Approaches to Learning - Elgin

Approaches to Learning


|Emphasis |Emphasis on experiences, |Emphasis on interaction of |Emphasis on how children |Emphasis on the child's cognitive |Emphasis on collaboration with others |

| |especially reinforcement and |behavior, environment and |process information through |construction of knowledge and |to produce knowledge and understanding|

| |punishment as determinants of |person (cognitive) factors as |attention, memory, thinking and|understanding | |

| |learning and behavior |determinants of learning |other cognitive processes | | |

|Major Players |Skinner, Pavlov, Watson |Bandura | |Piaget |Vygotsky |

|Terms |Classical conditioning, |Reciprocal determinism, self |Encoding /storage /retrieval, |Many piagetian terms |ZPD, scaffolding, cultural tools |

| |Operant conditioning |efficacy, Observational |Sensory Memory/ STM /LTM | | |

| | |Learning, imitation |Capacity/ organization/ | | |

| | | |efficiency | | |

| | | |Automaticity, elaboration, | | |

| | | |Schemas | | |

| | | |Metacognition | | |

Before Learning

1. US (unconditioned stimulus) --( UR (unconditioned response)

Smiling --( happiness

2. NS --( Nothing

Teacher--( no response

During Learning

3. NS (neutral stimulus) + UCS (repeat)

Teacher + Smiling

After Learning

4. NS becomes CS

CS (conditioned stimulus) ---( CR (conditioned response)

Teacher ---( happiness

Positive Reinforcement

-behavior becomes more likely because of positive consequences

Ex: Student is praised for being on time, student is more likely to be on time in the future, Study for an A

Negative Reinforcement

-behavior becomes more likely in order to avoid negative consequences

Ex: Student is on time and avoids a detention, student is more likely to be on time in the future to avoid a detention, Study to avoid an F


-behavior becomes less likely in order to avoid negative consequences

Ex: Student is late and gets a detention, student is less likely to be late in the future to avoid a detention, Less likely not to study due to previous F

Partial Reinforcement Techniques

Fixed-Ratio Reinforce after a set number of responses

Variable-Ratio Reinforce after an average but unpredictable number of responses

Fixed-Interval Reinforce appropriate response after a fixed amount of time

Variable-Interval Reinforce appropriate response after a variable amount of time


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