrictive abortion laws?How many abortion clinics does Missouri have??_____________ Location(s)? ________________________What did many women have to do in order to have an abortion procedure prior to the legalization of this procedure?Prior to legal abortion, how many illegal abortions occurred each year? _______________________What was unique about early abortion laws, such as in California?Why did earlier Republican's seem to have pro-choice opinions?According to Right to Life interest group, why is abortion such a moral issue?Explain the Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade: (what amendments were involved? What part of substantive due process? Etc)Since the late 1960's, what has the Republican Party become known as _____________________________What legislative action did Dr. Colleen McNicholas participate in? How did abortion become such an influential political issue?What was the original vote in Roe v. Wade?Why is "counting to 5" so important during Supreme Court cases?According to Planned Parenthood v. Casey, what could states now do (which they mostly could not before?)What president check did President Clinton use? What is a dissenting opinion in the Supreme Court?What legislative tactic did Wendy Davis use to prevent the vote on the Texas Abortion Restriction Bill? ________________________________ What eventually happened with the Texas Abortion Restriction Bill?What happened as a result of the new law?How did the Supreme Court rule in the Texas Abortion Law?Why is the presidential power of Supreme Court nominations (lifetime appointments) so important in this issue?The power of states to make their own laws in this issue is an example of which Amendment? ____________ ................

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