Spiritual Energy

20-0830 Life of the Prophecies in RealityNotes of Atori Alo Yansa@_jakewoodard – The Universe responds to your frequency. It doesn’t recognize your personal desires, wants or needs. It only understands the frequency in which you are vibrating at. For example, if you are vibrating in the frequency of fear, guilt or shame, you are going to attract things of a similar vibration to support that frequency. If you are vibrating in the frequency of love, joy and abundance, you are going to attract things to support that frequency. It’s like tuning into a radio station. You have to be tuned into the radio frequency you want to listen to just like you have to be tuned into the energy you want to manifest in your life. ~AAY~The Spirit is Life, God and Satan are manifestations of processes, frequencies and vibrations. The Spirit is Eternal Life and all others are attributes dependent upon where you chose your path. We can walk in higher frequencies and vibrations or chose to walk in the lower. Even Jesus chose lower frequencies in order to transform humanity into a higher vibration and path.Hebrews 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.Ephesians 4:9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? ~AAY~If you can get the people to believe YOU, all things are possible. ~Angel~ WMBThe Angel told William to get the people to believe in You and all things would be possible. That was true for the frequency of that age to catch the attention of the people and world. Now I say, “If you can get to the point of knowing who you are and believing in yourself, all things are possible.” ~AAY~For over two thousand years, the church has been waiting for the coming of the Lord, resurrection, rapture, millennium, judgment day, the sheep being separated from the goats, the battle of Armageddon, the sinners and the devil being cast into the lake of fire and the establishment of the kingdom in the earth.1. Could it be that these supposed physical events are rather spiritual happenings or cycles that open and close in the individuals life?2. Could it be that the preachers misunderstood and explained the scriptures away from their real spiritual meaning?3. Can't the church members question their leaders as to whether they've errored in interpreting the scriptures?4. Is the church in its current state confused?5. Has God finished with the church and left it and the people didn't know?6. Could it be that the church didn't understand the meaning of the resurrection, rapture and meaning of being in the sky and many more promises?I met a man carrying a pitcher of water, an Aquarian who explained it all to me. ~Frank Klu~April 23, 2014 A Cardinal Grand Cross shows up in four different houses as the planets align. You can see Jupiter and Uranus ascending, Aquarius are united and ascending together. Jupiter is Capricorn and Uranus is Aquarius; those two are the two houses that are left in the universe that we started passing through, there are four different areas of the universe of cardinal magnitude. The universe changed, the orbits changed and so did the message all the way back there in 2014 change. It brought on major transformations. All the systems, the politics and government, corporations and leaders, lifestyles everything is changing, everything has been leveled out in the system.Everything is becoming one in the system. The theme in 2019 Olympic game was “We Win As One”. The theme of today’s so called pandemic is “We Healed As One”. All planets in the cross positionally align at 13 degrees.The year 2020 We have a clear vision (20-20). Spirituality, Science and humanity combined bring us a clear understanding. The major changes since 2014 to 2020, six years, are clearly visible. There’s no room for Ignorance. ~Edwin Aromin~Because thou has chosen the narrow path, the harder way, thou has walked in your own choosing. Thou hast picked the precise and correct way, the correct decision, and it is MY WAY. Because of this momentous decision, a huge portion of Heaven awaits thee. What a glorious decision you have made. This in itself is that which will make, and come to pass, the tremendous victory in the love Divine. (Prophecy to WMB, 1961)Comments: Brother Branham read this interpretation from various messages given 1961 till 1965. He didn’t understand the interpretation. He said, “I don’t understand” He didn’t know what was going to happen, he didn’t know what to do, the understanding hasn’t come yet. It's not yet the right time, it was Piscean age.The answer lies in Zechariah 3 Everyone has a way to walk and it's "My Way". The high priest was wearing a filthy garment, an old hierarchy was dismounted and clothed with a new garment. Iniquity passed away, and a fair mitre was placed upon our head. We are filled with the mind, understanding and revelation. This makes the people into a mighty branch, and our iniquity was removed one day. All humans are the same life and nothing can compare. These things are revealed in Aquarian age. ~Edwin Aromin~Question : Brother Bob, we are saying that the whole world is sinless after the church ages, is there a scripture to that?My answer: Yes there is scripture in Daniel 9:24. It says that 70 weeks are determined upon the people and upon the holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity. 70 weeks types the 7 church ages which ended in 1963. In verse 27 it says that the Messiah will confirm the covenant for one week. Jesus fulfilled the first 3 1/2 years (alpha age) and William Branham’s ministry fulfilled the last 3 1/2 years (omega age). In between alpha and omega was the 7 church ages. Remember the type of a woman, her blood issue last only for 7 days. She is clean afterwards. The world was unclean inside the Piscean age of the church and became spotless when she stepped into Aquarius. ~bsb~The Body of the Lord changed forms and shifted power in 1963, appearing as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah fulfilling Revelations 5:5. The bloody lamb (intercession ministry) was completed through the church ages. THIS CHANGE MADE HER THE RULER OF THE EARTH. She took her rights, her dominion, as prophesied throughout history and scripture. BY BELIEVING, WE DECIDE WHEN SOMETHING STAYS IN OUR BODY, OR, IF IT HAS TO LEAVE. All things are possible to them that believe.~20-0419 The Son Surrendering All to the Collective Body~ ~AAY~The 3rd pull is preaching to the LOST - WMBLost is a (adjective)Definition of Lost: unable to be found. not knowing where you are or how to get to where you want to go: unable to find your way. no longer held, owned, or possessed.Some really thought that lost is a person with no representation or eternal life. But how can one be lost (for annihilation) if all came from one source of life? All are sons and daughters of the Most High.The opening of those Seals in 1963 was indeed preaching to the lost, preaching to those who don't know where they are. Questions started to crop-up in peoples mind. Did Jesus second coming really ended? Did the rapture already take place? What did WMB mean when he said the Seals is the end of all things, and on and on.LOST – No longer held by the church, no longer owned, no longer possessed by the hierarchy of religion. Are you lost? Are you misplaced? Did you miss the move of the Spirit? Catch up! -bsb-I'm watching all the changes that are being made throughout the world and the mandates, requirements, and laws that are harming us, our physical and spiritual freedoms. I see where Jesus spoke of Us in this day. It is becoming more real all the time.Mark 16:17-18 - Is now becoming more real than ever. These signs shall follow them that believe; We will recast devils, (change the chemical processes in us so their poisons don't work), speak with strength and faith in a new understanding, (language), we'll take up serpents, (we will become like serpents, wise and full of understanding), these deadly things that we have to inject, spiritually and naturally will not harm Us. We will be one in heart and join our hands as one, and if we get sick we will recover. ~AAY~Yes, this is so true. All these mandates,requirements and laws are what we came out of from the church age, these poisons can not harm us today. We see it now in it's physical form and we're killing it's effect as by speaking a new language with understanding, recasting our physical bodies in a way that these deadly viruses cannot harm us. ~jg~QUESTION: What does it mean to recast devils in this new understanding?MY COMMENT: What I am saying about recasting devils is this: 'Devil is just another word for a process or frequency that a person is living in at the present. You have casted that process or frequency in your life by the habits and understanding that you walk in on a patterned and regular basis. You can recast, or change, that process or frequency to live in another through the Spirit, Christ. In so doing you are casting out old processes and frequencies that you have attuned yourself to, and you are building new ones higher in awareness and vibration than before. You are doing it with the new understanding, the intellect, the mind of Christ.' ~AAY~Waiting for 'perfect' is procrastination. If you are waiting on it, you'll never see it, or get there.We have misunderstood the meaning of ‘perfect’. Jesus said, ‘Be perfect even as your father in heaven is perfect.’ Then he gave the examples of the sunshine and the rain falling on all things. Are we to do the same? Are we to believe that all things need our touch, our presence and our influence and that all things should receive life? I think so. ~AAY~John 1:11-14 as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: 13Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. 14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.We have looked at this prophecy and have tried to become the word, stand in ‘the word’, be all that the ‘word’ says. We have grossly misunderstood this prophecy of how to live in the Farmland. We always were the Word from the beginning! The secret is not to try and be the word, but become Flesh. This means with all your imperfections, your hurt, your embarrassments, your failures and your condemnation, look past it and realize that you are in the flesh. You were word and wanted to become flesh. Don’t turn it around on yourself. ~AAY~Romans 8:1-8 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk in the flesh after the Spirit.2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk after the flesh in the Spirit.5 For they that are in the flesh mind the things of the flesh; and they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.8 So then they that are carnal cannot please God.This writing of Paul in Romans 8 is so misunderstood. We do walk in the flesh after the Spirit and the nature of Christ has made us free from the nature of rules and regulations and anything that binds from outside of us. Following laws and regulations or laws of nature are the things that make us weak in the flesh. The Son was opened to Us to give us another understanding. An understanding that no matter what, we are sinless and removed from condemnation. We are always in favor of the father by relationship. ~AAY~The law of Moses gave us a written carnal outlook which brought on the development of the carnal mind. However, when we recognize Christ and who we are, we have stepped beyond the carnal development into Spiritual development of the mind. We have matured into the mind of Christ. There are not two minds, there is one mind even Christ developing through a Spiritual process. To view the mind as two separate minds is to be doubleminded and unstable in all of our ways. To do so makes us an enemy of our own understanding. If we view ourselves as carnal minded and spiritual minded then we cannot please the Spirit. ~AAY~20-0830 Life of the Prophecies in RealityNotes of Atori Alo Yansa ................

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