Teachers’ standard 1

Teachers’ standard 1

*Please note, if you are a more experienced teacher it is assumed you will meet all the standards for less senior roles (i.e. an Expert Teacher will meet all the standards for an Accomplished Teacher, an Accomplished Teacher will meet all the standards for a Teacher and a Teacher will meet all the standards for an NQT)

Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils

| |NQT (with support) |Teacher |Accomplished teacher |Expert teacher (supporting others) |

|Establish a safe and stimulating |Ensure displays are child-centred |Ensure displays are interactive, |Ensure displays are highly interactive |Ensure displays are interactive, ongoing |

|environment for pupils, rooted in mutual | |providing children with opportunities to |and form an integral part of learning |and integral to all learning |

|respect |Provide a safe physical environment |give feedback | | |

| | | |Ensure that children contribute to and |Empower children to draft and promote a |

| |Ensure a class charter is in place |Encourage children to take ownership of |understand the class charter |class safety charter |

| |promoting behaviour for learning and |the safe environment | | |

| |class rules | | |Support other colleagues |

| | |Ensure children take ownership of class | | |

| | |charter | | |

| |Be a positive role model | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Promote inclusion | | | |

|Set goals that stretch and challenge |Ensure short-term and long-term goals |Ensure children are accountable for | |Support other colleagues in establishing |

|pupils of all backgrounds, abilities and |provide appropriate challenge, including |progress towards their own goals | |short and long-term goals. |

|dispositions |for SEN and MAGT children. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Involve children in setting their own | | | |

| |goals | | | |

|Demonstrate consistently the positive |Be: calm, fair, kind, generous, | | |Ensure that teacher’s qualities are |

|attitudes, values and behaviour which are|motivational, inspiring, supportive, | | |reflected in children’s behaviour and |

|expected of pupils. |respectful, appreciative, thankful | | |attitudes |

| | | | | |

Teachers’ standard 2

Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils

| |NQT (with support) |Teacher |Accomplished teacher |Expert teacher (supporting others) |

|Be accountable for pupils’ attainment, |Ensure all pupils make at least |Ensure the majority of pupils make at |Ensure the vast majority of pupils make |Ensure all pupils, with rare exceptions, |

|progress and outcomes |satisfactory progress |least good progress |at least good progress and progress for |make at least good progress with many |

| | | |some is outstanding |making outstanding progress |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Be aware of pupils’ capabilities and |Use knowledge of pupils’ current |Use knowledge from previous lessons to |Use formative assessments to inform and |Be highly proactive in adapting teaching |

|their prior knowledge, and plan teaching |attainment levels to inform planning |inform future lessons on the unit or |adapt plans within the week |within lessons to best suit the needs of |

|to build on these | |subject | |all children |

| | | | | |

| | |Assign additional adult support | | |

| | |effectively | | |

|Guide pupils to reflect on the progress |Follow school policies relating to |Develop your own strategies for |Use a range of strategies effectively to |Ensure children take ownership of their |

|they have made and their emerging needs |assessment for learning |encouraging pupils to be reflective |promote children as reflective learners |own learning |

| | |learners | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Ensure children can identify their own | | |

| | |“next steps” and work proactively towards| | |

| | |them | | |

|Demonstrate knowledge and understanding |Use a variety of teaching styles and |Develop a variety of teaching styles to |Effectively adapt lessons to ensure all |Be highly reflective about learning needs|

|of how pupils learn and how this impacts |strategies to help progress |cater for a wider range of needs |groups are able to make good progress |of different groups |

|on teaching | | |within a lesson | |

| | | | |Share knowledge and expertise with others|

Teachers’ standard 2 (continued)

Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils

| |NQT (with support) |Teacher |Accomplished teacher |Expert teacher (supporting others) |

|Encourage pupils to take a responsible |Follow school policies relating to |Make use of a variety of strategies |Encourage discussion of what has worked |Ensure children have responsibility for |

|and conscientious attitude to their own |learning |within the classroom to promote an |for the children |preparing for future lessons |

|work and study. | |attitude of independent learning | | |

| | | |Allow children to take more ownership of | |

| | |Ensure marking and feedback is of a high |planning and targets | |

| | |standard and that it is effective in | | |

| | |helping children improve | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Ensure targets are attainable but | | |

| | |challenging | | |

Teachers’ standard 3

Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge

| |NQT (with support) |Teacher |Accomplished teacher |Expert teacher (supporting others) |

|have a secure knowledge of the relevant |Ensure subject knowledge is secure in all |Ensure good subject knowledge and |Ensure subject knowledge is at least |Ensure subject knowledge is generally |

|subject(s) and curriculum areas, foster |National Curriculum areas |engaging teaching maintains pupils’ |good and often outstanding |outstanding |

|and maintain pupils’ interest in the | |interest | | |

|subject, and address misunderstandings | | | | |

|Demonstrate a critical understanding of |Be an effective model in each subject area |Teachers and environment promote |Teacher and environment promote at |Teacher and classroom environment |

|developments in the subject and | |children’s interests to ensure good |least good learning |promotes outstanding learning |

|curriculum areas, and promote the value |Show secure understanding about all subjects |progress | | |

|of scholarship |and how the curriculum changes | |Use curriculum knowledge to support |Be confident across the curriculum |

| | |Fully understand the development of all|children’s learning in all areas | |

| | |subjects and changes that take place | |Support colleagues |

|Demonstrate an understanding of and take |Show a secure understanding of how to promote |Fully understand standards required in |Use own knowledge to develop children’s|Use own knowledge to extend children’s |

|responsibility for promoting high |high standards in literacy |literacy and apply knowledge of |literacy to a high standard |learning |

|standards of literacy, articulacy and the| |standard English | | |

|correct use of standard English, whatever| | | |Support peers with planning and teaching|

|the teacher’s specialist subject | | | |of literacy |

|If teaching early reading, demonstrate a |Know and understand school systems |Fully understand school systems |Adapt school systems as appropriate |Confidently use, adapt and implement |

|clear understanding of systematic | | | |strategies of phonic teaching to raise |

|synthetic phonics | |Demonstrate “good” phonetic teaching |Demonstrate consistently “good” or |standards |

| | | |“outstanding” phonics teaching | |

| | | | |Support colleagues in delivering |

| | | | |high-quality phonics teaching |

Teachers’ standard 3 (continued)

Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge

| |NQT (with support) |Teacher |Accomplished teacher |Expert teacher (supporting others) |

|If teaching early mathematics, |Have a good awareness of objectives to be |Use objectives to extend children’s |Be confident with all objectives and |Be aware of changing standards |

|demonstrate a clear understanding of |covered and use a range of teaching strategies |learning, using effective teaching |aware of how to push children on. | |

|appropriate teaching strategies. | |strategies | |Employ a fluid approach to all |

| | | |Use a wide range of teaching strategies|objectives from all years |

| | | |as appropriate | |

| | | | |Teach in a range of ways that suit all |

| | | | |pupils |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Support colleagues in delivering |

| | | | |high-quality maths teaching |

Teachers’ standard 4

Plan and teach well-structured lessons

| |NQT (with support) |Teacher |Accomplished teacher |Expert teacher (supporting others) |

|Impart knowledge and develop |Example: Lesson pace ensures all |Example: pace of lessons is good leading|Example: pace of lessons injects a sense|Example: pace of lessons is used to |

|understanding through effective use of |children make some progress |to generally good learning |of urgency and leads to good or |excellent effect ensuring that all |

|lesson time | | |outstanding learning |children are empowered to make at least |

| | | | |good progress. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Promote a love of learning and children’s|Plan lessons and teaching sequences which|Children make good progress through |Children make consistently good progress |Children are empowered to make |

|intellectual curiosity |engage children. |stimulating lessons |through stimulating lessons; some |outstanding progress. Teacher supports |

| | | |progress is outstanding |and stimulates other teachers, sharing |

| | | | |outstanding practice. |

|Set homework and plan other out-of-class |Plan out-of-class activities. Homework |Homework leads to good progress |A variety of different types of homework |Homework reinforces outstanding learning |

|activities to consolidate and extend the |is planned following the school policy | |leads to consistently good progress, some|and uses a range of stimuli to engage the|

|knowledge and understanding pupils have |and with parallel teacher | |of which is outstanding |learner |

|acquired | | | | |

|Reflect systematically on the |Be reflective and addresses “next steps” |Reflection is ongoing and addresses “next|Reflection is ongoing and ensures |Reflection is ongoing and leads to a |

|effectiveness of lessons and approaches | |steps” and misconceptions |children make good or outstanding |flexible teaching approach which ensures |

|to teaching | | |progress |outstanding progress. |

|Contribute to the design and provision of|Plan an engaging curriculum |Children make good progress across a |Children make good or outstanding |Children make outstanding progress across|

|an engaging curriculum within the | |range of subject areas |progress across the curriculum; teacher |the curriculum; teacher supports CPD in |

|relevant subject area(s). | | |adapts lessons to ensure maximum |others |

| | | |engagement | |

Teachers’ standard 5

Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils

| |NQT (with support) |Teacher |Accomplished teacher |Expert teacher (supporting others) |

|Know when and how to differentiate appropriately,|Use a variety of different forms of |Use differentiation effectively to |Use a range of types of |Use differentiation highly effectively |

|using approaches which enable pupils to be taught|differentiation in line with school |ensure all children’s needs are met |differentiation, giving children |ensuring that all children make good or |

|effectively |policy | |ownership of their learning, and |outstanding progress. |

| | | |ensuring at least good progress. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Have a secure understanding of how a range of |Know and plan for the variety of |Use relevant strategies to support the |Use a range of relevant strategies to |Use a range of relevant and meaningful |

|factors can inhibit pupils’ ability to learn, and|learning styles using appropriate VAK |learning of children with evidence of |aid good progress which children are |strategies highly effectively, ensuring |

|how best to overcome these |strategies |opportunities identified to learn |supported in using independently |outstanding learning |

| | |independently | | |

| | | | |Children use strategies independently. |

|Demonstrate an awareness of the physical, social |Have a suitable awareness of children’s|Have a good awareness of children’s |Have a sound awareness of children’s |Have an in-depth awareness of the |

|and intellectual development of children, and |development so that teaching can be |development so that teaching is adapted|development so that teaching is adapted|development of all children where |

|know how to adapt teaching to support pupils’ |adapted to support progress |to ensure progress |effectively to ensure good or |teaching is flexible, based on a sound |

|education at different stages of development | | |outstanding progress |knowledge to ensure outstanding progress|

|Have a clear understanding of the needs of all |Use a range of strategies which meet |Use a widening range of suitable |Use a wide range of suitable teaching |Make highly effective use of a wide |

|pupils, including those with special educational |the needs of all children and engage |strategies which will meet the needs of|approaches which will ensure that all |range of relevant teaching approaches |

|needs; those of high ability; those with English |and support them, based on relevant |all children and engage and support |children are engaged and supported in |based on accurate evaluation of teaching|

|as an additional language; those with |evaluation |them, based on sound evaluation |their learning to make at least good |and learning. |

|disabilities; and be able to use and evaluate | | |progress, based on effective evaluation| |

|distinctive teaching approaches to engage and | | | | |

|support them. | | | | |

Teachers’ standard 6

Make accurate and productive use of assessment

| |NQT (with support) |Teacher |Accomplished teacher |Expert teacher (supporting others) |

|Know and understand how to assess the |Teacher is pro-active in assessing |Formative and summative assessments are |Teacher uses a range of evidence types to|Assessment is cyclical and highly |

|relevant subject and curriculum areas, |children and uses assessment to inform |used to proactively inform future |assess all children accurately and assign|meaningful, contributing to generally |

|including statutory assessment |future planning |provision for all groups |interventions quickly to ensure all |outstanding progress |

|requirements | | |children make at least good progress | |

|Make use of formative and summative |Use formative and summative assessments |Use formative and summative assessments |Use formative and summative assessments |Use a range of assessment effectively to |

|assessment to secure pupils’ progress |to monitor and support pupils’ progress |to proactively inform future provision |to provide confident information about |ensure outstanding progress. |

| | |for all groups |all children to ensure at least good | |

| | | |progress | |

|Use relevant data to monitor progress, |Be proactive in using relevant data to |Read and interpret data to set, monitor |Analyse and interpret data, putting in |Analyse and interpret data, making highly|

|set targets, and plan subsequent lessons |monitor progress |and plan lessons using SMART targets |place strategies to address any |meaningful predictions and apply targets |

| | | |shortcomings |consistently |

|Give pupils regular feedback, both orally|Be proactive in providing pupils with |Use oral feedback and marking to inform |Use oral feedback and marking to interact|Use oral feedback and marking in a highly|

|and through accurate marking, and |regular feedback, orally and through |children of their progress |with children and inform them of their |meaningful, immediate and effective way |

|encourage pupils to respond to the |marking | |progress, intervening to ensure success |to ensure outstanding progress |

|feedback. | | | | |

Teachers’ standard 7

Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment

| |NQT (with support) |Teacher |Accomplished teacher |Expert teacher (supporting others) |

|Have clear rules and routines for |Ensure children are well-behaved and |Ensure behaviour is good and children |Ensure behaviour is good, children are |Ensure behaviour is excellent and |

|behaviour in classrooms, and take |there is a positive learning atmosphere |are actively engaged in their learning |actively involved and pro-active in |children take full responsibility for |

|responsibility for promoting good and |in the class | |demonstrating good “behaviour for |their own behaviour (including B4L) and |

|courteous behaviour both in classrooms | |Rules and routines are well-established. |learning” |that of others |

|and around the school, in accordance with|Display classroom rules and refer to them| | | |

|the school’s behaviour policy |when following up sanctions |Reward positive behaviour consistently |Be a positive role model in the classroom|Adapt and develop rules and behaviour |

| | | |in accordance with policy and behaviour | |

|Have high expectations of behaviour, and |Follow school’s policy on behaviour |Follow school’s behaviour policy to suit |pro-actively implement effecting |Create frameworks from up-to-date |

|establish a framework for discipline with|management. |the needs of children in the class, |behaviour for learning across the school |research |

|a range of strategies, using praise, | |including behaviour for learning. | | |

|sanctions and rewards consistently and |Integrate effective behaviour for | | | |

|fairly |learning into the school’s behaviour | | | |

| |policy | | | |

|Manage classes effectively, using |Follow school policy and use knowledge |Follow school policy, applying prior |Take initiative in applying additional |Develop approaches which meet a range of |

|approaches which are appropriate to |from classroom observations. |developed knowledge when implementing |strategies to benefit a range of pupils’ |behaviour needs. |

|pupils’ needs in order to involve and | |policy |needs | |

|motivate them |Liaise effectively with the Inclusion | | | |

| |Manager | | | |

|Maintain good relationships with pupils, |Follow school policy on sanctions and |Use career experience in combination with|Make immediate informed decisions which |Make a contribution to decisions and |

|exercise appropriate authority, and act |rewards |school policy to develop positive |have a positive effect on class |strategies used for sanctions |

|decisively when necessary. | |relationship with pupils |relationships | |

| |Develop practice through observations | | |Promote positive behaviour throughout the|

| | |Liaise with parents |Liaise with parents |school |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Liaise with parents |

Teachers’ standard 8

Fulfil wider professional responsibilities

| |NQT (with support) |Teacher |Accomplished teacher |Expert teacher (supporting others) |

|Make a positive contribution to the wider|Follow the staff code of conduct and |Lead a subject area |Participate in some form of out-of-hours |Be pro-active in identifying wider areas |

|life and ethos of the school |contribute to the school, e.g. in | |learning |for development and come up with plans to|

| |planning | | |address them. |

| | | |Lead assemblies as appropriate | |

| | | | | |

|Develop effective professional |Know who is responsible for what in |Confidently approach other members of |Have a confident relationship with all |Be someone who all staff members feel |

|relationships with colleagues, knowing |school and have an open, positive |staff for help and offer help to others |staff |they can approach. |

|how and when to draw on advice and |attitude to other team members |when needed | | |

|specialist support | | |Establish supportive networks for |Build up cross-school networks and |

| |Be approachable | |collaborative work and advice |support in other schools |

|Deploy support staff effectively |Have a positive relationship with all |Use support staff effectively to extend |Be able to use support staff strengths to|Be able to develop support staff and |

| |support staff and plan with class |the children’s learning in and out of |promote high expectations in and out of |encourage their own CPD |

| |teaching assistant |class |class | |

|Take responsibility for improving |Have a positive attitude towards |Identify longer-term development needs |Be proactive in developing leadership |Have a commitment to professional |

|teaching through appropriate professional|self-development |and be proactive in addressing them |skills |development of colleagues, providing |

|development, responding to advice and | | | |support and signposting as appropriate. |

|feedback from colleagues |Use feedback as a tool to develop | | | |

| |practice | | | |

|Communicate effectively with parents with|Hold parents’ evenings and informal chats|Know how to deal or interact with parents|Deal with issues as they arise, with |Run after school clubs |

|regard to pupils’ achievements and |about any major concerns, providing |more effectively and confidently |developed confidence. | |

|well-being. |positive feedback when appropriate | |Target parents who need extra support |Provide parent workshops, e.g. for SATs |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Advise and share materials and expertise |


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