LESSON FOUR: Types of Government


The following information outlines some of the most common forms of government. Read the information below and provide advantages and disadvantages that may be associated with these governments. Try to think of examples where these types of government exist in the real word.

|Government is… | |

| | |

|What does government do? | |

| | |

|THEOCRACY: |The combination of strong national pride and strong religious beliefs has lead to the control of |

| |the government by religious leaders. Country:_____________________ |

|Advantages: | |

|Disadvantages: | |

|MONARCHY: |Power is inherited and passed down the Royal family line (hereditary). |

| |Country:_____________________ |

|Advantages: | |

|Disadvantages: | |

|CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY: |Where a parliament (elected officials) and the monarch rule |

| |together under the law. Country:__________________ |

|Advantages: | |

|Disadvantages: | |

|DICTATORSHIP: |Power is in the hands of ONE individual, who usually has the support of the army. |

| |Country:___________________ |

|Advantages: | |

|Disadvantages: | |

|TOTALITARIANISM: |Rule by a single political party.  People are forced to do what the government tells them and may |

| |also be prevented from leaving the country. Country:_____________________ |

|Advantages: | |

|Disadvantages: | |

|FASCISM: |Rigid one party dictatorship type government; opponents are often eliminated; the state owns most |

| |property and controls most aspects of daily life. Country:__________________ |

|Advantages: | |

|Disadvantages: | |

|DEMOCRACY: |Power lies in the hands of officials who are elected by the people. Individuality and freedom of |

| |expression are valued in a democracy. Country:__________________ |

|Advantages: | |

|Disadvantages: | |

|COMMUNISM: |Government owns all land and property, all production and distribution is controlled by the state,|

| |in theory everyone is equal and works towards sharing wealth. Country:________________ |

|Advantages: | |

|Disadvantages: | |

|CAPITALISM: |In a capitalist or free-market economy, people  own their own businesses and property and must buy|

| |services for private use, such as healthcare.  Country:____________________ |

|Advantages: | |

|Disadvantages: | |

|SOCIALISM: |Socialist government’s own many of the larger industries and provide education, health and welfare|

| |services while allowing citizens some economic choices. Country:__________________ |

|Advantages: | |

|Disadvantages: | |

|PARLAMENTARY: |A parliamentary system is led by representatives of the people. Each is chosen as a member of a |

| |political party and remains in power as long as his/her party does. Country:______________ |

|Advantages: | |

|Disadvantages: | |

|REPUBLIC: |A republic is led by representatives of the voters. Each is individually chosen for a set period |

| |of time. Country:__________ |

|Advantages: | |

|Disadvantages: | |

|ANARCHY: |Anarchy is a situation where there is no government. This can happen after a civil war in a |

| |country, when a government has been destroyed and rival groups are fighting to take its place.  |

| |Country:___________________ |

|Advantages: | |

|Disadvantages: | |

Which of the above terms would you use to define Canada’s system of government?

It, as the case is for many countries, is not limited to only one term! Write your answer below:


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