Test Plan - UMKC

Test Specifications

KCRAR Housing Opportunity Website

Development Group

CS451 - Software Engineering

Test Case: View Home Page

1. Identifier – KCRAR.TS.01

2. Items and Features Tested –

This test case will verify that the home page exists and that the menu works correctly by sending the user to corresponding pages on the website. The homepage should contain a short summary, and the menu should contain links associated with the following sub-menu headers: “Program Search”, “Home Buying Process”, “Financing”, “Consumer Issues”, “Education”, “About KC Home Center”, “Homeowner Links”, and “KCRAR Member Login”.

3. Inputs/Steps Performed –

Check that all links exist and click on each individual link

4. Expected Output –

Each link should take the user to the correct page

5. Test Procedure –

1. – Go to application website home page

2. – Verify that the home page contains a summary and a menu

3. – Verify that the menu contains the correct headers

4. – Click each link in the sub menus and verify that they take the user to the correct page

Test Case: Authenticate KCRAR Member

1. Identifier – KCRAR.TS.02

2. Items and Features Tested –

This test case will verify that login and password text fields and a submit option appear when the user clicks on “KCRAR Member Login”. When a valid password is entered, the user will be logged in as a member and have access to additional data.

3. Inputs/Steps Performed

Input Set |

|Login Input |Password Input | |

1 |Unsuccessful Login | |2 |Unsuccessful Login | |3 |Unsuccessful Login | |4 |Successful Login | |

5. Test Procedure

Get a valid login and a valid password.

Go to application website and click “KCRAR Member Login”.

Try each input combination and press submit to verify expected output.

Test Case: Search for Programs

1. Identifier – KCRAR.TS.03

2. Items and Features Tested

The User should be able to click on “Search for Programs” to bring up a search form. We are testing that the form contains a county list with checkboxes next to each county, a “first time buyer” option with Yes/No checkboxes, and types of benefits desired with checkboxes next to each.

We are also testing that after pressing “submit” a list of programs gets displayed.

Note: This test case does not test that the correct matching programs are displayed based on the input data. It is tested on KCRAR.TS.04

3. Inputs

Input Set |Counties |First Time Home-buyer |Type of Benefit | |1 |All Checked |None |All Checked | |2 |All Checked |Yes or No |All Checked | |3 |None Checked |None |None Checked | |4 |None Checked |Yes or No |None Checked | |6 |Random Checked |Yes or No |Random | |

4. Expected Output

Input Set |Output | |1 |

List of Programs | |2 | | |3 | | |4 | | |6 | | |

5. Test Procedure

Go to application website, select “Search for Programs” from Program Search menu.

Check boxes corresponding to an input set and press submit.

Verify that list exists

Repeat 5.2 for each input set.

Test Case: Display Program Summaries from Search Criteria

1. Identifier – KCRAR.TS.04

2. Items and Features Tested

A list of matching programs gets displayed based on the checkboxes that were checked on the Search for Programs page. We test if each one of the names of the matching programs is a hyperlink that takes the user to the “Homebuyer Assistance Program Details” page. We test also if the list displayed contains the correct data based on the search criteria.

3. Inputs

Input Set |Counties |First Time Home-buyer |Type of Benefit | |1 |All Checked |None |All Checked | |2 |All Checked |Yes or No |All Checked | |3 |None Checked |None |None Checked | |4 |None Checked |Yes or No |None Checked | |6 |Random Checked |Yes or No |Random | |

4. Expected Output

Input Set |Output | |1 |Show All Programs | |2 |Show All Programs with selected first-time homebuyer option. | |3 |Show All Programs | |4 |Show All Programs with selected first-time homebuyer option | |6 |Show programs that match whatever options were selected. | |

5. Test Procedure

Go to application website, select “Search for Programs” from Program Search menu.

Check boxes corresponding to an input set and press submit.

Verify the data shown with the actual data from the database

Verify that the name of each program is a hyperlink that takes the user to the program details page.

Repeat 5.2 for each input set.

Test Case: Display Details of Homebuyer Assistance Programs

1. Identifier – KCRAR.TS.05

2. Items and Features Tested –

This takes place after a user has searched and found a list of programs.

When a user clicks on a specific program, they should be taken to a page detailing the program that they clicked on. The complete and detailed summary of the program should be provided. All of the data should be displayed in a grid with consistent labels.

A link should exist that takes the user back to the Results of their search.

3. Inputs/Steps Performed –

The only input is to click on a program, and then click on “Back to the Results Page”

4. Expected Output –

A table with data summarizing the program should display if a program is clicked on. The previous search results should display when the user clicks “Back to the Results Page.”

5. Test Procedure –

– Go to the application website home page

– Do a program search or click “Show All Programs”

– Click on a program name. Verify that it takes the user to a page detailing that program.

– Verify that the correct information is shown and that all of the detailed information is in a grid format.

– Click “Back to the Results Page” and verify that it takes you to the previous page that you were on after step 5.2

Test Case: Show All Programs

1. Identifier – KCRAR.TS.06

2. Items and Features Tested –

The user should be able to select “Show All Programs” under the “Program Search” menu on the home page. An index of all of the available programs should be displayed, and each program name should be a hyperlink pointing to the “Home Buyer Assistance Program Details Page.”

3. Inputs/Steps Performed –

The only input is to click on “Show All Programs”

4. Expected Output –

All of the programs in the system should display, with links to the program details page.

5. Test Procedure –

– Go to the application website home page

– Click “Show All Programs” under the “Program Search” menu

– Verify that all of the programs get listed.

– Verify that the program names are hyperlinks.

Test Case: Search for Certified Realtor

1. Identifier – KCRAR.TS.07

2. Items and Features Tested –

The User should be able to click on “Search for Certified Realtor” to bring up a search form. We are testing that the form contains a county list with checkboxes next to each county.

We are also testing that after pressing “submit” a list of Realtor’s Records and agents first and Last Name, Company Name and city, state get displayed as hyperlink.

Note: This test case does not test that the list displayed correctly matches the realtors that serve the county or counties from the input data. It is tested on KCRAR.TS.08

3. Inputs

Input Set |Counties | |1 |All Checked | |3 |None Checked | |6 |Random Checked | |

4. Expected Output

Input Set |Output | |1 |

List of Realtor’s Records | |2 | | |3 | | |

5. Test Procedure

Go to application website and select “Search for Certified Realtor” from Program Search menu.

Check boxes corresponding to an input set and press submit.

Verify that list exists

Repeat 5.2 for each input set.

Test Case: Display Realtor Information

1. Identifier – KCRAR.TS.03

2. Items and Features Tested

A list of matching Realtor’s Records gets displayed based on the counties checked on the Search for Certified Realtor page. The names of the matching realtors should be a hyperlink that takes the user to a table containing contain the agent’s first name, agent’s last name, company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, alternate phone, website URL, and email address.

3. Inputs

Input Set |Counties | |1 |All Checked | |3 |None Checked | |6 |Random Checked | |

4. Expected Output

Input Set |Output | |1 |Show All Certified Realtors | |2 |Show All Certified Realtors | |3 |Show list of certified realtors who serve the counties selected | |

5. Test Procedure

Go to application website and select “Search for Certified Realtors” from Program Search menu.

Check boxes corresponding to an input set and press submit.

Verify that each one of the Realtor’s Records is a hyperlink that takes the user to the table containing the realtor information.

Verify the data shown with the actual data from the database.

Repeat 5.2 for each input set.


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