Introduction: - British Columbia

Introduction:An assessment of the role and organizational alignment allows you to determine if the candidate will successfully integrate into your organization. The questions regarding role alignment will evaluate?the candidate’s level of related knowledge, preparation, and capabilities to effectively function in the role. Organizational alignment questions will assess the candidate’s capacity to integrate into the shared practices, behaviours, and work values of your organization. It is important to use these questions in conjunction with interview questions evaluating knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies. Please add 1-2 questions from the list of sample questions to your oral interview. Role Alignment: Area assessed - Understanding of the role / organization/ Ministry; job related knowledge/expertise. Please describe your understanding of _____________________ role, our mandate, and key responsibilities. What are some of the key issues facing ____________________? Looking for:Applicant is able to demonstrate good understanding of the role, ministry and organization. The answer is detailed and reveals he/she has done research on the organization and the role. The answer shows good comprehension of what our organization does and what the position entails. Thinking about the role and specific duties of_______________what strengths do you have that will enable you to be successful in this role? Looking for: Applicant is able to speak to key knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) and competencies necessary for success in this role and able to provide evidence of demonstrating these in previous roles.What strengths do you have that will contribute to the success of the team? Please describe how you have previously demonstrated these strengths in a team based work setting. Looking for:Applicant is able to speak to the importance of teamwork and key competencies necessary for successful teamwork and cooperation.What may be your biggest challenges in the role? How will you approach these challenges? What steps will you take to overcome these challenges?Looking for:Applicant is able to speak to the areas of challenge and speak to how he/ she may overcome these challenges (i.e. courses, reading books, manuals, job shadowing etc.). The answer is specific and demonstrates good understanding of the role and good assessment of his/her current capabilities. The answer shows interest in the job and continuous learning and development. What is it about the role that interests you and why?Looking for: Applicant is able to demonstrate that he/she has a realistic understanding of the day-to-day work that the role involves, and is enthusiastic about doing it, is interested in the organization/ Ministry/ Public Service. The answer is detailed and reveals he/she has done researched the organization and the role. The answer shows good comprehension of what our organization does and what the position entails. How did you prepare for this interview? Did you visit our website? What intrigued you about what you learned?Looking for: The applicant answer is detailed. Applicant’s response includes specifics about the website, and shows he/she did some research.Answer shows applicant is well prepared. The answer demonstrates genuine interest in the role and organization. Organizational AlignmentThe interview questions that assess organizational alignment are important because not every employee will do well or be successful in your unique organizational values. Organizational values refer to the shared values, practices, and behaviours that are specific to your organization. It does NOT refer to personal values, cultural practices, and/or religious practices. Diversity, Inclusion, and Respect are highly valued in the BC Public Service.?IMPORTANT: Know your organizational values!The ability to assess fit into the organizational culture depends on your ability to describe the shared values, practices, and behaviours of your Ministry/ Branch/ Division and the type of employee who will thrive and help the organization succeed. To evaluate alignment you must clearly outline the key characteristics of your organizational values, practices, and behaviours. IMPORTANT: First, describe the organizational values of your Ministry/Branch/Division to the applicant. Then ask questions!Based on my description of the shared values, practices, and behaviours in our Branch/Division, how do you think you will fit and thrive in this environment? In what type of work environment do you thrive and why?Have the applicants read the BC Public Service corporate value statements and discuss how they will embody these values on the job.Outline your unique organizational values, practices, and behaviours and ask the candidate to give examples of related previous experience/competence.Please describe your work ethic/ guiding principles that you integrate into work life.? How do you apply these guiding principles in a team-based work setting? In your answer, please share an example where you have previously demonstrated this in a work setting.What do you like best about the organizational values of your current company/organization? What would you like to change about organizational values in your current organization/company and why?IMPORTANT: To evaluate responses: First, describe organizational values, practices, and behaviours of your Division/ Ministry. Next, look for information that shows applicants’ values, work ethic, guiding principles align with the values, practices, and behaviours of your organization. Sample Guide: Applicant values are in harmony with BC Public Service Values of Integrity, Courage, Teamwork, Passion, Accountability, Service, and Curiosity.Values Teamwork – environment that respects contributions of others, supports othersValues Courage - environment that nurtures generation of new ideas, innovationValues Passion – shows pride in serving the public, motivatedValues Accountability - importance of goals, taking responsibility for own workValues Curiosity – environment that encourages development, new ideas, learningValues Service – importance of customer service, collaborationSample Rating Guides: This rating guide may be used to score Role and Organizational Fit. It is important that the interviewer has a clear answer guide/ key information they are looking for in a response. Exceptional ResponseGood to Very Good responseFair to Poor response5 points 3-4 points 0-2 points Includes all key information Should ensure extremely effective performance Significantly and consistently above criteria for successful job performanceCovered all the points looked for in a response Should be adequate or more than adequate for effective performance Clear responseIncludes most of key informationInsufficient for performance requirementsIncludes little or incorrect information Demonstrates a lack of understandingAt the lower point rating, significantly below criteria or ideal response ORAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS (OPTIONAL): An overall score assigned based on assessment of the oral communication skills, and degree and quality of professionalism, engagement, and interaction with the panel over the course of the interview. Use the following scoring guide to assign points for each heading up to maximum point value of 10 points. 10 PTSCLARITY AND LOGIC: Ideas / examples presented in clear, direct and easily understood form, free of jargon; Ideas are organized and presented in a logical/ reasonable sequence;key points and ideas are identified and articulated?Rationale for the Rating Decision:COMPLETE & CONCISE: Brief and to the point;Necessary information articulated;no questions left unanswered for the listener?CORRECT VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR USAGE: Accurate, correct language and vocabulary usage; Appropriate level, language, style, tone appropriate to the audience; Grammatically correct structures are used?NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION: Effectively used non-verbal communication – eye contact, body language; Where visual contact not available due to technical reasons, appropriate pauses, moderate tone of voice;Good use of inflection; Professional online meeting/telephone etiquette (if applicable)?OVERALL PRESENTATION & QUALITY OF ENGAGEMENT: Professional, actively engaged and interactive;Demonstrated interest in the role? ................

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