Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences

Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences

Minor Requirement Worksheet 2020-2021

Name: Class of ‘

Major(s): Optional Second Minor:

Requirements for the Minor in Environmental Policy and Culture (7 courses total)

• Minimum grade of C-.

• Students should see the Catalog or a program adviser for information about specific courses that satisfy the requirements below.

• At least 4 of the 7 courses must be at the 300 level.

• No more than 2 natural sciences courses will be automatically approved for the minor.

• Only 1 quarter of 399 may count toward the minor.

| |Course Number and Title |Term Taken |

|2 approved humanities or social |1. | |

|science courses | | |

| |2. | |

|1 approved natural sciences course |3. | |

|4 elective courses, including at |4. | |

|least 1 one from each of these | | |

|categories: culture, policy, and | | |

|natural sciences | | |

| |5. | |

| |6. | |

| |7. | |

This is a worksheet only. Content has not been verified by the registrar. This worksheet pertains to the minor only. See Major Requirement Worksheets for general WCAS and major requirements.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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