Science and Life Issues: Our Genes, Our Selves

Science and Life Issues: Our Genes, Our SelvesActivity #term or termsdescription54characteristicA physical attribute of an organism,? such as hair color, height, color pattern, etc.54?traitsA specific variation of a characteristic that an organism can pass on to its offspring through its genes.54variation?54heredity54geneticsThe scientific study of variation and heredity.55genesA segment of DNA on a chromosome that codes for a specific trait.55offspringProduct of reproduction, a new organism produced by one or more parents55inheritedTransmitted through genes from parents to offspring.57asexual reproductionThe reproductive process that involves only one parent and produces offspring that are identical to the parents.?57sexual reproductionThe reproductive process that involves two parents who combine their genetic material to produce a new organism, which differs from both parents.?57fertilizationThe joining of sperm cell and an egg cell.?57cloneAn organism that is genetically identical to the organism from which is produced.?Can be artificial: Dolly the sheep, can be natural: Strawberries.59probabilityThe likelihood that a particular event will occur.59randomBy chance, like the flip of a coin59genotypeAn organism's genetic makeup, or allele combination. (example,? TT)59phenotypeAn organism's physical appearance, or visible trait. (example, Tall)60Part1stamenThe male reproductive parts of the flower.? It includes:Anther-the upper part of the stamen where the pollen is produced.?Filament- Stalk-like part of the stamen that supports the anther.60Part 1pistilThe female reproductive parts of the flower.? It includes:Stigma-The upper tip of the pistil of the flower, receives the pollen.?Style-the narrow elongated part of the pistil between the ovary and the stigma.Ovary-the bottom part of the pistil that contains the ovules or immature seeds.60Part 2alleleThe different forms of?a?gene.60Part 2dominantAn allele whose trait always shows up in the organism when the allele is present.60Part 2recessiveAn allele that is masked when a dominant allele is present.61homozygousHaving two identical alleles?for a trait. (For example, TT or tt)61heterozygousHaving two different alleles for a trait. (For example, Tt)63chromosomesRod-shaped cellular structure made of condensed chromatin.? DNA condenses into chromosomes just before cell division.63mutationA change in an organism's DNA.? Can be as small as one base. Can be helpful, harmful or have no effect.?Can be Caused by: environmental agent (e.g.. the sun) or mistake during DNA replication.63mitosisCell division, creates two daughter cells identical to the original parent cell.63meiosisThe process that occur in sex cell (sperm and egg) by which the number of chromosomes is reduced in half.65"nature vs nurture"The idea that both nature (genetic makeup) and nurture (environment) affect an individual's traits.65diversityThe wide variety of traits that are expressed in living things, primarily due to sexual reproduction.65co-dominanceA pattern of inheritance when?the?two alleles of a geneare neither?dominant or recessive, the two alleles are both expressed. (For example, B=black features, b=white feathers,? Bb=black and white features)65incomplete dominanceA Pattern of inheritance when the combination of a recessive allele and dominant allele (heterozygous) is expressed as a blend of the two traits.? (For example, R=red r=white Rr=pink)66pedigreeA chart or "family tree" that tracks which members of a family have a particular trait.DNAnitrogen BaseThe chemicals that make up the rungs of the DNA ladder.? A-T and C-G match.A-?adenineG-?guanine?C-cytosine?T- thymineDNAnucleotideA subunit of nucleic acid formed from a simple sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base.GEmessenger RNARNA that copies the codes message from the DNA in the nucleus, and carries the message into the cytoplasm.GEtransfer RNACarries amino acids and adds them to the growing protein at the Ribosome.GEcodonThe three-letter code of bases on the messenger RNA that codes for one amino acidGEanti-codonThe three letter code of bases on the transfer RNA that matched up with the codon on the messenger RNA.GEamino_acidThe building blocks of proteins.?1 codon=1 amino acid???100s to 1000s amino acids=1 protein??1? gene=1 proteinGEproteinA chain of amino acids linked together in a particular order deterimed by a genes DNA sequence. Serve as enzymes, structural components, or signaling molecules.GEtranscriptionThe process of making mRNA from the DNA code (occurs in the nucleus)GEtranslationThe process of reading the mRNA one codon at a time and using the matching tRNA to assemble a protein.GEgene expressionA process that occurs in cells where information held within DNA (genes) is used to make proteins. (Process of making proteins) ................

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