CORE VALUES ASSESSMENTAnswer “Yes” if you agree with the statement; “No” if you do not.1. I never assume that my employees know what is expected. 2. I encourage my staff to ask questions when in doubt about work-related issues. 3. I support my employees by providing help, advice, resources, and information. 4. I make it a habit to support my employees even when they make mistakes. 5. I believe that, for my team to succeed, I must assist the members to maximize their individual skills. 6. I bring to the attention of my superiors and employees on a regular basis the individual and team accomplishments of my employees. 7. I believe in taking the time to explain my vision and goals in detail to my employees. 8. I believe in taking the time to get to know those who work for me (e.g., their likes/dislikes, work preferences, and feelings about the job and company). 9. I support the notion that it's OK for my employees to fail as long as they learn from it. 10. I don't believe in "knee jerk" reactions when dealing with on-the-job surprises. 11. I believe in maintaining employee confidentiality. 12. I believe in allowing my employees the opportunity to experiment with new procedures as long as they keep me informed. 13. I believe in encouraging my employees to question solutions to work-related problems that they did not participate in resolving. 14. As a communicator, I make it a practice to listen more than I talk when working on employee-related issues. 15. I believe that allowing one to fail breeds success. Core Values Assessment “Key”“The degree to which a manager supports these values will determine his or her effectiveness as a leader in the development of employees.”Answering “Yes” to the following question #s represents your Core Values strengths. Questions you answered “No” to represent areas that need work.Vision & Goal Clarity (1,7)Supportiveness (2,3,4)Confidence Building (5)Consideration (6,8)Risk Orientation (9,15)Patience (10)Trust Building (11,12)Openness (13,14) ................

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