Teaching Plan - Weebly

Lesson Plan

|Textbooks |國中英語 佳音版Book 3 |Class |The eighth grader |

|Unit |Lesson 7 |No. of the Ss |35 |

| |I Will Go Christmas Shopping Later | | |

|Analysis of |The sentence patterns of future tense. |Period |45 minutes for each period (3 periods) |

|Teaching Material |Vocabulary and apply the vocabulary in conversation. | | |

| |Grammar rules of the reading passages. | | |

| |To let students speak and apply the sentence patterns | | |

| |they learned. | | |

| | |Supervisor |趙玉芝教授 |

| | |Teacher |陳冠儒 |

| | |Teaching Aids |Chalks and blackboard |

| | | |Worksheets |

| | | |Posters |

| | | |Flashcards |

| | | |CD |

| | | |CD player |

|Analysis of Ss’ |Students have already learned basic grammar knowledge |Teaching Methods |Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) |

|Background |about present tense, past tense. |and Skills |Cooperative Learning (CL) |

| | | |Grammar Translation Method (GTM) |

| |Students can understand simple classroom English and | | |

| |teacher’s instruction. | | |

| |Ss can cooperate with T and be willing to join activities| | |

| |in class. | | |

|Learning Objectives |

|Unit Objectives |Specific Objectives |

|I. Cognitive Domain: | |

|1. To comprehend the content of the reading passages. |To understand the main ideas and the goal of the reading passages. |

|2. To understand the content of the dialogue. | |

|3. To learn the usage of new vocabulary and phrases. |2-1 To know the meaning of new vocabulary and phrases. |

|4. To learn the usage of new sentence patterns. |3-1 To use the vocabulary and phrases in context correctly. |

|II. Psycho-motor Domain: | |

|5. To read the text properly. |4-1 To make sentences with future tense correctly. |

|6. To pronounce the new words correctly. |4-2 To apply the sentence patterns in expression correctly. |

|7. To make and write grammatical sentence. | |

|8. To comprehend the listening part of the dialogue. | |

|III. Affective Domain: |5-1 To read aloud the dialogue with correct intonation. |

|9. To participate in the classroom activities willingly. |6-1 To pronounce the new vocabulary words accurately. |

|10. To respond to teacher willingly |7-1 To write and make grammatical sentence. |

|11. To be willing to share ideas with classmates | |

|12. To be motivated to help others. |8-1 To comprehend the dialogue by listening. |

| | |

| | |

| |9-1 To participate in class discussion joyfully and willingly |

| | |

| |10-1 To respond to teacher and students willingly. |

| |11-1 To be willing to share one’s own opinions in class |

| | |

| |12-1 To be willing to help others. |

| |12-2 To interact with others well. |

|Core Competence |Competence Indicators |

|1. To understand oneself and develop potentiality. |1-2-2 Be able to understand daily conversation and simple stories. |

|3. Career planning and lifelong learning. |2-2-2 Be able to participate in oral practice and discussion. |

|4. To express, communicate and share. |2-2-4 Be able to express personal needs, desires and wishes in simple English. |

|5. To respect, care and to cooperate in a group. |2-2-5 Be able to express oneself properly and communicate with others in context|

|10. Independent thinking and problem solving. |and situations. |

| |2-2-6 Be able to describe the people and things of daily life in simple English.|

| |3-2-4 Be able to read short articles and stories. |

| |3-2-6 Be able to understand the plot and content of dialogues, short articles, |

| |letters, stories, and dramas, etc. |

| |4-2-1 Be able to write simple sentence. |

| |6-2-1 Be willing to participate the practice of colloquial activities. |

| |6-2-4 Be able to understand the ultimate goal of learning English is to |

| |communicate and express; grammatical knowledge is the tool of learning, not the |

| |goal of leaning. |

|Period |Date |Main Points of Teaching |

|1 |4/25/2008 |1-2-2, 2-2-2, 2-2-5, 2-2-6, 3-2-4, 4-2-1 |

|2 |4/29/2008 |1-2-2, 2-2-2, 2-2-5, 3-2-6, 6-2-1 |

|3 |4/30/2008 |1-2-2, 2-2-5, 6-2-4 |

|code |page |Teaching Activities |Teaching Aids & Methods |time |Evaluations |

| | |Teacher’s Activities |Students’ Activities | | | |

| | |I. Preparatory activities | | | | |

| | |A. To be familiar with the teaching | | | | |

| | |materials and methods. | | | | |

| | |B. Formulate the teaching plan. | | | | |

| | |C. To design classroom activities. | | | | |

| | |D. To prepare the teaching aids. | | | | |

| | |E. To consider the acceptability of | | | | |

| | |students. | | | | |

| | |II. Developmental activities | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |(Period 1) | | | | |

| | |A. Warm-Up | | | | |

| | |a. Greets Ss | | | | |

| | |b. Asks Ss what they did last week. | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |B. Present Vocabulary | | | | |

|8-1 | |a. Puts the flashcards on the | | | | |

| | |blackboard and asks Ss to repeat after |Ss respond to T and share what |CLT |2’ |85% Ss can respond to T and |

| | |T for two times.. |they did last week. | | |share their experience. |

| | |b. explains the meaning of the new | | | | |

| | |words |Ss look at the flashcards and | | |80% Ss follow T. |

|2-1 | |c. asks Ss to read out together for |repeat after T. |Flashcards |8’ | |

| | |three times. | |Chalk and blackboard | | |

| | | |Ss listen to the explanation | | | |

| | |C. Presentation |from T. |CLT | |80% Ss listen to T carefully. |

|6-1 | |a. Asks Ss some pre-listening |Ss read out the vocabulary | |8’ |80% Ss read out the words with |

| | |questions. |together for three times. | | |T. |

| | |b. Distributes the worksheet 1. | | |5’ | |

| | |Listens to the CD. |Ss respond to T. | | | |

| | |d. Explains the dialogue and correct | | | |70% Ss respond to T |

| | |the worksheet 1. | | | | |

|10-1 | | | | |2’ | |

| | |D. Practice |Ss listen carefully. | | | |

| | |Listens to CD again and asks Ss to | | | |70% Ss listen to the dialogue |

| | |repeat. | |CD | |carefully. |

| | | | |CD player |1’ | |

| | |E. Production | | |5’ | |

| | |a. Divides Ss in pairs and asks them to| | | | |

| | |practice the dialogue. |Ss listen carefully. | | | |

| | |b. Ask two or three pairs to present | | | |65% Ss listen to the dialogue |

| | |the dialogue. | |CD | |carefully. |

| | | | |CD player |1’ | |

| | |F. Wrap-up |Ss practice the dialogue with | | | |

| | |a. Asks Ss to review what have learned.|others | | |75% Ss practice the dialogue |

| | |b. Assigns homework. | |CL | |with their partner. |

|11-1 | | |Ss discuss how to present the | |2’ |50% Ss are eager to present at |

|11-2 | |(Period 2) |dialogue | | |the front. |

| | |A. Warm-Up | | | | |

| | |a. Asks Ss if they have questions about| | |8’ | |

| | |the previous class. | | | |80% Ss listen to T attentively.|

| | | | | | | |

| | |B. Present Sentence Pattern 1 | |CLT | | |

|10-1 | |a. Posts the poster of sentence pattern| | |2’ | |

| | |1 on the blackboard. | | | | |

| | |b. Distributes the worksheet 2. | | |1’ | |

| | |c. Explains the future tense and the |Ss respond to T. | | |80% Ss pay attention to T. |

| | |grammar of sentence pattern 1. | | | | |

| | | | |CLT | | |

|10-1 | |C. Production | | |1’ | |

| | |a. Asks Ss to fill out the exercise on | | | | |

| | |worksheet 2. | | | | |

| | |b. Asks Ss to finish the exercise in |Ss see the sentence structure. | | | |

| | |the textbook. | | | | |

| | | | |Posters | | |

| | |D. Present Sentence Pattern 2 | | | | |

| | |a. Posts the poster of sentence pattern|Ss listen to the explanation. | | |80% Ss listen to T attentively.|

| | |2 on the blackboard. | |Worksheet 2 | | |

| | |b. Explains the and the grammar of | | | | |

| | |sentence pattern 2. | |GTM | | |

| | | |Ss try to fill out the exercise|Posters |12’ | |

| | |E. Production |in the textbook. | | |80% Ss fill out the exercise in|

| | |c. Asks Ss to fill out the exercise on |Ss do the exercise in the text | | |the textbook. |

| | |worksheet 2. |book. | | |70% Ss do as T’s command. |

| | |d. Asks Ss to make sentence by the | | | | |

|4-1 | |pattern 2. | | |5’ | |

|4-2 | |e. Asks Ss to finish the exercise in | | | |70% Ss pay attention to T. |

|7-1 | |the textbook. | | | | |

| | | | | |3’ |70% Ss fill out the exercise in|

| | |F. Wrap-up |Ss listen to the explanation. | | |the textbook. |

| | |a. Asks Ss to give feedback. | | | | |

| | |b. Distributes worksheet 3. | | | | |

| | |c. Assigns the homework. | | | |75% Ss do as T’s command. |

| | | | | | |80% Ss are willing to finish |

| | |(Period 3) | |GTM | |the worksheet. |

| | |A. Warm-up |Ss make sentence by themselves.| |5’ | |

| | |a. Greets Ss. | | | | |

| | |b. Reviews the sentence patterns of |Ss do the exercise in the text | | | |

| | |future tense. |book. | | | |

| | |c. Checks the worksheet 3 with | |Worksheet 2 | | |

|4-1 | |students. | | |5’ |70% Ss interact with T |

|4-2 | | |Respond to T. |Chalk and blackboard | |willingly. |

|7-1 | |B. Present Dialogue | | |3’ |80% Ss understand the homework.|

| | |a. Asks Ss some pre-listening |Ss understand the homework. | | | |

| | |questions. | | | | |

| | |b. Plays to the CD. | | |6’ | |

| | |c. Explains the dialogue. | | | |85% Ss listen to T attentively.|

| | |e. Plays to CD again and asks Ss to |Ss respond to T |CLT | | |

| | |repeat. | | | | |

|10-1 | |d. Asks Ss some question about the |Ss read out their answers. |Worksheet 3 |3’ | |

| | |dialogue. | | | | |

| | | | | |2’ | |

| | |C. Present Reading |Ss respond to T. | | |80% Ss respond to T |

| | |a. Asks Ss what they usually do when | | | |attentively. |

| | |they first read a new article. |Ss listen carefully. |CL | |80% Ss listen to the dialogue |

|10-1 | |Distributes worksheet 4. | | |1 |carefully. |

| | |Teaches Ss reading strategies. (e.g. |Ss listen carefully. | |3’ | |

| | |skimming & scanning) | | | | |

|9-1 | |Asks them to read the reading part |Ss respond to T. | |3’ |75% Ss interact with T |

| | |silently. | | | |willingly. |

| | |Asks Ss to discuss the questions in | |CLT | | |

| | |worksheet 4. | | | | |

|9-1 | |f. Asks Ss to share their answers. |Ss respond to T. |CD, CD player |2’ |70% Ss are willing to share |

| | | | |GTM | |their experience. |

| | |D. Wrap-up | |CD, CD player |1’ | |

| | |a. Asks Ss what they learned today | | |5’ |70% Ss pay attention to T. |

| | |b. Distributes worksheet 5. |Ss listen carefully. | |1’ | |

| | |c. Gives homework | | | |70% Ss do as T’s command. |

|9-1 | | | | |3’ |75% Ss are eager to discuss |

| | | |Ss underline the words that | | |with group member. |

| | | |they don’t know. |CLT | |70% Ss respond willingly. |

| | | |Ss discuss the questions. | | | |

|10-1 | | |Ss share answers. | |2’ | |

| | | | | | |70% Ss give feedback |

| | | | | | |attentively. |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Ss respond to T. | |6’ | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|1-1 | | | |CL |3’ | |

| | | | | | | |

|8-1 | | | | |5’ | |

| | | | |CLT | | |

| | | | | | | |

|10-1 | | | | |5’ | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | |CLT | | |

| | | | | | | |

|9-1 | | | |worksheets |3’ | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | |2’ | |

Worksheet 1

Fill the blank

Please listen to the dialogue carefully and finish the conversation between Carol and Leo.

Carol: I’ll go ____________ shopping later. Will you go with me?

Leo: No, I won’t. In fact, I’m ____________ now.

Carol: What? You’re just sitting here and moving your fingers.

Leo: That’s right! Look! I’m buying things ___________. I’ll buy my ____________ a


Carol: Wow… This dress is _____________. Can I order it and ____________ it to the

Christmas party.

Leo: Sure, and you’ll ____________ it in five to seven days.

Carol: How do I pay ____________ it?

Leo: You can use a credit card. But you don’t have a credit card, right?

Carol: No, can you pay for me now? I’ll pay you back ____________ month. Please.

Leo: Well, OK. But don’t _____________ to tell Mom about it.

Carol: Sure!


Worksheet 2

Sentences making

S + will + V…

1. John / go to the movies


2. Peter / go to a Christmas party


3. Mary / go swimming


4. Jack / take medicine


5. Lisa / come back


S + be going to + V…

1. Kevin / wear a hat


2. Linda / watch TV


3. Joe / play online games


4. Wendy / send a mail


5. Mandy / buy a book


Worksheet 3

Schedule for Christmas

Please write down ten sentences to describe what you will do on Christmas.












Worksheet 4

Answer the questions

Please read the article first and then discuss with your group members to answer the question.

1. Who will Tina go to the Christmas with?


2. Who will sing Christmas songs at the party?


3. Who will wear a reindeer suit?


4. Who won’t go to the party?


5. What will Leo give his girlfriend?


Worksheet 5


There will be a party on the weekends. You and your friends are going to join the party.

A. What will you wear to the party?




B. What will you bring to the party?





Although I will not be a teacher in the future, I still worked hard and spent a lot time for preparing teaching demonstration. That was a special experience for me to stand in front of a large number of people and teach. Most of them are my classmates, but I still felt nervous. As for my teaching process, I think I can have more interaction with students. That is a dream in my heart that one day I want every teachers’ teaching could be student-centered. In my opinion, not only the students have to learn but also the teachers. We can learn from each and have a better interaction. In addition, I made some mistakes during my teaching because I was too nervous for controlling everything at a time. Therefore, I regard being a teacher as a great job, so I deeply respect every teacher I met in my life. [pic]


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