Capability Discussion Guide

BUSINESS DRIVERPHASE 1PHASE 2PHASE 3Business CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsBusiness CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsBusiness CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsTransform from a cost center to a profit centerGather all customer interaction information across systems to review and analyze performance of accounts and segments to measure customer lifetime valuevia user-generated reports and analysis tools that pull information from multiple applicationsView consistent dashboards of customer interactions and profitability waterfalls on demandvia interactive performance dashboards and data visualization tools that are connected to a centralized data warehouse of customer informationDetermine patterns of profitability, opportunities for new business, potential customer service issues, or customer churn, and then effectively coordinate and execute an appropriate planvia automated data mining tools that are connected to a centralized data warehouse of customer information; automated workflowGather and analyze current customer interactions and performance information year to yearCreate resource and financial forecastsvia user-generated reports and analysis tools that are connected to a data warehousevia centralized collaborative workspaces with document locking and versioning capabilitiesCompare performance to other customers in the same customer segment to drive suggestions for specific account plansvia interactive dashboards and analysis tools that are connected to a centralized data warehouseAutomatically convert account and segment plans into contact center scripts and action plansvia automated tools for budgeting, planning, and forecasting that are coupled with business activity monitoring tools, such as scorecardsCreate basic account or segment plans with sales to address revenue and profitability growthvia centralized collaborative document librariesAnalyze customer profitability, revenue, service level, and benchmark data to discover customer segments and build plans to grow revenue and profitabilityvia easily accessible and easy-to-use reports, analytics, data mining, and predictive analysis tools that are coupled with automated performance dashboards, which are connected to a centralized customer data warehouseTrack performance against action plans and alignment to a strategy to determine account plan performance and effectivenessvia flexible applications that extract account plan highlights, feed scripts, and automated workflowsBUSINESS DRIVERPHASE 1PHASE 2PHASE 3Business CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsBusiness CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsBusiness CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsImprove agent productivity and effectivenessAllow agents to access all past customer interaction history across channelsEnable agents to receive real-time support from the rest of the organizationAllow agents to readily view the reports on contact center statistics (such as, resolution times and resolutions on first contact)Enable agents to find and access relevant supporting products/service information and experts as quickly as possiblevia real-time access to parameterized reports that are stored in a centralized data warehousevia secure and reliable email and instant messaging; ability to make and receive call from agents’ computersvia real-time access to parameterized reports that are stored in a centralized data warehouse, and via interactive departmental scorecardsvia enterprise search of collaborative and content-managed document and data stores, and via secure and reliable email and instant messaging; ability to make and receive call from agents’ computersImprove visibility of current and relevant resources that are available in the organization to assist with resolutionsConsolidate interfaces into applications that contain customer transaction information across the organizationAllow agents to readily view reports on their individual performancesStore all information that is required to answer customers’ questions or issues about products/services in one location and organize it in a knowledge base that has an accessible taxonomy for service issues and can suggest potential resolutions based on case historiesImprove access to experts by using advanced search and indicating current availabilityvia contact center applications and other line-of-business (LOB) applications that are presence-enabledvia prefetching and maintenance of enterprise data via forms through integration with LOB systemsvia interactive, departmental and individual scorecardsvia unidirectional composite applications that consolidate information across multiple diagnostic applications, via collaborative information store that has easy-to-navigate information taxonomies, and via analysis and data mining toolsvia enterprise search that includes people (that is, skills and social networking information), and via contact center applications and other LOB applications that are presence-enabledStreamline agent support from the rest of enterprise and partner organizationsStreamline and integrate interfaces into applications that contain customer transaction information; enable agents to quickly review recent activities and problematic transactions by showing them at the top of the agents’ screensAllow agents to view real-time individual and contact center performance statistics and alertsResolve issues without using agents by automatically responding to email messages with self-service answersStreamline agent support from the rest of the enterprise and partner organizationsvia a federation of unified communications with supporting partner organizationsvia data mining tools, via bidirectional composite applications with integrated predictive analytics, and via electronic forms and transaction workflows that are integrated with software-centric VoIP to coordinate call transfers with launch and focus of relevant applicationsvia business activity monitoring toolsvia data mining toolsvia advanced search across the data in applications, via electronic forms and transaction workflows that are integrated with software-centric VoIP to coordinate call transfers with launch and focus of relevant applications, and via federation of unified communications with supporting partner organizationsBUSINESS DRIVERPHASE 1PHASE 2PHASE 3Business CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsBusiness CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsBusiness CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsImprove agent productivity and effectivenessStreamline and integrate interfaces into applications that have product/service information; enable agents to quickly review customer profiles and potential issues by automatically showing them at the top of agents’ screensvia unidirectional composite applications, and via advanced search across the data in applicationsGroup agents based on individual agent performance and route contacts to agents based on customers’ segmentsQuickly find service contracts, validate entitlements, and track usagevia reporting and analysis tools that are connected to agents’ performance informationvia centralized collaborative workspaces that have document management capabilitiesFormalize and streamline processes for support of each segmentView current service-level performance by segmentvia workflow automation applications that use collaborative workspaces and portal infrastructuresvia interactive, departmental scorecards that are connected to a near real-time database, which integrates performance information across sourcesDetermine target service-level agreements (SLAs) for customers based on profitability, revenue, customer segments, and contractual entitlements to maximize customer lifetime valueAllow agents to establish temporary SLAs for particular casesGenerate real-time alerts when segment service levels are not being metvia data mining and analysis tools that are connected to a data warehouse, and via real-time scoring of inbound contacts to determine contact handlingvia real-time scoring of inbound contacts to determine contact handlingvia business activity monitoring toolsBUSINESS DRIVERPHASE 1PHASE 2PHASE 3Business CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsBusiness CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsBusiness CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsImprove multi-channel customer experience Allow agents to access all past customer interaction history, outstanding service issues, and sales opportunities across channelsEnable agents to receive real-time support from the rest of the organizationSupport using email as a way for agents to communicate with customersvia real-time access to parameterized reports that are connected to a centralized data warehouse, and via centralized portals with single sign-on access to multiple systemsvia secure and reliable email and instant messaging; ability to make and receive call from agents’ computersvia email solutions with basic security/antivirus/antispam and disaster recoveryImprove visibility into relevant, available experts in the organization to assist with resolutionsConsolidate interfaces into applications that contain customer transaction information across the organizationvia contact center applications and other line-of-business (LOB) applications that are presence-enabledvia prefetching and maintenance of enterprise data via forms through integration with LOB systemsStreamline agent support and other contact channels from the rest of the enterprise and partner organizationsStreamline and integrate interfaces into applications that contain customer transaction information; consistently provide agents and other channels context about recent activities and problematic transactionsShare channel trends with marketing, product, service, and quality teamsEstablish new customer communication channels (such as web chat and email) with customer service centersvia electronic forms and transaction workflows that are integrated with software-centric voice over IP (VoIP) to coordinate call conferencing/transfers with launch and focus of relevant applications, via federation of unified communications with supporting partner organizations, and via advanced email capabilities that facilitate encryptionvia data mining, analysis, and visualization tools, and via bidirectional composite applications with integrated predictive analyticsvia data mining, analysis, and visualization tools, and via collaborative workspaces that support collaborative analysis, decision making, and executionvia advanced email capabilities that facilitate encryption, via live web chat, via multiple channel integration via service-oriented architecture (SOA) web services, and self-service portal that is forms-authenticated with content-centric social computing capabilities, including wikis, blogs, and really simple syndication (RSS) feedsBUSINESS DRIVERPHASE 1PHASE 2PHASE 3Business CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsBusiness CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsBusiness CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsImprove multi-channel customer experienceEnable agents to find and access relevant supporting product and service information as quickly as possibleEnable agents to connect with available experts as quickly as possiblevia centralized portals with single sign-on access to systems that contain product and service information, and via enterprise search of collaborative and content managed document and data storesvia secure and reliable email and instant messaging; ability to make and receive call from agents’ computersStore all information that is required to answer customers’ questions or issues about products/services in one location and organize it in a knowledge base that has an accessible taxonomy for service issues and can suggest potential resolutions based on case historiesImprove access to current product/service information and experts by using advanced search and indicating current availabilityvia unidirectional composite applications that consolidate information across multiple diagnostic applications, via collaborative information store with easy to navigate information taxonomies, and via analysis and data mining toolsvia enterprise search that includes databases and people (that is, skills and social networking information), via contact center applications and other LOB applications that are presence-enabled, and via secure, nonforwardable email messagesStreamline agent support from the rest of the enterprise and partner organizationsStreamline and integrate interfaces into applications that have product and service information; enable agents to quickly review customer profiles and potential issues by automatically showing them at the top of agents’ screensvia advanced search across the data in applications, via electronic forms and transaction workflows that are integrated with software-centric VoIP to coordinate call conferencing/transfers with launch and focus on relevant applications, and via federation of unified communications with supporting partner organizationsvia data mining tools, via unidirectional composite applications with integrated predictive analytics, and via advanced search across the data in applicationsCollaborate across product and service teams to share information about promotions, offers, and new product and service launches across channelsvia centralized collaborative workspaces that include document libraries, frequently asked questions (FAQs), announcements, team rosters, discussion threads, and feedback, and via enterprise search of workspace contentAutomatically notify agents about new product launches, promotions, and offers across channelsFind subject matter experts on new products, promotions, and offers across channelsvia departmental transaction workflows with links to collaborative workspaces that deliver targeted information to agentsvia enterprise search of people (that is, skills and social networking scenarios)Proactively find and address service issues before customers report themvia business activity monitoring, data mining, and predictive analytics tools that provide data to automated workflows, and via basic composite applications that renders information across LOB applicationsBUSINESS DRIVERPHASE 1PHASE 2PHASE 3Business CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsBusiness CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsBusiness CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsIncrease up-sell and cross-sell volumeConsistently and effectively conduct sales training during an agent’s onboarding trainingShare sales best practices and experiences among agents and cross-functional team membersvia personalized sites that track training plans and progressvia centralized collaborative workspacesDetermine propensity to respond to up-sell or cross-sell attempts based on historical up-sell or cross-sell successesProvide real-time access to relevant sales best practicesvia basic composite applications that render customers’ up-sell/cross-sell histories and relevant sales best practicesvia basic composite applications that render customers’ up-sell/cross-sell histories and relevant sales best practicesIdentify up-sell and cross-sell opportunities in customer segments and proactively identify and contact customersvia data mining and predictive analytics tools, and via automated tools for budgeting, planning, and forecastingEnter information about what customers want and generate customized products or service recommendationsvia enterprise search of documentation on network shares and team workspacesDetermine and find complementary product and service offers in real timeTrack up-sell and cross-sell performancesvia enterprise search of documents and databases across the enterprisevia departmental performance scorecards that are interactive and are sourced from a databaseConstruct relevant offers on complementary products and services based on purchasing history across channelsSuggest the most relevant offers that have the highest commission to agents in real timevia data mining and enterprise search tools that are connected to a data warehouse of transaction data, which is integrated across channelsvia basic composite applications with integrated predictive analyticsTrain agents about the value of existing and new products and servicesAccess a fully detailed catalog of all products and servicesvia personalized sites that track training plans and progressvia content management applications that have workflows, and via enterprise search of documentation on network shares and team workspacesDiscover new value propositions that are relevant to product and service relationshipsvia data mining, analysis, and enterprise search toolsSuggest value propositions for complementary products and services to agents in real timevia unidirectional, composite applications with integrated predictive analyticsBUSINESS DRIVERPHASE 1PHASE 2PHASE 3Business CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsBusiness CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsBusiness CapabilitiesSolution ComponentsReduce attrition and training costs Track new and ongoing training curriculum and individuals’ progress in completing the trainingvia IT–parameterized reports and manually maintained spreadsheets that are stored in a centralized collaborative environmentUse an eLearning solution that suggests training modules based on case outcomesWork with an expert to resolve customer issues instead of transferring a call to an expertvia reporting and analysis tools that are connected to a data warehouse of case outcomes, and via personalized training plans that are stored and maintained in collaborative portal sitesvia standardized web and audio conferencingReplace static training with on-the-job peer training that experts teach during actual customer interactionsProvide real-time performance feedback and training module suggestions that are based on case outcomesvia standardized and integrated web, audio, and video conferencing and emailvia data mining tools that discover relationships between training modules and case outcomes; business activity monitoring toolsUse an online training catalog with a scheduling system that supports training notification, registration, and execution to support readiness for new products, services, and promotions as they are introducedvia custom applications that are rendered through portal interfacesUse an eLearning solution that suggests training modules based on case outcomesPlan training schedules to optimize costs, staffing, and utilization and to minimize impacts on service levelsWork with an expert to resolve customer issues instead of transferring a call to an expertvia reporting and analysis tools that are connected to a data warehouse of case outcomesvia personalized training plans that are stored and maintained in collaborative portal sites, and via reporting and analysis tools that are connected to a database of agents’ staffing schedules and training schedulesvia standardized web and audio conferencingRecord, route for review, and store successful calls and case outcomes into a retrievable knowledge baseDeliver training and case-handling best practices to agents based on profiles, specific performances, development plans, and interestsvia collaborative applications that have workflow capabilities and use collaborative workspaces, a portal infrastructure, and a framework to manage distributed repositoriesvia collaborative workspaces that proactively deliver rich, targeted, and meaningful informationReduce attrition and training costs Allow agents to view reports about team performance goals and actuals by segmentvia parameterized reports that are generated from customer profile and transaction dataAutomate team performance scorecards that show goals and actuals by segments and suggest training to enhance scores in underperforming areasvia interactive scorecards and analytical tools that are connected to customer profiles, transactions, and learning curriculum dataHelp agents become more confident, self-sufficient, and satisfied with their jobs by increasing their accountability and ownership of customer relationshipsEnable agents to work from home by using virtual contact centersvia performance scorecards that are strategy-driven and interactive, via business activity monitoring that is embedded in processes, and via delivery of rich, meaningful information based on learned intelligence of interests, search histories, and professional networksvia software-centric voice over IP (VoIP); computers used as primary voice devices for full telephony functionality are integrated with business processes6740662349500272956123495002027859234950012353792349500SummaryBasicStandardizedRationalizedDynamicP H A S E 1P H A S E 2P H A S E 3MODELS, CAPABILITIES, & WORKLOADSBSRDBSRDBSRDCORE IODatacenter Management and VirtualizationDatacenter Management and VirtualizationServer SecurityNetworkingStorageDevice Deployment and ManagementDevice Management and VirtualizationDevice SecurityIdentity and Security ServicesIdentity and AccessInformation Protection and ControlIT Process and ComplianceIT Process and ComplianceBPIOCollaborationWorkspacesPortalsSocial ComputingProject ManagementInformation AccessInteractive Experience and NavigationMessagingMessagingUnified CommunicationsIM/PresenceConferencingVoiceContent Creation and ManagementInformation ManagementProcess EfficiencyComplianceAuthoringMulti-Device SupportInteroperabilityUser AccessibilityAPOBI and Analytics PlatformBusiness IntelligenceData Warehouse ManagementBig DataInformation Services and MarketplacesDatabase and LOB PlatformTransaction ProcessingData ManagementApplication InfrastructureCustom DevelopmentInternet ApplicationsComponent and Service CompositionEnterprise IntegrationDevelopment PlatformApplication Lifecycle Management2614930520700019386555207000124968052070005670555207000Core IOBasicStandardizedRationalizedDynamicCAPABILITIES & WORKLOADSBSRDPHASE 1BSRDPHASE 2BSRDPHASE 3Datacenter Mgt & VirtualizationDatacenter Mgt & VirtualizationThe organization actively uses virtualization to consolidate resources for production workloads. Performance monitoring of physical and virtual hardware with defined SLAs; health monitoring of applications; supported across heterogeneous environments with manual remediation. IT services are audited for compliance based on documented company and industry-standard policies (HIPAA, SOX, and PCI); reports are generated monthly. Services are available during server failure (e.g. server clustering, hot spares, and/or virtualization recovery solution).The organization has a consolidated view and a consolidated management process across heterogeneous virtual environments, including branch offices. Performance monitoring of applications as well as physical and virtual hardware pools with enforceable SLAs; Service health monitoring with consistent reporting across heterogeneous environments. There are multiple levels of service availability clustering or load balancing. Virtualization and management is used to dynamically move applications and services when issues arise with datacenter compute, storage and network resources.The organization has a consolidated view and a consolidated management process across heterogeneous virtual environments, including branch offices. Performance monitoring of applications as well as physical and virtual hardware pools with enforceable SLAs; Service health monitoring with consistent reporting across heterogeneous environments. There are multiple levels of service availability clustering or load balancing. Virtualization and management is used to dynamically move applications and services when issues arise with datacenter compute, storage and network resources.Server SecurityMalware protection is centrally managed across server operating systems within organizations, including host firewall, host IPS/vulnerability shielding, and quarantine, with defined SLAs. Protection is deployed and centrally managed for all applications and services. Integrated perimeter firewall, IPS, Web security, gateway anti-virus, and URL filtering are deployed with support for server and domain isolation; network security, alerts, and compliance are integrated with all other tools to provide a comprehensive scorecard view and threat assessment across datacenter, application, organization, and cloud boundaries. Remote access is secure, standardized, and available to end users across the organization.Malware protection is centrally managed across server operating systems within organizations, including host firewall, host IPS/vulnerability shielding, and quarantine, with defined SLAs. Protection is deployed and centrally managed for all applications and services. Integrated perimeter firewall, IPS, Web security, gateway anti-virus, and URL filtering are deployed with support for server and domain isolation; network security, alerts, and compliance are integrated with all other tools to provide a comprehensive scorecard view and threat assessment across datacenter, application, organization, and cloud boundaries.Malware protection is centrally managed across server operating systems within organizations, including host firewall, host IPS/vulnerability shielding, and quarantine, with defined SLAs. Protection is deployed and centrally managed for all applications and services. Integrated perimeter firewall, IPS, Web security, gateway anti-virus, and URL filtering are deployed with support for server and domain isolation; network security, alerts, and compliance are integrated with all other tools to provide a comprehensive scorecard view and threat assessment across datacenter, application, organization, and cloud workingRedundant Domain Name System servers exist to provide fault tolerance. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol servers are network-aware and with support for auto configuration. IPv4 for main transport services, using IPv6 for some transport services (eg. to achieve larger address range).Using IPv6 with IPSec for secure private communication over public network.Using IPv6 with IPSec for secure private communication over public network.StorageCritical data is backed up on a schedule across the enterprise; backup copies are stored offsite, with fully tested recovery or failover based on service-level agreements.Critical data is backed up by taking snapshots using a centralized, application-aware system.Critical data is backed up by taking snapshots using a centralized, application-aware system.Device Deployment & MgtDevice Mgt & VirtualizationThe majority of the installed client base has a minimum of one year of mainstream support remaining. Software distribution to local and geographically dispersed users is automated. System and security updates are distributed and installed automatically for desktop systems. Desktop applications and system events are centrally monitored for critical desktop systems.The majority of the installed client base has a minimum of one year of mainstream support remaining. Software distribution to local and geographically dispersed users is automated. System and security updates are distributed and installed automatically for desktop systems. Desktop applications and system events are centrally monitored for critical desktop systems.The majority of the installed client base has a minimum of one year of mainstream support remaining. Software distribution to local and geographically dispersed users is automated. System and security updates are distributed and installed automatically for desktop systems. Desktop applications and system events are centrally monitored for critical desktop systems.Device SecurityProtection against malware is centrally managed for desktop systems and laptops and includes a host firewall; non-PC devices are managed and protected through a separate process.Protection against malware is centrally managed for desktop systems and laptops and includes a host firewall; non-PC devices are managed and protected through a separate process.Protection against malware is centrally managed for desktop systems and laptops and includes a host firewall; non-PC devices are managed and protected through a separate process.Identity & Security SvcsIdentity & AccessTo control access, simple provisioning and de-provisioning exists for user accounts, mailboxes, certificates or other multi-factor authentication methods, and machines; access control is role-based. Password policies are set within a directory service to enable single sign on across boundaries for most applications. Password resets through internal tools or manual processes. There is a centralized group/role based access policy for business resources, managed through internal tools or manual processes. Most applications and services share a common directory for authentication across boundaries. Point-to-point synchronization exists across different directories.Multi-factor and certificate-based authentication are applied in some scenarios, such as remote access across boundaries (such as On Prem and Cloud). Self service password resets supported. A centralized, group/role based access policy is defined for business resources, applications, and information resources, managed through industry accepted processes. A scalable directory that is integrated and automatically synchronizes with all remaining directories across multiple geographies and isolated domains for all applications with connectivity to cloud when applicable.Multi-factor and certificate-based authentication are applied in some scenarios, such as remote access across boundaries (such as On Prem and Cloud). Self service password resets supported. A centralized, group/role based access policy is defined for business resources, applications, and information resources, managed through industry accepted processes. A scalable directory that is integrated and automatically synchronizes with all remaining directories across multiple geographies and isolated domains for all applications with connectivity to cloud when rmation Protection & ControlIT Process & ComplianceIT Process & ComplianceEach IT service has a process to manage bug handling and design changes; IT services are tested according to defined test plans based on specifications. IT service release and deployment processes are formally defined and consistently followed. Each IT service provides service-level and operational-level agreements. Monitoring, reporting, and notifications are centralized for protection against malware, protection of information, and identity and access technologies. Risk and vulnerability are formally analyzed across IT services; IT compliance objectives and activities are defined and audited for each IT service.Each IT service has a process to manage bug handling and design changes; IT services are tested according to defined test plans based on specifications. IT service release and deployment processes are formally defined and consistently followed. Each IT service provides service-level and operational-level agreements. Monitoring, reporting, and notifications are centralized for protection against malware, protection of information, and identity and access technologies. Risk and vulnerability are formally analyzed across IT services; IT compliance objectives and activities are defined and audited for each IT service.IT service issues and design changes are tracked by using formal processes; testing is automated where possible.2614930520700019386555207000124968052070005670555207000BPIOBasicStandardizedRationalizedDynamicCAPABILITIES & WORKLOADSBSRDPHASE 1BSRDPHASE 2BSRDPHASE 3CollaborationWorkspacesWorkspaces are centrally managed, customizable, and reusable, and provide users the capability to collaborate through Web browsers and mobile devices; offline synchronization is supported. Teams work on managed versions of content with controls and common space; team workspaces include group calendaring, shared contacts, user online presence, and simple workflows. IT driven onboarding; Integration with directory services for group level onboarding, training for users is available.Team members can simultaneously author, edit, and review content across Clients (including Devices). Self service onboarding, integration with identity systems, training for users is mandatory and enforced.Team members can simultaneously author, edit, and review content across Clients (including Devices). Self service onboarding, integration with identity systems, training for users is mandatory and enforced.PortalsUsers and groups can publish content directly to some portals; workflow for review and approval is built-in and automated. Users have widgets to customize their views of information; enterprise search is integrated with portals. Portals (enterprise, departmental, and personal) are provisioned by IT and are deployed on a single productivity infrastructure; governance policies are fully in place, including single sign-on supported by uniform directory services. Line-of-business applications and data are delivered through the portal for a few broad-use functions; data is typically read only.Publishers can direct content to specific audience targets; portals deliver a customized, targeted, or aggregated view of information to individuals based on user identity, role, and device on which content is consumed. Users get targeted information based on their profiles, their roles in the organization, and mobile devices being used. Line-of-business applications are routinely surfaced through the portal and have the capability to write securely to back-end systems and to maintain data integrity; information from multiple applications can be combined in dashboards.Publishers can direct content to specific audience targets; portals deliver a customized, targeted, or aggregated view of information to individuals based on user identity, role, and device on which content is consumed. Users have rich, targeted, meaningful information based on learned intelligence of their interests, search history, and professional network for an enhanced experience. Portals (enterprise, departmental, and personal) are provisioned by IT and are deployed on a single productivity infrastructure; governance policies are fully in place, including single sign-on supported by uniform directory services. Portals and line-of-business applications are integrated and users can take them offline for changes and secure synchronization later; can access data from these LOB apps across mobile devices; users can combine data from disparate sources into composite applications without IT involvement; IT has the flexibility to create rich client applications and surface them within productivity applications that are used to create and integrate content with the system of record.Social ComputingBlogs, wikis, and podcasts are used occasionally, but may not be encouraged enterprise-wide; communities, if present, are largely through e-mail or are driven by forums. Personal profiles are available but cannot be customized; users can publish content on personal shared sites; people can be located based on profile information; the system sorts search results for people by users’ social graphs, which can be refined by using metadata; news feeds are typically delivered through RSS or e-mail alerts.Blogs, wikis, and podcasts are used enterprise-wide and compose a significant amount of enterprise content; communities have dedicated, actively managed sites that often are customized for specific needs, This Content is accessible through multiple mobile devices.Project MgtInformation AccessMost unstructured information from intranets, e-mail, and content management repositories is indexed; some structured content from databases, people, and expertise information is indexed. Search capability may be used as an application platform, but multiple search platforms are in use or they are separate from the general-purpose search solution.Unstructured content from the Web, collaborative and content-managed data repositories, databases, and line-of-business applications is indexed; indexing processes incorporate browsing by people and ranking of expertise. Search relevance is managed by IT, but is not consolidated with the many indexes that exist for different search-enabled business applications; as a result, search relevance can be influenced by how people use and tag search results. A single platform provides an organization-wide search experience; structured data is incorporated and exposed in search-driven applications.All corporate information assets from structured and unstructured data sources are indexed; a unified taxonomy exists for all key business data. Search relevance is influenced by a blend of indexing and the federation infrastructure; advanced content processing includes the ability to extract entities to add metadata, tags, and structure to unstructured information; as a result, organizations can display best-bets results and provide industry-specific dictionaries.Interactive Experience & NavigationA basic interactive search experience incorporates faceted and filtered information based on common or explicit metadata.An advanced interactive search experience incorporates faceted information based on extracted metadata and other user experience elements to guide users; the search experience is unified across desktop systems, mobile devices, servers, and Internet searches.An advanced interactive search experience incorporates faceted information based on extracted metadata and other user experience elements to guide users; the search experience is unified across desktop systems, mobile devices, servers, and Internet searches.MessagingMessagingThe messaging solution (e-mail and calendar) includes basic anti-virus, anti-spam, and anti-phishing protection. Use of high availability technologies enables messaging system continuity at the server and service levels during outages. The e-mail platform supports message encryption (S/MIME) to enable digital signatures. Secure, remote, online and offline access to rich mailbox and calendar functionality exists inside and outside the firewall. IT manages mailbox provisioning by using a single directory.The messaging solution includes anti-spam, anti-phishing, and multiple-engine anti-virus protection. Use of high availability technologies enables continuity of messaging system services during full data center outages. The e-mail platform supports advanced, policy-driven message controls that include automatic application of rights protection. Secure, policy-driven access to a unified inbox from PCs, phones, and Web browsers exists inside and outside the firewall. Provisioning of user inboxes is driven by business demand, uses a single directory, and provides features based on user needs.The messaging solution includes anti-spam, anti-phishing, and multiple-engine anti-virus protection. Use of high availability technologies enables continuity of messaging system services during full data center outages. The e-mail platform supports advanced, policy-driven message controls that include automatic application of rights protection. Secure, policy-driven access to a unified inbox from PCs, phones, and Web browsers exists inside and outside the firewall. Provisioning of user inboxes is driven by business demand, uses a single directory, and provides features based on user needs.Unified CommunicationsIM/PresenceUsers have secure access to an enterprise-managed online presence and IM infrastructure from inside and outside the firewall; peer-to-peer voice and video communications are based on a single directory. Online presence information and contextual “click to communicate” are integrated into the enterprise productivity and collaboration platform.Online presence, IM, and peer-to-peer voice and video are in place (including multiple-layer anti-malware and contextual content filtering) and are accessible from PCs, phones, and Web browsers.Instant messaging (IM) and online presence are federated to suppliers and customers across multiple devices, and integrated across line-of-business applications, which enables enterprise networking through expert search. IM and online presence are federated to suppliers and customers across multiple devices and integrated across line-of-business applications, which enables enterprise networking through expert search.ConferencingSecure web conferencing is managed by IT, has policy-based access control, uses a single directory, and is available from PCs and Web browsers inside and outside the firewall; an enterprise-wide, standalone audio conferencing service is also managed by IT.A secure, unified conferencing platform that enables rich audio, video, and data collaboration is managed by IT and is available from enterprise productivity applications; the platform also has a single user interface, a single directory, and is available across organizational boundaries.A secure, unified conferencing platform that enables rich audio, video, and data collaboration is managed by IT and is available from enterprise productivity applications; the platform also has a single user interface, a single directory, and is available across organizational boundaries.VoiceVoice communications are based on a hybrid telephony infrastructure (IP and legacy time division multiplexing) that has limited integration with PCs and desktop applications.Managed workspaces exist at the departmental level and are available from individual productivity applications. Metadata capture is enforced; however, the capture process is manual and labor-intensive.Voice communications are secure, encrypted, extended to remote and mobile workers using different mobile devices and integrated within enterprise productivity and collaboration platforms. Voice mail is part of a unified inbox that features single storage and a unified directory; retention and protection policies are enforced by the organization; messages are available as voice or transcribed text and are accessible from PCs, phones, or Web browsers.Voice communications are integrated with other communications modes (such as e-mail, IM/online presence, and conferencing) and with line-of-business applications on a single platform. There is an intelligent, adaptive media stack on phone and PC endpoints to enable high-quality voice communications even on unmanaged networks (such as the Internet). Redundant call control servers within a cluster or pool provide resilience when failure occurs at a single point.Content Creation and ManagementInformation MgtManaged workspaces exist at the departmental level and are available from individual productivity applications. Metadata capture is enforced; however, the capture process is manual and labor-intensive.Traditional and new media content types are managed consistently in a single repository that has integrated workflow. Metadata is centrally managed and deployed across the business; metadata capture is simplified through preemptive suggestions, or is automated based on location and context.Metadata includes social tags; search indexing automates promotion of metadata to business applications and processes.Process EfficiencyCustom solutions developed by IT are used to deliver and manage key forms electronically; form data and scanned paper-based content are stored in a custom data repository. The organization uses basic workflow tools to process, review, and approve documents; simple workflow routing is part of the collaborative workspace infrastructure.Users are empowered to create and deploy electronic forms by using visual design tools; data from forms (stored in an open format) and scanned paper-based content are managed as part of an electronic information management strategy; a framework provides leverage for integration of data from forms with line-of-business applications. The organization gains leverage from visual workflow models and declarative workflow tools to create workflow solutions that have limited integration with line-of-business applications; people can design and validate customized parallel or serial workflows visually as needed, run them manually or automatically, and monitor them in real time. Inbound and outbound communications are generated by scalable, server-based, automated processes; processes and line-of-business applications are integrated within a framework; templates and output are stored and managed at the enterprise level as part of an information management strategy that provisions core document and records management capabilities.Users are empowered to create and deploy electronic forms by using visual design tools; data from forms (stored in an open format) and scanned paper-based content are managed as part of an electronic information management strategy; a framework provides leverage for integration of data from forms with line-of-business applications. The organization gains leverage from visual workflow models and declarative workflow tools to create workflow solutions that have limited integration with line-of-business applications; people can design and validate customized parallel or serial workflows visually as needed, run them manually or automatically, and monitor them in real time. Inbound and outbound communications are generated by scalable, server-based, automated processes; processes and line-of-business applications are integrated within a framework; templates and output are stored and managed at the enterprise level as part of an information management strategy that provisions core document and records management pliancePolicy definition occurs at the content repository level and covers retention and disposition of all types of content, including e-mail; reporting occurs manually.Policy management is based on content type, location, and document libraries, and includes adherence of content used offline; an integrated solution for electronic discovery of information is in place; retention policies and holds on records are automated.AuthoringMulti-Device SupportInteroperabilityUser Accessibility2614930520700019386555207000124968052070005670555207000APOBasicStandardizedRationalizedDynamicCAPABILITIES & WORKLOADSBSRDPHASE 1BSRDPHASE 2BSRDPHASE 3BI & Analytics PlatformBusiness IntelligenceIT engaged to create interactive reports to meet specific business needs. Reports are generated on a scheduled basis or on demand by IT and are then shared on reporting portals. Users have some ability to subscribe to reports. A standardized approach is in place for IT to provision data sources for access to users to search across structured and unstructured content. A basic interactive search experience is provided to users that incorporates filter information based on common or explicit metadata. IT provides access for users to sanctioned data sources as database connections, data feeds, or static data dumps, upon which users can easily perform ad-hoc queries and data analysis using Excel or other analysis tools. Users can share their analyses via a BI portal. Users may have access to more advanced self-service analytics tools to perform data mining or predictive analysis without dependence on IT or a Data Analyst.Self-service reporting and analysis environment and tools established and maintained by IT. Access to data is decentralized but governed by IT with a well-defined process for stewardship and governance. Portals exist for dynamic reporting that supports rich report formats. Reports are generated with group or individual filter parameters and delivered via direct push or subscription and can vary by device. Users have the ability to share alerts and subscriptions with other users via limited collaboration and social networking. From the BI portal, users are able to connect to internal and external data sources and combine them in a single report or data set for further analysis. Users can do sophisticated analysis and build rich BI applications using Excel or other analysis tools. BI portal has reporting and analysis capabilities that include exception highlighting, guided analysis, and predictive analysis with rich logic. Dashboards are consistently used to provide operational and strategic views of the business from real time or periodically refreshed data. BI portal experience has rich visualizations, dashboards and scorecards with full data interactivity (slicing, filtering, etc.) consistent with self service reporting and analysis tools. Users have the ability to create unique personal and/or shared views of data that are actually combinations of multiple views (i.e. mashups). IT provisions and provides access to infrastructure, statistical analysis and data mining tools, and common sanctioned data sources to Data Analyst roles to analyze business data and build models to enable future decisions, predict trends, find correlations in business attributes, etc. Data Analysts publish the results of their analyses to business users via reports, spreadsheets, charts, visualizations, etc.Symbiotic relationship and process between self-service and managed BI. IT has visibility into self-service activities that it uses to recommend and guide the enhancement of the managed BI environment and data structures that support self-service. Rich report generation and consumption experience is available from multiple devices with device-aware reports (mobile, web, desktop, etc.). Triggering of and parameters used for reports can be based on complex event processing and workflow. Users search for unstructured documents and structured reports based on metadata and content of reports. Using search on the BI portal allows users to find data, analyses, and reports, and users can launch tools for self service report generation and analysis from the search interface. Data Analysts use powerful data management workbench with integrated access to tools for data preparation, cleansing, multi-variate analysis, and a sophisticated set of data mining algorithms with extensibility and tuning options. Data Analysts can easily publish their findings and data sets for access by business users.Data Warehouse MgtEDW is refreshed on a near real-time basis so that information is readily available to mission-critical applications, analytics, and reporting systems. A high degree of concurrency exists, with many users running complex queries and interacting with complex analytics tools simultaneously with data loading. Management and maintenance of storage, hardware, and supporting software is manual and ad hoc. Consistency in data warehouse operation and maintenance across distributed data marts is improved through use of common tools, policies, and sharing of best practices, driven by the EDW team. SLAs emerge. Data changes can be planned through standard impact analysis, and effective collaboration occurs across data mart and EDW teams. An IT-managed BI environment is in place and applications at the department level integrate with departmental data marts. IT designs, implements, and manages data schemas that are optimized for localized self-service reporting and analysis tools.Real-time information is available to mission-critical applications, analytics, and reporting systems. Mature governance processes with integrated business rules are consistently applied for centralized data and data loading. EDW, data marts, and supporting storage and infrastructure are centrally managed. EDW serves as the hub that integrates data marts and enables a single view of data and data sets. EDW uses star/snowflake schemas with shared, conformed dimensions to simplify reporting and improve performance.?Hardware architecture is balanced to optimize performance. Master data management of the EDW and data marts is centrally governed, although implementation, operations, and maintenance is still distributed. Data warehouse and data mart resources are explicitly governed. Audit information is available for performance, history, and forensic information. An IT-managed BI environment and applications at the department level are aligned with the enterprise data warehouse (EDW) environment and applications. IT proactively builds, maintains, and manages key reports and analysis models that are used regularly across the business. IT designs, implements, and manages semantic models (such as OLAP) and data schemas optimized for managed and self-service reporting and analysis.Real-time information is available to mission-critical applications, analytics, and reporting systems. Mature governance processes with integrated business rules are consistently applied for centralized data and data loading. EDW, data marts, and supporting storage and infrastructure are centrally managed. EDW serves as the hub that integrates data marts and enables a single view of data and data sets. EDW uses star/snowflake schemas with shared, conformed dimensions to simplify reporting and improve performance.?Hardware architecture is balanced to optimize performance. Master data management of the EDW and data marts is centrally governed, although implementation, operations, and maintenance is still distributed. Data warehouse and data mart resources are explicitly governed. Audit information is available for performance, history, and forensic information. An IT-managed BI environment and applications at the department level are aligned with the enterprise data warehouse (EDW) environment and applications. IT proactively builds, maintains, and manages key reports and analysis models that are used regularly across the business. IT designs, implements, and manages semantic models (such as OLAP) and data schemas optimized for managed and self-service reporting and analysis.Big DataInformation Services & MarketplacesSuggestions on data and information sources are provided based on associated tags and based on data available in the catalog. User productivity applications are integrated with line-of-business (LOB) systems and suggest LOB data based on user actions.Suggestions are based on contextual information and user behavior. Relevant data is recommended based on semantic analysis of user data, profile, and the context of task.Database & LOB PlatformTransaction ProcessingData ManagementKey high-value data has associated formal data management policies and processes. Data governance may be recognized on a siloed basis, but not as a corporate discipline. Data and asset inventories and dependency relationships are manually documented periodically. Access policies for data and objects in databases are defined but not centralized, and do not reference data classifications. Administrative tasks are still performed using an over-privileged account. ?Security management is performed on a server-by-server basis. Systems are in place for retention backup. Organizational/departmental policies exist for how long items are stored and what is stored.Data governance with documented, standardized policies and processes are established and automated for maintaining data consistency and security, but not necessarily optimized. Data access controls are consistently implemented and applied based on data classification. Centrally administered cryptography is used and audited for protection of data-at-rest and data-in-transit. A self-service interface exists for DBAs and/or authorized users to manage security. An information asset inventory and relationship map is able to predict impacts of changes in some areas. Metadata and taxonomies are defined, implemented, and formally managed in one or more repositories with more reliance upon policy-based management to ensure proper configuration and adherence to policies. Business has begun to consolidate data, management plans, and policies for consistency across information stores.Data governance with documented, standardized policies and processes are established and automated for maintaining data consistency and security, but not necessarily optimized. Data access controls are consistently implemented and applied based on data classification. Centrally administered cryptography is used and audited for protection of data-at-rest and data-in-transit. A self-service interface exists for DBAs and/or authorized users to manage security. An information asset inventory and relationship map is able to predict impacts of changes in some areas. Metadata and taxonomies are defined, implemented, and formally managed in one or more repositories with more reliance upon policy-based management to ensure proper configuration and adherence to policies. Business has begun to consolidate data, management plans, and policies for consistency across information stores.Application InfrastructureLimited application component and service reuse strategies exist at the departmental or project level. Common application services and runtime application frameworks are selected jointly by development and operations teams as part of the application life-cycle management process. Operations is beginning to rationalize to the standard common services and consolidate runtime platforms.Application messaging services used by development are aligned with standard application operating environments. Development and operations teams have the skills required to effectively and consistently make use of these technologies. Limited application component and service reuse strategies exist at the departmental or project level. Orchestration and workflow between applications is typically implemented via custom integrations. Applications are beginning to adopt web services or other standards implemented in operating environments to allow application components and common application services to interoperate as needed. Common application services and middleware component frameworks are selected jointly by development and operations teams as part of the application life-cycle management process. A range of application services and infrastructure is provided across operating environments with central governance. A central engineering practices group co-sponsored by development and operations has formed and is providing valuable guidance to application development teams. Application developers consistently build applications using these application frameworks, so hosting, application services requirements, and management are predictable. Operating systems provide support for multiple application frameworks.A common application messaging services infrastructure is in place and well managed for larger mission-critical applications. Standard service-based application architectures are being rationalized and implemented with appropriate governance. Applications extend line-of-business (LOB) systems (at UX level and mid-tier), extending LOB business logic. Applications use web services to communicate across application boundaries. Processes and infrastructure for managing service endpoints, service discovery, and routing of application messages is in place. IT manages a service-based infrastructure of composite applications that connect and surface best-of-breed LOB systems. Components and services are explicitly tagged for reuse.Custom DevelopmentInternet ApplicationsComponent & Service CompositionSome use of reusable assets is supported by high-value services, components, and modules. Composition by IT departments requires advanced coding skills. Use of composition frameworks and tools happens on a project-by-project basis. SOA and portal components are not coordinated. The composite application portal has basic integration with existing business productivity desktop and enterprise applications (such as desktop applications and email). No discoverability of services is in place. Application models are highly descriptive of the application components and dependencies. Manual checks against the application map are in place to avoid impacts on services by component changes. Components and low-level services are documented manually, though the culture of management of those components has not been pervasive across the organization.Developers have tools that allow them to automate the creation of components usable by end users out of low-level services, and to publish them to the central repository and obtain basic metrics of usage. Tooling for solution assembly is simplified. The organization overall realizes that services and UI needs to blend, start rationalizing which UI standard they will be driving to, and move to a point where every service has a “face” that is consumable for composing new applications. End users can share their created solutions back to the repository. Mechanisms exist to allow for ranking and rating of solutions and components. A managed central repository of all configuration items, assets, and systems provides dependency maps, reporting, and metrics for development and operations teams across the organization to manage integrations, performance, and scale.Business productivity and collaboration applications, features, and infrastructure can be easily leveraged as components to integrate powerful and familiar capabilities into the context of a composite application interface.Enterprise IntegrationReusable integration components are developed for custom development on an ad hoc basis. Project management is centralized for application integrations.Application integrations leverage standard application messaging protocols and infrastructure to connect various applications running on-premises and in the cloud, connecting mission-critical data and transactions across enterprise applications. Centralized data integration strategies and tools are used across the enterprise.Development PlatformStandard application frameworks, messaging, and other application services aligned with standard application operating environments are appropriately and consistently employed by application development teams. Tools for major development activities are standardized across the organization, though practices and versions are not. Application customization is performed through customization support offered by the application, on an isolated project basis with no standard approaches or consideration for future maintenance or integration.The organization has selected and implemented a common set of frameworks for major application development and operating environment needs. Developer skill and use of standard frameworks is consistent. A central architecture and engineering practices group has formed with the participation of development and operations teams, and provides valuable guidance to development teams. A standard set of tools and common development approaches are used across multiple development teams in the organization. Developed applications extend line-of-business (LOB) systems (at UX level and mid-tier), extending LOB business logic. IT manages a service-based infrastructure of composite applications that connect and surface best-of-breed LOB systems.The organization has selected and implemented a common set of frameworks for major application development and operating environment needs. Developer skill and use of standard frameworks is consistent. A central architecture and engineering practices group has formed with the participation of development and operations teams, and provides valuable guidance to development teams. A standard set of tools and common development approaches are used across multiple development teams in the organization. Developed applications extend line-of-business (LOB) systems (at UX level and mid-tier), extending LOB business logic. IT manages a service-based infrastructure of composite applications that connect and surface best-of-breed LOB systems.Application Lifecycle MgtWork-breakdown structures map estimated work to business value. Rudimentary metrics are used to manage project progress. Project managers aggregate data from standard status updates. Effective change management processes are in place. Testing has test harnesses and some automation, formal unit testing with good code coverage, and defined test strategy and processes. Explicit use of code quality tools typically occurs at the end of the development cycle. Processes are defined for debugging production defects and incidents, with a standard set of defect artifacts.Consistent, iterative, well-documented, and cross-functional processes exist across the application life cycle. Project estimates consider historical data. High transparency exists within self-directed teams, cross-team transparency, and stakeholder engagement. Project managers track status via centralized tools. Issue tracking is well integrated with change management. Test-driven development is accepted. Applications are designed for testability, with architectural and layer verification and validation. Agile testing is integrated tightly with agile development. Users and stakeholders are engaged on an ad hoc basis. Unit testing, static analysis, and profiling are?used regularly. An integrated platform exists between development and operations for application monitoring, incident reporting and management, actionable defect/incident data from monitored applications, communication through support to development teams, and ubiquitous visibility into issue resolution status.Consistent, iterative, well-documented, and cross-functional processes exist across the application life cycle. Project estimates consider historical data. High transparency exists within self-directed teams, cross-team transparency, and stakeholder engagement. Project managers track status via centralized tools. Issue tracking is well integrated with change management. Test-driven development is accepted. Applications are designed for testability, with architectural and layer verification and validation. Agile testing is integrated tightly with agile development. Users and stakeholders are engaged on an ad hoc basis. Unit testing, static analysis, and profiling are?used regularly. An integrated platform exists between development and operations for application monitoring, incident reporting and management, actionable defect/incident data from monitored applications, communication through support to development teams, and ubiquitous visibility into issue resolution status.Product Recommendations2614930520700019386555207000124968052070005670555207000Core IOBasicStandardizedRationalizedDynamicCAPABILITIES & WORKLOADSBSRDPHASE 1BSRDPHASE 2BSRDPHASE 3Datacenter Mgt & VirtualizationDatacenter Mgt & VirtualizationCompliance Management Libraries 2.0; Data Classification Toolkit; Hyper-V Server 2008 R2; IT Governance, Risk and Compliance process management pack 2.0; Microsoft Software Inventory Analyzer 5.1; Security Compliance Management Toolkit; Security Compliance Manager 2.x; Software Asset Management; System Center 2012 Configuration Manager; System Center 2012 Operations Manager; System Center 2012 Service Manager; System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager; Windows Azure; Windows Server 2012Compliance Management Libraries 2.0; Data Classification Toolkit; Hyper-V Server 2008 R2; IT Governance, Risk and Compliance process management pack 2.0; Microsoft Software Inventory Analyzer 5.1; Security Compliance Management Toolkit; Security Compliance Manager 2.x; Software Asset Management; System Center 2012 Configuration Manager; System Center 2012 Operations Manager; System Center 2012 Orchestrator; System Center 2012 Service Manager; System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager; Windows Azure; Windows Server 2012Compliance Management Libraries 2.0; Data Classification Toolkit; Hyper-V Server 2008 R2; IT Governance, Risk and Compliance process management pack 2.0; Microsoft Software Inventory Analyzer 5.1; Security Compliance Management Toolkit; Security Compliance Manager 2.x; Software Asset Management; System Center 2012 Configuration Manager; System Center 2012 Operations Manager; System Center 2012 Orchestrator; System Center 2012 Service Manager; System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager; Windows Azure; Windows Server 2012Server SecurityForefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server; Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010; System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection; Windows Azure; Windows Server 2012Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server; Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint; Forefront Security for Office Communications Server; Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010; Forefront Unified Access Gateway 2010; System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection; Windows Azure; Windows Server 2012Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server; Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint; Forefront Security for Office Communications Server; Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010; Forefront Unified Access Gateway 2010; System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection; Windows Azure; Windows Server 2012NetworkingWindows Azure; Windows Server 2012Windows Azure; Windows Server 2012Windows Azure; Windows Server 2012StorageMicrosoft Online Backup Service; System Center 2012 Data Protection Manager; Windows Server 2012; Windows Storage Server 2008 R2System Center 2012 Data Protection Manager; Windows Server 2012System Center 2012 Data Protection Manager; Windows Server 2012Device Deployment & MgtDevice Mgt & VirtualizationMicrosoft Deployment Toolkit 2012; Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack 2011 R2; Windows 8; Windows Azure; Windows Intune; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server Update Services 3.0Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2012; Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack 2011 R2; Windows 8; Windows Azure; Windows Intune; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server Update Services 3.0Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2012; Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack 2011 R2; Windows 8; Windows Azure; Windows Intune; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server Update Services 3.0Device SecuritySystem Center 2012 Endpoint Protection; Windows 8; Windows Intune; Windows Server 2012System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection; Windows 8; Windows Intune; Windows Server 2012System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection; Windows 8; Windows Intune; Windows Server 2012Identity & Security SvcsIdentity & AccessWindows Azure; Windows Server 2012Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2; Hyper-V Server 2008 R2; Windows 8; Windows Azure; Windows Server 2012Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2; Hyper-V Server 2008 R2; Windows 8; Windows Azure; Windows Server 2012Information Protection & ControlIT Process & ComplianceIT Process & ComplianceForefront Threat Management Gateway 2010; Hyper-V Server 2008 R2; Microsoft Security Assessment Tool; System Center 2012 Configuration Manager; System Center 2012 Data Protection Manager; System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection; System Center 2012 Operations Manager; System Center 2012 Orchestrator; System Center 2012 Service Manager; System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager; Windows Server 2012Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010; Hyper-V Server 2008 R2; Microsoft Security Assessment Tool; System Center 2012 Configuration Manager; System Center 2012 Data Protection Manager; System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection; System Center 2012 Operations Manager; System Center 2012 Orchestrator; System Center 2012 Service Manager; System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager; Windows Server 2012Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010; Hyper-V Server 2008 R2; Microsoft Security Assessment Tool; SharePoint 2010; System Center 2012 Configuration Manager; System Center 2012 Data Protection Manager; System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection; System Center 2012 Operations Manager; System Center 2012 Orchestrator; System Center 2012 Service Manager; System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager; Visio Professional 2010; Windows Server 20122614930520700019386555207000124968052070005670555207000BPIOBasicStandardizedRationalizedDynamicCAPABILITIES & WORKLOADSBSRDPHASE 1BSRDPHASE 2BSRDPHASE 3CollaborationWorkspacesExchange Server 2010; Lync 2010; Lync Server 2010; Office 2010; Office 365; SharePoint Designer 2010; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010Exchange Server 2010; Lync 2010; Lync Server 2010; Office 2010; Office 365; SharePoint Designer 2010; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010Exchange Server 2010; Lync 2010; Lync Server 2010; Office 2010; Office 365; SharePoint Designer 2010; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010PortalsOffice 365; SharePoint Designer 2010; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010Office 365; SharePoint Designer 2010; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010Duet Enterprise for Microsoft SharePoint and SAP; Office 2010; Office 365; SharePoint Designer 2010; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010Social ComputingOffice 365; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010Office 365; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010Project MgtInformation AccessOffice 365; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint; Office 2010; Office 365; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint; Office 2010; Office 365; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010Interactive Experience & NavigationOffice 365; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint; Office 365; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010; Windows 8FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint; Office 365; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010; Windows 8MessagingMessagingExchange Hosted Encryption; Exchange Online; Exchange Server 2010; Office 365; Outlook 2010; Outlook Web Access 2010Exchange Hosted Continuity; Exchange Hosted Encryption; Exchange Hosted Filtering; Exchange Online; Exchange Server 2010; Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server; Office 365; Outlook 2010; Outlook Mobile 2010; Outlook Web Access 2010; Windows Server 2012Exchange Hosted Continuity; Exchange Hosted Encryption; Exchange Hosted Filtering; Exchange Online; Exchange Server 2010; Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server; Office 365; Outlook 2010; Outlook Mobile 2010; Outlook Web Access; Windows Server 2012Unified CommunicationsIM/PresenceExchange Online; Lync 2010; Lync Online; Lync Server 2010; Office 365; Outlook 2010; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010Exchange Online; Forefront Security for Office Communications Server; Lync 2010; Lync Online; Lync Server 2010; Office 365; Outlook 2010; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010Forefront Security for Office Communications Server; Lync 2010; Lync Online; Lync Server 2010; Office 365; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010ConferencingLync Online; Lync Server 2010; Office 365Lync 2010; Lync Online; Lync Server 2010; Office 365; Outlook 2010Lync 2010; Lync Online; Lync Server 2010; Office 365; Outlook 2010VoiceLync 2010; Lync Server 2010; Office 365Exchange Online; Exchange Server 2010; Lync 2010; Lync Online; Lync Server 2010; Office 365; Outlook 2010; Windows Phone 7.5Exchange Online; Exchange Server 2010; Lync 2010; Lync Online; Lync Server 2010; Office 365; Outlook 2010; SharePoint Server 2010; Windows Phone 7.5Content Creation and ManagementInformation MgtOffice 2010; Office 365; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010Office 2010; Office 365; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010Office 2010; Office 365; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010Process EfficiencyOffice 2010; Office 365; SharePoint Designer 2010; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010Office 2010; Office 365; SharePoint Designer 2010; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010; Visio 2010Office 2010; Office 365; SharePoint Designer 2010; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010; Visio 2010ComplianceOffice 365; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010Office 365; SharePoint Online; SharePoint Server 2010AuthoringMulti-Device SupportInteroperabilityUser Accessibility2614930520700019386555207000124968052070005670555207000APOBasicStandardizedRationalizedDynamicCAPABILITIES & WORKLOADSBSRDPHASE 1BSRDPHASE 2BSRDPHASE 3BI & Analytics PlatformBusiness IntelligenceOffice 365; Office Professional 2010; PowerPivot; Report Builder; SharePoint 2010; SharePoint Foundation 2010; SharePoint Online; SQL Server 2012Office 365; Office Professional 2010; PivotViewer; Power View; PowerPivot; Report Builder; SharePoint 2010; SharePoint Foundation 2010; SharePoint Online; SQL Azure; SQL Server 2012; Visio 2010Data Mining Add-ins for Microsoft Office; Microsoft Codename Data Explorer; Microsoft Codename Data Hub; Office 365; Office Professional 2010; PivotViewer; Power View; PowerPivot; Report Builder; SharePoint 2010; SharePoint Foundation 2010; SharePoint Online; SQL Azure; SQL Server 2012; Visio 2010Data Warehouse MgtSQL Server 2012; Visual Studio 11SQL Server 2012; Visual Studio 11SQL Server 2012; Visual Studio 11Big DataInformation Services & MarketplacesSharePoint 2010; SQL Server 2012SharePoint 2010; SQL Server 2012Database & LOB PlatformTransaction ProcessingData ManagementOffice Professional 2010; SharePoint 2010; SQL Server 2012Office Professional 2010; SharePoint 2010; SQL Server 2012Office Professional 2010; SharePoint 2010; SQL Server 2012Application InfrastructureMicrosoft .NET Framework; Internet Information Services 8; SharePoint 2010; SQL Server 2012; Visual Studio 11; Windows Communications Foundation Services; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server AppFabricMicrosoft .NET Framework; BizTalk Server 2010; Internet Information Services 8; Office Professional 2010; SharePoint 2010; SQL Server 2012; System Center 2012; Visual Studio 11; Visual Studio 11 Team Foundation Server; Windows Azure AppFabric; Windows Communications Foundation Services; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server AppFabricMicrosoft .NET Framework; BizTalk Server 2010; Internet Information Services 8; Office Professional 2010; SharePoint 2010; SQL Server 2012; System Center 2012; Visual Studio 11; Visual Studio 11 Team Foundation Server; Windows Azure AppFabric; Windows Communications Foundation Services; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server AppFabricCustom DevelopmentInternet ApplicationsComponent & Service CompositionBizTalk Server 2010; Office Professional 2010; SharePoint 2010; System Center 2012; Visual Studio 2011; Windows Server AppFabricBizTalk ESB Toolkit; BizTalk Server 2010; Office Professional 2010; SharePoint 2010; System Center 2012; Visual Studio 11; Windows Server AppFabricBizTalk ESB Toolkit; BizTalk Server 2010; Office Professional 2010; SharePoint 2010; System Center 2012; Visual Studio 11; Windows Server AppFabricEnterprise IntegrationBizTalk Server 2010; SharePoint 2010BizTalk ESB Toolkit; BizTalk Server 2010; SharePoint 2010Development PlatformOffice Professional 2010; SQL Server 2012; Visual Studio 2011; Visual Studio 11 Team Foundation Server; Windows SDKOffice Professional 2010; SQL Server 2012; Visual Studio 11; Visual Studio 11 Team Foundation Server; Windows SDKSQL Server 2012; Visual Studio 11; Visual Studio 11 Team Foundation Server; Windows SDKApplication Lifecycle MgtOffice Professional 2010; Project 2010; SQL Server 2012; Visual Studio 11; Visual Studio 11 Team Foundation Server; Windows SDKOffice Professional 2010; Project 2010; Visual Studio 11; Visual Studio 11 Team Foundation ServerOffice Professional 2010; Project 2010; Visual Studio 11; Visual Studio 11 Team Foundation ServerVersion 6.0 | November 2012 This document is for informational purposes only. 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