Lesson 2 | Renewable Energy Resources

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Chapter 5, Lesson 2

Renewable Energy Resources

A. Renewable Energy Resources

1. Renewable resources come from processes that have

been happening for billions of years and will continue to happen.

2. Solar energy is energy from the .

a. Solar cells in watches and calculators capture energy

and transform it to energy, while solar power plants

generate electricity by transforming energy in

to turn turbines connected to .

b. Technology, such as solar panels, that gathers and stores solar energy that heats

water and homes is called solar energy.

c. solar energy uses design elements that capture

energy in sunlight.

3. energy is a renewable resource that has been used since

ancient times to sail boats and to turn windmills.

4. A group of wind turbines that produce electricity is called

a(n) .

5. power is electricity produced by flowing water.

a. To produce hydroelectric power, humans build a(n)

across a powerful river.

b. Coastal areas that have great differences between high and low tides can be a

source of power.

c. Tidal power uses water that flows across as the tide

comes in during high tides and as it goes out during low tides.

6. Thermal energy from Earth’s interior is called energy.

a. energy can be used to heat homes and generate

electricity in power plants.

b. Geothermal energy from hot rocks or heats water

that makes steam, which turns turbines connected to

that produce electricity.

Natural Resources 1

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Lesson Outline continued

7. Energy produced by burning organic matter such as wood, food scraps, and

alcohol is called energy.

a. The most widely used biomass is .

b. Ethanol and are two vehicle fuels that can be made

from biomass.

c. Ethanol is made from in plants such as corn.

d. Biodiesel is made from oils and fats.

B. Advantages and Disadvantages of Renewable Resources

1. The main advantage of using energy resources is that

they will be available for millions of years to come.

2. Renewable energy resources produce less than fossil fuels.

3. Two disadvantages associated with using renewable resources are that some are

or limited to certain areas.

C. Managing Renewable Energy Resources

1. energy currently meets only 7 percent of U.S. energy


2. The renewable energy resource used most in the United States

is energy.

3. Some states require power companies to produce a percentage of electricity using

resources, and U.S. government has programs to

encourage use of resources.

4. You can encourage the use of energy resources by

educating others and buying products made using these resources.

2 Natural Resources

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Renewable Energy Resources

Directions: On the line before each description, write the letter of the term that matches it correctly. Some terms

may be used more than once.

1. thermal energy from Earth’s interior

2. provides energy from burning wood scraps

3. energy captured from the Sun

4. low and high tides produce electricity

5. needed for wind farms to generate electricity

6. burning this type of energy resource causes pollution

7. less of this type of energy is captured on cloudy days

8. type of energy used to power some calculators and watches

3 Natural Resources

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Renewable Energy Resources

Key Concept What are the advantages and disadvantages of using renewable energy resources?

Directions: On the line before each statement, write Yes if the statement describes an advantage of renewable

resource use or No if the statement describes a disadvantage of renewable resource use.

It is an advantage that ….

1. some energy sources are renewable.

2. renewable energy sources produce less pollution than fossil fuels.

3. geothermal drilling disrupts habitats.

4. drought can affect areas dependent on water energy.

5. biomass energy reduces the amount of organic matter in landfills.

6. large-scale geothermal plants are limited to areas with tectonic activity.

7. wind energy is nonpolluting.

8. wind turbines interfere with migrating birds.

9. geothermal energy produces little pollution.

10. wind energy is relatively inexpensive.

11. wind farms are limited to large, windy areas.

12. solar cells are expensive.

13. hydroelectric plants can disrupt aquatic ecosystems.

14. biomass is less energy efficient than fossil fuels.

Natural Resources 4


Lesson Outline

Content Practice A

A. biomass

B. solar

E. water




C. wind

D. geothermal

Key Concept Builder


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