In this assignment your task is to analyze a television show and examine the values and norms that this show endorses or reinforces. Choose a show that you have seen more than a couple episodes of to analyze so that you have a representative sample of its value and norm messages. You will hand in an analysis (double spaced and in paragraph form) and do a 5 minute presentation.

Part A: Context and Description (5 marks K/U)

Explain what is the premise of the show, look at the characters of the show and look at the context of the show within society in a paragraph.

Part B: Audience (5 marks T/I)

Look at who the audience for this show is. Who is the target audience and what evidence do you have of this in the show’s content? How does this show appeal to its target audience?

Part C: Values and Norms (15 marks APPLICATION)

Discuss the values and social norms you feel are conveyed by this program. What evidence is there for this? Some points to consider in the value analysis:

• Does TV portray a slice of life at a distorted angle?

• Look at the characters in the show and who succeeds and who doesn’t

• Does this show present the beliefs of one particular group?

• Who is in a position of power? Who is not?

• What stereotypes, if any are used? To what effect? Any issues around representation?

• What definitions of happiness, success, or morality are implied?

Part D: Societal Impacts (5 marks T/I)

Evaluate the impacts that this show has had (on its target audience) in terms of values, norms and how people live their lives. Has it been a positive or negative impact? Look at the specific effects and changes that we discussed in class. Explain.

Part E: Presentation: 10 marks (COMM)

Your presentation should be 5 minutes and include a short clip of the show that represents one of the themes or ideas that you discuss in your analysis.

Due Date:

Rubric: TV NORMS AND VALUES Analysis

Student: Date:

|Criteria |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Part A (PMR) |( describes the structure, |( describes the structure, |( describes the structure, |( describes the structure, |

|Knowledge/ |genre, and style with limited |genre, and style with some |genre, and style with |genre, and style thoroughly |

|Understanding |accuracy and detail |accuracy and detail |considerable accuracy and |and accurately |

|• structure, genre, and style |( shows limited understanding | |detail |( shows thorough and |

|• message |of the central message |( shows some understanding of |( shows considerable |insightful understanding of |

|(5 marks) | |the central message |understanding of the central |the central message |

| | | |message | |

|Part B IEIC Thinking/Inquiry |( makes few logical inferences|( makes some logical |( makes logical inferences |( makes insightful inferences |

|• bias, implicit messages |about the developer’s or |inferences about the |about the developer’s or |about the developer’s or |

| |producer’s purpose, |developer’s or producer’s |producer’s purpose, |producer’s purpose, |

|• intended audience |motivations, biases |purpose, motivations, biases |motivations, biases |motivations, biases |

|(5 marks) |( includes limited analysis of|( includes some logical |( includes considerable |( includes thorough, logical, |

| |the intended audience |analysis of the intended |logical analysis of the |and insightful analysis of the|

| | |audience |intended audience |intended audience |

| | | | | |

|Part C Application |(offers limited critical |(offers some critical analysis|(offers adequate critical |(offers incisive critical |

|• social, ideological, |analysis of underlying values |of underlying values and |analysis of underlying values |analysis of underlying values |

|political implications of |and implications |implications |and implications |and implications |

|message | | | | |

|• use of rhetorical and visual|( provides limited analysis of|( provides some logical |( provides considerable |( provides thorough, |

|elements (e.g., caricature, |the use and impact of |analysis of the use and impact|logical analysis of the use |insightful analysis of the use|

|imagery, hyperbole, analogy, |rhetorical and visual |of rhetorical and visual |and impact of rhetorical and |and impact of rhetorical and |

|sarcasm, appeal to authority, |techniques |techniques |visual techniques |visual techniques |

|repetition) | | | | |

|(15 marks) | | | | |

|Presentation (PMR) |( communicates ideas with |( communicates ideas with some|( communicates ideas with |( communicates ideas with a |

|Communication |limited clarity and |clarity and effectiveness |considerable clarity and |high degree of clarity and |

|• clarity |effectiveness | |effectiveness |effectiveness |

|(10 marks) | | | | |

|Part D IEIC T/I |( makes few relevant |( makes some relevant |( makes relevant and logical |( makes effective and logical |

|• connections to other works |connections to other works or |connections to other works or |connections to other works or |connections to other works or |

|(5 marks) |experiences |experiences |experiences |experiences |


K/U 5 A 15

T/I 10 C 10


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