Module 6 Test: Due 3/20

Due 3/20

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|1. |Decadron, Maxidex, and Vexol are corticosteroid ophthalmic drugs. |

| |Answer [pic] True or False |

|2. |TIA and transient global amnesia (TGA) are the same thing. |

| |Answer [pic] True or False |

|3. |_________ is a highly contagious viral disease that affects the anterior horn cells of the gray matter in the spinal cord. |

| |[pic]A. |

| |Poliomyelitis |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |Meningitis |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |Encephalitis |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |Brain abscess |

| | |

|4. |The condition that involves progressive destruction of motor neurons resulting in muscle atrophy is called |

| |[pic]A. |

| |Parkinson's disease. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |Guillain-Barre syndrome. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |Huntington's chorea. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |ALS. |

| | |

|5. |Inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord is called |

| |[pic]A. |

| |encephalitis. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |meningitis. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |blepharitis. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |polyneuritis. |

| | |

|6. |Unilateral facial paralysis is called |

| |[pic]A. |

| |quadriplegia. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |hemiparesis. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |Bell's palsy. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |epilepsy. |

| | |

|7. |An inherited disorder in which the individual displays abrupt, bizarre, involuntary, dance-like movements and a decline in |

| |mental functions is |

| |[pic]A. |

| |Parkinson's disease. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |Huntington's chorea. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |ALS. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |Guillain-Barre syndrome. |

| | |

|8. |Periodic severe headaches that may be completely incapacitating are called |

| |[pic]A. |

| |cephalalgia. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |peripheral neuritis. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |neuralgia. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |migraines. |

| | |

|9. |Parkinson's disease is characterized by |

| |[pic]A. |

| |"pill" rolling tremor of thumb and forefinger, muscular rigidity, mask-like facial expression, and shuffling gait. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |narcolepsy, hemiparesis, muscular atrophy, and seizures. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |tongue smacking, dementia, and ceaseless, involuntary movements. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |none of the above. |

| | |

|10. |Ankylosing of the stapes is called |

| |[pic]A. |

| |Meniere's disease. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |otomycosis. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |otosclerosis. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |exotropia. |

| | |

|11. |Spinal stenosis contributes to sciatic pain caused by a narrowing of the spinal canal that causes compression of the spinal|

| |nerve roots. |

| |Answer [pic] True or False |

|12. |A collection or mass of blood that forms between the skull and the dura mater is termed a(an) |

| |[pic]A. |

| |subdural hematoma. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |epidural hematoma. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |meningocele. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |concussion. |

| | |

|13. |Early symptoms of retinal detachment consist of |

| |[pic]A. |

| |new floaters and light flashes. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |purulent drainage. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |redness of the eye and a gritty feeling. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |ringing in the ears. |

| | |

|14. |Bruising of the brain tissues along or just beneath its surface accompanied by symptoms lasting more than 24 hours |

| |describes a |

| |[pic]A. |

| |concussion. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |contusion. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |CVA. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |TIA. |

| | |

|15. |Loss of motor and sensory control of the trunk of the body and lower extremities as a result of a spinal cord injury |

| |describes |

| |[pic]A. |

| |peripheral neuritis. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |quadriplegia. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |paraplegia. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |a degenerative disk. |

| | |

|16. |Nerves that transmit impulses toward the brain and spinal cord are |

| |[pic]A. |

| |afferent nerves. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |efferent nerves. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |motor nerves. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |receptors. |

| | |

|17. |Temporary episodes of impaired neurologic functioning caused by inadequate blood flow to a portion of the brain are termed |

| |[pic]A. |

| |CVAs. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |TIAs. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |mini strokes. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |b and c. |

| | |

|18. |All of the following are antihistamines except _______ |

| |[pic]A. |

| |Clarinex. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |Allegra. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |Nasalide |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |Tavist. |

| | |

|19. |Of the following, which is NOT likely to cause a CVA? |

| |[pic]A. |

| |Advancing atherosclerosis |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |Cerebral embolism |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |Neuroblastoma |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |Cerebral thrombosis |

| | |

|20. |Nerves that transmit impulses away from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles and glands are |

| |[pic]A. |

| |afferent. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |efferent. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |sensory. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |afferent and sensory. |

| | |

|21. |Mydriatics ________________ |

| |[pic]A. |

| |constrict the pupil. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |dilate the pupil. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |decrease the flow of aqueous humor. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |all of the above. |

| | |

|22. |Infection or inflammation in the semicircular canals is called |

| |[pic]A. |

| |cholesteatoma. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |labyrinthitis. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |otomycosis. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |presbycusis. |

| | |

|23. |All of the following drugs are used to treat glaucoma except __________ |

| |[pic]A. |

| |Rescula. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |Betopic. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |Timoptic. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |Herplex. |

| | |

|24. |A chronic disease of the inner ear marked by a recurring syndrome of vertigo, tinnitus, progressive hearing loss, and a |

| |sensation of pressure in the ear is called |

| |[pic]A. |

| |cholesteatoma. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |otoslcerosis. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |Meniere's disease. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |mastoiditis. |

| | |

|25. |A cloudy or opaque area in the normally clear lens of the eye is called a |

| |[pic]A. |

| |stye. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |detachment. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |cataract. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |none of the above. |

| | |

|26. |"Swish and swallow" are instructions given to patients taking a(an) ____________ |

| |[pic]A. |

| |antifungal. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |antihistamine. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |antibiotic. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |local anesthetic. |

| | |

|27. |The sensor receptive cells in the retina that function best in dim light and enable night vision are the |

| |[pic]A. |

| |iris. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |pupil. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |cones. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |rods. |

| | |

|28. |Optivar, Livostin, and Patanol are mast cell stabilizer ophthalmic drugs. |

| |Answer [pic] True or False |

|29. |Hyperopia, myopia, and presbyopia are refractive errors that result when the |

| |[pic]A. |

| |pressure within the anterior chamber of the eye is elevated. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |eye is unable to focus light effectively. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |tympanic membrane ruptures. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |lens of the eye becomes cloudy. |

| | |

|30. |Keratitis is frequently caused by an infection of herpes simplex virus. |

| |Answer [pic] True or False |

|31. |Which of the following drugs is used to treat grand mal seizures? |

| |[pic]A. |

| |Dilantin |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |Cognex |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |Dalmane |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |L-dopa |

| | |

|32. |Restoril and Halcion are used to treat________ |

| |[pic]A. |

| |Parkinson's disease. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |Alzheimer's disease. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |Absence seizures. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |Insomnia |

| | |

|33. |The combination drug containing carbidopa and levodopa to treat Parkinson's disease is known by the trade name __________ |

| |[pic]A. |

| |Sinemet. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |L-dopa. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |Zyprexa. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |Restoril. |

| | |

|34. |Mestinon and Prostigmin are two drugs used to treat Myasthenia Gravis. |

| |Answer [pic] True or False |

|35. |Macular degeneration is |

| |[pic]A. |

| |caused by degenerative changes in the retina. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |usually related to aging. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |both of the above. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |none of the above. |

| | |

|36. |The trade name for the generic drug diphenhydramine is ________________ |

| |[pic]A. |

| |Afrin. |

| | |

| |[pic]B. |

| |Sudafed. |

| | |

| |[pic]C. |

| |Bendaryl. |

| | |

| |[pic]D. |

| |Zyrtec. |

| | |

|37. |Antihistamines are effective in treating the common cold. |

| |Answer [pic] ( True or False) |

|38. |Patricia is a 63 year old female who reportedly awoke this morning with weakness and numbness of her right side. She had |

| |difficulty getting out of bed and complained of intermittent dizziness. She was also having some difficulty with her |

| |speech. Pat hasa history of hypertension and takes Vasotec and Inderal. An ambulance was called and she was transported to |

| |the Emergency Department at St. Elizabeth's Medical Center. |

| |On exam, her vital signs were T -  97.6 degrees F, P -  107 and irregular, R -  23, and BP - 174/97. She had diminished |

| |strength in her right hand and foot, diminished movement in the right arm and leg and her speech was slurred. Oxygen |

| |therapt was started. Her reflexes were diminished, as was her response to pain on the right side. |

| |A brain MRI, CT, EEG, skull x-rays and ECG were ordered. Her ECG showed atrial fibrillation. About six hours postonset her |

| |symptoms began to resolve with improvement in movement and feeling in her right extremities. Her speech also became less |

| |slurred. |

| |1. Patricia was most likely diagnosed as having a ____________.(spell out the medical term(s) in full) |

| |2. What is the most common cause of Patricia's condition? |

| |3. _______________ commonly are used to lessen the frequency or chance of recurrence. |

| |4. Recent protocol is to have a patient chew on an (OTC) _________tablet as soon as symptoms appear. |

| |5. A person having a true stroke will have symptoms lasting _________ 24 hours. |

| |  |

| | Answer 1 [pic][pic] |

| | |

| | |

| | Answer 2 [pic][pic] |

| | |

| | |

| | Answer 3 [pic][pic] |

| | |

| | |

| | Answer 4 [pic][pic] |

| | |

| | |

| | Answer 5 [pic][pic] |

| | |

| | |


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