Branches of chemistry with examples pdf book pdf online

[Pages:5]Branches of chemistry with examples pdf book pdf online

sotnemacidem ed sisetn?s y saze?? acim?uq al adiulcni ,saer?? sahcum noc enoprepus es acin??gro acim?uq ?? ?? acin??gro acim?uq .8 acin??gro acim?uq selis??f selbitsubmoc airatnemila acim?uq onobrac ed acim?uq omoc odiconoc ocin??gro .7 sotnemila ,sotnemacidem sol sodot isac ,oel??rtep :solpmejE .oneg??rdih e onobrac ne etnemlapicnirp netsisnoc euq socim?uq sotseupmoc ed n??icaraperp al y sedadeiporp sal ,arutcurtse al ed oidutse le acilpmi acin??gro acim?uq al ,O .oneg??rdih e onobrac ed sotnemele sol neneitnoc euq sotseupmoc ed oidutse le se acin??gro acim?uq aL acin??gro acim?uQ .6 acim?uqoib ~?? acis?f acim?uq iM ?? acit?lana acim?uQ .?? ACIN?GRONI AIRETSIMOHC ACIN?GRE A?RETSIMOHC :acim?uq al ed selapicnirp samar ocnic yaH ?? ?? ?? acim?uq al ed samaR .5 .cte ,n??iccurtsnoc ed selairetaM saze?? sorem?loP ??? selatneibma samelborP ??? anicideM .?? azeipmil ??? ranicoc euf ?? a?goloncet y aicneiC ?? ?? arutlucirga al y airatnemila dadiruges al natropsnart y saze?? acim?uq al ed sosu sonuglA .4 .cte ,nasu es euq sol ed sonugla ,sotnemila omoc odnazilitu n??tse es solle ed sonugla ,samrof sasrevid ne nazilitu es ,socim?uq sotcudorp soirav euq laugi la ,sa?d sortseun nE .acim?uq rop sodamrof n??tse sotnusa sol sodoT .airetam al ed soibmac sol y arutcurtse al ,n??icisopmoc al reconoc a aduya son euqrop etnatropmi yum se acim?uq aL .sacim?uq senoiccaer rop?? sodasuac euq somev rodederla odnum le ne somavresbo euq soibmac sol ed sohcuM .socim?uq sotcudorp ed ohceh ??tse odoT ?? ?? ?? acim?uq al ed sosu sonuglA .3 .saicnatsus saveun ramrof arap sosecorp sotse ed osu le y ;naibmac y nanibmoc ,na??tcaretni euq ne samrof sal y sedadeiporp sus ed n??icagitsevni al ;enopmoc es selauc sal ed saicnatsus sal ed n??icacifitnedi al ed apuco es euq aicneic al ed amar al ,O .n??icamrofsnart atse a na??apmoca euq a?grene ed soibmac sol y senoicamrofsnart ,sedadeiporp ,arutcurtse us etnemlaicepse ,saicnatsus sal ed oidutse le se acim?uq aL ?? ?? ?? acim?uq ed n??icinifeD .2 acim?uq al ed samar erbos n??icatneserP .1 It overlaps with the pharmacology (the study of the action of the fnamaco). Organomethanical chemistry: the study of chemical compounds containing links between of the chemistry of polymers. 9. Organic Chemistry ???? Physical organic chemistry ???? the study of the interrelationships between structure and reactivity in organic molecules. ???? Stereochemistry ???? the study of the spatial arrangements of atoms in molecules and their effects on the chemical and physical properties of substances. 10. Inorganic chemistry ???? The study of compounds that are made of only one or no carbon elements. It covers all chemical compounds except organic compounds. ???? Inorganic chemistry study things such as crystal structures, minerals, metals, catalysts, and most elements in the Periodic Table. 11. INORGANIC Involves all elements Metals/Materials chemistry Chemical Reactions Inorganic chemistry 12. Inorganic chemistry ???? Branches of inorganic chemistry include: ????Bioinorganic chemistry ???? the study of the interaction of metal ions with living tissue, mainly through their direct effect on enzyme activity. ????Geochemistry ???? the study of the chemical composition and changes in rocks, minerals, and atmosphere of the earth or a celestial body. 13. Inorganic chemistry ????Nuclear chemistry ???? the study of radioactive substances. ????Organometallic chemistry ???? the study of chemical compounds containing bonds between carbon and a metal. ????Solid-state chemistry ???? the study of the synthesis, structure, and properties of solid materials. 14. Analytical Chemistry ???? It is the study of the separation, identification, and quantification of the chemical components of natural and artificial materials. It has qualitative analysis which is more on the physical properties and identity and quantitative analysis the measurement and amount of a certain substance. ???? Analytical chemistry involves the qualitative and quantitative determination of the chemical components of substances. 15. ANALYTICAL Identifies, Evaluates, Compares Uses instruments to find answers Basis of Chemical Research Analytical Chemistry 16. Analytical Chemistry ???? Examples Eht " ? ? yrtsimehc Remylopem & Piem. Lattem and DNA DNA ???? Forensic chemistry ???? the application of chemical principles, techniques, and methods to the investigation of crime. ???? Environmental chemistry ????the study of the chemical and biochemical phenomena that occur in the environment. It relies heavily on analytical chemistry and includes atmospheric, aquatic, and soil chemistry. ???? Bioanalytical Chemistry ???? the examination of biological materials such as blood, urine, hair, saliva, and sweat to detect the presence of specific drugs. 17. Physical Chemistry ???? Chemistry that relies on a lot of physics and math to study the changes in energy that happen to matter. ???? The study of the shape of non-living matter and how that affects matter at the visible scale. ???? Physical chemists typically study the rate of a chemical reaction, the interaction of molecules with radiation, and the calculation of structures and properties. 18. PHYSICAL Heating/Freezing of materials Involves matter and energy Exothermic, Endergonic???? Nuclear chemistry Physical Chemistry 19. Physical Chemistry Sub-branches of physical chemistry include: ???? Photochemistry ???? the study of the chemical changes caused by light. ???? Surface chemistry ???? the study of chemical reactions at surfaces of substances. It includes topics like adsorption, heterogeneous catalysis, formation of colloids, corrosion, electrode processes, and chromatography. ???? Chemical kinetics ???? the study of the rates of chemical reactions, the factors affecting those rates, and the mechanism by which the reactions proceed. 20. Physical Chemistry ???? Quantum chemistry ???? the mathematical description of the motion and interaction of subatomic particles. It incorporates quantization of energy, wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and their relationship to chemical processes. ???? Spectroscopy ???? the use of the absorption, emission, or scattering of electromagnetic radiation by matter to study the matter or the chemical processes it undergoes. 21. Biochemistry yrtsimehc lacitylana gnisu saera saera Biochemics is the study of the chemical in the biological processes of all living organisms. There is an obvious overlap of different branches of the chemistry, but they are all observed in living beings systems. ? ? Biochemical research includes the biology and biology of mother's cells, infectious diseases, cell membrane and structural biology. 22 years. Bioquemistria ? "live" chemical; ENVIRONMENT MYME MYME INVESTIGATION, AminoS, DNA, BIOCHISICAL FOODS 23. BIOCHOCHESE ? "? ? It encompasses molecular biologic, genic, biochemical pharmacology, closing and biochemical agricultural. The subdivisions of biochemics are molecular biology, the study of interactions between the various systems of a cup, such as the different types of DNA, RNA and protein biosontesis. Mechanisms of drug action and the influence of drugs in an organism. 24. Biochemics The biochemistry of the pharmacology is a subdivisical subdivis. plants, animals and microorganisms. 25 years. SUB-RAMES OF NAVARDOUS QU?MICA It is the study of radioactive elements nuclear processes and nuclear properties. ?? radioactive deteriorationRadioactive disintegration is the process by which an unstable atomic nose loses energy by emitting ionizing particles or radiation. 26 years. Sub-Rams of the ?mica ?? QU?MICA MATERIALS ? ?^ It is the preparation, characterization and understanding of substances with an ostile function. This is more application of the chemistry in different sciences, engineering and industry. 27 years. ***** Second **** The 5 main branches of chemistry are the organic, inorgenic, analytical and physical chemistry. Of course, many other branches also five main branches of chemistry are organic, inorganic, analytical, physical and biochemical. However, there are many important sub-branches and types of chemistry shared with other disciplines. Here are the definitions and descriptions of the main branches, with a list of other areas of anic ChemistryOrganic chemistry is the study of life and organic carbon compounds. This discipline focuses on compounds that contain C-H bonds.Inorganic ChemistryInorganic chemistry studies inorganic compounds, including metals, ceramics, and minerals. Some carbon compounds are included, but do not contain C-H bonds.Analytical chemistryAnalytical chemistry characterizes matter and develops tools to measure it. Analytical techniques include both qualitative and quantitative analysis.Physical ChemistryAs its name suggests, physical chemistry shares close links with the science of physics, particularly with the discipline of thermodynamics. Physical science applies thermodynamics and mechanics to chemistry.BiochemistryBiochemistry is the study of chemical reactions that occur in living organisms. The field focuses on nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates and proteins. Some people consider the 4 branches of chemistry to be organic, inorganic, analytical and physical. Under this classification system, biochemistry is a subdiscipline of organic chemistry. However, biochemistry is often considered the fifth branch of chemistry.More branches of chemistryIn addition to the four or five main branches of chemistry, there are many other disciplines. Here are some of them:Agrochemistry "Agrochemistry examines chemical processes important to agriculture.Astrochemistry "Astrochemistry is the study of chemical reactions in space.Coordination chemistry "Coordination chemistry is the study of coordination complexes, which consist of a central atom ragitsevni ragitsevni arap socim?uq soipicnirp acilpa acisneacim?uQ .sodnagil ed odaedor )latem nu "Geochemics is the study of minerals, rocks and the atmosphere of the earth or other planetary body. Medicinal chemical: the medicinal chemical design, synthesizes and studies medications and other therapeutic agents. . It is the study of compounds that contain chemical links between carbon and a metal. Petrochemic: petroca is the branch of the organic chemistry that focuses on the processing and refinement of petr?a and natural gas. Chemistry of polymer: The chemistry of the polymer is the subdisciplin of the organic chemistry related to the chemical of the plants and polyels. Nuclear chemical: the nuclear chemical studies the chemicals and chemical reactions at the nuclear level. Includes the chemical study of physi. Radioactive fusing and disintegration. Ial of the utomos within the mollalas. Surface chemistry: The chemistry of the surface examines the chemical processes on the surfaces of the materials. Thermocium: The thermocouze is the branch of physical chemical that deals with heat in chemical systems. Quantile chemical: cunamic chemical applies cunamic meconic and mathematics to describe movement and movement and

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