North Forsyth High School

North Forsyth High School



| |ENGLISH | |

|Mrs. Rose |Journalism: Newspaper* |9-12 |

|Mrs. Solano |Journalism: Yearbook* |9-12 |


|801245y |Beginning Band |9-12 |

|Mr. Thomas |Intermediate Band* |10-12 |

|Mr. Thomas |Advanced Band* |10-12 |

|801375y |Inter Instru Ens (Percussion I) |9-12 |

|Mr. Thomas |Adv Instru Ens (Percussion II)* |10-12 |

|802170y |Chorus: Inter Men’s I |9-12 |

|802225y |Chorus: Inter Women’s I |9-12 |

|Mr. Seese |Chorus: Adv Women’s* |10-12 |

|Mr. Seese |Chorus: Adv Mixed* |10-12 |

|Mr. Seese |Music Theory and Composition I* |9-12 |

|Mr. Seese |AP Music Theory* |10-12 |

|Mr. Seese |Intro Music Tech* |10-12 |

|Mr. Seese |Inter Music Tech* |11-12 |

|804005y |Drama: Acting I |9-12 |

|804015y |Drama: Acting II |10-12 |

| |(prerequisite Acting I) | |

|804025y |Drama: Acting III |10-12 |

| |(prerequisite Acting II) | |

|804035y |Drama: Advanced Drama |11-12 |

| |(prerequisite Acting III) | |

|804155y |Drama: Technical Theater |9-12 |

|804115y |Musical Theatre I |9 |

|Mrs. Ernst |Musical Theatre II-IV* |10-12 |

|804205y |Theatre Literature |10-12 |

|800335y |Visual Arts |9-12 |

|800095y |Ceramics/Pottery I |10-12 |

| |(prerequisite Visual Arts) | |

|800105y |Ceramics/Pottery II |10-12 |

| |(prerequisite Ceramics I) | |

|800115y |Ceramics/Pottery III |11-12 |

| |(prerequisite Ceramics II) | |

|800125y |Ceramics/Pottery IV |12 |

| |(prerequisite Ceramics III) | |

|800235y |Painting I (prerequisite Visual Arts) |10-12 |

|800245y |Painting II (prerequisite Painting I) |11-12 |

|800135y |Drawing I (prerequisite Visual Arts) |10-12 |

|800145y |Drawing II (prerequisite Drawing I) |11-12 |

|Mrs. Turcotte |AP Studio Art* |11-12 |


|50705y |Spanish I |9-12 |

|50715y |Spanish II |10-12 |

| |(9th graders will be placed based on middle | |

| |school recommendations only) | |

|50725y |Spanish III |10-12 |

|50721s & 50731s |Spanish III/IV combo |10-12 |

|50735y |Spanish IV |11-12 |

|50745y |Spanish V |11-12 |

|50755y |Spanish VI |11-12 |

|50065y |AP Spanish Language |11-12 |

|50785y |Native Speakers I |9-12 |

|50795y |Native Speakers II |10-12 |

|Mr. Lopez |Marketplace Spanish* |11-12 |

|50105y |French I |9-12 |

|50115y |French II |10-12 |

|50125y |French III |10-12 |

|50135y |French IV |10-12 |

|50005y |AP French Language |11-12 |

|50205y |German I |9-12 |

|50215y |German II |10-12 |

|50225y |German III |10-12 |

|50235y |German IV |10-12 |

|50905y |Russian I |9-12 |

|50915y |Russian II |10-12 |

|50975y |Russian III |10-12 |

|50985y |Russian IV |10-12 |


|40475s |World Geography (.5 credit) |9-12 |

|40165s |Current Issues (.5 credit) |9-12 |

|40605s |Individual and the Law (.5 credit) |9-12 |

|40395s |US History in Film (.5 credit) |9-12 |

|40325s |Ethnic Studies (.5 credit) |9-12 |

|40025y |AP European History |11-12 |

|40305s |Psychology (.5 credit) |11-12 |

|40315s |Sociology (.5 credit) |11-12 |

|40225s |Humanities (.5 credit) |11-12 |

|40115y |AP Psychology |11-12 |


|60035y |Team Sports |10-12 |

|60035s |Team Sports (.5 credit) |10-12 |

|60255y |Adv. Body Sculpting (Weight Training) |9-12 |

|60315y |Adv. Body Sculpting for School Athletes (Weight |9-12 |

| |Training for School Athletes) | |


|60325s |Driver’s Ed (.5) & World Geography(.5) or another|9-12 |

|40475s |semester (.5) course | |

| |$100 driver’s ed fee (payable to NFHS) due to | |

| |NFHS secretary Sandra Sutton, by March 8, 2013 | |


|700105y |Basic Agricultural Science and Technology |9-12 |

|700035y |General Horticulture (Prerequisite Basic |10-12 |

| |Agricultural Science and Technology) | |

|700175y |Nursery and Landscape (Prerequisite Horticulture)|10-12 |

|700055y |Floriculture Production |10-12 |

| |(Prerequisite Nursery and Landscape) | |


|700475y |Computer Applications |9-12 |

|702375y |Compt. in the Mod. World |9-12 |

|702415y |Fundamentals of Web Page Design (Prerequisite |10-12 |

| |Computing in the Modern World) | |

|702435y |Advanced Web Design (Prerequisite Fundamentals of|10-12 |

| |Web Page Design) | |

|702345y |Information Technology Essentials |10-12 |

|702425y |Information Technology Support |10–12 |

|702385y |Networking Systems |11-12 |


|700705y |Broadcast Video I |9-12 |

|700715y |Broadcast Video II |10-12 |

| |(Prerequisite Broadcast Video I) | |

|700725y |Broadcast Video III |11-12 |

| |(Prerequisite Broadcast Video II) | |

|700735y |Broadcast Video Applications |11-12 |

| |(Prerequisite Video Broadcast III) | |


|90015y |Contemporary Issues in Education |10-12 |

|90001s |Examining the Teaching Profession & |11-12 |

|90021s |Teaching as a Profession | |

|Mrs. Mooney |Teaching Apprenticeship* |12 |


|703045y |Foundations of Engineering and Technology |9-12 |

|703065y |Survey of Engineering Concepts |10–12 |

| |(Prerequisite Found. of Engineering) | |

|703115y |Engineering Applications (Prerequisite Survey of |10-12 |

| |Engineering Concepts) | |

|Mrs. Marshall |Engineering Research, Design, Project Mgmt* |11-12 |

| |(Engineering Applications) (Prerequisite Found. | |

| |of Engineering) | |


|702105y |Food, Nutrition Wellness |9-12 |

|702005y |Nutrition Thru Life Span |10-12 |

| |(Prerequisite Food, Nutrition Wellness) | |

|702085y |Food Science (Prerequisite Nutrition Thru Life |11-12 |

| |Span) | |

| |Government and Public Safety | |

|60501s |MJROTC: Educ Lead I |9-12 |

|60511s |MJROTC: Educ Lead II | |

|60521s |MJROTC: Educ Lead III |10-12 |

|60531s |MJROTC: Educ Lead IV | |

|60541s |MJROTC: Educ Lead V |11-12 |

|60551s |MJROTC: Educ Lead VI | |

|60561s |MJROTC: Educ Lead VII |12 |

|60571s |MJROTC: Educ Lead VIII | |


|702745y |Marketing Principles |9-12 |

|702635y |Intro to Fashion Marketing (Prerequisite |10-12 |

| |Marketing Principles) | |

|702615y |Advanced Fashion Marketing (Prerequisite Intro to|11-12 |

| |Fashion Marketing) | |

|702755y |Intro to Sports and Entertainment Marketing |10-12 |

| |(Prerequisite Marketing Principles) | |

|702795y |Advanced Sports and Entertainment Marketing |11-12 |

| |(Prerequisite Intro to Sports and Entertainment | |

| |Marketing) | |

|702765y |Entrepreneurship: Building a Business |10-12 |

| |(Prerequisite Marketing Principles) | |

|702605y |Advanced Marketing (Prerequisite Marketing |10-12 |

| |Principles) | |

|Mrs. Kemp |Entrepreneurship Ventures* |11-12 |

| |(School Store) | |

| |Medical Services | |

|Mrs. Jones |Intro Healthcare Services * (.5 credit) |10-12 |

|Mrs. Jones |Application of Therapeutic Science* (.5 |10-12 |

| |credit) | |

|Mrs. Jones |General Medicine*(prerequisite Intro to |11-12 |

| |Healthcare and App of Therapeutic Science) | |


|Mrs. Mooney |Agriculture |11–12 |

| |Business and Computer Science | |

| |Education | |

| |Engineering and Technology | |

| |Family and Consumer Sciences | |

| |Government and Public Safety | |

| |Healthcare | |

| |Marketing Sales and Service | |

| |Office Aid | |

| |Peer Facilitator | |

|Mrs. LeShea Mrs. |ForTech | |

|Jones |Medical Services | |

|See Counselor |ACCEL and Dual Enrollment Opportunities* | |

*Application or Audition Required

2013-14 Counselor Caseloads


Mrs. Wigley:        ELL

(ext. 160412)

Mrs. LeFevre:      A-Di

(ext. 160419)

Mr. Owens:          Do-Ki

(ext. 160417)

Mrs. Strickland: Kl-Q

(ext. 160418)

Mrs. Haynes:        R-Z

(ext. 160415)


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