LESSON Identifying Integers and Their Opposites 1-1 ...

Name ________________________________________ Date __________________ Class __________________

LESSON Identifying Integers and Their Opposites


Practice and Problem Solving: A/B

Name a positive or negative number to represent each situation.

1. depositing $85 in a bank account ____

2. riding an elevator down 3 floors ____

3. the foundation of a house sinking

4. a temperature of 98? above

5 inches ____

zero ____

Graph each integer and its opposite on the number line.

5. -2

6. +3

7. -5

8. +1

Write the correct answers.

9. The average temperature in Fairbanks, Alaska, in February is 4?F below zero. Write this temperature as an integer.

10. The average temperature in Fairbanks, Alaska, in November is 2?F above zero.

Write this temperature as an integer.



11. The highest point in the state of Louisiana is Driskill Mountain. It rises 535 feet above sea level. Write the elevation of Driskill Mountain as an integer.


12. The lowest point in the state of Louisiana is New Orleans. The city's elevation is 8 feet below sea level. Write the elevation of New Orleans as an integer.


13. Death Valley, California, has the lowest elevation in the United States. Its elevation is 282 feet below sea level. Mount McKinley, Alaska, has the highest elevation in the United States. Its elevation is 20,320 feet above sea level. Use integers to describe these two locations in the United States.


14. Are there any integers between 0 and 1? Explain.



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Name ________________________________________ Date __________________ Class __________________

LESSON Identifying Integers and Their Opposites


Practice and Problem Solving: C

Name a positive or negative number to represent each step in each situation.

1. Fabio is climbing a tree. He climbs up 7 feet.


Then he falls back 3 feet.


2. Roya deposits $30 in her checking account.


Then she withdraws $12.


3. The temperature on Thursday fell 5?F.

4. A balloon rose 32 feet above the ground.


On Friday, it rose 11?F.


Then it fell to the ground.



Graph the opposite of each integer on the number line. Label each correctly.

5. -7

6. -11

7. 3

8. 0

Write each temperature and its opposite. 9. The highest temperature ever recorded in Texas was 120?F in Seymour on August 12, 1936.


10. The lowest temperature ever recorded in Texas was -23?F in Seminole on February 8, 1933.



11. The temperature at which water freezes on the Celsius scale is 0?C. It freezes at 32?F on the Fahrenheit scale. Write the opposites of these two temperatures as integers.


12. Water boils at 212?F on the Fahrenheit scale and 100?C on the Celsius scale, so these two temperatures are the same. Write the opposites of these temperatures as integers.


Are the integers the same? _______

13. Describe an integer and its opposite on the number line. Give an example.


Original content Copyright ? by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.


Name ________________________________________ Date __________________ Class __________________

LESSON Identifying Integers and Their Opposites


Practice and Problem Solving: D

Circle the letter that best represents each situation.

1. a gain of 5 yards in football

2. a bank withdrawal of $25

A -5

A +5

B +5

B -25

C +50

C +50

Write the integer that is graphed on each number line. The first one is done for you.


________________2__o_r__+_2__________________ 4.


5. Jenny made a deposit of $20 into her bank 6. Mark withdrew $25 from his bank account.

account. Write this amount as an integer.

Write this amount as an integer.



Write the correct answer. The first one is done for you.

7. Mercury melts at 38?F below zero. Write this temperature as an integer.


Think: Integers are whole numbers and their opposites.

8. The lowest temperature recorded in San Francisco was 20?F. Buffalo's lowest recorded temperature was the opposite of San Francisco's. What was Buffalo's lowest temperature?

The temperature is 38, which is a whole number. The temperature is below zero, so use the opposite of 38. That integer is -38.



Original content Copyright ? by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.


Name ________________________________________ Date __________________ Class __________________

LESSON Identifying Integers and Their Opposites



Positive numbers are greater than 0. Use a positive number to represent a gain or increase. Include the positive sign (+).

an increase of 10 points


a flower growth of 2 inches +2

a gain of 15 yards in football +15

Negative numbers are less than 0. Use a negative number to represent a loss or decrease.

Also use a negative number to represent a value below or less than a certain value. Include the negative sign (-).

a bank withdrawal of $30 -30

a decrease of 9 points -9

2? below zero


negative numbers

positive numbers

Opposites are the same distance from zero on the number line, but in different directions. -3 and 3 are opposites because each number is 3 units from zero on a number line.

Integers are the set of all whole numbers, zero, and their opposites.

Name a positive or negative number to represent each situation.

1. an increase of 3 points

2. spending $10



3. earning $25

4. a loss of 5 yards



Write each integer and its opposite. Then graph them on the number line.

5. -1


6. 9


7. 6


8. -5


Original content Copyright ? by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.


Name ________________________________________ Date __________________ Class __________________

LESSON Identifying Integers and Their Opposites


Reading Strategies: Use Context

We get information from the numbers we read. A positive number is greater than zero. The plus sign (+) denotes

a positive number. If no sign is shown, the number is positive.

Our car travels 55 miles per hour.

55 or +55

The temperature climbed to 90?

90 or +90

Write the positive number for each of the following situations.

1. Alicia put $25 in her savings account. _________________

2. Oklahoma City is 1,195 feet above sea level. _________________

3. Our football team gained 12 yards on the last play.


A negative number is less than zero. A negative sign (-) is always

used to denote a negative number.

Death Valley is 282 feet below sea level.


The temperature dipped to 12? below zero.


Write the negative number for each of the following situations. 4. Dave withdrew $50 from his savings account. _________________ 5. The coldest temperature recorded in Greenland was 87? below zero. _________________ 6. Oarfish live at 3,000 feet below sea level. _________________

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