Study Guide: Abiotic Factors

Study Guide: Abiotic Factors

Complete the sentence.

1. The regular exchange of elements between the living and nonliving parts of an

ecosystem is called a ____________________.

2. ____________________, ____________________, and nitrogen are found free or in compounds in water and air.

3. Phosphorus, ____________________, calcium, magnesium, and ____________________ are found in rocks.

On the blank write either T for true or F for false.

4. _____ Producers use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to make organic compounds.

5. _____ Consumers do not take in carbon.

6. _____ During respiration, organisms release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere or water.

7. _____ When organisms die, the carbon compounds in their remains immediately change to

carbon dioxide and other chemicals.

8. _____ Carbon dioxide in the oceans never enters the atmosphere.

9. _____ Carbon dioxide is gradually disappearing from the atmosphere.

Fill in the blanks in the paragraph to describe the nitrogen cycle.

Nitrogen gas makes up about 10. ______ percent of the atmosphere. Nitrogen gas must

be converted into other forms for 11. _______________ to use. Several processes convert

atmospheric nitrogen into usable nitrogen compounds. 12. _________________converts a small

amount of nitrogen. Most nitrogen is converted by 13. _______________ living in nodules on the

roots of 14. _______________. Nitrogen compounds enter plants and are used by the plants or

are passed through the 15. _____________________

When an organism 16. ____________________, the proteins in it are broken down by a

series of steps. Microscopic 17. ____________________ break down the proteins into

18.____________________, which are broken down further into 19. ____________________,

which is changed into nitrite ions. Then, the nitrite ions are converted into 20. ________________

ions by bacteria. Some nitrites dissolved in soil are taken up through plant roots to be used as 21.

____________________ source. Other nitrites are converted into 22. ____________________

and released into the atmosphere.

Underline the correct word or phrase to make the sentence true.

23. The phosphorus cycle consists of two unrelated/interconnecting/interrupted cycles.

24. Phosphates in rock and soil are taken up by plants/herbivores/decomposers.

25. Herbivores obtain phosphates from soil/animals/plants.

26. Phosphates reenter the soil/atmosphere/ecosystem form of plant and animal wastes.

27. Phosphates enter water systems through erosion or runoff from farmland and sewage and end up in the terrestrial food chains/oceans/animal wastes.

28. When marine organisms decompose, phosphorus binds with ocean water/plankton/sediments.

29. Phosphorus from the sea floor may be returned to land by the shifting of earth's crust/axis/winds.

Fill in the diagram of the water cycle below.

aquifer groundwater precipitation transpiration

evaporation lake runoff


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